06-754Council File # �/� Green Sheet # 3031507 CITY Presented by RESOLUTION AIDJT RAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the �� attached Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Council #14, Clerical #2508 to extend the previously-approved pilot project within the Saint Paul Public Library Agency, for the job classifications of Library Clerk I— IV. Requested by Office of Human Resources � Form � BY� �' , � Approved by Date � J Q; b6 Mayor: � ., "<) —. � Form Approved by City Attomey B Form Ap ve Mayor for Su mission to Council B ����R.t)� 1'� G•r.S, Adopted by Date Council: �. "j Adoprion Certified by Conncil cretary o6-�s� G sT DEPARTMENT/OFF[CECOUNCII.: � � -DATE INITTA7'ED , �0�1 GO Human Resources 7/25/06 GREEN SHEET No.: s� CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: j LDATE IN1TfAL/AA'CE LeeAIIn TuiChin, 266-6517 � nsenxrn�z+r mm �s�� y urr mvrecu. MIJSTBEONCOUNCII.AGENDA BY(DATE) ASSIGNED .�cm'nrmnt+sr SarY NUMBERFOR ROUTING X�+`/S`��vDUt FINANCW.SERNACCPG ORDER 'db1AYOR(ORASSL.) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACCION REQUESTED: Approval of attached Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the City and AFSCME Local #2508 is requested. The MOA repiaces the previously-approved pilot project MOA for the Library Clerk 7ob Family. RECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC'IS MUST AIVSWER THE FOI.LOWING QUE51'[ONS: t. Has dtis persodfvm ever waiked mder a wntract for Htis depa*unentl PLANNING COMMISSION Yu No CIB COMMIITEE 2. Has this persod5rtn everbem a city ertq�io}�ee? CIVILSEAVICECOMMISSION Yu No 3. Doa f]tis persoNfirm possess a skill not no�rt¢tly possessed by any c�rtrent city employee? Yes No 4. Is tliis persoNfixm a targeted vendoYt Yes No Fxplain aIl yes amwers an separete sheet and aKach to g�een sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI71' (Who, What, When, R'here, Why�: �le Cl� 2Sid �SCME �5�8 CT1tCTEd 1nt0 3i1 agreement in 2005 believing that what they had mutually agreed to would work administratively and be beneficial to the parties involved. However, upon nnplementation, it was determined that the nnplementarion strategy would be unfair and troublesome for t1FSCME-represented employees and the Library Agency administration. A new agreement was reached by the parties which is outlined in the attached MOA dated 7uly 24, 2006. nnvAtv'racES � nrrxovev: The Library Agency and the AFSCME-represented employees at the Saint Paul Library Agency will both receive benefits from a revision to the promotional process for Library Clerks. nisAnv.�TacES � arrxovEU: The current system of huing and promorion will be used, which is not as beneficial to the parties affected. uisnnva�TncES iF Nrn' arrxovev: The goals and objectives of the Saint Paui Public Library Agency and those of the Library Clerk Competency Team, comprised of library employees, will not be implemented. ToTat, nnzovN•r oF �rnnivsncnoN: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIl� �+�UpCll KBS���Gh �17ter ������� No additional costs are involved. �f1 � � ,}�'� �, ����� �� 9 � ��`�����`� G:�Shared�l Projects�I.brary.AgencyWdminSupporlCompetencies90A�Draft UOCUm2M16�eCn511ee[.m03. /.GVIIb.aOC :� rra •;��� ` Belowarecairectrovtingsfarthesncmostfrequenttypesofdoc�ents: CONTRACTS (assumes suthorizsd budget eazstsj 1- OutsideA8ena5' 2. Depaitm�tD'uector 3. CityAttomep � � 4. Mayor/Assistsnt(forcontractsover�$25,000) 5. Human Rights (for contracts over $SO,OOQ) 6. Office ofFinancial Services - AccoimEmg an�szttn� ozzn�zs �soagecx�;��� 1. ActivityManegerorDepart�ntAccount�t Z DepattrnentDirector � � � 3. O�ce of Fmsnciat S�vices Director 4. Citp Clerk 5, O�ce ofFinancisl Services - Accoun4ng ADMIDiLS1TZATIVE ORDIIZS (all othecs) I. DepaclmentD'uector 2. City Attomey 3. Office ofFin�cial S�vices Dicector 4. Cify C[edc ' COUNCIG RESOE7TTION�(amend badgets/acoept gants} L DepachnentDirecfir 2. QfficeofBin�eiatServicesDirector', 3. Cit9 Attom'ey , 4. Mayor/Assistant. . . , 5. City Go�cil, ' 6. , Qffice ofFinanciat Services - Acconnting couricII;�sor,u�ox��tt ort� ffiaora��� t. nepactmencn;recror , 2: CilyAttcnney 3. , Mayor/Assistant- 4_, Cilg Camc�l II�CUTIVE, ORDER L. ,Depm�tD'uector 2. Cil.YAtto?rie}' 3. , MayodY�ssist�f , , 4: City Cierk r' TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNAT(3RE PAGES Fndicate Uie # ofPages on wIuch sigoat�ses are ra4�'� � P��P or flsg eacti Mthese page.+. ACITONREQiJESTED � � � � � � � � � � � � � � DescHbe wliatthe ProJect/recNeat seeks to acxomplish'ia either c}imnological, orderor order of �porF�ce, whicfieva is most appropriste for the issue, Do not write complexe sentences. Begin each item umyo� IisfwiUi a vub., , RECO1tiIlvIENDATIONS � � � � � � � � Complete �the issue m ques[ion has been presented before anP �Y Pnblic � private. PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: , Tbis i�amationtvitl be used to dete;mine the city's liabilityfor wodcers c�mpensalion claims, taaces and proper ciml ' secvice htting n�les. II�III7ATII�7GPRO�LEL� ISSUE, OPPORT[JNITY„ , Explsin the sid�stion or conditions that cieated s needfonYois Prn.lect or request ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED , Indicate whetfier ttiis is simply'an �nal budBetProc�se re4�rired bY law/chazYer