06-79Council File # Q Y-� 1 q Green Sheet # 3029286 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date RESOLVED, that the compensation for the classification of Director of Financial Services be 2 0 � 7 changed from that set forth in Grade 33 to that set forth in Grade 37 of the Employee Group 17, Non-Represented City Managers Salary Schedule, and be it � RESOLVED, that the compensation for the classification ofDirector of Technologybe changed from that set forth in Grade 37 to that set forth in Grade 35 of the Employee Group 17, Non-Represented City Managers Salary Schedule, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the effective date of this resolution shall be the first pay period following its passage and approval. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � Bostrom ,� Harris � Helgen � Lanhy � Montgomery �. Thune � 3� a Adopted by Council: Date �jl p� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� /i' //inii �i� ���siiz� Approved b� Date � (' (,CU By: Requested by Depariment o£ Office of n esources � By: FormApprov by � ���mey By: Approve'd M or fo Su�s i n to C cil By: G\Shared\org Du��\C I�an(- ia�a�aolutio�pg wpd l��'- �����- D�c€',C{��� ��`jCR O �f1C1�1e.cQ.Q Vi�E'< . Gc� . G-s; DEPARTMENflOPFICF✓COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED _ G1lL' EN S�ET No.: 3029286 ���' 1� Human Resources 1/4/06 � � CONTACC PERSON & PHONE: IN ATE INI'CIALDA?E Lee TitiChln 266-6517 � DEPAA7A4�21T DR� _��} "�" a cm courrca. AngieNaleZiiy266-6515 �� Zcn �n NUMBERFOR MLIST BE ON COUI`ICII. AGENDA BY (DATE� ROUTING tv+t,xan[. sEav nm FINANCfAi. SERV/ACCTG ORDER 3 MAypR (OR ASS'I.) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acaorr �xeQuES'rEn: Approval of a resolution changing the rate of pay for the Director of Financial Services and the D'arector of Technology classes, re-assigning the positions from Grade 33 to Grade 37 and Crrade 37 to Grade 35, respecrively, of the Non- Represented City Managers, Employee Crroup 17. RECOM+�fENDATIONS: Appmve (A) or Reject(R) PERSOIYAL SERV[CE CONTRACCS MUST ANSWER 7'HE FOLLOWING QIIESI'fONS: 7. Hasthisnasod5rtneverworlcedunderacontractforihisdepartment? PLANNING COMMISSION Y� �o CID COMMITTE6 2. Haz tfiis persod5rm ever bem a city employee? CNILSERVICECOMbIISSION Yes No — 3. Does this persoNSmipossess a sidll not no�atly posses5ed 6y any c�srent city employee? — Yu No — 4, Is tLis persodfmn a targeMd vendor? — Yes No — Esp�ainallyesanswersonseparate S}tCCt'dIICl fitf`dCtl t0 b+YECII S}1C0t INiTIATING PROBLEM, ISSiTE, OPPORTIJPTITY (W1►o, What, When, Where, Why}: The Office of FIlt conducted a classification and compensarion study of the Director of Financial Services and the Director of Technology posifions. The Finance and Management Services Division was re-organized several years ago, with these two director positions taldng on significanfly different roles and responsibilities. Currently, the OFS position is paid four grades lower than comparable City of Saint Paul Department Director positions. Consequently, the Director of Financial Services class will now be assigned to the Grade 37 of the Non-IZepresented City Managers, Employee Group 17 to reflect an increased level of responsibility. Currently the Director of Technology (formerly Finance and Management Services Director) is assigned to Crrade 37 of the Non-Represented City Managers, Employee Group 17 even though significant areas of responsibility were removed from this Director's authority. Grade 35 is now the appropriate Grade assignment for this position in the Non-Represented City 1Vlanagers, Employee Group 17. ADVANTAGES IF APYROVED: Equitable compensarion commensurate with the Ievel of duties and responsibilities of the positions will be established. �„ �,�;;�sr DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: NOIle. � s*�� � - DISADVANTAGFS IF NOT APPROVED: Equitable compensarion will not be established. .���' �t ���Q5 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: NOriB 2t tI'i1S hI�e. COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: � FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: Fnvarrcinr. m�o�mnTiorr: ��Lnm� ��� � � Z �f� ������'�� G:�Shared�Org.Design\Consulhen[-Aeb3lDeb's Class Work�Diredtor ofFinanciat Services Comp Study\Greer:shee:.wpd [ � �YI� • ; � �I: Below are coaect mutings for the sucmost'frequent types of docum�ts: CONTRACTS (^Qen++� authorized budget eaosts) 1. Oirtside Agency 2. DepartmentDirector 3. CityAttomey , 4. Mayor/A�c;cnmt (f� co�acts over $25,000) 5. H� Rights (for cantacts over $50,000) 6. Office ofFinanciat Services - Accrnwting , COUNCIL RESObUTiON (amend budgetsfaccept,�} 1. DepazhmenfD'uector 2. 