218265 . - � ' � 9 ' Y `'M + �J�1���� y ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. _ - � - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF � AESOLVED, That Frank L. Madden be hired and appointed as Executive Secretary of the Council Advisory Committee on ` Bond Expenditures, at a salary of �540.00 per month, such employment to�,�be on an annual basis, commencing June l, 1964, ' and the proper Gity officers are authorized, in behalf of 'the City of Saint Paul, to make, execute and deliver a written agreement with said Frank L. Madden, in accordance with the" � terms hereinabove set forth. r �---�-�ri- ---"^'"'-�-' '� Council File No. 218265--By Severin A. - � �` � . Mortinson— � t Resolved, That Frank L. Madden be hired and appointed as Executive Sec- ' retary of the Council AdvisoFy Com- , . mittee on Bond Exper�ditures, at a sal- ary o� 3540.00 per month, such em- ployment to be on an annual basis, commencing June 1, 1964„ and the proper City officers aze authorized;in . ' behalf of the City of Seint Paul, to , make, execute and deliver a written � ' agreement with said Frank L.Madden, �in accordance with the terms herein- , above set forth. � . � Adopted by the Gbuncil May 22, 1964. j Approved May 22, 1984. (May 29, 1984) . L t , MAY 2 2 �� �. COLTNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council • 19� . , Yeas DALGLISH Nays _� � --- � ,ou�� , �I�Y 2 2 ��� �'� Holland � Approved � 19.— / � �� � � � In Favor _ �`��� Mortinson Peterson _ _' a ��$��q Mayor A gainst �� � , ,,p�esen , _ . ��� ��� President, S"' �-�i1 , D RE R OF LAW, ; � � ������ r DUPLIGATE TO PRINTER ~ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � �� - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE � AE�OLVED, The� Fran,k �: Madden�be hired snd appointed i� as Execut�.ve SeQre�ary of �he Cauncil Advi�ory Coramit�ee on � Bond Exper�di�ures, �t a salary of �,��1�0.00 per month, euch employment tou�e on an annual basis, commencSng June 1� 1964: and the proper �3.ty offiaer$ are authorized, in bel�alf of the C�ty o� Saint Paul� to wake� execute and deliver a written ag�eement w�.th said Frank L. .Madden, in aaco�dauae with the - ' ter�ma hereinabove eet forth. . �Y �2 �9� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas v�� �;.';�r� Nays DeC.o.urcy� i�1A`! 2 2 �9.� Holland �,�- Approved 19— �g�� In Favor Mortinson Peterson /� Mayor A gainst Rosen M, �x-e$id , avou is sM Gdil 1 • a• l�� V� � _ COUNCIL ADVISORY CO.MMITTEE � � BOND FUND EXPENDITURES . CApita� 4-4b12 379 Cour+ House Ex+. 277 SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA � , J .- Ma,y 14, 196� PAUL A. SCHILLING V CHAIR6IAN � - ALBERT H. DAGGETT Honprable Mayor and Members ARCHIEGINGOLD Of tY��• City COUY�C�1� MRS. ALFRED W. PARTRIDGCuaint 'PCLUl� Minnesota, RICHARD C. RADMAN, JR. LAWRENCE RYLANDER FRANK WIDERSKI Gentlemen; FRANKL. MADDEN The C��Ci�l Advisory Committee Ob Bond Fund Ex- EXECUTIVESHCp6TARY penditures reports the sale of all School and �8 General Improvement bonds, authorized and approved in the Second United Civic Improvement Bond Issue of November 3, Z953 • The total amount, sold ir� a�n- ually approved issues is �38,956,000. As of January 1, 1g64, the unexpend�d balances in allocated bond funds amounted to �� �52,�83in cash and investments . Of this amount, �,712, 000, is re� invested and dra�ving interest as of this date. The urxcompleted Pro�ects , operations such as the Shor� Line B.oute, Arch Street, ma.�or St . Anthony Sewer work, final Street Lighting pro�ect, are moving forward substantially in this, the 1964� , construction season. The Educational Center will be ready in late 1964. The detailed fir�aneial report on all authorized pro�ects will be available � June 30, 1g64. As the work of the Second United Civic Improvement program proceeds and approaches full completion your Committee is assembling full data for the compilation of a comprehensive history and detailed report covering the entire Second United Improvement program. The Com- mit•tee hopes to provide helpful guidelines in procedures for orderly priorities and controls in the City 's future capital expenditure programs. _ Your Committee, therefore, respectfully requests that the ' services of Frank L. Madden, Executive Secretary, be renewed and extended for one year, commencing June l, 1g6�, upon the same terms and conditions respecting duties and sal�,ry r as those contained in the present subsisting contract agree� menb . Fiespectfully yours, CIL ADVISOgY COMMITTEE . By. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • CHA IEMAN • (��� �� � � `� I� � c �