219973COUNCIL FILE N0. B 2140 -L FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of Opening, widening street purposes west of Jackson D and F in Soo Line Plat Number to St. Paul lying between the n, the arc of a circle having a 50 line of Hawthorne Avenue and 87 under Preliminary Order 218720 and extending HAWTHORNE AVENUE creating a cu] -de -sac for Street by condemning and taking those parts of Lots C, 3 and that part of Lot 6, Block 1, Dawson's Fourth Addition Drth and south right -of -way lines of Hawthorne Avenue and foot radius, the center of said circle being on the center feet west of the west line of Jackson Street, approved June 16, 1964 Intermediary Order 219658 approved August 18, 1964 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto,,and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- prov_ement to be made _ by the said Citv is Openg widen,;, and extend HAWTHORNE AVENUE creating a cul -de -sac for / street purposes.*# of Jackson Street by condemning and taking those parts of (� Lots C and F ih , §S6o' Line Plat Number 3 and those parts of Lots 6, 7, and 8,- Block 1, Dawson s Fourth Addition to St. Paul lying between the north and south right- of_way lines of HAWTHORNE AVENUE and the are of a circle having a 45 foot j radius, the center of said circle being on the center line of HAWTHORNE AVENUE and 147,74 feet west of the west line of Jackson Street,---- and the CounCd re eby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are ____ _ _- __hereby ordered to be taken,�propriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: Opens widen and extend HAWTHORNE AVENUE creating street ng a cul-de -sac far purposes west of Jackson Street by condemning and taking those parts of Lots C and F in Soo Line Plat Number 3 and those parts of Lots 6 Block 1, Dawson's Fourth Addition to St. Pant lying between the north and 88outh �1 right-of-way lines of HAWTHORNE AVENUE and the are of a circle having a 45 foot 11 radius, the center of said circle being on the center line of HAWTHORNE AVENUE and 147.74 feet west of the west line of Jackson Street_ directed to prepare plans and specifications for said- improvement , authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. - -T 5 Adopted by the Council SEP 1 196 / A � Approved — Councilmen: DeCou rcy ` Hotland Peterson Rosen t Mr. President. Vavoulis SEP 115 1964 . 19 Q vz,, I N City Clerk. Mayor. HAWTHORNE- Jackson to Cul -de -sac OPENING =� Open, widen and extend HAWfHORNE AVENUE creating a cu) -de -sac for street purposes west of Jackson Street by condemning and taking those parts of Lots C and F in Soo Line Plat Number 3 and those parts of Lots 6, 7, and 8 Block 1, Dawson's Fourth Addition to St. Paul lying Between the north and south right - of -way lines of HAWTHORNE.AVENUE and the arc of a circle having a 45 foot radius, the center of said circle being on the center line of HAWTHORNE AVENUE and 147.74 feet west of the west line of Jackson Street OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: 1 219658 �I June 25, 1964 The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- liminary order of the Council known -as Council File No. 218720 approved June 16, 1964 relative to r -- --- �--- 1�p�n�•-- Sri• cf et��- ext�r td-- F}Alii�iORtiC�t� #liR"��t't � - - - - - +� e -sac or street purposes i west of Jacks.on-.1t., by, condemns ng and _taking thosQ parts of Lots.' C, 0 and F in 500 tune P1-at�NtAber 3-and - that- rarTt -cff- ot- f�D1 tC -1; awson s our. Fi d'd t on to St.- - 'Paul lying,- between the north and south right+of -way dines of Hawthorne Ave. and ---- arc --of arcAr-- c- l�e- havfng- a- 50-=fcot- radius- --tho-2t-n'te-r of sad circle being —W 'the e center line of Hawthorne Avenue and 87 feet west of the west line of Jackson St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $• 2, A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attache e a part hereof. �?► Off, 3,utiat by the Commissioner of Public Works X N nn N VE 9em t is asked for upon petition DOT, of Commissioner of Public Works Oo 0 ' o W V Q.- a moo• O 2 y 0 b � m Z 4 71ti N w a m� �y e 9 � o .11 o Q -p v 0 � a ti moo• O 2 y 0 b � m Z 4 71ti LL_ Z a m� �y O n 9 � o .11 G Q ti � Y if l W � oar •v ..d 6 ad iYa.Y -,� � a Lr,19IrA LL_ Z a m� �y O n 9 � o .11 G Q ti � Y if