220194ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK s r PRESENTED BY COMMISSION 220 W CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Hospital Facility Building Commission taken at its regular meeting held August 12, 1964, approving Change Order No. 3 relative to the General Con- struction Contract for Building No. 2cf the new City - County Hospital, such change order being further described in the letter of August 13, 1964, to Robert B. Gerber, City Clerk, from Francis M. Tompkins, Executive Secretary of the Hospital Facility Building Commission, said change order increasing the General Construction Contract for Building No. 2 in the amount of $589.74. FOR APPROVED Asst. Corporation Counsel COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Favor Meredith Peterson U Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis Iona e-6s $ E P 3 0 Adopted by the Council 19— SEP 3 0 1 X Mayor Hospital FnAity Biding. EuMMI S1111ft of the M. Tompkins MEMbERS utiv* Secretary E k city 111i. %..�l Paul and Euw4Y of baamseY Edward K. Delaney Chairman Public Health Center Frank D. Marzitelli 655 Cedar Street Vice Chairman Robert F. Peterson Saint Paul 1, Minnesota Secretary CApital 4-7651 John E. Daubney Msgr. Francis J. Gilligan Auqu6t 130-- 1964 Rev. Theodore Goehle 1v Jerome Loberg Frank L. Loss Clifton Parks Anthony Podgorski Donald M. Steimer tk ti' '0%. Robext B. Ge&beA. City CZvLk The City o4 Saint Paut City HaZZ and CouAthou4e. Saint PauZ, AWmaota 55102 Dean Mn. GeAbeA: The Ho,6pitat FaciZity Bu42ding Cowii6aion, at it6 xegu4a,% busine.6.6 meeting..'�, heZd on Augu6t 12, 1964, approved the jottowi u ng change oAde 1. Chan c 58 .je Orden #2, Bu #2, 5A 9 C6. Rein Sotcing Stee,4 IntvUox WaMO IKEUding x+,58 IncUa,6e 324.82 Change Orden 04 BuiZding 03 vVtacaz veneum 13zZnd6 a Li g" In CoA)Udolt Inc AWe 5o750.00 ✓Chanqe Orden 03, BuiZdinq #2 an RaZU 5 -SaSeto Coma dt for Dock Lijt Inch e 589.74 Change Orden 020. Buitdinq #11 SuppoAt6 FOX Uane Hangau Co.4,%eation o6 $50.00 Ewwt in Change Orden 013 Inaea4e • 9, 230.43 Change Otde,% 03, BuiZdin_q #4 te,% Cg,6 Revi6ion o4 Mechanicat and fteetnicat Woxk IncAea6e 4,158.00 The Ho.6pitaZ Facility Buitding Comi6,6ion %espect6uZZY kequUt6 that the City Councit of the City of Saint Paul approve the above action o6 the Corm Z64ion under the p,%ovi6ion4-oj Lam 1951, Chapter 938-9 VOWL6 VeAY tVltyp J Franc i,6 M. Tompkins p Executive Seewtwty .0