220091109 691 or,4 "o Council File No......._ ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpublioimprovement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: 1 , ...r... _..,..... :a..j- ....._ ........ ......... ........._ . #........L.. ?.�._............_ ............ ........................... _ .-............4................ a..,r Qp6ing; .'vid.ening.,and.extending..U.N IVERS.ITY,._AVENUE_by., condemning..and,_talCing, -the.• :: `- following described property: Starting at the northeast corner of University Avenue and• °Mississippi- Street; •= thence° -`1-S-=feet,- °north•••on °° the -east °•line°••of-Mississippi Street;--- thence so_utheasterly_thru Lots 5, 40 3 and 2. Block 1, Dayton's Addition to a point 171' feet east of the pointof beginning ... 56 itie` north" line of •Un viers t "y "Aveiise, thencexwes.t ;f to... the,.. point-iSoff..beginning.;,_,also.. starting, at.,.the...sou_theast corner University Avenue and Mississippi Street, thence east on the south line ofsl!fis'sissippiaStreet to the west line of Pine Street, thence three fee t - °south° on • the° weati1- ine-'of- •Pine• Street;- thence westerly thru Lots 1, 4, 5 and 6, Block 2, Dayton's Addition to a,point 1`4` 8 feet�'south of the south line of University Avenue and 20.3 feet east of the east line of Mississippi Street; thence-"southwesterly -to-a point 3'4 7�-feet- -south l of - the -point of- -beginning•measured on the east line of Mississippi Street, thence north to the point of beginning. ' PRELIMINARY ORDER. ` WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: " erring widening arid',estending�U�i ERSI�t'Y �* '4,. ;�.1 '' 1:ra.r.�ri ••�+........ - -- ;� r following pry - - - �- � - - -'_. �- AEI',: by. �; co 'ndeloriing,;and:aakH.rig�.the, ,." 0 g opertyr, Starting,•at thei`nor'theast 'corner o$ 'University `Avenue and- •M.fsai asippI,- Street• •-- th6nee -45- Meet•- north`on, - -the•• east•- line.-rof--Miss issippi- 9treet;--- t4encs southeast6rly thru Lots 5, 4, 3 and 2. Block 1; Daytona. Addition; to a point, 171'`fee'f "eaet';o€ tlae "point "of.' beg ininirig'imeasured, 'on' the niorfh line of,iJh_ivesitq Avenue, the>)ee,. yestpt4,j;;hq {poirjt 9i�AegY0nifigy talOd-etarting ,,at..,tha:.southeaaty.corner. of...l7niversi.ty Ale slid Mississippi Street, thence east on`the south line of Missias.ippi Street to the nFr, = .�ae �3. west l ne ofr Pins Street,, thence three. south -on the west line of ine4trest, thence westerl'y'CthrurLots � ;hr4 � a'n 'Ver:Block'1'2 IN ". "tongdAd��.tion °! ore" "Anirci4' feet south. �Y a p . n . of t)ae south,llaat9f .iaivergty�FA,V _6:t + d�r2,t?.3 �teetir assts off i:.the *esstitline of Mississippi Street, ,thennce. sourhwester -`yy to' a ,point 4,. feet' oath a #i t of.Gbeg tiAlP m seared Li. 1 V '115 "Slr -is�t� 4'.� 11kz .t C. �kVr'll ' ! .11A �u .I�d W {iv .5V C�a S; •r au►Iievi�ETiaiilF i7� lf•. u ��.,v �u b .r -/ on the east sine of Mis.siss'ippi .Street, _ thence, north to the point. of :beginning: Jj 3. To furnish & plan, profile or_c'retch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. p 2 2196 . = 5E--•------------------------------------ YEAS NAYB SEP 2 2 Councilman Da l g l i sh Holland pproved-------- ------ - --------------- . --------- --- Loss bo.r� -RSer+ Peterson % Rosen MR. PRESIDENT Vavou 1 i s 3000 7-54 �,� Mayor.