218300 O'ri inal ' �����o to City Clerlc � COUNCIL RESOLUTION FOENCIL N�. � _ ,� Authorization for payment . for overtime PRESENTED EY L'' COMMISSIONER Robert F. Peterson DATF Ma'y 26� �'9vy. ` _ ' � . I W�iEREAS, the head of the Departmant {�uj- of � i 1a,hl_ic �afetv - Rureau of Police has reported that an emergency I existed during the payroll period from ,��?7' �,,qN�to Mav '�Q�4 which made necessary overtime employment; now therefore, be it I RE50LVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees listed on the reports on file in the office of 37, � the City Clerk and numbered �.3, t I�.��,�i�E�i�tiB��.Q��O . Council File No. 21830a—By Robert F. Peterson—- Whereas,The head oE the Department oP Public Safety—Bureau of Pollce, has I reported that an emergency existed during the. payroll period from April - 27, 1964 to May 24, 1964 which made necessary overtime employment; now therefore, be it . i Resolved, That the proper c i t y officers are heieby authorized to pay � the empioyees listed on the reports on i file in the'office of the City,Clerk and numbered 37, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50. Adopted by the Council May 26,4984, i Approved May 26, 1984. • (May 29,�1984) I � ' I � il �AY 2 6 �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish (��' 2 6 196 Iiolland \/ � Ap roved � 19— T ___ 1 ^ - � �—* �In Favor Mortinson � J �/ Mayor Peterson ,��{�ng Against �, i�,b�€n , Mr. President, �lis �i�� . � ' CSB 44a - � E i Original Report No.� 37 to City'Clerk ` � ; ' i , REPORT OF OVERTIME EMPLOYMENT I (To be paid) APR 310 �9� ; Date April 29. 19Q� I Honorable Mayor and i Members of the City Council � City Hall - Gentlemen: ��, In accordan,ce with Section 53 of the City Charter I am herewith \ reporting to the Council that an emergency existed on April 28, 196�� I which made necessary the overtime employment of the following employees: Hours of Regular Overtime Name ' Title Overtime Rate Rate 1. 8osemary Romani Clerk-'Pypist III 3 $384.00 mo. $3.33 hr. 2. aeorge F. Galles Police Steno. 32 $?�87.00 mo. $II.224 hr. i ; -�` . ,� �� 1 I I I . I The circumstances of the emergency were as follows: I 1. Central Name �.].e � 2. Relief shif t ' I i � Respectfull}r o r � I Department Hea 6'C�'t-P CSB 44b1 Dep •tment � i Original � Report No. 43 to City Clerk �` • REPORT OF OVERTIME EMPLOYMENT I (To be paid) � �qr � js Date M�1Y 5� 19L� � Honorable Mayor and �, Members of the City Council j C ity Hall � �I Gentlemen: i In accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter I am herewith reporting to the Council that an emergency existed on M�+Y �� 19� � � which made necessary the overtime employment of the following employees: I Hours of Regular Overtime Name Title Overtime Rate i Rate , , � l. Bradford G. Benner Po].ice Steno. ' 7 $l�87.00 mo. $4.221 2. George F. Galles Police St�ao. 32 487.00 mo. l�.224 3. Patricia L. Kane Clerk I 1 1.684 hr. 2.19 4 L�. Scott D. Metcalf Police Steno. 3 ?��.�.00 mo. 4.10 5. Sharon M. Schmid.t Clerk-�teno. I 3 303.00 mo. 2.62� . �� i f �I i 1 i I The circumstances of the emergency were as follows: l. Replace man on sick 1 eave 2. Tabs for R & I files _ 3. & 5 centra.l Name Fi.le j 4. CN 426-1�1G statanent i I i Respe . r�, � I I Department CSB 44b1 Department � I Original Report No. to City Clerk ' • I I REPORT OF OVERTIME EMPLOYMENT � (To be paid) ��Y Date May 6 1961� ��9� Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City Hall Gentlemen: In accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter I am herewith reporting to the Council th,at an emergency existed on M�Y 5, 19d�4 I � which made necessary the overtime employment of the following employees: I Hours of Regular Overtime . Name Title Overtime Rate Rate 1. (}eorge F. Galles Police Steno. 7� $LG87.00 mo. $1t.22'-� hr. 2R Patricia L. Kan.e Clerk I 2 1.684 hr• 2•19 4 hr• 3. �cott D. Metaalf Police �teno. 3 473.00 mo. '1�.10 hr. 4. Bernard �. Tester Clerk-Typist II 22� 3l�.1.00 mo. 2.954 �j.r• 5. Jerome F. Voi�t Police Steno. 4 � 473.00 mo. �4.10 hr. 6. Sharon M. �cbmidt Clerk-Steno. I !