218295 r �; . .�- � ----- ��_���5 �. �
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` rouncll File No. 218295—
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�I�I�A L O R'��1\ � �e matter of reconstructing the CQUN�i L �`�� N0.
t3ewalk and replacing with integral
_ ib-sidewalk on the east side of St.. ���s�i D
�ter St. from 5th to 6th Sts. and hy
,+ " ing all other work which is nece�;r $y -
;•y and incidental to comple`.
, 'provement, under,'!�:��imina
.R92; approved Fe1•_— .18 . '
' � � � .�aa�t:����s;r�ar� x�zR � File No.—�a'�'17
..ta �r�x•r •,v
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; In the Matter of r�constructing t'h� a�.d�Ka'�k �nd ze� with integr�� ct�rb��idewa►lk
on the ei�at sid� of ��. ��ter ��. fra� 5th ta 6kh Sta, .aad by doing ail +�ther work
`, wl�ich �e n�eesaary� and tncid�ntal ro �amplmte �i►id imp�ov�men�.
e . . _
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`"�� under Preliminary Order 2166�2 approved �i+r++�x�?AT�?�� •
� Intermediary Order ' _approver�
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council
;;- having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and� having fully considered
�-, the same; therefore, be it
RESO'LVED, By the Council of the Gity of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im-
� provement ta be made byj;�the said City is
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�= to r�cQnatruct the sidawa�.k as� xeg].��a s�itb �ntegra3 cur'b-�id�walls on the ea��
siid�e a$ 8t. ��eter St. fra� 5th St. to 6th 8�. a�d bq do�ng e�l o��r s�rork sahich
` is necessazy pn� incidentgi to cosaplete �sid im�rrovement ��cept �hara goad and �
sufficiaat .�lid�wilks aow e�xist.
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and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.
. • RESOLVE,D FURTI�R, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for
approval; that upon said approval, the praper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- _
ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ' .
COUNCII�MEN " ��Y 2� `��� �
Adopted by the Counc�l �
Yea,s Dalglish Na�s � �1!�!-`Y 2 6 ��
Holland Approve
{-ess--� ' o
. Mortinson `
Peterson � --In Favor
_ Rosen J ��g�r,� Mayor
. A gainst
c-sa zn� s� B.i � - -
I �
✓'V_ _4
_�, �+�-� ; Dist. No. 4
_-. - _ , s,��S. St. Peter St. - 5th. St. to 6th. St. 7�/�
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Feb. 21st. �` 1 q 64
� To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre-
li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 216632
approved_ Feb. 18th. 19 64 relative to reconstructing the sidewalk
and_.replace with inte�ral curb-sidewalk on the east side of St. Peter St. from 5th. St.
to 6th, St. and by doin� all other work which is necessary and incidentalto complete
said imorovement. �
and having investigated the matters and things re�ferred to therein� hereby
reports: ,
1. The estimated cost thereof is $• 10.00 per lin. ft. for 5" mono. integral
curb-sidewalk 10 ft. wide. Extra work(excav., fill, reinf. conc. rem'd, driveway cross-
ines, block work. etc.) at extra cost.
2. A plan� profile or sketc � j�i improvement is hereto attached
, and made a part hereo . '�v�� �
3. Initiated by the Com sl��N���Pu � c Works X �
� F�-e� o� I
4, Improvement i s asked � r �p,b�nt�,,��� t W
� �
•9 �a .� •
Commissioner of Public Works