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L, ORIGt.VAL TO%QITY CLERK J��, !A _ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO Mf �, IlJ[LJJLn OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM 'RESENTED BY :OMMISSIONE DAT> WHEREAS, This Council on June 16, 1964, adopted Re mlution, C.F. No. 218716, approving plans and specifications for the construction of Snelling Avenue between Hewitt and Midway Parkway, S. P. 6215 -30 (T. H. 51 =125); and WHEREAS, It has now become necessary to change the method used in the construction of a sewer on the south side of Como Avenue east of Snelling Avenue, which will require the _J' closing of Como Avenue and an extension of the removal and re- placement of the existing facilities in the area by the Minnesota Highway Department contractor; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the Alexander Construction Company, Incorporated, for the aforesaid closing of Como Avenue from Snelling Avenue to approximately 200 feet east, and for the additional removal and restoration of public facilities, upon and in compliance with the following conditions: 1. The permittee shall assume all responsibility for the costs of installation, maintenance and removal of the detour which will be established by the Traffic Engineer of the Department of FOR P�� DZ�w Public Works. - Aid. Corpo n,Counsel 2• The contractor shall assume all responsibility for the removal and replacement of city -owned facilities. 3. The contractor shall agree to perform the work in accordance with Section 19, City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction dated April 1, 1959, as amended, with the exception of paragraph 19.03a pertaining to maximum allowable trench widths. 4. The contractor shall file with the City of Saint Paul a surety bond in the amount of $5,000.00 in a form to be approved COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19 —_ Loss In Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis font 6.62 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK /� /� po�� 'I` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL MM2pvd0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions eas 2 by the Corporation Counsel's Office, to guarantee full compliance with the above specifications. 5. The permittee shall file with the City of Saint Paul a certified copy of a liability insurance policy in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel's Office and in compliance with Sections 1.42 to 1.44 of the.,: Department of Public Works Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction, said sections of General Specifications being incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth herein. 6. The permittee shall comply with the terms and conditions specified in letter dated September 15, 1964, signed by Eugene V. Avery and addressed to permittee, the same being herewith incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. 7. The permittee shall at all time indemnify and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul, its agents, officers and employees from any and all damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits, or expenses arising out of or oc- casioned by the performance of the work contemplated by this permission and authority. 7 in Favor Against SEP 17 SA Adopted by the Council I9—. QOfflQ1 w n ..,..f ftt 17, 196+ cons rtic#m _ 4641 HUMUS,, Ave* = _ 'ltlnpeapo9.3e 6,. XlhYlBSOta �, �aclosed s ei,'copy.. .re' _ - allpted SeA 14 19640.-Aitthorisc Commis er of Public - Works. to issue a peralt to you f C.aio Aver f Suelling 'Aver - to.- approxlwtely� 2�4 fee eta:, subjecfi to - AU the terms _arid cc�3bie�et c�u in reao�i�3o�i. ' truly yourai. y • - r city Glerk _ . . - `.-'O r S ©ptembor 15, Alexander Construction Company 4641 Hiawatha Avenuo Minneapolis 60 Minnesota Attention: Mr, t,.•A: :Mattson, Project Supt. oear Sl-r; 220044 �1 1964 Re; S.P. 6215-30 (TM 51 -125) Snal l i ng Avow Newi tt to Midway Pkt ry. On September 14th, we received a• lattor fr9m you requesting pamission to c 1 oso Co-mo Avenuo from S+na i 1 i ng Avenue to 200 feet cast to f a e l 1 i tato the con$truction of saver work in conjunction with tho above contract. 'Wo have studied this matter and while we feel that it Is definitely unfortunate that Cow Avenue must be closed, the shortness of tim and the complexity and amount of work retmaining to be done sew to Indicate that this is the only possible way of.corrplatincg the required work during the presont construction season. therefore, wo will agree to a Closing of Como Avonue for the twv- reek period as requosted. A chance in the method of construction sinslar to what is proposed here is not uncc=on on city contracts. It sometimes happens that when as contractor Is actually working on the job a method of doing the work beeorr:s possible which was not foreseen at the tim-s of the preparation of the plans. In such cases our normal procedure Is to require that ttie contractor give us an assur- ance'that any extra work, such as rostoration, rerouting of traffic or reloca- tion of utilities wi1i be guaranteed by lain.. -In the present instance it seem reasonable that the city receive the sass assurances In connection with the changes on the Minnesota Highway Department contract. Therefore. our approval of the closing of Como Avenue is based on the written acceptance of the follow- ing conditions by the contractor and the Minnesota Highway Department; 1. Detour Route All costs of installation, maintenance and rewval of detour routo traffic .control daviceo including barricades, signs, markors, flashers, flags, etc. shall be borne by the contractor and they. shall be installed and maintained as designatod by the Traffic o 1: a- :, f j - Page 2 - Engineer of Saint Paul. The cost of all maintenance of the road - way for the detour route as well as any repairs needed to restore It to the previously existing condition after traffic is returned to Como Avenue will be borne by the contractor. 2. Street RestQrstlons All pavement removal, trench backfilling, compaction, pavement restoration and protection to existing utilities and structures shall be done in accordance with Section 19, City of St. Paul, Department of Public Works, "Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction ", dated A pril 1. 1959, with exception of Paragraph 10.03A peartaining to maulmum allowable trench widths. A "Street Opening parmlt" wiil be issued by the Department of Public Works upon receipt of a certified check or furnishing of a bond in the amount of $5,004 by the contractor, which will not be released for return to hiss until approval by the Chief Engineer of the3 City of St. Paul, said ap@aroval being contingent upon lull compliance with these specifications by the contractor and his reimbursement to the City for any and all costs Incurred due to the granting of this permit. All work for which the permit Is necessitated Including restor- ation of street pave=nt and other related structures shall be completed by 0ctoi >ar 31, 1964. All work contemplated by this permit shall be done under the Inspection and control of the project Enginear'for the Minnesota . Highway Department or his delegated representatives. in the event Inspection of this portion of the contractor's work cannot be done by Minnesota highway Department personnel, such Inspection shall be performed by the public Works Department of the City of. St. Paul and the contractor shall reimburse the City for the full cost-thereof. Approved: MIIton Roson Cd;aml ssionar of Public Works cc: E. J. McCubrey R. L. Wheeler G. K. Schonberger R, J. Hawkins yours vary truly, Eugene V. Avery Chief Engineer z <=d1e-XaKJXt CONSTRUCTION CO. 4641 HIAWATHA AVENUE - MINNEAPOLIS 6 MANN.- PA*W&Y 9.2304 September 16, 1964 Mr. Eugene V. Avery C"'ief Enn ineer '134 City Hall 3t. aul, - 1innosota Dear Sir: Res S.P. 6215 -30 (TH 51 -125) Snelling Avenue - Hewitt to Midway Parkway We have your letter of September 15th granting us permission to close Como Avenue from Snelling Avenue to 200 feet east to facilitate the construction of sewer work in conjunction with the above contract. Zfe hereby agree to the conditions set forth in your letter as to the detour route And the street restoration. We will furnish the 15,000.00 bond required guaranteeing full compliance with the "Street Opening Permit." Yours very truly, AISUNDER CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. M. E. Neils Vice President _ �j�Z