D001532� • City of Sai�t Paul OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET RE�IISION � . .�� � �_ - _a ` S ADMINZSIRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 1�.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Libraries to amend the 1995 budget of the General fund, the Director of the Department of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the £ollowing manner: General Fund-Division of Libraries 03400-0111 Full time permanent 03400-0439 Fringe benefits 03401-0111 Full time permanent 03401-0439 Fringe benefits 03401-0214 Professional services All others Current Budpet 175,407 53,450 730,901 244,970 -0- 8,147,657 9,352,385 Chanee (3,826) (1,084) (18,519) (5,243) 28,672 -0- - Amended Budeet 171,581 52,366 712,382 239,727 28,672 8,147,657 9.352.385 �_ � � ildu.�' Prepared by: Activity Manager ��/��� �uested�by: Department Director �� � � Ap r ed by: Mayor '7 — 2,0 Date � D�AR7MHi7lOFFICElCpUNC{L Libraries CONtACTPERSDN&PHONE Fran Galt 266-7072 TOTAL # OF StGNATURE PAGES i Appraval of Administrative Order revising the 1998 Generai Fund budget for the Department of Libraries PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION Tfie�Library has �a vacanc,y in� its� Automation Center, effective the end of March. There is no eligible list to fill this vacancy and based on the recommendation of the IS Division the Library is hiring a temporary employee from CompuTemp. This Administra- tive Order will move the monies budgeted in salaries and fringe benefits for the vacant position (plus monies from an additional vacancy) to cover the costs of a six- month contract. 1NTAGESIFAPPROVED 7he Library will be able to provide the services necessary to ensure that the public access netwark and Internet warkstations remain functional. �2EGEIVED '". ': � ��� None �ot5�. GREEN SHEET No 60119 ovue��rueECrae y� uarccaNn ❑ OIYATTORIEY � CRYCIFNk o���� o�� ❑w���.� ❑ (CIJP ALL IOCAT{ONS FOR SIGNATURE) Hes this C��rm e�er wn�ked under a contract forthis dePartment? YES NO Fias thie pereonlfirm e�xr been a cily empbyce? vES rro Doesihis P���� D� a sldN rot normallYP� bY �Y ��«� ��'f �P�Y�� YES NO k this P�rm a WrpMetl ventloR YES NO �T"��r�'��fl��omation Center will not have the staffing available to provide the necessary support to public and staff computer workstations. oFrwwsncnoNS 2$°6�2 �anc� w+� a r+o Library's 6eneral Fund c�w wcrrvm Nur,�eQe 03400, 03401 This position will be transferred to the IS budget in the 1999 budget process d