220001220001 . _ ,j CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO i Resolution Approving Assessment By- < and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon Eaxwl In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for construction and res- toration of sidewalk and work incidental thereto: - Contract 62 -M -255, District No. 4, Levy No. 9 F _ ASSESSABLE: r� F.O. 204741 - Seventh St., north side and the east side of Sibley St. from the east line of Lot .6, Blk. 2, to the north line of Lot 10, Blk. 2, all in Whitney & Smiths Addition together with all areaways, coal - holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other under- ground ft68 lities of every description, and provided that all permits heretofore granted by,said City of St. Paul for the installation and /or maintenance of such areaways, coal- , holee, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description will be and the same are hereby revoked unless said areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels ' tau ' afthei'� nderg ouiii]" facie' ies :'.o`f'eve on iee£ ®d'by "said'pefeii'ttee_ on or before date which is one year after the date of final approval of this order; ei�c' fiat; fu` rhei;'tib"Iprxmen'"o "f "Publi�c� parka;" ttxiougTi 'itsr.Ciiief"En'g`ixa, *"i8`�* " ,r T% authotiged and directed to fill in and remove such areaways, coal - holes, trap- 00Y W "!(Gnnele" " wrati-rar giise'rgroun` ac i -tje' '�of Fevery''desciil3tfon; '"ttYe`'° ezmitteca of which areaways, coal- holes, trapdboraj tunnels a)ad other underground facilf'ties of Ttic ths'�'Ba`��`to the Batt °efactio "iixf�ithg'``Gtr Engineer on or before the,�apove.mentioned �date�a c .* e , t w a , -, c,.� a rc to t . Conneff..,•;1d, VIA t_ � .ba•v::5 c• .yid rtd same .0. T05�633 - Ninth 'S eoutl aide from xchange St. to in ,St. g F.,O.Ao4 4 55 s�az igt th,, the�s'Ide tf�r.�v ,, gib1cji St . , east to the east 'line of Lot 100 Bik. 2,r Whitney and Smith's Addition. F:.0;�1 `2d�.318ia; &el lrogg�;St�. is t�tratde - froth- Sua�atit ita�M llie =fir;! ;efal'.i.Sua i't, Avenue south ;yid, rom'Kell gg:St ;."'to appr aaakily'"106 'feet east:' RF `L'VLD T vri 'll£;lt, That 4 publid hearing Le 1&r ,•' , at thellh�4z�t;r %€ 16 ,,eiOdc -A. lit.. jr til- Corm, cil .Cl,rtml>cr of &D., 204741`- �eyt t �5t, , ip��x�� : �d i�d ",the; 'a.sfi,;, side of Sibley St from tt�e a�at iTns''of Lot {G, BlE tai` t�e' north `lfne oi` 1:ot,10, `Blk.' 2, tall iii 'W�i3�atneq � f Saaitti�a dd ti!on, tole hey ;wi.b +�1? re�ways,,t coal- ha]na -,!. trapdoors„ �X�nzw�Is, ingeother_ under- , ground facilities of every description, and provided`that all permits heretofore granted ►1�ya a ;d iCi.ty of �S:t�hePauln fo ��be; F�Sta let ,cpr aided /or' -tints nget nf� 8u h tarauWa s coal- :. - �- -._ �i �._ . 1- Y,..�:;: holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description will be. rani- ' "thm'GSiatae'iThereb�r cc3v ©lend unless said areaways, coo-.- holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description are reconstructed by said permfttee on or before A date which i8,one year after,the date -of final approval.of this ordea`; And �ffi. ;Utsjtle�7r, the j�apartntetat of, Public Worlce, through' itg Chief n�i'., is ereby authorised• and - directed to fill in 'and remove •.Stich ateavi ay ,' is %al -Eo es, trap- P. Fdoois tunaell� a �'bthor underground facilities - o -ev �,;, de ,cri tion the ermittee_s g I r i - sa•LuN 4L -pr c,} la }.tar. �.--� .. ,.. P of which areaways; coal- holes; trapdoors ,, ,tunnels and other �t4ac�ergroiand facilities of evpry;.degcription foil to re`construtt the ,same to the aaifstact ior> of;the City Engineer_; �bn og rbe£ogo the above mentioned date. -• * *� �w;.+ ' k.O.1:'.2056 3 -Ninth St. south side from Exchange, 5 : r;to- ;M&in.$ti._'_.,._.,.� #.O. M2104855 - Eighth St., south side £roan Sibley St /east• t -o the east line 'of Lot 10, Rost:• Blk. 2', Whitney and Smiths Addition. .,4 ,_� !� �'.O.V,��209318 - Kellogg 5t., cost �-s deFfrom,3ummit�to- 14tilbei - .kndrSulkit- •.Avenue -south • aide from kellogg'��St, to approximately 106 feet, Form R -z 2M 10-63 s Against PUBLISHED SEP 1 9 1964