220068Original to City Clerk PRESENTED BY r� Frank L. ORDINANCE 220068 COUNCIL FILE NO. 7/ Loss ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Chapter 39 of the Saint Paul Legis- lative Code pertaining to Building Constructio2. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AGES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Section 39.14 Wood Frame Construction shall be amend- ed by deleting item d, subsection 12, which reads as follows: "d. No bearing partition of wall, built of two (2) by four (4) inch wood studding, shall be employed to sup- port more than one floor, attic and roof, and no such floor shall be calculated at more than fifty (50) pounds live load per square foot. Provided, however, that in ad- dition to- the one floor, attic, and roof, the first floor joist -may be carried on studding in cases where the stud- ding is run down to a double two (2) inch by four (4) inch plate, anchored to the foundation wall with three - eighths (3/8) inch bolts not less than ten (10) inches bong, imbedded in the foundation wall with mortar and when the said first floor is-not more than three b) feet above the top of foundation wall. In such cases the foundation wall shall be carried ten (10) inches above grade." and insert the following in lieu thereof: "d. No bearing partition of wall, built of two (2) by four (4) inch wood studding, shall be employed to sup- port more than one floor, attic and roof, and no such flour shall be calculated at more than fifty (50) pounds live load per square foot. Provided, however, that in addition to the one floor, attic, and roof, the first floor joist may be carried on studding in cases where the studding is run down to a double two (2) inch by four (4) inch plate anchored to the foundation wall with three - eighths b /8) inch bolts not less than sixteen (16) inches long and twenty four (24) inches on center, im- bedded in the foundation wall with mortar, and when the top course of said foundation wall is a lintel block course with two .(2) Number Four (b) bars continuous." Section 2 - This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland ass Meredith v PeveTmm , resi ee nt Passed by the Council OCT 71964 ,_�, Tn Favor el A tra_inat OCT 71964 Approve Attest: Ci ' lerk ACtI11V Mayor 1M 8-62 Form approved Corporation Counsel By 9 _ Ll PUBLISHED OCT 10 1964 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER PRESENTED BY - - -- --- — ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. Oros Aq ordinance amending Chapter 39 of the Saint Paul. Legis* lative Code pertaining to $uIlding Gonstructioc. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Section 59.14 wood T*rame Construction shall be amend- ed by deleting item d, subsection 120 which reads as follows "d'. No bearing partition of wall, built of two (2) by four (4) inch wood studding, shall be employed to sup ". port more then one floors attic and roof, and no such floor shall be calculated at more than fifty (50) pounds live load per square foot.. Provided, however, that in ad- dition to the one floor, attic, and roof, the first floor joist may be carried on studding in cases where the stud - ding is run down to a double two (2) inch by four (4) inch pplate, anchored to the foundation wall with three- eighths (3/8) inch bolts not less than ten (10) inches long, imbedded in the foundation wall with mortar and when the said first floor is not more than three t3) feet above the to pp of foundation wail In such cases the foundation wall shall be carried ten 40) inches above grade." and insert the following in lieu thereof ' "d. No bearing partition of wall, built of two (2) by four (4) inch wood studding, shall be employed to tup- .port more than one floor, attic and roof.,, and no such fl66r shall be calculated at more than fifty (50) pounds live load per square foot. Provided;, however, that in addition to the one floor, attic, and roof, the first . floor joist may be carried on studding in-eases where the studding is run down to a double two (2) inch by four (4) inch late anchored to the foundation wall with three- eighths t3 /8) inch bolts not less than sixteen (16) inches long and twent 'four (24) inches on center, im*� bedded in the foundation wall with mortar., and when the top course of said foundation wall is a lintel block course with two (2) Number Four (b) bars continuous,." Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be In force thirty days from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Attest: City Clerk 1M "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the coin CT 7 i4 Approved: -­�Tn Favor Wt6 ry Against & 19 Mayor I st v i' 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app ` -(�r� --Adopted— Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �Dalglish Dalglish Holland Holland Loss Loss Meredith 220068 Meredith Peterson Peterson Rosen / Rosen 0 Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis.