218266 �> �r�7*�i�•� �� Council File,No. 218266—By James J. ������ N �` Y31l��7i3L'iJ � Dalglish— oRIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ,:�VF.ereas,'The Department af Finance � � ' ' CITY OF ST `��il`� ` city of Saint,Paul r3s renorted� • �ti ,� ,s„ .•. • - ' � OF ICE OF THE •C`�$'fY'.:�:a s�It �l�''Q°"e�.�'.;e Qi;�;i�y;��. NO. ' — i �..1�� t.? .q� � CO N L ES L I —GENEItAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF — W RE the rtment of Finance of the City of Sain aul _has reported to Donald L. La.is, Corporation Counael, by letter of May 20, 1g6�+s - That the City Council rat�fied �he assessment for construetion of cement sidewalks under Contract 62-M-252-Levy #1, District �l, on the south side of Lafond Avenue between Virginia St. and Farrington St. per C.F. 216885 dated March �, 196�+; That this assessment was confirmed by the District Court on April 27, 1g6�+, and became due and payable on May 2, 196�; . . That the Finance Department was subsequently notified that two (.2) parcels of land were over assessed in , relation to other similarly situated parcels in the - same �mprovement; . That the following described parcel of land, currently owned by Alex F. Ba.ron and Marie C. Ba.ron, 1276 Fremont Avenue, -was originally �assessed $187.38 and should have been assessed $101.96: � (•Parcel�.�) Except �he westerly 81 feet, Lot 16, E. Wallrieh� s �, Subdiv3.sion of part of Lafonds Addition; c , � � � , o c� , and that �he following described parcel of land, currently _ „�, o owned by Michael J. Hughes and Mary A. Hughes, 630 Virginia o � Street, was originally assessed $283.15 and should have been � � assessed $155.17� a � Q U ' , (Parcel 2) �'he west 86 feet of Lot 1, E.' Wallrich�s Stzb- � � ,._ division of part of Lafonds Addition; ,� � , '�- That the original amoun � �sg� sed in error amounted � . • , �grrected assessment Y 2 7•1� -� OvercY�arge ; . , � �. � - COUNCILMEN �� � " . - " ° - Adopted by the Council 19� . �. < < • f �Yeas � Nays . � < DeCourcy. - . ' ' Y"- � - ""' Holland , ' • � ��_ � - Approved 19.— i�' f' LO$.4 4 ' �l ^ }_'�, . In Favor Mortinson -� °`� �' •��°' � �r`�. % } Mayor t„ y„ �• - <.�-,_Y... Peterson � , . � ' ' • - ` Y� �'� A gainst Rosen � � ., , .. �y Mr. President, Vavoulis .• , � � � �, ', � - ,. s�t G-(il i' ` � _ ._._.� . • ' a �:^N' Y �� a;.E .C-.�q._..J. ;'i , '.'Y.e�•1''_ +. ' ,� , ! ' �p ��� -� y . Y ' . �ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �J.1.,\.7��� • , . ' ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 2 • That the amount of $213.�0 overcharge ahould be charged to Code �` 0920-701, and the appropriate records 3n the Distriet Court amended accordingly; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the action of the Council, � as expressed in Co�zn.cil File No. 216885, approved Mareh �+, 196�+, is hereby amended to conform, with respect to the properties described in iche f.oregoing report of the Department of Finance in the premises, to the correct amou.r�t of the assessments for the sub�ect properties as therein outl3ned, and a public hearing having been had upon the assessmen� for the 3mprovemen� more fully described in Council File No. 216885, and said assessments with respeet �o the sub�ect properties having been fur�her con= sidered by the Council and having been considered finally satisfactory, the sub�ect assessments are hereby in all respects ratified, and the same are hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of Ramsey County for eonf�rmation; and be it --�-- - FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessments be and are hereby determined to be payable in five equal installments. MAY 2 21964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas��:T��,I,ISH Nays �o�G MAY 2 21��-4 y Holland . � A roved 1g— �. S _ Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor �� ' A gainst .�C$l�id� �� ) M .'Yrl�sident, �ebil�,sL��<� J sM c-�1 ������ DUPLICATE TO PRINTER `..� _, . � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENC�� NO. _ z, � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF —_ WI�REAS, the Department of F3nanQe of the City of Saint Paul has reported to Donald L. Lais, Corporation Coun$el, by letter of Ma.y 20, 196�+s That the City Counail rat�fied the assesament for construation of cement eidewalks under Contraet 6 2-M-252-Levy #l, Distriot #1, on the south side of Lafond Avenue between Virginia St. and Farrington St. per C.F. 216885 dated Marah �, 196�3 That thia assessment was aonfirmed by the D�.striet Court on April 27, 1g6�, and became due and payable on May �, 196�+; That the Finanae Department was eubsequen�ly notifieci that two (2) paraels. of 1a,nd were over assesaecl in "relation to other similarly situated pareels in the same improvement; That the following desaribed parcel of land, aurrently owned by Alex F. Ba.rQn and Marie C. Ba.ron, 1276 Fremont Avenue, was originally as�essed $187.38 and should have been assesaed $101.96: (Parcel',��.) Exaept the westerly 81 feet, Lot 16, E. Wallrich�s Subdivision of part of La.fonds Acldition; and tha� the follow3ng desaribed parcel of land, aurrently owned by Miehael J. Hughes and Mar� A. Hughes, 630 Virginia Street, was originally assessed $283.15 and should have been aesessed �155.�7= ' (Pa,rcel 2) The west 86 feet of Lot l, E. Wallriah�s Sub- division of part of Lafonds Adciition; That the ori ina.l a.moun s eed in error a.mounted 6 . �BrreQted asaessment 2 7�•�� Overcharge . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 19— �gg • Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor A gainst Rosen • Mr. President, Vavoulis sM G-(il � ������ DUPLICAT6 TO PRINTER � � - CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�ENCI� NO. ��� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I551 O N ER DATE 2 That the a.mount of $21�.�0 overcharge should be aharged to Code # Og20-701, and the appropriate records in the District Court amended aQaordinglyj now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the aation of the Counail, as expresaed in Couneil File No. 216885, approved Ma.reh 4, 1964, is her�by amended to aonform, with respeat to the p�operties desaribed in the foregoing repor� of the Department of Fina.nce 3n the premises, to the eorreet amount of the aseessments for the eub�ect propertiea as therein outlined, and a publia hearing having been had upon the assessment$ for the improvement more fu11y described in Couneil File No. 216885, and aaid aeaessments with respect to the aub�eat properties having been f�xther con- sidered by the Council and having been aon�idered fina.11y eat3sfaatory, tY�e sub�ea� assessments are hereby in all respect$ ratified, and the sa.me are herebg ordered to be submitted to the Distrie� Court of Ramsey County for confirtnati�on; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the aaid assesamente be and are hereby determined to be payable in five equa,l installments. MAY 2 2196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Y eas D�GLISI� Na s . ��t�Y �� �9� �eCo�c ' Holland Approved 19— � �n Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, �aa� sM u-�i , _ , _ � ' ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ������ � ' ' ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA � I 13 Court House,55102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner Phone:224-4612 THOMAS J.KELLEY, Deputy Commissioner E_+.343-344 May 19, 1964 Mr. Harold Riordan City Clerk BUILDING Dear Sir: - The assessment for the construction of the sidewalk on the south side of Lafond Ave, between Virginia and Farrington Streets was ratified by the City Council on March 4, 1964, C.F. 216885. � It has been noted by the Finance Department that two (2) of the � properties assessed for this project were charged a greater amount than like properties, similarly.• situated. Upon the advice of the City Attorney's Office, I would like to request a rehearing in this ma.tter as pertains to the properties involved only, on Friday Ma.y. 22, 1964 in the Council Chambers, at which time a resolution will be submitted by Commissioner Dalglish to correct the assessment. . The legal descriptions involved are: Except the westerly 81 feet, Lot 16, E. Wallrich's Subdivision of part of Lafonds Addition to St. Paul, and West 86 feet of Lot 1, E.Wallrich's Subdivision of part of Lafonds Addition to St, Paul, Yours truly, �•�(J G�i��/"' J���� J. William Donovan � Ass't, Valuation Engineer ��� � �2a