06-810Council File #
Presented By:
Referred To:
BE YT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter into the
attached agreement, which includes indemnificarion language, with Independent 5chool District #625
to provide traffic and pedestrian control, and stadium security at high school football games in the City
of Saint Paul for the 2006-2007 football season. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and
on record in the Office oS Financial Services.
7 Accountcode: 04100
Adopted by Council: Date: —l'J /Jy _ ��
Approved by
Green Sheet #
by C�ncil Secretary:
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Q:\RscaIWO&CR�2006VSD 625 HighSchoolFOOtba112006-2007.cr.xls
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council:
By: /u� � 1�11�� � `o'�'� IjG
Requested by Department of:
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
PD — PoliceDepamnent
Coniaci Person & Phone:
Chief John Harringfon �
Must Be on Councii Aoen
Total # of Signature Pages
Date I�ififfietl:
Green Sheet NO: 3432157
DeDaAmenf S9nt 7o Person Init�aVOate
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1 otice D artrne t Police De rtmen[ �_
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{Clip All Locations fo� Signature)
Signatures on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, to enter into the attached
agreement with Independent School District #625 {TSD #625).
Persona� sernce contracts must answer tne rouowmg uuesuons:.
Planning Commission 1. Has this personlfirm ever worketl under a conhact for this tlepartmenY?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person(firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personlfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any
curzentcity empioyee?
Yes No
,Bxplai,n a0 yes answers on separafe sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity�VJho, What, When, Where; Whyj;
ISD #625 will rennburse the SaSnt Paul Police Department for providing traffic/pedestrian control and stadium security at high schoot
football games. For more information ragarding this council resolution please give Cdr Todd A7ctell a call at 651-265-6921.
Advantaqes If Approved: P �r��� � Ty �
The Saint Paul Police De artmeat wiil conf bf affic and edestrian controi, and stadium securi at hi school footbal
games for the 2006-2007 season. A�Jr 2`� 2��6
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AUG 2 3 ZOD6
DisadvantageslfNotApproved: ���� ��������
Inability to provide tra�c controi and sec�uity for high school footballs games.
� otai amount ot
Fu�d�ne soUrce: Stafe of Minnesota
Financial Information:
CosflRevenue Budgeted:
Activity Number. 04100
AUG 24 2U06
V � ����
This agreement, dated this 9th day of June, 2006, by and between the CITY of SAINT PAUL, a
municipal corporarion under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereafter "City" and,
Independent School District No. 625 of the State of Minnesota "School' ;
WHEREAS, the School has the need for police services at nighY football games in the City of
Saint Pau1; and
NOW TAEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the Ciry and School as follows:
1. Scope of Services: That for the consideration stated hereafter, the City will provide on-duty
police officers to Highland, Central, Harding and Humboldt school stadiums, for identified
football games, located in the City of Saint Paul, in the number and manner requested by the
School to perform the following tasks;
A. Traffic and Pedestrian Control. To include but not limited Yo:
1. Assist with parking and traffic complaints and
2. The direction and controlling of traffic in and around stadiums.
B. Stadium Security. To include but limited to:
1. Provide crowd control;
2. Provide management and general security;
3. Prevention of persons into unauthorized areas;
4. Assist stadium attendees and citizens in and around the affected area, and
5. To provide overall safety for stadium attendees and cirizens in and around the affected azea.
C. Service Time. It is anticipated that each football game police detail will be conducted from
approximately 3:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. or 6:45 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.
2. Reauest for Services Norificarion Time: A minimum of 48 hours notification must be made to
the St. Paul Police Department's representative each rime service under this Agreement is
requested involving a new or different date, time or service azea, to aliow for the scheduling of
officers and administration of this Agreement.
3. Equinment: That assigned police officers will be provided with potice radios, complete
uniform, and required uniform accessories necessary to perform the tasks identifred within tlus
4. Time for Completion: The services rendered by the City stall be commenced upon execution
of the agreement and will be completed in accordance with the schedule agreed upon with the
School, but no longer than one year, unless renewed pursuant to Secrion 14 Amendment/Renewal
of Agreement.
5. Payment: School to be billed and agrees to pay upon submission of registered bills/invoices
from the St. Paul Police Depaztment for completion of services under this Agreement and School
shall remit payment no more than thirry (30) days from date of registered bills/invoices. If in the
event the assigned officer/s/ are called away by the City pursuant to Section 6, 5chool wili be
reimbursed for services paid on a pro-rated basis. The total payment amount for this Agreement
shall not exceed $14,000 unless School requests additional staffing.
The established formula rate for overtime officers is overtime salary, plus overtime
fringe benefits, pius overtime worker compensation. All formula salary and fringe benefit
rates are established at the ten year rate for each o�cer's rank, as found in the current
Saint Paul Police Federation Agreement plus the current worker compensation rates for
the Police Department.
6. Emer¢encv Recall: Each officer will remain under the City's direcrion and control, and will be
subject to serious police emergency calls for service and/or activation of any Tactical Alert
throughout the city if the need arises. Officers may be called away from a school stadium for
duries not related to, or as a result of, activities of the night football game.
7. Assi��uient: The City and the Schooi each binds itself and its successors, legal representatives
and assigns of such other pariy, with respect to alt cavenants of the Agreement, and neither the
City nor the School wili assign or transfzr their interest in this Agreement without the written
consent of the other.
8. Hold Hannless: City sha11 indemnify, defend, and hold School harmless from and against
any and all liability, judgements, costs, damages, claims or demands,
including reasonable attorneys' fees, that arise out of the acts or omissions
of City, or its employees, agents or police officers and that arise out of the
performance of this Agreement.
School shall indemnify, defend, and hold City harmless from and against
any and alI Iiability, judgements, costs, damages, claims or demands,
including reasonable attorneys' fees, that arise out of the acts or ornissions
of School, or its employees or agents, and that arise out of the performance
of this Agreement.
9. Termination: This agreement will continue in full force and effect until complerion of the
pzojecY as described herein unless it is Yernunated at an earlier date by eiTher party. Either party to
this agreement may terminate it by �ving no less than 30 days written notice of the intent to
terminate to the other party. In the event of termination, the School will pay the City far all
services actually, timely and faithfully rendered up to receipt of the notice of termination and
thereafter until the date of termination. The School agrees Yo give at least 24 hour notice to the
City of cancellation of scheduled police services. Failure to give 24 hour norice wiIl result in a
four hour per scheduled officer "cancellation" charge to the School.
10. Chan�es in Scope of Services: City or School may request changes that would increase,
decrease or othen�ise modify the Scope of Services. Such changes and method of compensation
must be anthorized in writing in advance by both parties.
11. Records and Dissemination of Information: Both parties agree to comply with Minn. Stat. §
13.01, et. seq.,
12. Entire Ag�eement: It is understood and agreed that the entire Agreement supersedes all oral
agreements and negoriations between the parties relating to the subject matters hereof.
13. Reauirement of a Writing: Any alternations, amendments, deletions, ar waivers of the
provisions of this Agreement sha11 be valid oniy when reduced to writing and duly signed by the
14. Amendment of Agreement: This Agreement may be amended by further mutual written
agreement of the parties thereto. If the Agreement is amended, the same terms and condirions
shall control the Agreement except where there is agreed upon amendments.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the proper officials of the Ciry and the School have executed this
Chief of Police
� Date:_��_�__
#625 Chairperson
Date: �• =z`�. DG
City of Saint Paul Mayor
Director of Office of Financial Services
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