0ffice ofFinmicial Services Director, 3. CitpAttomey� � . � , � � 4. Mayor/Assistanf ' 5. , Cijy Counci[ 6. Office ofFinanciai Secvices - Acw�fing ADMINLSIRATFVE ORDERS (Budget Revisian) COUNCII, RESOLUTION (all othe�s � Ordinances) 1. ActiviryManagerorDepaitmentAccoimtant ' 1. S)epar�ent,D'aector ' 2. ,DepartmentDirector 2. CityAtTox�, 3. Office ofFinancial Services Director . 3. IvFayorlAsastant , 4. Citp Clerk 4. Cily'Coimcl 5. Office ofFmencial Services - Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. DepactmentDirector , 2. City Attomey 3'. O&ce ofFinancial Seraices D'uector 4. City Cle3c ' EXECUTIVE ORDII2 1. DepaztruentDsector 2, City AVnmep ' 3. IvlayorlAsistant , 4. City Cterk TOTALNUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the # of pages on which sigaah�res are reqaired snd paperclip or5ag each of these pxges. ACITON REQUESTID Descnl�e what ihe projecU:equest seeks to accomplish'in eith� chronologicai ocder or oider a��pottance, whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do �t write oomplete santences. Beg'm`�item�inywr5st ceith a vab. �� RECOIvIlvIEbIDATIONS Complete if the issue ia question bas bcen pcesenbed before any body, pnblic or private. PII2SOI3AL SERVICE CONfRACTS: T}us mfonaation will be vsed to detecmme the city's liab�ity for workers co�sation clauns, ta7ies and proper civi'1 se�vice Liring mles. � INSt7ATIIdG PROBI,EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY' Fa�lsia the sihiation aroo�iliti�s that creaied a�ed farY�'P�l� ��1�� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Indicete wfiettier this is simP ��� b�B�Pz��e ie4� bF� Iaw/charter � whether there are specific ways in' wldch tl� City of, SaintPaut and its citizens will beaefit from tliis project/action. DLSADVANTAGES IF APP'ROVID What,negative effects or mal� ��5� ���B � p�.Pr�� �8�?� P�oj��I� Pr��ce if itis passed, Ce.g,tre2tiadelays,noise,t�cincressesora�ents)9 � � DISADYANFAGESIFNQT'APPROVID , , What wi}2 be�$ie nega6ve,con5eqaences if tLe promise3 acfion is not approved? Tnability to deliv� service? `Conti�e lugh �adt'cc; noise, accident iate? I.oss of ieveaue? . . FINANCIAL IISIPACT � � � � '� � � � � � � � Althongh you mus[ tailor the mformation yoa provide fiere to the issae you a�e addressmg, in general you must answer , two questians: How miicfi is it going to cost? Who is going to pay? � � � , , � ��� ,� � , ��� � � � � .�� . The City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Page 1 of 2 ���_` Title of Class: DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES � (ADVISORY SPEC ONLI� Description of Work General Duty Statement Code: 588A BU: 17 (Salary Info) Grade:033 Effective Date: O1/04/2006 THIS.IS AN iTNCLASSIFIED PO5ITION. THIS CLASS SPECIFICATION IS FOR ADVISORY PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT COVERED UNDER ANY PROVISIONS OF THE CIVIL SERVICE RULES. Provides highly-responsible strategic leadership and management of the City's Office of Financial Services to include: complete financial planning for the City, planning and controlling the City's overall budget, accounting, and treasury functions, and directing Accounting and Reporting, Budget Analysis, Contract and Analysis Services, Payroll, and Treasury sections. Performs related duties as requued. Supervision Received This is an unclassified position that works under the administrative direction of the Mayor and the Mayor's designated Deputy. This position serves at the will and pleasure of the Mayor. Supervision Exercised This position exercises full supervisory authority and direction over financial planning and related administration for the City of Saint Paul. Directs Accounting and Reporting. Competencies Demonstrates an expert understanding of modern principles and practices of city budget management and fmancial planning systems, and demonstrates an ability to apply that understanding in strategic planning, solving complex problems, and meefing the service needs of the public. Demonstrates an understanding of applicable provisions of the Civil Service Rules, the Saint Paul City Charter and Administrative and Legislative Code, as well as related Minnesota State Statutes. Demonstrates