06-759S V� s � j- � �`,I_ �O /w Council File # O6-� 7 'f{�"1 V ��► Green Sheet #�O3/$�g RESOLUTION CITY AUL, MINNESOTA Presented i Resolution Addressing Saint Paul District Counci113 Organization and Funding s WHEREAS, in 2003 and 2004 the City of Saint Paul worked with all of the City's district councils to redefine the a fixnding formula to better meet the needs of the City's citizens by more equitably apportioning Ciry funds among the s City's 17 district councils; and � WHEREAS, District Council 13 is comprised of three distinct communiTy councils: Lexington-Hamline CommuniTy a Council, Snelling-Hamline Community Council and Merriam Park Community Council; and �o WHEREAS, the community councils are not in agreement that the cunent funding formula is fair and equitable; �z WHEREAS; historically, funding within District Council 13 has taken into account not just the population of the �s individual community councils, but also the capacity of the community council organization to continue their mission; �a and is �e WHEREAS, in the current environment of significant fiscal constraint, Merriam Park Community Council has n expressed deep concern to other communiry and district councils and the City about its ability to continue to manage is effectively; and 19 zo WHEREAS, Council File #06-759, a resolution which establishes a new district council (District 18) comprised of z� only Merriam Park Community Council, was an attempt to rectify this ongoing structural problem with District 13; zz and 23 2a WHEREAS, the idea of creating an additional district council (District 18) is fraught with sufficient difficulties and zs complications to make it an unviable solution; and 26 z� WHEREAS, the introduction of this resolution (Council File #06-759) did provide the impetus for the City to request za that the three community councils comprising District Council 13 meet to see if an arrangement could be reached 29 among the three to address the concerns already brought forward by Merriam Park, and address additional concerns so that Lexington-Hamline or Snelling-Hamline brought forwazd; and 31 3z WHEREAS, the City Counci] provided staff to support and convene the discussions of these community councils and 33 there have been three lengthy meetings on November 3, November 13, and December 4; and 34 35 WI-IEREAS, on November 15, the City Council laid this resolution over to allow additional time for the group to come 36 to consensus by December 4; and 37 ss WHEREAS, the three communiTy councils have not been able to reach agreement on a joint statement to the City s9 Council by the CiTy Council deadline; now, therefore be it ao at RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby directs that all 2007 CiTy funding for Lexington-Hamline az Community Council, Snelling-Hamline Community Council and Merriam Park Community Council not be released, as and shall instead be placed into a contingency fund for Districtl3; and be it further 44 as ItESOLVED, that the City Council directs that 2007 funds be made available to District 13, as a singulaz entity, 46 operating under a single boazd with its own bylaws; and be it further D�str¢t Counal 13 Resolu[ion, Page 2 of 2 z �/�� ( J� s RESOLVED, that the City Council directs that the Boazd of Directors of the newly constituted District Counci113 a shall be selected (and subsequently elected) according to a grid system based on population with the areas represented s by Lexington-Hamline and Snelling-Hamline having at least one addirional representative to be elected at large from e each of their districts, and addirional representation for those azeas shall be negoriated in the development of the � bylaws for District 13; and 9 RESOLVED, that the City Council directs Planning and Economic Development to make available for Januazy 2007 a io pro-rated amount of annual funds, using 2006 funding formulas and levels, for each of the three community councils; i i and be it finally iz is RESOLVED, that the City Council requests a report from these community councils on February 7, 2007 which 1) ta indicates the goveming board structure; 2) provides the City Council with a draft of the organization's bylaws'; and 3) �s provides the City with an application for funds which includes a plan for the aliocation of funds within the dishict. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � Bostrom � Harris � Helgen � Lantry � Montgomery �/ Thune i/ f Adopted by Council: Date /02�� /LI� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary / By: /� /!r�` Approved b a} 03. Date /�- �� �1 By: Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � Green Sheet Green Sheet -Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � co -co���� Gontact Person & Phone: Jay Benanav Must Be on Councii Agen� ��-11� _ r nn �-A�� �� I Green Sheet NO: oG-7�9 3031878 InitiaWate � uepaNneni aem �e rc�avu 0 unc8 AsSign 1 ounN e artrnen Direc[ r Number Z rk (,ti Clerk For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Establishing [he Merriam Park Community Council as a separate District Council identified as District 18 with the same benefits and responsiblities as other planning districts in the City. or Rejeci (R): � Personal Service Contracts MustMswerthe Planning Commission 1, Has this persoNfirm e�er worked untler a contrect for this department? CIB Committee Yes No CiHI Senice Gommission 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separaM sheet antl attach to green sheet initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity �Who, Wha; When, Where, Why): AdVantages MApproved: Disadva�tages If Approved: DisativanbAes If Not ApD�oved: Transaction: FundingSource: � Financial Infortnation: (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Tiumber: CounCii Research 'AUG 07 20U6 August 4, 2006 9:27 PM Page 1 Substitute - October 18, 2006 Council File # �/ - f�J Green Sheet# 3031878 ,� RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ESTABLISHING MERRIAM PARK CONTMiJNITY COUNCIL AS A SEPARATE DISTRICT COtTNCIL � (Amended) WHEREAS, the City Saint Paul's District Council system was established more than thirty-yeazs ago with the mission to aid d encourage formalized citizen participation in matters relating to the city and its neighborhoods, and WHEREAS, District 13 is uni e among Saint Paul's district councils, in that is contains three community councils rather than one; and WHEREAS, the Meniam Park Coxn�unity Council serves a population of 13,190 which is larger than six other existing districts; and � WHEREAS, becoming a separate district uncil would allow the Merriam Pazk Community Council to better and more equitabiy serve its constitue s; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that Merriam Pazk Community C ncil is authorized to establish itself — and shall be recognized by the City of Saint Paul — as a new p ing district under the City's citizen participation system; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this new district shall be ed on the existing boundaries of the Merriam Park neighborhood and be identified as District 18 and sh 1 enjoy the same benefits and responsibilities as other planning districts in the City; and be it dollar list. Requested by DepartmA�it o£ � Form Approved by City Attorney By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor. Date Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Sy: � Adopted by Council: Date Council Fi►e # � .S Green Sheet # 't ' OFi�AINT PAUL, MlNNESOTA by 1 RESOL ON ESTABLISHING MERRIAM PARK COMMUNTIY COUNCIL AS A SEPARATE 2 DISTRICT COUNCIL 3 4 5 WHEREAS, the City Saint PauP s District Council system was established more than thirty-years ago 6 with the mission to aid d encourage formalized citizen participation in matters relating to the city and its 7 neighborhoods, and 8 9 WHEREAS, District 13 is um ue among Saint Paul's district councils, in that is contains tl�ree community 10 councils rather than one; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the Merriam Pazk Co unity Council serves a population of 13,190 which is larger than six 13 other existing districts; and 14 15 WHEREAS, becoming a separate district c cil would allow the Merriam Pazk Community Council to 16 better and more equitably serve its constituen � now therefore be it 17 18 RESOLVED, that Merriam Pazk Community Cou 1 is authorized to establish itself— and shall be 19 recognized by the City of Saint Paul — as a new pl ' g district under the City's citizen participation 20 system; and be it 21 22 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this new district shall be base on the existing boundaries of the Merriam 23 Park neighborhood and be identified as District 18 and shall e`oy the same benefits and responsibilities as 24 other planning districts in the City. Requested by Deparhnent � Form Approved by City Attorney � Adoption CeRified by Council Secretary Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to By: By: Approved by Mayor: Date � Adopted by Council: Date