218398 - ; �� . ���� � 4�-�cll Flle No. 218398—By James J. ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK ' gILS$— • � �� :�; - ' " CITY OF $T. PAUL:�I�ea, z�nat upon tne report �a��. ," � ,imendation of the City Valuation� — OFFICE OF THE CITY eer and pursuant to Section 303 �.-. e Charter of the City of Saint P��S�.D ' `,the acquisitibn. �-� ,t�+� p�pe C N R O 1�10 —GEN }:�3 7t3 Eucli� =��'u:4_,��i leg�u PRESENTED BY mg' �4,�,;'�''v ,,��'� � ?�t�l). COMMISSIONE DAT `i"�'' �trr:._'� _ IS� . 1'ai-�; f' u� � ---- - —-- -- -- � i ' , !i:, . - pLJ�r TSHED �^� . �' RESOLVED, That upon the report and recommendation of the City Valua'�ion Eng3neer and pursuant to Section 303 of � the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the acquisition of� the property known as 7�-3 Euclid Street and legally described as : - Lot twenty-six (26), Block one (1), Wilder & Dodge � s Sub �n of Bk �+8 of Lyman Dayton� s Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and or record in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and. for Ramsey Gounty, Minnesota; `►hereby is approved and ratified, and the proper_.City officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay to John Joseph Sheridan , and Margaret Sheridan, owners of said property, and to Dennis F. Heldman and Donna E. Heldman, contract purchasers of saidf property, the sum of $13,500.00, said sum to be paid to the aforesaid parties from Fund 3700-501 upon their furnishing an abstract of ti�le, continued to date, evideneing good marketable title in John Joseph Sheridan and Margaret Sheridan and upon tender by the owners and contract purchasers_ of appropriate deeda, �" said property to be used for the proposed Van Buren Playground as a replacement for the Bluff Playground which was taken by� the � State of Minnesota under appropriate condemnation proceed�.ngs. ..� ,oa o- - --• ._.. ____ _ r__,:�.. _. � . _ . . - - o � � . � o . p., a � U ,� N m � � �' ' � 9�AY 8196� " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas ��GLISH Nays Decaurc� , � ��AX 81964 Holland pproved � 19.— �� n Favor Mortinson Peterson r, � Mayor _1L�Against Ae�t�n� Rusen � � � f Mr. P dent, �' sM 0{il DUPUCATE TO PRINTER � ��.3(� , .�� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ���"��,� , . � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 8Y COMMISSIONER pA7E _ E � RBSQ�'V�D,� Tl�s.t �pon the rep.ort and recommer�d�.t�on of the G�ty Va�.ua�ion Fng�n��� an$ pursuant tv �at3t��,ori ��� of th,e Char�er of ��e a�ty of 3aint �u�., �l�s a��uis��ion of �l�e �rapex�ty l�novrn as 7�+3 �v.alid 3��eet �d legally describ d aa: • �o� ��renty���x (2��,: B1AQk one (�.)s i�9,].d�r 8a Dvdge �� Su,b'r� of Bk �+$ of T,yman l�e.y�on►s Ad��.tion, aCeording �o t�ie �lat �h�repf on f�.1e anc� ar x�aor�d in the �f�'i�e o�` t�ae Reg�.ater o� �e�cla in and for �ams�y Coun�y, Miru�e�o�a� ti herieby is approved �c� rat�.P�.ed� an,d �he prop�r��C�.ty ofP3,csi�;ls are Y�er�by authorized �d d�re��ed tc� pay �o �'ohn Jo�eph She�idan , and l�argaret ,Srieridan, owrie�s of i�aid pro,per�y, and �o Denni� �".. He3.dman and �onria E. �ie�,dman, contraot pi�rehaser$ o�' �afcl proper�y; th� sum o#' �13���0.00, �aid �um to b� pai� �o �he � afore�a3�t par�ies fram Fu�d �70�=507� upon tY��ir �'urnishing an abstra4t. of ��.tle, �on�ir�ued to da�e, �videnc�.ng goo�t m�,rket ble title iri �'ohn Joseph �Sheridan �.n�1 �argar�e� Sh�ridan and upon� � ter�der by the ot�mera a,z�c� aon�raat puz��ha�ers pf appropriate �eegss �aic� property �o be '�e�d �'or the propo��d Yar� Bur�n Playground a� a replaaement Pi�r the BluFf ��.aygrot�ri�l whiah w�.� taker� by th�e ��ate 4f Mirir�e�o�a tin�dr ap�ropriate �tondemna.tion proceed�ng . �' �`��� E i: ,"j�, . � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas DAI,GLISHNays De_ .QUrcy- �',�,�-.� , - .. ,.) , `�.i Holland Approved 19— ��' � Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor R�ir A gainst Mr. President, V-�v�u-l.is. SM L'-GI