218231 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK i=-��l ������ . ., CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. � _' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Milton Rosen��Publ �lorks DATF ��� 1964 COMMISSIONE � �_ -- � WHBREAS, the final costs for Grading and Surfacing Wheeler Street from T'homas Avenue to 341.4 ft. South of Thomas Avenue, Comptroller's Contract L-6503--A and B, have been determined and, WHEREAS, upon final allocation of the funds to finance the above pro3ect, there is an insufficient amount to meet the final costs in the sum of $6,310.97, now therefore be it, RESOLVED, that an amount of $6,310.97 be applied from City's Share of Local Improvement Fund to finance the coat of the above stated improvement. Councll File No., 218231—BY Mi1t°n Rosen— Whereas. The final costs tor Gradin6 and Surfacing Wlieeler-Street irom Thomas Avenue to 341.4 ft. South of - � ' Thomas Avenue, Comph eebeen de- tract L-6503=A and B, termined and, Whereas,Upon flnal allocation of the dunds to Snance the above proiect, . there is an insufflcient amount to meet the flnal costs in the sum of �8�310.97. now, therefore be it, Resolved,That an amou�7t of¢6,310.97 be applled from City's Share oi I.ocel Improvement Fund to Snance the cost ot the above stated improvement. Adoptecl by the Council May-20, 1964. APProved (MaY �1 1984) � � – - � � �,')�J' td1�1Y 2 Q � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �AY 2 � ��� Holland ApP e 19— Loss Tn Favor Mortinson / � Peterson yor � sen A gainst resident, - � iort e-sz DU►LICATE TO PRINTER „_ ^ ������ , ., . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. �� _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - �'" COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��t� ��,����� �a� � , �� COMMISSIONER DATF � __ i�A�, t�s finxY ao�t� i'�� G�'�it� � l�aci'+�i� i�lisei�t ���a� �'rr� Rhq�a� A�a�ul ta �I�.4 �t. 8cbth •S Thv�� Avsa�, Co�p��oii4�'a Con��aaG L-6S03�-A �d ]�, ��vs b�a dit�r�ai�el �d� i�l�EA�� a�bei �'�al �ll.oc�t�i� di� ths i"�mds �Q fi�m�aa �! ��! ��1�Ctt f,�1�x'� �,� �D �t1���t'f��l� �El� �f! ��` �1� lfaai costs iII tbe � o! �b,�10.97, �r �aycsfore b� ft. �4�, t�a� � �n� o� �6.�10.97 t� #p�r1�.�d #xan Ci�'s ��x� o� ?.o�a� ���v�r�� �aad ti f�,�c� t�� e�r� o! �b� �►btwt a�t�d ir�s��sG. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council�a���a� 2� 19�� 19— Yeas Nays � 1 ��� Dalglish +,.,�, � u d;;.,� Holland Approved 19_ JJV.g..g �a In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen � Against �ont e-s2