06-802CouncilFile# ��v��� ��J'`�
Green Sheet # 3(� 3� 1 � J
Presented Ey
WI�REAS, Jose F. Ponce d/b/a Mi Pueblito (License ID#20020004543) located at 672
Arcade Street in Saint Paul received a Notice of Violation dated Mazch 1, 2006, for operaring a
mobile food vehicle at 672 Arcade Street without a valid Conditional Use Permit and in violation
of the conditions of the Mobile Food Vehicle License; and
WHEREAS, a hearing was held before an Administrarive Law Judge on May 12, 2006,
and May 24, 2006 and a Report was issued on July 24, 2006, in which the Administrative Law
Judge found that there was sufficient proof of the violation of operating a mobile food vehicle at
672 Arcade Street without a valid Conditional Use Permit and in violation of the conditions of
the Mobile Food Vehicle License; and
WFIEREAS, the Administrative Law Judge found that adverse action is appropriate;
now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Mobile Food Vehicle License is hereby revoked; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and
Recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge in this matter are hereby adopted as the
Findings and Conclusions of the City Council in this matter.
A copy of this resolution, as adopted, shall be sent by first class mail to the
Administrative Law Judge and to the license holder.
Requested hy Depazhnent of:
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Adoption Certified by Council Secre
By: /� 1//////�!/! VJ
Approved by Mayo . D �i ���
BY ��
Fo��o�v� �y�Att�ey
BY" _�— _
Foan �pproved by Mayor bm�ssion to Counci]
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� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
Depar6nenHofficelcouncil: Date Inifiated:
LP - L��ease/tnzrecso�nvuonrmc ,�-A�� Green Sheet NO: 3032153
Contact person 8 Phone:
Department Sent To Person InitiaUDate
Rachel Gunderson � 0 �,icense/inscection/Environ Pro
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I Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 2 ' Attorne
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1 n Ob� 4 ancil
9 /��v� 5 ' Clerk Ci Cterk
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip Ail Locations for Signature)
AcGon Requested:
Approval of the attached resolution memorializing adverse action taken against the MobIl Food Vehicle license held by Jose F. Ponce,
d/b/a Mi Pueblito (License ID 20020004543) for the premises located at 672 Arcade Street in Sauat Paul.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this pewon�rm ever worked under a contract for this depa[tment?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Ha5 this personffirm ever been a City employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No i
Erzplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
A Public Aearing was held on August 16, 2006 to discuss the Admivistrafive Law Judge's Findings of Fact, Conclusions and
Recommendation from the Administrative Hearing held on May 12, 2006.
Memorializarion of Council action taken as a result of the Public Heazing.
Disadvantanes If Approved:
Disadvanta9es If Not Approved: ,
�ouncs9 S��seas��s �s�tE?
Total Amount of CostlRevenue Budgeted:
7rensaction: ���" � � ���
Fundinp Source: Activiri Number:
Fi nancial Information:
(F�cplain) -
July 24, 2008
100 Washington Square, Suite 1700
100 Washington Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138
TELEPHONE: (6'12) 34'I-7600
TfY: (6'12) 341-7346
:�= � _; ..� a _
Shari Moore, C'ity Clerk =` ' �
170 City Half '�: � _
15 West Kellogg Bivd. "� � �� � " " _ � � A.
St. Paul, MN 55102
In re: ln the Matter of the Mobile Food Vehic(e License held by
Jose F. Ponce, d/b/a Minnesota Pueblito, for the Premises
Located at 672 Arcade Street in Saint Paul
OAH Docket No. 11-6020-17232-3
Dear Ms. Moore:
Enclosed herewith and served upon you by mail is the Administrative Law
Judge's Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Recommendation in the above-
entitled matter. Also enclosed is the officiai record, with the exception of the tape
recording of ths hearing. If you would like a copy of the tapes, piease contact our
ofFice in writing or by telephone at 612-341-7448. Our file in this matter is now
being closed.
