218397 .... �`, . � . V►�, {• � :ipcll F'ile No. 218397—By James J. � ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK • '�s 't11�]�S]3— ���� �,: , ,, � CITY OF ST. PA�v1i.�'eas, on tne Zstn day of Feb- i �� 1964, the City ot Saint Paul _ � ' OFFIC OF THE CITY, Ci��' tnto a contract for deed with � h_9 Realty Co., whereby said COU IL R S T N GENEI�4 ;;ozn the citY of Satnt Pi�i pi;tBI,ISI� S� _ l�� _ , .�r�;,•r. 4. �attle cr�����{��,.sfi„ PRESENTED BY � t , ,:�r�,a�;,� ,t� th�.'�stat'C4�."' 1- COMMISSIONE DAT�"—� S � � � ' '�•.. '•��.,d.' WHEREAS, on the 28th day of February, 1g6�+, the City of Saint Paul entered into a contract for deed with R and W . Realty Co. , whereby said R and W Realty Co. undertook to purchase from the Gity of Saint Paul Blocks 2, 3 and �, Ba.ttle Creek Heights Plat 1, according to the plat thereof : � on file and of reoord in the office of the Regiater of Dee s � in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, sub�ect to streets, e�- cepting theref�om a 20 foot wide easement retained and reserved _ by the City of Saint Paul, for sewer purposes, across said �Bloak � 3, which said 20 foot wifle easement is described as the w�st 20 feet of the east 358.�+5 feet of Block 3, Battle Creek HeigYits Plat 1; and � WHEREAS, one of the provisions of such contract pertaining to individual blocks Qovered by such aontract for deed provided that R and W Realty Co. should file with the Register of Deeds .� for Ramsey County a plat or plats of said blocks, dividing each of said blocks into separate lots; and WHEREAS, the said R and W Realty Co. arranged for the platting of said blocks into separa�e lots and a plat designated "South Ba.ttle Creek Heights No. 2" was heretofore acceptedfand approved by the Couneil of the City of Saint Paul on the l�th � day of May, 196�+, and was thereafter placed on record in Book � � 80 of Plats, Page 15, in the office of the Register of Deeds in � and for Ra.msey County, Minnesota; and ' � � C . � � WHEREAS, the Cit of Saint Paul still retains fee title to � � said Blocka 2, 3 and �, Battle Creek Heights Plat l, and i� now � °' appears desirable for recording purposes to have the City of Saint Paul approve, adopt, ratify and �oin in the plat designated � y "South Ba.ttle Creek Heights No. 2" hereinbefore referred to; now, a � therefore, be 3.t � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays . DeCourcy Holland Approved 19— Losa Tn Favor Mortinson . Peterson Mayor A gainst ' . Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ' 8M a�;i ' . . - !!!���� ��e.J� , ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK � • �- ���� L .�. , � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. � _ - y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � 2 - RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of •Saint Paul, on behalf of said City, hereby approves, ratifies, adopts and �oins with R and W Realty Co. in that certain plat deseribed as "South Battle Creek He�.ghts No. 2" recorded in Book 80 of � Plats, Page 15, in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Raxnsey County, Minnesota, it being the intent of the City of Sa,int Paul to adopt and ratify said plat as fu11y and as eompletely as �hough the City, by its proper officers, had �oined in and exeeuted the same iri con�unction with R and W Real�y Co. - � �p� �a �g6� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas ��GLISH Nayg �� �$ �9�� e• o c ' Holland roved 19— � n Favor '"� Mortinson Peteraon Mayor � A gainst �Cf1I1� Mr P � r se ident, V�vau�i� �a–i� � SM G-(il 1 [� DUrLICATE TO PiiINT6R 4 „ , " { �F���� ` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � `"' �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE G WI�REAS, on the �8th day of February, 196�, the Ci�y of Saii�t Paul entered into a Qontract for deed with R and W Realty Co., whereby said R and W Realty Co. undertook to purchase from the Ci�y of Saint Paul Blocks 2, �3 and �� Ba�tle Creek Heigh�s Plat 1, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in �Ehe office of the Register of Deecls in and for Ra.msey County, Minnesota, sub�eet to atreet�, ex- _ cepting therefrom a 20 foot wide easement retained and reserve�d by the City of Saint Paul, for sewer purpo$ee, across said Bloak 3, which said 20 foot wide eaeement is descr3bed as the west � feet of the east 358.45 feet of Bloek 3, Ba.ttle Creek Heighta Plat 1; and WHEREAS, one of the provisions of suah aontract perta3nin¢ to 3ndividual blocke covered by euch csor�tract for deed provided that R and W Realty Co. ahould file with the Regigter of Deeda� for Ramsey County a plat or plats of said blocks, divid3ng each of said bloaks into eeparate 1ots; and WHFREA3, the said R and W Realty Co. arranged for the - platting of said bloeks into separate lots and a plat de$ignated "South Battle Creek Heights No. 2" was heretofore aeaep�ed and approved by the Council of the City of Sa.3nt Paul on the 19th day of May, 196�+, and was thereaPter plaaed on record in Book 80 of P1ats, Page 15, in the office of the Register of Deeds iri and for Ramsey County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the Cit� of Saint Paul still retains fee title to said Blocka 2, 3 and , Ba.ttle Creek Heights Plat 1, and it now appears desirable for recording purposea to have the City of Saint Pau1 approve, adopt, ratify and �oin in the plat designat d "South Ba.ttle Creek Heights No. 2" hereinbefore referred to; no , therefore, be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Iiolland Approved 19_ Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson May' r Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis I aM �� �I , �j�A DUPLICATE TO r�NTER y „ • � { ,"'� ���� " ` CITY OF ST. PAUL ' FOENCIL N�. � a �' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � 2 � � RESOI,VED, That the Counail of the City of Saint Paul, on behalf of sa3d City, hereby approves, ratifies, adopts anc� �o�.ns with R and W•Realty Co. in that certaf.n plat deacribed ae "South Ba.ttle Creek Heights No. 2" reaorded in Book 80 of � Plats, Page 15, in the office of the Register of Deecls in and � , for Ramgey County, Minnesota, 3� being the intent of the City of Sa.int Paul to adopt and ratify said plat as fully and as aompletely as though the eity, by ita proper officers, had �oined in and executed the same in aon�unation with R and. W Realty Co. � � I 1 �AY `�.B 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas DALGLISH Nays $ .��� � ��� ��' Holland Approved 19— �_ � Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson � - Mayor �aseir A gainst Mr. President, �a�e�-l.i� sM G-(il � � I