06-80Council File # � � p � Green Sheet # �� � q� 3� Presented RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA u Referred To ° Committee Date Support for Bonding Projects in Saint Paul WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council passed a resolution approving its list of bonding items as part of its 2006 Legislative Agenda; and WHEREAS, the Central Corridor is a critical transit connection between the two downtown areas of Minneapolis and Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Centrai Cozridor provides essential infrastructure for connecting the flourishing Midway, the University of Minnesota and many other educational institutions, as well as a link in regional transit plans; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul supports Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority's request far $50 million to match federal funding for final design and construcfion of the Central Corridor; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Pau1 and Ramsey County have identified the Central Corridor as the top priority far the region; and be it further RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Pau1's 2006 Bonding requests remain in the following priority order: 1. Ordway -- $12 million 2. Pierce Bufler -- $10 million 3. Great River Pazk -- $12 million 4. Como Zoo -- $10 million 5. Union Depot -- $7.5 million 6. Bioscience -- $3.7 million Yeas Nays Absent Benanav V Bostrom � Hazris � Aelgen I,antry Montgomery � Thune v � Adopted by CouncII: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: /1'�/anii�4//��i Approved by or: ate t '� ('3� �- ,���� By: Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � Careen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Creen Sheet � 01p - 0 V Green Sheet NO: 3029433 DepartrnentlofficelcounciL- Co - cuund� Contact Person 8 Phone: Counciimember Helgen 68650 Must Be on Council Agenda by ContractType: RE-RESOLUi10N Date Initia 78JAN�06 � ' Assign Number For RouNng OrdM Department o ronn�a � i 1 n il De artment " r 2 er � 3 4 5 Total # oF Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Resolution in support of 2006 Bonding Projects in Saint Paul. idations: Appro�e (A) or R Planning Commissiott CIB Committee CiHI Sen+ce Commission Service Contrscts MustMSwerthe Following Questions: 1. Has this person/finn e�er woiiced under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirtn possess a ski�l not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separste sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, WhaG When, Where, Why): i Ativantages HApp�oved: Disadvantages IfApproved: Disadvanqges NNOtApproved: ioW I Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: {Expfain) January 18, 2006 222 PM CostlRevenue Budgeted: AMiviH Number. Page 1