218460 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �~ �j������ M °� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO �" COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED RY � COMMISSIONER `L�� DAT RESOyVED� That the �ounail of the City of Saint Pa�l does hereby reQOmmer�.d an,d support the proposed Appliaation of the Metropolitan Plax�ning Commission to the Housing a.nd Home Finance Agency� Office of Transportation� of the Unit d _ - . Sta�es, for a demonstration grant to provide tran.spor�atio to the aged� not re�eiving i�aomes in egaess of �1200 a ye r� residing in the metropolitan areas of Ra.msey Coun,ty and ot er ao�nties of the �tate of Minnesota. . � � Councll Flle No. 218480—By George J. Vavoulls, Mayor— Resolved, That the Councll of the City oE Saint Paul does hereby re- commend and support the proposed Application of the Metropolitan Plan- ' ning pommission to the Housing and FIome�Finaace Agency,Offlce af Trans- portation, of the United States, 4or a demonstration grant to provide trans- portation,to the aged, not receiving in- • comes in excess of �1,200 a year, re- siding izr the metropolitan areas of Ramsey County and other counties of the State of Minnesota. Adopted by the Councll June 3, 1984. Approved June 3, 1984. , (Tune 6, 1984) f APPRO ED . Asst. Corp �ion Counsel �uN � 1 COUNCILIVIEN Adopted by the Counci 19— Yea Nays JUp1 � �Q� �alglish �� �� olland ' pprove 19— Loss Favor 4 Meredith - '�� I yor � —�Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 1on� e-as DUrLICAT[TO MtINT[R . • `Y " ���L s�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa N� �r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , � . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n��,�nr COMMISSIONE� DA RESOyVED� Th�.t �he Council of' the City o� Sa.int Paul does hereby recomm�nd and support the proposed Application of the Metropolitan Planning Commi.ssion to the Housing an.d Home Finan.4e Agency� Offiee of Tr�nsportation� of the IInite St�tes, for a d�monstration grant to provide 'transportation to the aged� not receiving inoomes in eYCe�s ot' �1200 a ye residing in the metropolita.n areas of Ramsey County and oth r counties of' the State o� Minnesota. JUN 3l� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays �r�,� � �o� Dalglish � a Holland Approv 19_ Loss Tn F8vo1' Meredith � �� �ayor Rosen A S'��t Mr. President, Vavoulis iost sas .