06-809Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY QF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter into the attached 2 agreement, which includes an indemni£cation clause, with Camp Ripley to use Camp Ripley grounds 3 and faciliries from September 11, 2006 through September 14, 2006, to train the Saint Paul 4 Special Weapons and Tactics team (SWA'1�. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on 5 record in the Office of �nancial Services. 6 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date: -lf,/J/ _�� Adoption By: Approved By: Qb _80� 3031583 � by Cpuncil Secretary: y-/o-� 4.\FiscaMO&CR�2006\CampRipleySWAT917 •9742006.cr.x15 Approv�d pg'�D ayor for ubmission to Council: � � BY� i �_. � Green S6eet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ni - RD°� DepartmenUoffice/council: Date Initiated: � PD — policeDepacunent 2�.,��-06 Green Sheet NO: 3031583 Deoartment SeM To Person Ini6atlDate Contact Person & Phone: Chief John Hartington 0 lice De arhn nt Police artm nt 2665588 {�5�yn 1 olice D artme�t Police De arhnent MUSt Se on COUncil !\qenda by (Date): NUmber y �nanuai rvic Direc ar Fnan i 1 Se � For R ��� 3 , i Attomev Cti Attorne " Order 4 a or's Offi e Ma or 5 ouncil " Caun ' � 6 i lerk Ci lerk 7 olice De artment Pol ce De artment Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Signatures on the attached council resolution authoriaing the City of Saint Paul, Police Deparhnent, to enter into the attached agreement with Camp Ripley for use of the United States Army's advanced training facility at Camp Ripley, Fort Ripley, Minnesota from September 11, 2006 through September 14, 2006. Recommentlafions: Approve (Aj or Reject (R): - Personal Service Contracts Must Mswerthe Foilowing Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry emptoyee7 Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why); � The Saint Paul Police Special Weapons and Tacrics team (SWAT) has unique haining needs to accomplish its xnission. Many of the skills needed reqvire facilities and ]ocations not available locally. The SWAT team needs a faciliry with ranges that can be used after dark and a facility that can provide reactive targets and a lazge locale to allow the team members to train simultaneously. For more ixiformation regazding tlus council resolufion please give Cdr Joe Neuberger a call at 651-266-5548. AdvantageslfApproved: + The Saint Pau] Police Departrnent SWAT team will be better prepazed to resolve high risk situations. �������� DisadvanEaqes If Approved: � aU 4� 1 1 GQU� None, �1�`Y AT'T���lE�! bisadvaniages !f Not Approved: The SWAT team's abiliry to resolve critical incidents will be greatly hindered, tlus potenrially could result in loss of properry, property damage and/or the loss of life. Total Amount of . � e j �� �, !� �� 6uc�geted: _ ___ - Transaction: 1(jl cx.c�� ���� ����� ���� Fundintt Source: 436-34117 Activity Number: 34117 Financiallnformation: - � - (ExPlain) ��h t� ,y s)p�p�� �� (d 1 dUEO JUL-11-2006 13�58 LEASE NUMBER ., O� ��� 06-I13 LEASE FOR THE USE OF CAMP RIP�.EY GROUNDS AND FACILITIES This 18ase to use Camp Ripley Grounds and facilities is issued on Tuesday, July I 1, 2006 by the Camp Ripley Commander to St. Paul Police Department hereafter called the LESSEE. Tkris lease, to be used on, 9l11/2006 through 9(14/2006 is issued for the following purpose and limited to the following acriviries_ POC Mr. 2/14/2006 Lessee's Address: St Paul Police Department Telephone: (651) 775-8975 Mr. Neuberger 100 E ilth St St. Paul, MN 55101 Tttis lease is issued subject to the following conditions: 1. The Lessee agrees to pay the following fees: FEE FOR T-Building (10-145) x 3 nights A-14 (Shoot House) Walk I& 2 x 1 day A-2 (Auto Pistol) A-4 (Auto Rifle) x 1 day A-1 A-12 A-4 North Range x 1 day 10% Administrative Fee TOTAL: AMOUNT $825.00 $670.00 $500.00 $160.00 $215.00 $Q.00 $2370.00 Fees are payable to: CAMP RIPLEY MESS FiTND LESSEE INITIALS 1 of 3 JUL-11-2006 13�59 LEASE (CONTINUED} LEASE NiJMBER �.a3 D�i�� 06-113 � � /; ��� -. � 2. Liability• The State of Minnesota not be responsible for damages to property or injuries to persons which may from, or be incident to, the use of Camp Ripiey �ounds and facilities. The S of Minnesota shall not be responsible for any c1aTm, regazdless of kind, related activities undertaken pursuant to this lease. The lease shall indemnify and hold less the State of Minnesota from any and all claims, damages, expenses iabilities arising out of its use of Camp Riple}�s gounds and facilities. 