� m.�-m..�.a�. o� Y���
Administrative Law Judge
` ` i F�
�_Rachel Gunderson
Gary K. Wood
Providing Impartial Hearings for Govemment and Citizens
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Administrative Law Division & Administrative Services Workers' Compensation Hearings Division Workers' Compensation Settlement Division
Facsimile: (612) 349-2665 Facsimile: (612) 349-2691 Facsimils: (672) 349-2634
In the Matter of the Mobile Food
Vehicle License held by Jose F. Ponce,
d/bla Mi Pueblito, for the Premises
Located at 672 Arcade Street in Saint
The above-entitled matter came on for hearing before Administrative Law
Judge Barbara L. Neilson on May 12, 2006, in Room 41 of the Saint Paul City
Hall. The hearing continued on May 24, 2006. The record closed on July 3,
2006, upon receipt of the City's post-hearing brief. No post-hearing brief was
submitted on behalf of the Licensee,
Rache! Gunderson, Assistant City Attorney, O�ce of the City Attomey,
400 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Bivd., Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102, represented
the City of Saint Paul's Office of License, inspections and Environmental
Protection (LIEP). Gary K. Wood, Attorney at Law, 10 South 5 Street, Suite
950, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402, appeared on behalf of the Licensee, Jose F.
Ponce, d/b/a Mi Pueblito.
This Report contains a secommendation and not a final decision. The
Saint Paul City Council will make the final decision after reviewing the record and
may adopt, reject or modify the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and
Recommendation contained herein. Under Section 310.05 of the Saint Paui
tegislative Code, the City Council's final decision shall not be made until this
Report has been made available to the parties to the proceeding and the
Licensee has been provided an opportunity to present oral or written arguments
alleging error on the part of the Administrative Law Judge in the application of the
1aw or the interpretation of the facts and an opportunity to present argument
refating to any recommended adverse action. The Licensee and any interested
parties should contact the Saint Paui City Council, 310 City Hall, Saint Paui,
Minnesota 55102, to ascertain the procedure for presenting argument to the
Should the Saint Paul City Council take adverse action against the mobile
food vehicle license heid by the Licensee on the grounds that the Licensee
con4inued to operate his mobile food vehicle at a fixed {ocation after the
expiration of his Conditionai Use Permit and in violation of conditions placed on
his license?
o(� �o�-
Based upon all of fhe files, records and proceedings herein, and for the
reasons set forth in the accompanying Memorandum, the Administrative Law
Judge makes the foliowing:
1. 7he Licensee, Jose �. Ponce, d/b/a Mi Pueb{ito, holds a license
from the City of Saint Pau( to operate a mobile food vehicle. The Licensee's wife,
Martha Ponce, participates in that business. The current license took efFect on
September 9, 2002, and expires on September 9, 2006.�
2. The Licensee's mobile food vehicle was inspected and met the
health requirements for licensure.
3. A mobile food vehicle license allows the licensee to operate at any
place on a public street. Typically such vehicles move from location to location
rather than having a permanent location.
4. 1n 2003, the Licensee asked that he be aflowed to operate his
mobile food vehicle from a fixed location on a vacant lot located at 672 Arcade
Street, St. Paul. The property is owned by fhe Licensee, his wife, and a few
other individuals. A building previously located on that sife had burned down,
and the Licensee told the City that he and his wife could not rebuild right away.
They wanted to temporarify operate Mi Pueblito from that location until they could
build a restaurant there.'
5. The property at 672 Arcade Street is zoned 63. In a 63 zoning
district, City ordinances require that "[a]II business, storage, servicing or
processing shal! be conducted within completely enclosed buildings, except for
off-street parking, off-street loading, and outdoor uses specifically allowed as
permitted or conditional uses." The City Code includes a tabie that lists various
types of principai uses of property and indicaies whether those uses are
"permitted" or "conditiona{" uses in a B3 business district. The Code states that a
Conditional Use Permit is needed in a 63 zoning district for "outdoor uses,
' Exs. 1-2, 1-3.
2 Testimony of K. Schweinler.
3 Testimony of J. Hawkins, K. Schweinler.
° Testimony o4 J. Fiawkins, J. Ponce; Ex. 11-1.
5 Ex. 10-1; Testimony of Y. Diatta, J. Hawkins. The 63 general business district °is intended to
provide sites for more diversified types of business than those in the B1 and 62 business districts
[pertaining to Vocal business d+stricts and commun+ty business distcicts}, and is intended for use
along major tra�c arteries or adjacent to community business districts." St. Paul Leg. Code
� 66.415.
St. Paul Leg. Code § 66.443.
' St. Paul Leg. Code § 66.421 (table).
