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PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITf EE CML SERVICE COMMIS: Has tnis ae�seNfirm eVerwvrkea unaer a conuact torthis depanment? YES NO Nas ttBS p'-rsoMnm ever 6een a city empbyce? , . YES NO Doec Mis Pa��rm P� a sldll nd ramwllYP�se�ed EY anY cUrtent atY emPloYee7 YES NO Is tFxs peisanKmn a tarpeted �nxMM YES NO There are various object codes in Fund 305 that have�deficit spending authority. A budget transfer is needed to clear the deficit accounts. Deficit object codes will be cleared. RECEl�/ED APR 10199$ CfTY CLER'rC NONE There will be deficit object codes. OFTRANSACTIONS 16,368 SOURCE RAC21DtS (�WM COST/REVENUEBUDCETED�dRCLEON� VES NO ACTIVITYNUFIBEFt UdT10ll5 �� .� G- C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �roved Copi� to: - City Clerk (Originaq - Finance Dept's Accounting Division - Requesting Dep4 CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the anthoriiy granted to the Mayor in Section 10A7.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Chief of the St. Paul Police Department to amend the 1997 bndget of the Special Fund (43�, the Director of the Office of Financiat Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: FROM: 436 - Special Projects-Police 34103 - Weed and Seed Program 0547 - Payment To Sub Contractor 34105 - Asian Youth Initiative Program U439 - Fringe Benefits 34106 - COPS More Technology 0848 - Other - Specialized Eqnipment 34107 - School Liaison Program 0219 - Fees - Other Professional Services 0259 - Other - Travel,Training • 0369 - Other Office Supplies 0821- Cars & Motarcycles 34115 - COPS Ahead 0439 - Fringe Benefits 34117 - Chie�'s Training Activity 0354 - Law Enforcement Supplies 34119 - Automated Pawn System 011l - Full Time Permanent 0856 - Data Processing Software Q857 - Data Processing Hardware 34120 - Special Investigations 0219 - Fees - Other Professional Services 34127 - Narcotics Control Grant - Surveillance 0298 - Invesfigations 34132 - Communications Services 011l - Full Time Permanent 34134 - Weed and Seed III (AFI+� 0251- Transportation 3A140 - LLEBG II(Local Law Enforcement Block Grant I� 0547 - Payment To Sub Contractor 34141 - Weed and Seed ECON 0369 - Other Office Supplies • (Continued on Page 2) •! 11 •, �•1 • BUDGET REVISION 33,000 18,26� 450,000 2,100 7,189 2,000 7,lOQ (90) 32,910 (1,905) (21,196) (1,659) ('7,189) (1,639) (7,016) 120,976 5,000 28,734 2,793 20,813 12,OOU 67,310 35,206 5,000 6,190 No: D�is�� Date: �-/-/�`�JS�' (5,85� (2,077) (8,382) ��� (3,565) (7,003) (19,787) (3,699) (3,049) (128) 16,355 428,804 441 0 361 84 115,121 5,923 20,352 1,495 17,248 4,997 47,523 31,507 1,951 6,062 6,000 (3,109) 2,$91 832,671 (98,646) 734,025 e�a3s Page 1 of 2 (Continued from Page 1) \J TO• 436 - Special Projects-Police 34103 - Weed and Seed Program 0369 - Other Office Supplies 34105 - Asian Yuuth Initiaiive Program 011 l- Full Time Permanent 34106 - COPS More Technology Ol ll - Full Time Not Certified 0141- Overtime 0439 - Fringe Benefits 34107 - School Liaison Program 011l - Full Time Not Certified 34ll5 - COPS Ahead 0111- Full Time Not Certified 34117 - Chie£s Training Activity 011l - Full Time Permanent 0439 - Fringe Benefits 34119 - Automated Pawn System 0299 - OtLer Miscellaneous Services 34120 - Special Tnvestigations 0799 - Transfer-Out Intrafund • 34127 - Narcotics Control Grant - Surveillance 0851 - Radio Equipment 34134 - Weed and Seed III (AFI� 0857 - Data Processing Hardware 34140 - LLEBG II(Local Law Enforcement Block Grant II) 0848 - Other - Specialized Equipment 34141- Weed and Seed ECON 0857 - Data Processing Hardware �4►5� CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 54,157 0 0 0 161,098 358,799 58,789 16,831 0 144,910 98,460 90 5,604 16,058 642 4,496 17,503 5,855 1,570 507 ]3,245 7,003 19,787 3,049 128 90 59,761 16,058 642 4,496 178,601 364,654 60,359 17,338 13,245 151,913 19,787 3,049 98,588 0 3,109 3,109 893,044 98,646 991,690 uiM �1� ' q0' Approved by: of Financial Services Date 9�a3s Page 2 of 2 * ' DATEINITIATED PoliceDepartment an6�9a GREEN SHEET Ho. 6Q487 CONTACT PERS N 8 PHONE INInAVDA7E INRwuDAtE ChiefFillltey 292-3588 -`:. --:_ � AfCiMEIfIdRECfOR_ RYCOUNpL MUSTBEONCOUNCILACaENDABY(DA J - : -- ���5 '. '�_ , �p�rATIORf�Y � J �cf�YCLQM ....... __... _ - {. V V�� � c �ruvu�CIAlSEfMCE3DIX._ , -r �ru�wm.w�SERVfHCCTG i�i V __'" _ri _ _.....'-_ � ynwYOR(OF[A355TAN1� I / . ..__ .. __.... __ i�i TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N REQUESTED Approval of the auached Administrative Order to provide sufficient funding at the budgek control levels of the Police Department's 1997 Special Projects-Police Special Revenue Fund (436). RECOMMENDATION ApProV2 (A) OI' Rejetf (R) PERSONAL SERVICE GONTRACTS MUSTANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUEST70N5: 1. Has this persontfirtn ever worked under a coMract for Ynis tleparimerR� PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMI'fTEE 2. Has this personffrtn ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this personfiirm pos5ess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current cRy employee� YES NO 4, Is this personffirtn a targetetl vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet IATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1� provide adequate funding at the budget control levels of the Police Deparhnent's 1997 Special Projects-Police Special Revenue Pund Budget (436). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Police DepaztmenYs ]997 Special Projects-Police Special Revenue Fund Budget (436) will have adequate funding at the budget control levels. DISADVANiAGES IF APPROVED None appazent. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police DepazhnenYs 1997 Special Projects-Police Special Revenue Fund Budget (436) will be overspent at the budget control levels. ALAMOUNi OF TRANSAC710N S 98,646.00 C0.5LREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Special Projects-Police (436) ACfIVITY NUMBER Vait011S FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) � �