218483 ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK � �,�� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �1��`"' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO _ CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY r COMMISSIONE DAT — Resolved that permission be and is hereby granted to the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company� to make necessary � ex�avation to place bur3.ed cable in Tvy A.�venwe from C\ � ti Edgerton Street to Desoto Street. � Work to be done under the direction of the Commiss�.oner of Pub].ic Work�. The Telephone Compa�y to pary for the cos� of publication incident he7.'eto• coun� Fue ivo. aie4as– y �ton Rosen— Resolved, That permissioni be and is hereby granted to the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company,to�make nec- - essary excavation to place buried cable in ivy Avenue from Edgertog Street to De Soto Street. . Work to be done under tk�{direction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The TeIephone Company to pay for the cost of publlcarioa incident hereto. Adopted by the CounciT'June 3, 1964. Appr,oved June 3, 1964. (June 6,1984) (�� JUN 3 19�� �" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalgliah ,; ,�uN ��� Holland j� �. Appr, ved ° 19— � I �sg + �J Tn Favor � �A, i �� Mayor �Against ��Pn� ,/�5� MrvP�res dent, ilaun�]'Ls J�o-�rc_--J lODS 8-82