6. Jeff Hawkins, an inspector with the Cit�s Office of License,
Inspecfions and Environmental Protection (LIEP), was assigned fo help the
Licensee and his wife with their Conditional Use Permit appfication. He informed
them that they would need to apply for a Conditionaf Use Permit for "other
outdoor uses" for Mi Pueblito to operate at 672 Arcade Street. Thereafter, with
Mr. Fiawkins' assistance, Mi Pueblito appiied to the Saint Paul Pfanning
Commission for a Conditional Use Permit to operate the mobile food vehicle at
672 Arcade Street.
7. On June 19, 2003, a public hearing regarding the application was
held before the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission. A staff report
was prepared and presented to the Committee at that time. In the report, zoning
staff recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit for oufdoor sales from
a food concession trailer at 672 Arcade Street, subject to the condition that the
Conditional Use Permit wouid be valid for two years only, and would expire on
December 31, 2005 9
8. At the public hearing, the Zoning Committee of the Planning
Commission approved the Conditional Use Permit with the recommended two-
year condition and additional conditions to limit the hours of operation, require
the use of electrical power, and prohibit the use of a generator.�
9. On June 27, 2003, the fuil Planning Commission approved the
issuance of a Conditional Use Permit for outdoor sales at 672 Arcade Street from
a food concession, with the four specified conditions, including the condition that
the permit would be for two years only and would expire on December 31,
2005. The Conditionai Use Permit issued to the Licensee stated:
The decision to grant this permit by the P{anning Commission is an
administrative action subject to appeal to the City Council. Anyone
affected by this action may appeal this decision by filing the
appropriate application and fee at the Zoning O�ce .... Any
such appeal must be Fled within 15 calendar days ot the
mailing date noted below.
There is no evidence that the Licensee ever appealed the decision of the
Pianning Commission to the City Council.
8 Testimony of J. Hawkins. In 2003, when the Licensee applied for the Conditional Use Permit,
the Qortion of the St. Paul legislative Code refating to zoning indicated that such a permit was
necessary for "other outdoor uses." As noted above, the Code now uses the terminology
"outdoor uses, commercial" instead of "other outdoor uses " Testimony of d. Fiawkins.
9 Exs. 2-1, 3-1, 10-3, 11-1; Testimony of J. Hawkins.
70 Exs. 2-2, 11-1; Testimony of J. Hawkins.
" F�cs. 1-1, 2-1, 2-2, 3-1; Testimony of J. Hawkins, Y. Diatta.
t2 Ex. 3-1 (emphasis in original).
10. The conditions set forth in the Conditional Use Permit were aiso
made condifions of the Licensee's mobile food vehicle license, in accordance
with the City's usua4 practice.
11. To comply with the conditions specified by the City, the Licensee
had $4,000 in electrical work done to enabie the vehicle to be plugged directly
into an electrical pole rather than use a generator. Further modifications would
be necessary before the vehicfe could be hooked up to a generator again.
12. By letter dated December 7, 2005, Yaya Diatta, City Zoning
Inspector, nofified Mr. Ponce that the Conditional Use Permit "will expire on
December 31, 2005, at which time, the use must be discontinued, and alI
equipment associated with this use (e.g., trailer, tabies, chairs, signage, etc)
must be completely removed from this location. If you intend to extend this use
beyond that date, you may reappiy for a new Conditionai Use Permit from the
Planning Commission before December 31, 2005:' The letter informed Mr.
Ponce in very small font� at the bottom of the page, after the signature block,
that he couid appeal the order within ten days of the date it was mailed and
obtain a hearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals.�� The Licensee did not file
an appeal.
13. Prior to the end of 2005, the Licensee submitted an application to
the City for a new Conditional Use Permit. The application was reviewed by
Mr. Hawkins. City stafF told the Licensee that their recommendation to the
Planning Commission would be to deny the appiication, in part because they
leamed of a state statute imposing a 21-day restriction on the operation of a
mobile food unit at any one place unless it is operated in conjunction with a
permanent licensed business? Environmental Health personnei brought that
statute to the attention of LIEP staff; they had not been aware ofi the statute
previously. City staff informed the Licensee that he would need to withdraw the
appiication if he wanted a full refund.