an ability to apply that understanding in solving the most complex challenges/problems affecting deparimental operations and demonstrates an ability to wark with others towazd the resolution of those problems. Demonstrates an ability to understand bargaining nn;t contracts and administer the provisions of such contracts. Demonstrates on an office-wide basis, an ability to evaluate technological needs and select appropriate technological tools, applications, and advances in work methods to meet those needs. Demonstrates an ability to manage and lead technical staff involved in applying same. Demonstrates the ability to identify the full range of risks and liabilities associated with complete fmancial planning for the City in controlling the City's overall Budget, Accounting, and Treasury functions. Demonstrates an ability to identify the most complex risks and liability implications involved in financial planning and administration, and demonstrates an ability to apply expertise in determining methods and resources needed to successfully address risks, liabilities, and legal implications. Demonstrates an ability to expertly plan and manage multiple projects with changing priorities http://wwwstpaul.gov/depts/humres/jobclass/titlede£php?code=588A 1/4/2006 The City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Page 2 of 2 04-�19 that have citywide fmancial unplications. Demonslrates the abiliry to negofiate and meet deadiines. Demonstrates the ability to identify which financial issue(s) requires immediate attention, and demonstrates the ability to plan and take effective and appropriate action. Demonstrates an ability to plan, coordinate, lead and monitor complex projects, prepare work plans, develop protocols, staudazds and define and appropriately measure results. . Demonstrates an ability to listen, speak and write in an effective manner, with a diverse group of individuals including elected officials, departrnent and office directors, representatives of other jurisdictions and private organizations, subordinate employees, and the general public. . Demonstrates effective leadership of the Office of Financial Services by providing effective work direction to subordinate managers, supervisors and employees, by promoting the mission and vision of the Office and the City, by reinforcing desired employee work behaviors and by encouraging the creation of a positive work environment for assigned staf£ Demonstrates the ability to facilitate the group problem solving process, recognizing positive results, managing conflict, and negotiating satisfactory outcomes. . Demonstrates an ability to transfer one's knowledge to others and positively influence others. Demonstrates an ability to lead planning activities and assist elected officials, department and office directors, staff and customers in problem solving and analysis. Demonstrates the ability to select clerical, technical, and professional staff that aze best suited for the assigned functional area and demonstrates the ability and skills necessary to effectively manage such employee's performance. . Demonstrates an ability to direct others in conducting customer service needs analysis and participates in the development of citywide customer service standards. Represents the Department in meetings with other agencies, groups, the court system and the media, as applicable. Requirements A Bachelor's Degree in Accounting, Business Administration or a related field, plus seven (7) years of progressively responsible experience in public or private administration which would provide knowledge of budget administration, financial administration, accounting, financial reporting, financial analysis, debt management, investment management, internal controls, or a combination of these. Refer to Administrative Code, Chapter 21: Officer Qualifications - Section 21.07. http://www.stpaul.gov/depts/humres/jobclass/titlede£php?code=588A 1/4/2006 The City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ��'� 1 Page 1 of 2 Title of Class: DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY (ADVISORY SPEC ONL� Description of Work Code: 587A BU: 17 (Salary Info) General Duty Statement Grade: 037 Effective Date: O1/04/2006 THIS IS AN UNCLASSIFIED POSITION. THIS CLASS SPECIFICATION IS FOR ADVISORY PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT COVERED UNDER ANY PROVISIONS OF THE CIVIL SERVICE RULES. Provides strategic leadership