218332 �,. ,�.. C t
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""-" • Council Flle No. 218332-- , �
In the matter of reconstructing the �i`��iT N0.
I N T E RM E D I A RY O R D E R sidewalk on both�sides o� Pierce St. �
from Marshall Ave, to Iglehart Ave.
. and b.� do;� • all r•1�1er wp+�� whi�h is
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� ' PUBLISHED• � '; x �T File�e�;a. 735
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�. .In the Matter of reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of Pierce S . from
� Nlarshall Ave, to Igleha,rt Ave. and by doing all ot.her work which is necessary and
incideata,l to complete said improvement. .
under Preliminary�Order ' 217046 approverl March 12;,_1962+
The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Fina.nce
upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: �
1. That the said report and� the same is hereby approved and adopted, aud the aaid improvement
is hereby ordered to be. proceeded with. � � -
, 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is �
to reconstruct the sideWalk on both �ides of Pierce St. from Marshall Ave. to Iglehart
-_ Ave. and by doing 'a]1 other_work which is necessary and i.ncidental to complete said
improvement, except where good and sufficient sidesralks now exist. �
M1 - - . `., ° _
with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ �..25�r ]�n, flt. for 5' walk
. $ 3.80 per lin. ft� for 6' walk
- � ., . . � � :} -
- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on�the.—��r� day of-`
, JtinP.;—lQti� , at the hour of 14 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber af the Court
.,. House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of� Finance give notice of
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by th� Charter, stating the�time and place o�
hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
, � � M�Y 26 �� -
C4UNGILMEN Adopted by the Counc>>
Yeas Dalglisl� Na�g " �IAY 2+� �� ��
. Holland . - _ = Approve .
Mo�.Less—__ . � � \ ! •�
Peterson . - Tn Favor �
Rosen Mayor ,
_� Va�ea+is-T � F�e�#9nQ
� ' ` • A gainst �
6-88 2M 8� R-1 ._ _ ,
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