218255 . �y� �� ��.���� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ° - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCtL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��s� �'Z��C� � �PRESENTED 6Y M i 1 ton Rosen COMMISSIONE pA� `����/'1�(��i_ � In the matter of constructing a public storm sewer in Oakdale Avenue from Stevens Street to Annapolis Street and in Livingston Avenue from Stevens Street to Annapolis Street, all of which is to be known as the RIVERVIE'W STORM �1ATER RELIEF SEWER SYSTEM, I Contract II, Phase I under Preliminary Order C.F. 215432, approved November 12, 1963, and Final Order C.F.216330, approved March 31 , 1964. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved and be it further � RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. Council Flle No. 218283—Bq Milton Rosen— � In the matter of constructing a public - _ . storm sewer in Oakdale Avenue,from�I �;tcaens Street to Annapnli� i:s-r?'; ar � ;r,:L,ivingston Avenue Li •�� ��^:����; �G eat.'o Annapolls Strc:�' �•LI •��:l� r 9tf3' � a e known a, '„t' :�c' :,J�t 9� -^+b(3'1;�:9^.'i�R.''1.�,"�x:nt».'�t j+�tir: 'i J �t,: �:?�..`-�t.�i I`.rIi�•;,ii�� '::ntzzirrfm.a� o3i �:�dT .:z7t' ,�r..S:tE 9 - -+. -,�s �y �pY 21 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeag xays 1964 Dalglish MpY 2� Holland Approve 19— Loss � " n Favor � -�Vfort�san-- P.eter-san� y � � Mayor �tosen A gainst . r si en , avou �s 10A1 8-82 { `�,������� DUrLICATE TO PRINTER � � ,�, �.T�}\ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM YRESENTED BY N 1��(71'1 RG$��I COMMISSIONER DATE _ tn �he m�tter of con�tructing a public storm sew�r in Oakdal� �v�u• �raa Stevens Street to 14nn�pol �s Street and in Livingston Avenue from St�veq� �traet to JOnnapo 1 t s Strect� a 11 of wfs 1ch �s to be k�own as ths 1t IW�RY IEw �TOR!! WA7�R REi.I��' 5EWER SYS"�M� Gontract I1, Phase 1 under �'relirntnary tlyder �.F. 2�S432. approved Mov�ab:r 12, 19b3� and �tnal Order �.F. �633a, aPProved March 31 , 196�+. Rff�OLY�D, That fihe plans �nd speclficativns far the above na�aed ir�provaa�nt. as subn�itt�td t�y the Caamis�ioner of Publ ic Wo�ks, be and the same are hareby appraved and be it�further itESOLYEO, Tha� the Purch�sing Agent be and he is hereby direct�d to adverti�e for bids on thts improvement. , � � � � vt \� p,/1 ;t�AY 2� 1 1964 COUNCILMEN �Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish :`AY � 1 1964 Holland Approved 19— Loss In Favor mson �.�- Q Mayor Rosen A gainst —�.—P�esi , avoul�s lODi 8-82