218363 1 t ,�„ w 1 5 n' � " -� �S " `�_� - _ �.`T J R� v , � ' C*
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� o- ,n ' Councll File No.218383--- ' . . ` ����� � 't ,-J,s=
� _ r - � In the matter oP reconstructing the �� � �- {�
F I N A L =C�R D E R - �Sidewalk and replacing with integral �, FILE NO '
curb-sidewalk on the north sidQ of 6th 6
St. from Auditorium St. to Exchange t �
, � S t. toge t her w i t h a l l areaways, coal- E '
holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other un- ` k
k' dPrground fa�'�;ties of every descrip- �
� �,�.-�.and prcv.'� :.,,' �t all permi�s here-
- �f � r�-fb s ir;?�.5� :c S�`i�oi��ir enance NO. S 7��
i , '6Z��'-+` �'-Lt'-6'�' '�,.uf� pl*k ie,•; tt'ap- '
� , i i ._ •��und
' �� I �Y sz tr2 � i:'�: l�e
. � OO.f'.
�,---..�y,. . _�__In_the Matter_of . �,�,,
� r�constructing the sidewalk > ^ ~�ngl � _ � ,. .
. - �„R _
f � -
together wi�h all�areawaqs, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground '
facilities of everyy�description and provided that all permits hereto ore granted •
by said City of St.. Paul for the installation and/or maintenance of uch areaways, ��
coal-Iioles, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of e ery descrip- '�
tion will be and the same are hereby revoked unless said areaways, c al-holes, �
trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description are re-
constructed by said permittee on or before a date which is one year after the date
of final approval of �his order; and that, further, the Department o Public Wortcs, �
through its Chief Engineer, is hereby auChorized and directed to fil in and
remove such areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other under ound faci-
lities of every description, the permittees of which areaways, coal-h les, trap-
doors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description ai1 to re-
,construct the same to the satisfaction of the City Engineer on or bef re the
above mentioned date. , '
.. p�
�r� ma e y e sai is
� - .. - - ' -- - . � ' ~ - - �'
reconstruct the sidewalk
$#�t� �t�€' ' ., y : _ - ,
�i ��. $� ,��,t�r�� '
together with all areawa s � ��� � ��� �
facilities of ever y ' �oa1-holes � �
, trapdoors, tunnels $nd other underground
bY said Cit of S y description and provided that all
y t• PauT for the installation and or pe�its heretofo e granted
coal-holes, trapdoors, turinels and other underground facilitance of su h areaways,
tion will be and the same are Iiereb
trapdoors, tunnels and other under round�ked unless said gre Wa Sf eve y descrip-
reconstructed by said g facilities of every de criptic�nh$r�s, �
date of final a Pe�ittee on or before a date which is one
•Works PProval of thfs order; and that f year after the
, through its Chief En � �'ther, the Departmen 4 og Public
and remove such aregWa s g�neer, is hereby authorized and directed to
facilities of y � �oal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other unde groundn i
trapdoors, tunnels andsother underground facil
, the permittees of wliich areaWa s
reconstruct the s ities of every descriptiorihfail�to
ame to the satisfaction of the Cit En r
above mentioned date exce Y gineer on or before the ;
z717 _ pt where good and sufficient sidewalks now exi�t.
. directed to prepare plans an s'pec3nca�;�vu���
approval; that upon said approval, the praper city officials are ere y-au-�,
ceed with the_making of said improvement in accordance therewith.
' � .� NI�` 17 l�
COUNG'�MEN ' � � � • �
. Adopted by the CounciL •
Yeas,'Dalglish Na�� , = � � �lAY 2 8 ��' -
� Holiand � � - - Approve
_ - �'= • ' - - / ., �
Mortinson - ��. � . '
• Pete'rson , rJ Tn Favor
, '� - � Mayor
V�e�++s- - � 1 - �ct nQ
� , � � ' , A gainat �
G-63 2M 8� R-1_� '
� � - � ,
!�'� _-�=.� .t � r Dist. No. 4 cS7o�v2S�
� -'- N. S;' ' 6th. St. - Auditorium to Exchange
, � � � ��
- . ���
Jan. 7th 19 64
To t he Commi s si oner of Fi nance of t he Ci ty of St . Pa ul:
The Commissioner of Public Works � having had under consideration the pre-
liminary order of the Council known as Council File No, 2159�33
approved Dec , 20th, 19 �'3 relative ; to r1 _ _ _ _ _
- -- - -- - ---�---, . —._:., �... ....�... ..,., .w .�_...�.. _
� : �.
._.....'_... - , ..._� ,�,.�...�..,�.....-.r.,.,... .� ,;,.�.,,..�..,.,._�...� �. ..,..�.,,.. ..� - .. ,..... ,.,.,-
-.,..,...._ ,.. -
and r`.eplace with integral curb-si ewalk
�"'reconstruct �tYe -side�ral!c/oa ; - �--�r�t� '��• ' r-
ium St, � to Exchanae St_ toget}i,er with all areaways , coal-hbles ,
trapdoors , tunnels and other u�nderground facil=ities of eve�y de-
scription� and provided that a�ll permits heretofore grante by
- said City of St. Paul for the �'installation and/or maintena ce of
such area�vays � coal-holes , trapdoors , tunnels and other underground
facilities of every description will be and the same are hereby re-
- voked unless said areaways , coal-holes., trapdoors , tunnelsl and �
other underground facilities of every� description are recdnstructed �
by said permittee on or before aida°te -which is one year a�ter the
date of final approval of this brder; and that, further, the De-
partment of Publ�ic4�Norks, through its Chief Engineer, is `ereby
authorized and directed to fill in and remove such areawa s , coal- �
holes ; , trapdoors , tunnels and other underground facilit es of
� every de�scription, the permi'ttees of which areaways, coal holes , ;
trapdoors, tunnels and other undergro�±nd facilities of ev ey de-
� scription fail to reconstruct the same to the satisfactio of� the
City :�ngineer on or before . the above mentioned date� - , ., , . �
- - - t �
�� and made a part hereof,
3. Initiated by the Commissioner of cj X
�� �
4, Improvement i s asked for upon i 3�oL�,� V �
��� ��r ;t�.�, 2 �g6� I
J PN -O�' ,
C � � t7'�', .�� �
'!� �l � ���~.��� ,
• � ' s- i oner o' Public Workls
�-' I