219529r 4 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK _ _y, 'e r //j CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER n DATE In the matter of improving LEXINGTON PARKWAY from West Seventh Street to St. Clair Avenue by widening, resurfacing and curbing; by constructing and reconstructing sidewalk; by reconstructing the intersecting street, alley and driveway returns; by constructing storm water drainage facilities; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections; and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement under Preliminary Order C.F. 215446, approved November 13, 1963 and Final Order C.F. 218933, approved June 30, 1964. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved; and be it further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. kz w� Yr . `T V G1/jA' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland T . Meredith PerM3a— men Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M b64 Council Rosen File No. 219529 — By Milton — In the matter of improving LEXTNG_ TON PARKWAY from West Seventh Street to St. Clair Avenue by widen- ing, resurfacing and, curbing; by con- structing and reconstructing sidewalk; by reconstructing and intersecting street, alley and driveway returns; by constructing storm water drainage fa- cilities; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections; and by doing all other work which Is neces- sary and incidental to complete said improvement under Preliminary Order C.F. 215446, approved. November 13, 1963 and Final Order C.F. 218933, ap- �- proved June 30, 1964. Resolved, That the plans and specifi- cations for the above named improve- ment, as submitted by the Commis- sioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved; and be it further Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to adver- tise for bids on this improvement. Adopted by the Council August 6, 1964. Approved August 6, 1964. L (August 8, 1964) n i♦ AUG 6 1964 Adopted by the Council 19— AU G 6 1964 proved 19— VT' Favor r D Mayor Against OUrLICAT[ TO MIINTLII ��('1 � # r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO ' 5/`� // OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONED DATE 'a the Matter of s ooing UM ,.�c�,,, P*IW . trm West tb Str t to St. Mai r� AveMe by viditinig� r"urftclug and curbing: by aonstruating and recd ttructing s:Ldww&lk; by reconstructing the intersoctiM street'. ae.Z.7.ey sod drivOWV returnej by constructing stoM vater ftvjxaage facilities; by corrtruating *Over, Vater and gags servics oo=ocstions; " by doing +eU other senor$ Mich is necessary arced incideentael to 0%*1etee said i t Binder Pre ,3>s3naery order C. r. 21.546, epprc�ed l►oveenber 13, 1963 a nd Mina]. order CAN 218933., vwovod a�ma 30, 1964, W80LVXD, That the pamsp end ss ific4tIons for the above na ud iaprovemen t# as submitted by the Ccmisoloner of Public Works, be and the sews are hereby aepprovW; and be it further XW,# That the Purchaasing Agsat be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bads on tbies Wit, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland JeeT-� Meredith erg Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-0! i Tin Favor Against y/6 l AUG 1964 Adopted by the Council 19— AUG 6 1964 Approval 19— Mayor