219926i ORIGINA4 TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL,�RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM O NCIL NO. 21-9926 WHEREAS, on November 1, 1963, a Citizens Committee to study the adviaability, practicality and value of establishing a JOINT CITY - COUNTY DATA PROCESSING CENTER was appointed by the Mayor, and 1�r WHEREAS, that committee has recommended the establishment of a Policy Committee and a Working Committee to implement its rec- ommendations, and WHEREAS, on June 11, 1964, the Working Committee has rec- ommended "That the balance of work program and employees operating in the Comptroller's installation be transferred to the Board of Education," and WHEREAS,, the Board of Education has requested by its re- solution (B.F.. "0388) that a Central Data Processing Fund be estab- lished and the 8gmptroller establish procedures, and WHEREAS, the Comptroller recommends that to effectuate the financing of this recommendation a Working Capital Fund entitled "Central Data Processing Fund" should be established, therefore be it • RESOLVED, that a Central Data Processing Fund is hereby ' established, and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Fund shall be used to charge personnel and all other costs pertinent to the operation of the combined "Comptroller- Education" tab operations, such costs to be billed to the Board of Education, the Comptroller, and such other agencies as the Comptroller shall direct. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Ekfflaud` Loss In Favor Peterson ^° Against Resen- r ' f :Mr� Mr. N" --e President (Rosen) 10M 8-82 SEP 91 Adopted by the Council 19— SEP 9 ' Approved 19— ®�� Mayor