14. By e-mail to the City dated January 2, 2006, Jose and Martha
Ponce requested that their application for a Conditional Use Permit at 672
Arcade Street be withdrawn and the fee be returned 22
15. By letter dated February 17, 2006, Mr. Diatta informed the Licensee
that the Conditional Use Permit had expired and ordered that the Licensee
13 Ex. 1-1; Testimony of K. Schweinter.
t4 Testimony of J. Ponce.
15 Ex. 4-1 (emphasis in original).
76 The font size appears to be approximately 7-point.
" F�c. 4-7 .
t8 Testimony of Y. Diatta.
t9 Testimony of J. Ponce.
20 See Minn. Stat. § 157.15, subd. 9.
Z ' Testimony of J. Hawkins.
� Ex. 12; Testimony of J. Hawkins.
� , ;T,
remove the mobile food trailer and all equipment association with the operation
by February 24, 2006 Z3
16. On February 25, 2006, Mr. Diatta discovered fhat Mi Pueblito was
still operating at 672 Arcade Street. He spoke to the �icensee and told him that
he was not supposed to be operating.
17. By letter dated March 1, 2006, the City's LIEP Office informed the
Licensee that it had recommended revocation of his Mobile Food Vehicie license
based upon his continued operations after expiration of the Conditional Use
18. By letter dated March 8, 2006, counsei for the Licensee requested
a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge 26
19. The City thereafter issued the Notice of Hearing setting this matter
on for hearing before the Administrative Law Judge. The IVotice was served on
the Licensee by mail, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings.
20. Mi Puebiito was still operating at 672 Arcade approximately one
week prior to the May 12, 2006, hearing.
21. The Licensee conducts business from a mobile food vehicle and
thus does not conduct business within a completely enclosed building 2
Customers of Mi Pueblito do not enter the vehicle to purchase the food. Instead,
customers walk up to the window of the vehicle, and food purchases and
payments are passed through the window. The customers either take the food
away or eat at nearby outdoor picnic tables.
22. Although the term "outdoor" is not defined in City ordinances, City
staff consider sales from mobile food vehicles to be an outdoor commercial
use 3
23. Under the City Code, the onfy outdoor uses afiowed in a B3 zoning
district without a Conditional Use Permit are an "outdoor garden center" and an
zs F�c. 5-1.
24 Testimony of Y. Diatta.
� Ex. 6-1.
zs Ex. 7-1.
27 Ex. 8.
28 Testimony of K. Schweinler.
� Testimony of K. Schweinler, J. Hawkins.
3o Testimony of Y. Diatta.
3t Testimony of Y. Diatta, J. Hawkins. In 2003, when the Licensee applied for the Conditionai
Use Permit, the portion of the City Legislative Code relating to zoning indicated that such a permit
was necessary for "other outdoor uses' The City Code now uses the ierminology "outdoor uses,
commercial" instead of "other outdoor uses" In addition, in 2003, the Code did not include a
reference to outdoor restaurants. That provision was not adopted until June 2004. Testimony of
J. Hawkins.
fl� � �� �
"outdoor restaurant" that is accessory to an indoor restaurant or a farmer's
market. ' Other commercial outdoor uses require issuance of a Conditional Use
Permit 33
24. There is no evidence thaf any outdoor retaii sales of plants, lawn
fumiture, playground equipment, or garden supplies occur at 672 Arcade Street.
There is no evidence that any indoor restaurant or farmers' market is located on
the same lot as Mi Pueblito. As a result, Mi Puebiito has not been shown to be
an outdoor garden center or an outdoor restaurant "accessory to an indoor
restaurant or a farmers' market," and it requires a Conditional Use Permit to
operate in a fixed location in a 63 zoning district.
25. The City permits "food and related goods sales" and "restaurants"
in a B3 zoning district without a Conditional Use Permit � However, the
operations of Mi Pueblito do not fall within this category of use because, apart
from outdoor uses specifically aliowed as permitted or conditional uses and off-
street parking and loading, [a]ll business, storage, servicing or processing" in a
B3 district is required to be "conducted within completely enclosed buildings.'°
26. Some mobile food vehicies in Saint Paul are operating illegaliy on
private property. Their operators have been told by City staff that they need to
go before the P{anning Commission and obtain a Conditional Use Permit
27. The operation of Mi Pueblito at 672 Arcade after the Conditional
Use Permit had expired on December 31, 2005, and after the Licensee had been
told by the City to stop operating, violated the condition placed on the Licensee's
mobile food vehicle license.