3. Permits and Licenses. The lessee shall obtain all permits and licenses required for its activiries at Camp Ripley. The State of Nlinnesota shall not be responsible for the lessee's failure to obtain such permits and licenses or to comply with any other requirements imposed upon the lessee for the conduct of its activities. 4. Compliance With Laws. T'he lessee shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regularions. The State of Minnesota shall not be responsible for the lessee's failure to comply. 5. Insurance. The lessee shall obtain adequate insurance coverage for persons and property associated with activities conducted pursuant to this lease. 6. Iaternal Security. The lessee shall be responsible for internal security of personnel and property within the areas assigned to it. The lessee accepts full responsibility for the conduct of ali persons admitted to Camp Ripley pnrsuant to this lease. The lessee shall report immediately any violations of Iaws, ordinances, rules or regulations, including the Camp Ripley Regulations, to the Camp Ripley Security Force at the Main Gate or Building 2-99, Ext. 7339. 7. Liability for Damage to Camp Ripley. The lessee shall ai all times exercise due diligence in the protection of Camp Ripley grounds and facilities. In the case that any property of the United States or the State of Minnesota is damaged or destroyed by the lessee incident to the use of Camp Ripley, the lessee shall Pav an amount sufficient to compensate for the loss sustained by the United States or the State of Minnesota by reason of damages to, or destruction of, govemment property. g. Vacatiag Premises. On or before the date of the expiration of this lease or its terniination, the lessee shall vacate the grounds and facilities assigned to it and restore the grounds and facilities to as good order and condition as that existed upon its arrival. LESSEEINITIALS 2 of 3 p�,-go� Addendum to Camp Ripley Lease # 06-113 2. Liability. The State of Minuesota shall �t be responsible for dama�es to property or injuries to persons of the lessee which may arise from, or be incident to, the use of Camp Ripley grounds and facilities, except injuries or damages arising from hidden traps or dangerous conditions of the premise itself for which the State of Minnesota had actual or constructive notice. The Lessee will indemnify the State of Minnesota from any damages to properry or injuries to persons it may be requires to pay as a result of any suits, claims, judgements, damages, and expenses arising out of the Lessee's use of Camp Ripley grounds and faciliries under this Lease which are attributable to negligent acts or omissions by the Lessee, its employees, agents or contractors. This indemnification shall not be construed as a waiver of the municipal tort liability limits set forth in Minnesota Statute 466.01 et seq. And extends only to the maacimum limits of the lessee's municipal tort liability limits set forth in Minnesota Statute 466.01 et seq. and any indexnnifications made by the lessee under this Lease aze accordingly govemed and limited. This clause will not be construed to baz any legal remedies the lessee may have for the State of Minnesota's failure to fulfill its obligations under this Lease. Also, this indemnification does not include injuries or damages arising from hidden traps or dangerous conditions of the premises itself for which the State Of Minnesota had actual or constructive notice. � , / JUL-11-2006 14�a1 Q P.04 . LEASE (CONTINiJED) � � � o� I LEASE rTIJ1vIBER 06-113 9. Cancellation by Camp Ripiey Commander. This Iease may be canceled by the Camp Ripley Commander at any rime and for any reason. No claim for damages to the lessee from any such cancellation shall be asserted or maintained against the State ofMinnesota. 10. Cancellation by Lessee. The lease may be canceled at any time and for any reason. The lessee may be liable for expenses incurred by Camp Ripley for the period be�inning 30 days prior to its anticipated arrival at Camp Ripley. Written nohce of cancellation must also be received. 11. Assignment. This lease is not assignable or transferable. In witness whereof, both parties have hereunto set their hands the day and written above. � � ATS Form 122 LESSEEINITIALS 3 of 3 TOTAL P.04