�2 303.00 mo. j2.624 hr. , ! I � i The circumstances of the emergency were as follows: 1. Homicide Statements � 6 & 2. Central Name File 3, 4 & 5 �eports � � Respe y y u�s i Department Hea CSB 44b1 Department . � Original Report No. �.� to City Clerk �° LL , REPORT OF OVERTIME EMPLOYMENT (To be paid) �A�4.�21� Date May 11. 196d.� � Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City Hall Gentlemen: In accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter I am herewith reporting to the Council that an emergency existed on May 10� 19�1. � which made necessary the overtime employment of the following empl lyees: Hours of Regular Overtime Name , Title Overtime Rate Rate I I Jerarne F. �oi�Yit Police Steno. 6 $l�73.00 mo. $l�..10 hr. ' I � I � I . � � � The circumstances of the emergency were as follows: Statemerits 426,7.lal4 and t�26,176 i i Resp �s,Q l� I Department He CSB 44b1 Department � Original Report No. � to City Clerk �" " '` . ' REPORT OF OVERTIME EMPLOYMENT (To be paid) �qY 19 Date May 18s 196L� Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council C ity Hall Gentlemen: In accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter I am herewith reporting to the Council that an emergency existed on Ma�Y 15� 19Q. I which made necessary the overtime employment of the following employees: Hours of Regular O lertime Name Title Overtime Rate Rate , � 1. Leonaxd J. Bo]lmann Dup. Equip. Oper. II 5 $321.00 mo. �2.78� hr. 2. Rosemary Romani Cle�-�pist II 1 3&�.00 mo. 3•33 hr. 3• Sharon M. Schmidt �lerk-Stei o. I 1 303.00 mo. 2.CP 4 1�. I The circumstances of the emergency were as follows: l. Annual Report , 2. Fil.e Name 'Caxds 3• Statement 428,533 Respec you , Department Hea CSB 44b1 Department I 4 i Ox`iginal Report No. �� to City Clerk ` " I REPORT OF OVERTIME EMPLOYMENT (To be paid) Date MaV 20, 1964 ��Q�z2, Honorable Mayor and � Members of the City Council C ity Hall ' Gentlemen: In accordan,ce with Section 53 of the City Charter I am h�erewith reporting to the Council that an emergency existed on Mav ].9� 1961�. � which made necessary the overtime employment of the following empToyees: 4 Hours of Regular Overtime Name Title Overtime Rate Rate l. Leonard J. Bollmantt Dup. Equip. Oper. II 3 $321•CO mo• �$2•7� �'• 2. Sharon M. Schmidt �Clerk-5teno. I 2� 303.� mo. 2.62 � hr. � , I The circumstances of the emergency were as follows: 1. Annual Rep ort 2. Central Nanne Cards � Respe o r� � i � Department He CSB 44b1 Department . I. . w� � O�igi�al Report No. , �t9 to City Clerk � ' REPORT OF OVERTIME EMPLOYMENT�, (T'o be paid) MAY 61�� Date Ma,y 21, 19Q� Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council C ity Hall � Gentlemen: In accordan�ce with Section 53 of the City Charter I am herewith reporting to the Council that an emergency existed on Ma,y 20, 1961� I which made necessary the overtime employment of the following empl lyees: Hours of Regular O�ertime Name Title Overtime Rate �Rate 1. Bradford G. Benner Pblice Steno. �.� hrs, $1.�87.00 mo. $4.221 hr. 2. I,eonard J. Bol].mann Dup. Equip. Oper. II 5 hrs. 321.00 mo. 2.784 hr. 3• I�a.rry E. Owings Clerk-Typist II 1� hrs. 321.00 mo. 2.78 4 hr. 4. Sharon M. Schmidt C].erk-�teno. I �. hrs. 303.00 mo. 12.624 hr. � The circumstances of the emergency were as follows: l. Two state�nts for Training Division 2. Annual Report 3• Typing reports 1�. Statanent 428,639 , Resp � y y � Department Hea C� CSB 44b1 Departmettt O�'igipal � Report No. �Q to City Clerk� " , � ' REPORT OF OVERTIME EMPLOYMENT (To be paid) NipY s , � � Date May 25, 196?� � Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City Hall Gentlemen: In accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter I am herewith reporting to the Council that an emergency existed on Ma,y 21�, 198.1. which made necessary the overtime employment of the following employees: Hours of Regular O lertime Name Title Overtime Rate Rate 1. Leonard J. Bo]lmann Du . E ui . er. II 51 $321.00 mo. I '- P q P �P 2 $2.784 l�'. 2. George F. Ga11es Police Stazo. 8 1.�8 7.�0 mo. 1��22 4 hr. 3. Bernard C. Tester Clerk-Typist II 8 3�1.40 mo. 2.r95� hr. � The circumstances of the emergency were as follows: l. Annual Report _ 2 & 3 �p�-ng reports Respectfully r , � Department Hea CSB 44b1 Department �, �