28. The special conditions imposed on the license would not apply if
the Licensee moved the vehicle to another location. Thus, if the Licensee had
moved the mobile food vehicle and operated Mi Pueblito from a public street, that
would have been permitted under his mobile food vehicle license.
29. A high percentage of persons holding mobile food vehicle licenses
in Saint Paul are of Hispanic and Hmong heritage. However, there was no
convincing evidence that the Licensee's national origin played any improper role
in the City's decision to propose revocation of the Licensee's mobile food vehicle
3Z St. Paul Leg. Code § 66.421, 65.616. In 2003, the Code did not include a reference to outdoor
restaurants. That provision was not adopted until June 2004. Testimony of J. Hawkins.
33 St. Paul Leg. Code § 66.421 (table).
34 Testimony of Y. Diatta; see St. Paul Leg. Code § 66.421 (table).
3s St. Paul Leg. Code § 66.443.
3s Testimony of J. Hawkins.
37 Testimony of K. Schweinler.
3a Testimony of J. Hawkins.
� 6
! ► :t
Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Administrative Law Judge
makes the foliowing:
1. The Saint Paul City Council and the Administrative Law Judge have
jurisdiction in this matter pursuant to the St. Pau! Legis4ative Code § 31Q.05 and
Minn. Stat. § 14.55 (2004).
2. The hearing was conducted in accordance with the requirements of
Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62 and applicable portions of the
procedures set farth in section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.
3. The City has given proper notice of the hearing in this matter and
has fulfiiled all relevant procedural requirements of law and rule.
4. The City bears the burden in this matter of proving by a
preponderance ofi the evidence that adverse action is warranted with respect to
the Licensee's mobile food vehicle license.
5. Chapter 310 of the Saint Paul Legisfative Code contains general
provisions relating to licenses issued by the City. Section 310.06(b)(5) and (6) of
the Saint Paul Legislative Code specifies that adverse action may be taken when
"[t}he licensee or applicant has faifed to compfy with any condition set forth in the
license, or set forth in the resolution granting or renewing the license;" or "[t]he
licensee or applicant ... has violated ... any of the provisions of ... any ...
ordinance ... reasonably re{ated to the licensed activity ...:'
6. Adverse action is defined in Saint Paul Legislative Code § 310.01
to include the revocation or suspension of licenses and the imposition of fines.
7. Section 2.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code specifies that
"[w]ords and phrases shall be construed so far as possible in their plain, ordinary
and usua4 sense except that technical words and phrases having a peculiar and
recognized meaning in law shall be understood according to their technical
8. Under Minn. Stat. § 157.15, subd. 9(2004), a"mobife food uniY' is
defined to mean "a food and beverage service establishment that is a vehicle
mounted unit, either motorized or trailered, operating no more than 21 days
annuafiy at any one place or is operated in conjunction with a permanent
business licensed under this chapter or chapter 28A at the site of the permanent
business by the same individual or company, and readily movable, without
disassembfing, for transport to another focation:' "iVlobiVe food vehicle" is defined
in Saint Paul Legislative Code § 331A.04(17) as "[aj food establishment
preparing and/or serving foods from a self-contained vehicle, either motorized or
within a traifer."
9. A"restauranY' is defined in Section 65.613 of the Saint Paul
Legisiative Code as "[a] pubfic eating place which serves a substantial portion of
�� ���
its food for consumpfion at tab(es or counters located on the premises. This term
shall include, but not be limited to, an establishment known as a caf,
smorgasbord, diner or similar business. Any facifities for carry-out shalf be
clearly subordinate to the principal use of providing foods for consumption on tfie
premises." Section 65.616 states with respect to °outdoor" restauranfs that "[t]he
use shall be accessory to an indoor resfaurant or a farmers' market."
10. "Accessory use or accessor�' is defined in Section 65.910 of the
Saint Paul Legis{ative Code to mean "[a] building, structure or use which is
cleariy incidental to, customarily found in connection with, and ... located on the
same zoning lot as, the principal use to which it is related."
11. Section 66.421 of the Saint Paul Zoning Code requires a
Conditional Use Permit for outdoos commercial uses in a B3 District, with the
exception of an outdoor garden center and an outdoor restaurant. Mi Pueblito
does not fall within either of these exceptions.
