218311 , ^ � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �� /����� .– -� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa P^a u � OFFICE OF THE CITY_ CLERK FILE NO. '� COU CI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' -, .a�F PRESENTED BY �,,tr � COMMISSIONE � � DAT `.'� 1'9� ,'� � , 1 � RFSOLVSD, That the Council hereby approves the awa.rd. of the Contract Co�anittee there�or and hereby awaxds contract for �rnishi.ng all la,bor, materials� equ3.pment and servi.ces necessaxy for and reasona;bj:y incidental to the insta.11atio�n of gas-oil conversion burner in No. 2 boiler at the Public Safety Building, 101 E. Tenth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to NO��Fd�i �ATIl�TG, IlVC. in accordance with City plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and t�he Formal Bid �9768 of� said I c. for the contract rice o� 0 .00 such bi'd bei the Northwestern Heating, n p �9, 57 , ! � i lawest and said Northwestern Heating, Inc. being a reasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corpora.tion Counsel �be and here'by is directed to draw up the prfoper form of contract therefor, and the proper City of�ic3.als hereby axe authorized execute said Contx'aCt on 'behal.� o� the City of Saint Pau1.. Councll File No. 218311—By Robert F.. Peterson— , Resrolved, That the Councll hereby Fox�al Bid #9768. Comrmittee the efor and hereby awards . contract for furnishing all ]abor, ma" terials, equipment and services nec t essary £dr and reasonably incidental� , to the installation of gas-oil conver� � • • �• sion burner in No. 2 boiler at the - - " ' Public Safety Bullding, 101 E. Tenth� Street, Saipt Paul, fVLinnesota to NORTHWESTERN EiEATING, INC. in`� accordance with City plans and spec- ifibations thereEor hereto attached and , the'Formal Bid No. 9788 of said North= western Heating, Inc. for the contr�t � price of $9,057.00, such bid being thq lowest and said Northwestern•Heating� Inc. being a reasonable and reliabl bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper forn�of contract therePor, ancl the proper City officiais hereby are authorized to execute said contract ori behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid No. 9768. Adopted by the Council May 26, 1964 Approved May 28, 1964. (May 29, Q964) , . � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cou i�� ��'�9� 19'- Yeas Nays � Dalglish . �A 2 61964 Holland l i � Approved 19— �_ � n Favor � ortinson �I � Peterson ���p�� Mayor. , �_ A gainst � ` � � I � esident, �is__ . � � , � ♦ lOM 8-82 OUrLIGATE TO rRINTER - ' � .-�+ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ������� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM :n PRESENTED BY � ��} 1� COMMISSIONER DATF �, "�'� '� ���.7. Ye�t'�t"�gr' �� � �� a�` �r ��� ���t+�e tt�r.�or €�d �iex�a�t' �� �.'�� �a� ���� �.t�. 3.�, �,'��x ��t , � e�e�r9.�e xr�s�r �a� � �ew�a�b1� �si�� tp � �us'��t�c� c,xE` ��. �ap�+er��,c� �� �. �R �. �� �.t � �uti�ics i��Y �1��Sy �fll �!. 't''a�.#�i i��e►�, �� �.� �n�ae�cr�. '� �'� �, �. �: at�cio� �� t�3.�r �a.eu�► e�: s,���t�� ����o ��d. � �te �'v�—"� �c� �'� �c �.3�. ���►�t�� �'�a �. f'�o� � �c�.�t �ric�e t� �t,��;op, � trl.� �►� #� �.v�e� �d ��.�z��� �.#�8i �, b�� � i�aaa�3�it � �wl�� b�d��, �c� tt�e l�ospo�.�€�pt ��i ii� � ��I''by' �� ��etzt+� '�o � '� t�► p�� �� 4�' �icnt,�c� �tY�, a� � P�� �i�r cx�3c�e�1.� ���,y` � aart�?��i � ,eaa� �.�L �t�� � fi�� � t1a� G��y o� 8�� �'au�., ��. i�i� �'q76�. i i �� 2 61964 , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �w�� �r� �9(''3� Holland ,� Approved 19 � I �_ � In Favor Mortinson � Peterson Mayor A gainst �tosen . , iors s-sz �