218499 , •—��� ,C�cil File No. 218499— �
� � � �� „^��,
In the matter of reconstrucUng the � ?°���� �.�
sidewalk on the southeast side of West �„��U
. I NT E RM E D I A RY O R D '� St. �.°m James St. southwesterly N FILE N0.
approximately 14U �t. abutting 974 and . r
976 W: 7th St. and replacing with in- t �� f
tegral curb-sidewalk and by doing all �
other work which is necessary and in- �
. N cidentai to complete said improvement` �
under Preliminary Order 217023, ap-I
proved March 11, �ss4. , N� S7365
` � The Councll of the City of St. Pau]
� having received the report of the Com-
missioner of Flnance upon the above
improvement, and having considered '
In the Matter of reconstructiisaia renort, hereby resolves: thegSt side of West 7th.
1. That the� said report and the,
� same is hereby approved and adopted,y �
St, from James St, southwesterl or eredetoabe proceededewith herebYiutting 974 and 976 W. 7th.
. 2. That the nature of the improve-;
ment which the Council recommends is I
St, and replace with integral cu� r�o�ot tne sidewalk on +.�e all other work which is
. southeast side of West 7th St. from
James St. southwetserly approximately
140 ft. abutting 974 and 976 W. 7th St.
necessary and incidental to comp ana replacing with integral curb-side-
walk and bg doing all other work
which is necessary and incidental to
complete said improvement with no al- -
'ternatives, and that the estimated cost
thereof is $4.62 per ilneal foot 4or 4"
monolithic integral curb-sidewalk 5'
' 'Resolved Further, That a public
hearing be had on said improvement �
- on the 30th day of June,-1964, at
the hour of 30 o'clock A.M., in the ,
Council Chamber of the Court Hou`se -
under Preliminary Order Z1�O231 Sta Pau�l.�ThatB hejnc�o�SSi ner oi rch 11 1964 -
� Finance give notice of said meeting to;
The Council of the City of St. P2,U the pe:rsons ana � ta�e manner �ro- f the Commissioner of Finance
vided by the Charter, stating the ime
upon th'e above improvement, and havi�� and place of hearing, the nature of the by peS01VC8: I
, improvement and the total cost thereot
1. That the said report and the sa a Aaoptea by tne coun�� a,�e s, iss�. pted, and the said improvement
is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Fll PNo.s��e 3, iss�.
(June 6,1964) •
2. That the nature of the improve �u„-..m,n�-„�.�.�.,�-�., ends is :,N
to reconstructthe sidewalk on the southeast side of West 7th. St. from James St.
southwesterly approximately 140 ft. abutting 974 and 976 W. 7th St, and replace
with integral curb-sidewalk and by doing a11 other work wliich is necessary and
incidental to complete said improvement.
with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 4.62 per lin. ft, for 4" monolithic
'integral curb-sidewalk 5 ft. wide.
. '
Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 30th day, of
June, 19 64 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber af the ��urt
House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of F`inance give notice of
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Chaxter, stating_the time and place af
hearing, the nature of the improveinent and the tot�.l cost thereof as estimated. _
catnvc��rr � ' JU� � 1
, � Adopted by the Council
Yeas Nays .
Dalglish - Approve e � � ��`� �"
Holland - �
' Los`s � • ---
�t'1 e red,�"h "� ,�,, Tn Favor
�,Qt�� Mayor
Rosen � - " - �
�� Against - ,
b-ss zm a� x.i