218350 � � Y- ' " " _ - _ �, J . � .�.a 7 , , �+ �,.,."� ,+. - - �1�'��0 � , r � FINAL ORDER � �" � � , COUNG2L FIL� N0. , F .� � , � �..,a, By F .� � � � � File No.—� 7349 �--�- --M� ing • , - - �- . ,- In the Matter of �Q�onstruc�ing the sidewalk and replacr/ wi,th inC�grai curb-.sidew��k . on the x�et side of Eroadsraq from �allogg �lvd. to 4th St. and t�y doing �I1 ot er wo�k ' � whi.ch �ie �eces�ary ind incidental to cd�nplata said improvem�at. , Council Flle No. 218 50— In the matter of �econstructing the ' " sidewalk and replacing with integral . curb-sidewallc on the west side of • . ' Broadway fror+i T•'c 'ogg Blvd. to 4th St. and by doi•E� .I �ther work which is r.ecessary �cidental to com- ��e:^ said ' � .^ under Prr:- r _ 71 h; �rY O:�. ��pf:� �3 M..r r:. , g :s.•;t , Y. 77 . . ' ,c.�r:. y � . { y rr _ � � .� ' 'fy� - � _� under Prelimina,ry Order 7Ifi93� approved Mar�h T196��� ; Intermediaxy Order approved � . , A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the�Council ; having heard all persons, objections and recommendationa relative thereto, and• having fully co i sidered the same; therefore, be it - RESO'LVED, By the Council of the Gity of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kinci of im- �� provement ta be made by the said City is : to ze�onstreict the afdewalk �nd replace,�with inte�ral cttrb�eidcwalk on �he we t 4 - + ` • sida of Broadway from� �e�.�ogg. Blvd. to �+tt� St. �nd by doing a�.l other arork rat�ich ,� i� neceega and incideatal, �o :canpleta aaid im rov�sn� .l�xce C wh��a ood an y r � _ � P P 8 ';� _ t� su�ficient. aidew�ike now exis�. ; s �� . a :� and the Council hereby orders sa,id improvement to be made. t � RESOLVED FURTHE:R, That the Commissioner of Public Works be a.nd is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifica,tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for � approval; that upon said approval, the praper city officials are hereby authorized and direct d to pro- � - ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. � . �IqY 2 81 � COUNG'�MEN Adopted by the Counc' Yea,s Nays � D8lglish � Approv MAY 2� 1� Holland � � , ,.,_ � � l.os� - , Mortinson '—�n Favor Peterson � � Mayor ' � �ct�n� ��, -' Against , . s-sa z�a s� �i � . " � 1 '� � ' Dist. No. 4 �` L . .--.. , /1s,Q, . . . � , . . . r --� �� fl _ W.S. Broadway - Kellogg Blvc�. to 4th. St. S �j�9' � � � , �a��U � -i � t ���'��� � � _ '� ' OFFTCE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORKS � � � � ���,, �-- �� . _ `� _ REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � I y � � �--�-- . � . � March 9th. lq 64 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre- limi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 216935 � a p p r o v e d_ Ma.rch Sth. 19 64 r e 1 a t i ve t o reconstructing the sidewalk and replacing with integral curb-sidewalk on the west side of Broadway from Kellogg Blvd. to 4th. St. and by doin� all other work which is necessary and incidenta� to comnlete said imnrovement. � � I � and having investigated the matters and things re�ferred to therein; hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $•10.00 per lin. ft. for 5" mono. inte ral curb-sidewalk 10 ft. wide. Extra work (excav. , fil�, reinf. conc. rem'd, drivlway b o k rk etc at extra cost. � 12 � 2. A plan� profile or sketch of said improv is to at achec�� � and made a part hereof. ���� � '�, `c , 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Publi�qW�r�s�-� �, Xw � . . 4, Improvement i s asked for upon peti ti on � f�'� ''� . � �-.��.:.� � Commi ssi oner of Public Wo . . � ' � ,; . • GrREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY ������0 LAND & TAX DEPARTMENT JAMES C. KENADY �� LAPID 8 TAX GOMMISSIONER ST. PAUL, MINN. 55101 M. E. FREY A331STAlIT COMMISSIONER J. R. SEVERSON ST.PAUL, MINN. 55105 Saint Paul, M�.T]rice80t.8 6ENERALTAX AOENT R M. BOY�L^ M� rL7� �.9p� WESTERN COMM16310NER H. D. HAYMAN SEATfLE, WASH. 98701 6ENERAL UWD AOENT i A. G. BELL B. J. STpS50N LAND R TAX AGENT 111 RIRBT NATIONAL BANK BLD6. OENERAL LEASE AGENT HELENA, MONT. 59601 ST.PAUL, MINN. 55101 Mr. James J. Dalgl.ish Coarmai.ssioner o� Finance City Hall Sa3nt Paul, Minnesota, Re: Saint Paul� Minnesota Froposed Sidewalk and Curb — 8eco�strnction on Broadway Deas Mr. Dalglish: By your letter of May 8, 1964� file 573�+9 Pa.ge l� you advised that the city counc3.1 by preliminary order 216935 proposed the recon- struction of sidewalk and curb3.ng on the west side of Broa.dway frwn Kellogg Boulevard to Fou'rth Street. The railway company under the provisions of city ordinance No. 7852� dated October 27� 1937 ma3ntains a loading platform ad�acent to the old Great No�thern office building on the west side of Broadway. The railwa.y compa�y �:a in agreement with the city to reconatruct the walk and curbing front3.ng the old office bu3lding along Broadway except in the area of the loading plat�orm and wooc7.en ramps le�ading to t�he platform. - This letter is being handed personally in adva.nce of the 10 a.m. public heaxing today on the advisability of the proposed walk and curbing reconstrttction. Yotir assistance in present3.ng the 3.nformation '` to the city of no sidewa,lk and curbing in the area of �f.he platform is most appreciated.. � ``,� Yours vexy truly, � � , ` r Land and Tax o�aissi ner cc: Mr. Don Tuf'te � Public Works Department ��� d