12. Section 66.443 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, which relates to
"required conditions in the B3 general business district," specifies that "[a]I!
business, storage, servicing or processing shall be conducted within completely
enclosed buildings, except for off-street parking, off-street loading, and outdoor
uses specificaliy allowed as permitted or conditional uses." Because Mi
Pueblito's sale of food was dane outdoors and not in a completely enclosed
building, it does not fall within the category of "food and related goods sales."
13. Because Mi Pueblito is not an outdoor garden center or an outdoor
restaurant, it does not fall within the outdoor uses ai{owed in a B3 zoning district
without a Conditional Use Permit. Moreover, because Mi Pueblito does not
conduct business within a completely enclosed building, it does not fall within the
definition of a"restaurant" or a business engaged in "food and related goods
14. It is reasonable and consistent with the plain, ordinary, and usual
sense of the term "outdoor" for the City to view the operations of mobile food
vehicles as an outdoor commercial use. Mi Pueblito properly falls within the
category of "outdoor uses, commerciai" for which a Conditional Use Permit is
required in a B3 district.
15. The City demonstrated by a preponderance ofi the evidence that the
Licensee failed to comply with a condition of his license and aiso failed to comply
with the Saint Paul Legislative Code's zoning ordinances relating to the licensed
activity. The Licensee has not refuted the City's showing.
16. The Licensee has not shown that the City engaged in
discriminatory enforcement or otherwise has treated the Licensee differently
based on his nationai origin or ethnic background.
17. These Conclusions ar� reached for the reasons set farth in the
accompanying Memorandum, which is hereby incorporated by reference in these
Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge
makes the following:
That the Saint Paui City Council take adverse action against the mobile
food vehicle license held by Jose F. Ponce, d/b/a Mi Pueblito.
Dated: July 24, 2006.
�� �. ���
Administrative Law Judge
The City argues in this proceeding that revocation of the Licensee's
mobile food vehicle license is appropriate because the Licensee is not complying
with the conditions of his license or with applicable zoning cbdes. The City
contends that, while a restaurant operating in an enclosed building would be able
to operate at 672 Arcade without a Conditional Use Permit, and a mobile food
vehicle would be permitted to be located next to such a restaurant as an
accessory use without a Conditional Use Permit, a mobile food vehicie alone
does not qualify as a permitted use in a B3 zoning district in the absence of a
Conditional Use Permit.
The Licensee asserts that his mobile food vehicle is operated on land he
owns with his wife and others, the business complies with the applicable zoning
ordinance, and no Conditionai Use Permit is needed. In particular, the Licensee
contends that Mi Pueblito does not involve "outdoor" sales and that the zoning
code does not encompass this type of business. He points out that the zoning
code perm'rts other types of businesses to operate in B3 districts without a
conditional use permit—such as restaurants, outdoor restaurants, coffee kiosks,
sales of "food and related goods," and Dairy Queens that only serve outside—
and asserts that Mi Pueblito is similar in operatian to these businesses. In the
alternative, if it is found that Mi Puebiito is, in fact, a commercial outdoor use for
which a conditional use permit is needed, the Licensee argues that he was
denied due process by virtue of the City's failure to provide a conditional use
permit for a reasonabie time and its refusal to extend the term of the permit. In
this regard, the Licensee asserts that the Conditional Use Permit originally had a
five-year period, but was limited to two years by the City, with no opportunity to
challenge this limitation or have a hearing on the issue, and that the Licensee's
request for an additional Conditional Use Permit was denied.
b(� ��b �'
The category of "outdoor uses, commercia!" is used by the City under the
zoning code as a"catch-all" for outdoor uses that do not otherwise fall within a
more spec�c category of outdoor uses included in the code. The term "outdoor"
use is not defined in the City Gode, but the Code indicates that words and
phrases are to be construed in accordance with their "plain, ordinary and usuai
sense" to the extent possible. "Outdoo�' is defined to mean "of or relatin� to the
outdoors;° "performed outdoors;" or "not enclosed: having no roof.a lt is
concluded that the Cit�s interpretation of food sales from a mobile food vehicie
as an "outdoo�' commercial use is consistent with fhe ordinary meaning of fhe
As set forth more fully in the Findings and Conclusions above, the
Licensee has not shown that the business operations from his food vehic4e
should properly fall within some other category of use that is permitted under the
Saint Paul Legislative Code without a Conditional Use Permit. Because there is
no evidence that any indoor restaurant or farmers' marl�et is located on the same
lot as Mi Pueblito, or that any outdoor retail sales of plants, lawn furniture,
piayground equipment, or garden supplies occur at that location, Mi Pueblito has
not been shown to- be an outdoor garden center or an outdoor restaurant
"accessory to an indoor restaurant or a farmers' market." Moreover, because the
business of Mi Pueblito is not conducted within a completely enclosed building, it
does not properly fa41 within the categor+es of a"restauranY' or "food and related
goods sales" that are permitted uses in a B3 zoning district. The City's witnesses
testified that the basis for the requirement that restaurants be enclosed in a
buiiding involves safety issues regarding faod handling and cleanliness, and that
restaurants are required to meet different health code requirements than mobile
food vehicles.