and management of the City's Office of Technology to include highly-responsible planning, supervisory, and administrative work in the direction, development, and implementation of enterprise wide information services and telecommunications technology, and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received This is an unclassified position that works under the administrative direction of the Mayor and the Mayor's designated Deputy. This position serves at the will and pleasure of the Mayor. Supervision Exercised This position exercises general guidance and direction over citywide information resources, tectuiologies, policies, teams, and budgets; and, within the deparhnent, exercises general management and supervision, either directly or through subardinate managers and supervisors, over assigned personnel. Competencies . Demonstrates a conceptual understanding of the City's information technology environment and emerging trends in the fields of information systems and telecommunication technologies. Demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding in strategic planning, solving complex problems, and meeting the City's future technology needs. . Demonstrates a conceptual understanding of information systems technology platforms and applications and their relationship to the various functional areas of the City. . Demonstrates an ability to expertly and simultaneously plan and manage multiple projects that have the highest level of Citywide and/or community impact within negotiated deadlines. Demonstrates an ability to direct the development and implementation of budgets and the management of funds. Demonstrates an ability to identify risks involved in projects and minimize any liabilities. . Demonstrates an ability to identify issues involving information technology and telecommunications technologies that require attention and prioritize those issues. Demonstrates an ability to prioritize one's own work and the wark of others. . Demonstrates an ability to handle multiple projects and changing priorities. Demonstrates an ability to plan, coordinate, lead, and monitor complex projects. Demonstrates an ability to direct others in the preparation of work plans, protocols, and standazds for defining and measuring project results. http://www.stpaul.gov/depts/humres/jobclass/titlede£php?code=587A 1/4/2006 The City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ��' ` i Page 2 of 2 • Demonstrates an ability to lead plamuug activities and assist elected officials, department and office directors, staff and customers in problem solving and analysis. • Demonstrates effecfive leaderslup by providing appropriate and effective work direction to subordinate supervisors and employees, promoting the mission and vision of the department and the City, and reinforcing employee desired work behaviors. Demonstrates the ability to facilitate the group problem-solving process, recognizing positive results, managing conflict, and negotiating satisfactory outcomes. • Demonstrates an ability to listen, speak, and write, in an effective manner, with a diverse group of individuals, including elected officials, department and office directors, representatives of other jurisdictions and private organizations, subordinate employees, and the general public. • Demonstrates an ability to transfer one's lrnowledge to others and positively influence others. Demonstrates an ability to provide for and maintain a positive work environment for assigned staff. . Demonstrates an ability to direct others in conducting customer service needs analysis and develop citywide customer service standazds. Requirements A successful candidate for the Director of Technology position will have a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Public Administration, or a related field, plus seven (7) years of progressively responsible administrative and supervisory experience which would provide knowledge of information systems and telecommunications techriology. Ideally, the majority of a candidate's experience would have included the direction, administration, planning, and oversight of the use of efficient and effective information technology and telecommunications systems in support of a complex organizational environment. An advanced degree in a closely-related field may be substituted far two yeazs of experience. http://www.stpaul.gov/depts/humres/jobclass/titiede£php?code=587A 1/4/2006