220016CITY OF ST. PAUL Ftesolution Ratifying Assessment oub COUNCIL FILE NO. WFA In the matter of the assessment of bemtitao, costs an4 lea for -j Coxwtruetid4 andl restora-Uou :of WL'smlks ana works Aluciftntal theretO Coutract, 624- 5$, -Uvy no. 31.9 District Ito, 2j7 I I Q# Crat1n- ;Ave -' #':'wdvt. oide, .0%yara, Aye. north,,'anro e d= U6 ft.. • abutuis Lot 300, Mko 5-s luver BIV41.1 Add, ProporW )mom .as_ 2�83 Zvmrd Avg F.'O. #208602 JWib Ave.* both sidpa **m ClwrWAnd Ave,6 to FUM St. Fioa J2687U DayAto Ave i,#' both sidefs* fr(z OriW ati' to SyMjoato St,, P.O- 0083�5 -J3YnU-0atA otA'j, 640t sips from Zw=x Ave. 0outh appro4mtely 1500 abutting lot. XAj his 24,0 A E&' Fw*14 Add., Wa * At of$. 4iown. 4s- =6 raux a Avenue. Fa 0 U F,06 » Da4t= Avenueo both vifts :fzvm 11ovell t4 -Dwa2r Str"t. Y F.Oj FOO. 101 FAUmpudt Avei a north- &UW tr= NOW031 Street to Prior Avenue. P.O VA -ayPV4-- St. K ztj eaid aisse: -7M- a bh�h F.0 ng satisfac sr -at �Q.PA iPtx'%VAA'-" �- ';A%aq'PPV'%L red 4 o -t46602 Ave ip bqt�i 01deaIrmO.Uveland Avd. t,6 Fitastf, P.O. '12,W Da�� Ave - both ade# frda Gri#op St, to Sybdic4to Afid't 4M� 'jY-R,0b --io�l '1150 Wixbflng Fio, 114w4aw lot 14 -- BI k 24,� A S r t to ka La, .4,7 VT 'x I Jg same is bereb'=AW-DAM. to lyto e� F.O. #2000 ii, ,d to be Poo., Day�cn.Avwudp both] sidoo frm 710well St., to D*wy Street., -AVd!jj,1 *NU44. fro Wbxviek Sy* to Pas munt Ave..* no - h-0140 frw govo3i S#aa to PrJor. Avenue rt giO. #208353 Davem Stop. veat side- ftVM'X0rk#hire AvOe t4 Ua opath approx, 1$21 abutting t� groperty known 0'§9% DaVern St M. #208 U0 — WACO,Avotp north Avo. to, Da"ra St. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland LOSS Meredith Peterson Rosen VaVoulis T-n Favor ,ainst Form R-2 2M 10-63 8 SEp 16 %4 Adopted by the Council Z-7 SEP 16 10 - �r Mayor 4 t f s �Y. CITY OF ST. PAUL '? 19,6 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE RepYbrt of Completion of Assessment In the matter of the assessment of wwssuj; Coo# d exp000r for 220016 coo ouet#4 arA xotmUw of otdmlu W vorlk �1� # . ' 3t t*1, t~ 62- WOO,* X*V_ 40i, U$: 040triotl 300.2 ASSESSABI;R r -,. • > >' _ ! F. 0 : towbol, - Cretin Ave., west side from Bayard Ave. north approximately, 126 ft. abutting Lot 30, Blk. 5, River Blvd. Add. Property known as..2183 Bayard Ave. ' F.O. #208602 - Juno Ave., both sides from Cleveland Ave. to Finn St. F.O. #208711 - Dayton Ave., both sides, from Griggs St. to Syndicate St. F.O. #208355 - Syndicate St., east side from Laurel Ave. south approximately 1501 abutting Lot 14, Block 24, Anna E. Ramsey's Add., Enlargement of, known as 1276 Laurel Avenue. F.O.1#o860o;'- �Jul3et; Aye.-,, ,both�sides,from,PrioryAve,:.to Cleo_ e].an_d,Avenu_e,......�.,,_..�y F.O. #208986 - Dayton Avenue, both sides from Howell St. to Dewey Street. F.O.#209098;s; j�JeffersontAve'.; both- sides fr -om Wairwck_St.�tp.,Pascal, Street.w.^: -�� F.O. #2W101 - Fairmount Ave.., north side from Howell Street to Prior Avenue. F.O. 1 35_3 Davern-.St.,%west.side_- from- Yorkshire Ave..to.the south- approx..132;�ab tong . _ .._.. r -- - - the property known as 997 ^Davern St. F.O. ;# 208x710 ,u;;;Palsce-Ave�.,,�nortIL,,q de from Macalester Ave. to Davern St. F.O. #208985 - Exeter Place, west side from Marshall to Dayton Ave. The Co:.irais?1 "ontz of Fiimuce hereby ;cr:;rts to the Courcit.the ae 4 .1-4'tcriOd of the oY- NON- AS$ESSABLE,:,,,Pi4g,ii,lly Inc'2rre?l for A-nd in eorr^etlor, Zvi �t the m"h- �C7".of rte+-♦ above fr.Jpewcment, vii;: F.O.` O Juno Ave., both sides from Clevelan Ave. to Finn St. F.O. #208711 - Dayton Ave., both sides from Griggs St. to Syndicate St. F.O. #208355 --,p d�cate�S�t..,.(east side from Laurel Ave. south approximately,1501 abutting [iR 4 r l v 'J.}yU ♦ • +pi.��- r- lr •.,: �y N._ —. qr LLrBlock 21+, Anna E. Ramsey`1 Adds. Enlargement of, known as 1276 ILaurR,L.Avenue, .. ........ . , . . , .. .. '- a 1. s .. r . .. f F.O. #208600 ?Julit, -Ave. both sides from Prior Ave. to Cleveland Ave. 1' Zia le, cfAai) s •. F.O. #208986 - �lytar Avenue, both 'sides ,from Howell •St to Dewey Street: '� x t.��.. .. w-- F.O. #209098 jpyfer�son..Ave.,, ,both sides from Warwick St. to Pascal St. I - 0 F.O. #209101 -,r atiirmont fave�.,j.�northxside from $owell�$treet; to Prior Avenue_ F.O. #208353 - Dsvern St., west side from Yorkshire•Ave. to the- soutYi"a`,_ . 1321 abutting .��tthgrtpr9perty,,,;nown;ia 997 Davern St. �'' .�': �._ $_ F.O. #208T10 norh.side }Drom,Macalester;Ave.to^Dev- ern SKI r ....................... ins ems- ms's........... INet Assessment ... ............................... $ 22.046E I l Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 2p,4n5 -41 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. - Dated August 18, 464 Co issioner inane Form R.2 2M 10.68 8. a� ,6 9/15/64 Dr. Greenberg of 2115 Juno Avenue called about the hearing tomorrow, September 16, on the ratification of the assessment for sidewalks on Contract 62 -M -253, Dist. No. 2, Levy 11. This is for sidewalks on Juno Ave. between Cleveland and Finn. He -said the entire block protested the recon- struction of these sidewalks but that the Public Works put them in anyway. He said that in his neighborhood there are places such as on Cleveland near St. Catherine's College where there are no sidewalks. He said they are being assessed for these sidewalks whather they needed them or not. Since tomorrow is a Jewish Holiday, Day of Atonement, he will be unable to attend the hearing, but he does not approve of the side- walks being put in when they were not needed.