Under the circumstances, it is evident that Mi Pueblito requires a
Conditional Use Permit to operate in a fixed location in a B3 zoning district. It is
undisputed that the Conditional Use Permit previously granted to the Licensee
has expired. The Licensee did not file an appeai of the original Planning
Commission decision to impose a two-year limitation on the duration of that
Conditional Use Permit despite being informed of his ability to do so 4 He a(so
did not file an appeal of the City's December 7, 2005, Enforcement Notice
reminding him about the impending expiration of the Conditional Use Permit
despite being informed of his ability to do so (albeit in small print) 4 ln addition,
the Licensee elected to withdraw his application for a new Conditional Use
Permit rather than risk denial of the application by the Planning Commission
andlor Gity Counci! and loss of his application fee. Although the City LfEP stafF
told the Licensee that they would recommend denial, the Licensee should have
39 Merriam Webster On Line Dictionary, www.m-w.com/dictionar (�/outdoor.
40 Ex. 3-1.
°t Ex. 4-1. The Administrative Law Judge urges fhe City to consider including the language
informing individuals of their appeal rights in larger print in the text of the letter, rather than
including that information in small print at the bottom of the letter.
�l1( /��
known from his past experience that the Planning Commission and City Council
were ultimafely the entities who had authority to decide whether or not a
Conditional Use Permit would be issued. In addition, the Licensee would be free
to reapply for a Condifional Use Permit at any time and pursue that application to
a decision by the Plann+ng Commission andlor the Cifij Gouncil. it appears that
the Licensee has been accorded due process in this maiter, and there is no
convincing evidence that the City has treated him differently based on his
nationaf origin or ethnic background. Whi{e the City has introduced evidence
supporting the imposition of disciplinary action against the mobile food vehicle
license, the City may wish to consider action short of revocation in order to permit
the Licensee to operate his vehicle in locations other than 672 Arcade Street,
consistent with his license.
John J Chai, CityAnorney
C I� �r" Sr�11� � pA�. CivilDivirian
Chr"utopherB.CoTemaqMayor 400CityHall Telephone:651266-8710
ISYPestKelloggBlvd Facsimi1e:65I298-56I9
Saint Paul, Minnesota J5102
3uly 26, 2006
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Mr. Jose Ponce
761 Duluth Street
St. Paul, MN 55106-4022
RE: Mobile Food Vehicle license held by 7ose F
672 Arcade Street in Saint Paul
License ID # 20020004543
OAH Docket No. 11-6020-17232-3
Ponce, d/b/a Mi Pueblito for the premises located at
Deaz Mr. Ponce:
Please take notice that a heazing on the report of the Administrative L,aw Judge concerning the
above-mentioned license has been scheduled for Wednesday, August 16, 2006, at 5:30 p.m. in the City
Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Ha11 and Ramsey County Courthouse.
You have the opportunity to file exceptions to the report with the City Clerk at any time during
normal business hours. You may also present oral or written argument to the council at the hearing. No
new evidence will be received or testimony taken at this hearing. The Council will base its decision on
the record of the proceedings before the Administrative I,aw 7udge and on the azguments made and
exceptions filed, but may depart from the recommendafions of such Judge as permitted bp law in the
exercise of its judgement and discretion.
Rachel Gunderson
Assistant City Attorney
ac: Diane Nordstrom, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Squaze,
Suite 1700, 100 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55401
✓NlaryErickson, Council Secretary
Ct�ristine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP
Jeff Hawkins, LIEP
AA-ADA-EEO Employer