orwhether there sre,specific ways m wlrich the Cily of SamtPanl and its citizens wi71 benefitfirom ffiis p[oject%action. DT59DVANTAGFS IF APPROAID :, Wf�atnegative effects � majoz ch�ges to existing or past,P� �B� � P%i�=�N�PI�ce ifit is passed ,, � � fe-&,4raffic'delays,noise;taxmcreasesarassessments)? �To,�vliomY When?Fothowlong? � � � DISADVAI3TAGES IF NOT APPROVID Whatwiltbetlienegative'aonseqaeoces�thepromisedacti�isnof,epprovedT Tnab�7ityto;deliverseryice? Contmue fiigfi fraffiq noise, accidenf iatel Loss ofreve¢ue? FINANCfAL IIviPACT � AlthamghyonmosttaiTorthci�'orFnati�poupmvide,here,totheissue�Youareaddressm�mgraeralyuumusCansa%er � � two queshons it going W cost? Who �s S�m$ � P$S`t _,f�owmnch'is' , � � , ', � �� ��� � � � �� � � �r.,�, 06-75� 2006 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, governing the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council #5, Clerical #2508 hereby state that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project descnbed in the aitached documents tifled "Competency Modeling Project - Library Clerk Job Family dated September 16, 2004" and the "Library Clerk Job Family Competency Mairix dated Mazch 28, 2006." The City and AFSCME agree fibat the pilot project shall apply to those employees of the Saint Paul Public Library Agency who hold posifions aIlocated to the Library Clerk I, Library Clerk II, Library Clerk III, and Library Clerk IV. The City and AFSCME agree that the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, shall be used in the adminishation of this pilot proj ect: 1. CiviI Service Rule 6.B (Examination Contents) shall allow qualifying examinations, e.g., pass/fail for promotion candidates instead of for only original entrants. This rule, as modified, shall be used only for examinations used to detertnine eligible candidates for promotional vacancies in positions allocated to the Library Clerk, I, II, III, and N classes in the Saint Paul Public Library Agency. 2, Civil Service Rule 6.0 — Examination Administration requires that all e�caminations he prepazed and held under the direcrion of the (HI2) Director, who may designate City employees or employ persons from outside fhe City as special examiners to assist with the preparation, conduct, or grading of any examinations. The Human Resources Director has designated the Library Direcfor, with the assistance of Human Resources staff, to prepaze and conduct the promotional examinations for the Librazy Clerk Job Fanuly series. Administrative Guidelines for the Library Clerk 7ob Family series were developed and approved by the Saint Paui Library I7irector, with input from the Library Clerk Competency Team, on hme 26, 2006. These guidelines establish the Competency Review Board composirion, lay out the process components fox Library Clerk promotional testing, and set forth an appeal process. 3. Civil Service Rule 7(Eligible Lisfs) shall allow for promotion eligible lists established for Library Clerk II, III, and IV vacancies in the Saint Paul Public Library Agency to remain in effect indefinitely. 4. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) This Rule govemang requirements to be met £or promotional rights still applies in full. Civil Service Rule 22 (Layoff/Seniority) Given the need to transfer individuals holding a variety of titles into the new Libtary Clerk series, the guiding principles set forth in this Rule will be used. "If a class as been abolished and the position it described exists under a new class, then the seniority of employees who have held a posirion in the former class shall be deternuned as if the fortner class still existed. If two or more classes have been included in one new class, seniority will be deternuned for all affected employees as if the classes had aiways been one class." It is fiuther agreed that grievances arising from tezms and condirions of employment in the City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to be processed through the procedure outlined in the current collecrive bazgauung agreement between the City and AFSCME. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedures established in said pilot project shall be subject to the Civil Service grievance procedure, However, because both parties v c�-��� aclmowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate aad select staff, any concems regazding the substantive determinations of the Competency Review Panel shall be appealed to the Civi1 Service Commission as outlined in the September 16, 2004 Competency Model'mg Project - Library Clerk 7ob Family document, which is atfached. Finally, it is finther agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shall continue to be in force for tl�ree years until June 2009. It is further agreed that 60-calendar days prior to said date, the City will notify AFSCME Local #2508, in writing, that said date is pending so that a discussion of the pilot process and the finther e�ension of the pilot can be held. The terms of this MOA become effective upon the adoption of a CounciI ResoIution by the Saint Paul City Council. � {,�. Angela lezny, H Rasour �s Director Manager Dated: � �'II�G Marcie Sc AFSCME .� 7-l'�-� Representarive Clerical #2508 P:�[.,ocals\Local 2508�I.i6rary Clerk memo of Ao ee tatestdraft 6 29 06.doc