219505-PUBLIsIsD - r g G ORIOIHI,N TO CITY cL4RK CITY OF ST, PAUL. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU14L RESOL I N —GE J ,FORM ti �• PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ' DA*F 2.9505 F06UNCIL NO Council EYle No. 219505 —By Robert Peterson — Milton Rosen- esolved, That the basis for co 11 fir' for sewer , rentaal rharec RESOLVED, That the basis for computation for sewer rental charges to cover operation and maintenance expenses of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, to be made and levied against property served by the said Distr -ct with respect to property lying within the corporate 'limits of the City of Saint Paul as well as property lying outside the cor- porate limits of the City of Saint Paul and served by the sewage disposal systen} of the City of Saint Paul effective January 1, 1965, shall be in accordance with the following schedule: RESOLVED FURTHER, That in addition to the sewer rental charges to be levied against property lying outside the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul and served by its sewage disposal system, as set forth in the foregoing schedule:of sewer rental charges, such outlying property shall be subject to sewer rental charges to be made and levied against such property (to compensate for capital expenditures cost levied in the form of taxes on property within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul) in accordance with the following schedule, to -wit: _ COUNCILMEN Yeas Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen dopted by the Couneil.- 19— Nays Astt. Corporation C onset Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6.69 Tn Favor ' Against Approved 19— Mayor Sewer Rental Meter Size Charge Per Year $ 4 3/n 7.68 1 13.68 1 1/4" 18.00 1 1/2" 27.60 2 64.8o 3 138.00 4, 334.80 6 649.20 6+9.20 8 " k 1,112.40 10 n 1,576.80 12 it - 2,174.40 ' RESOLVED FURTHER, That in addition to the sewer rental charges to be levied against property lying outside the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul and served by its sewage disposal system, as set forth in the foregoing schedule:of sewer rental charges, such outlying property shall be subject to sewer rental charges to be made and levied against such property (to compensate for capital expenditures cost levied in the form of taxes on property within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul) in accordance with the following schedule, to -wit: _ COUNCILMEN Yeas Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen dopted by the Couneil.- 19— Nays Astt. Corporation C onset Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6.69 Tn Favor ' Against Approved 19— Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK 219505 9505 • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE — 2 Meter Size 1 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 5A11 3/411 1 1/4" 1/2" n it n n It it It Sewer Rental Charge Per Year 4.00 5.00 9.00 12.00 18.00 42.00 90.00 216.00 42o.00 720.00 1,020.00 1,4o4.00 RESOLVED FURTHER, That the foregoing schedule of sewer rental charges shall be exclusive of and distinguished from sewer "Annual Charges" elsewhere provided for; RESOLVED FURTHER, That effective January 1, 1965, as provided by the applicable City of Saint Paul Ordinance covering the'ex- tension of public sewer service by said City to each separate. ' adjacent municipality lying beyond the corporate limits of said City and so served by said City through the latter's public sewer system-and that of the-Minneapolis- Saint Paul Sanitary District the--"'annual charge" thereunder, -shall be $5.00 and the 'annual sewer rental charge" thereunder, shall be $5.o0•for each "trailer coach" included within a "trailer coach park" connected by a single sanitary sewer service connection with the public sewer system of the adjacent municipality for sanitary sewage drainage purposes; RESOLVED FURTHER, That provisions of Ordinance No. 7958, approved October 25, 1938, as amended, including amendment by Ordinance No.. 8359, approved April 2, 1942, shall govern the collection of said COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 662 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor ...-W ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 21-95o5 r 1= CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO S3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 3 rental charges and the use of the monies obtained, and such charges shall be collected from the property liable therefor as determined by said ordinance; and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this reso- lution to the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul and a certified copy to the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis- Saint Paul Sanitary District. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish of -Ian Los s Meredith Peterson Re&s IV�r ogres dent; ,Vavoalis°;...... AU. Vice President::tho`sa9 ions 6-0 (Rosen) AUG 5 194 Adopted by the Council 19- AUG 5 1964 S_ Ap oved 19— Th Favor , Mayor �gainst _ Augus , 1964 Hon. Bernard T. Holland President, Board of Water (omissi s Building Dear Sirs The City Council direct a to send the attached certified copy of Council File'lo. 2195 adopted, y. pertaining to•sewer rental• charges for property wit and outs the corporate limits -of the City of Saint Paulp effec Jan' p 1965. Very tru4ryoursp ng _ -City Clerk t august 5, 1964 Board of Trus�eea XLnneapolis osaint. caul Sanitary Dis 2400 Childs Road, St. Paul, Minnesota 55106 _ - to ti Lowell Iarshy Executive- Secretary . Gentlemens T1 a City Council. directe -me to send u '- the- enclosed cer+,ifled copy of Council. File No. 219505, pied pertaining to sewer rental charges for property within and ide the to limits of,the City of Saint Paul, effective It Very truly Yo "_ .rt.n .ice � . ... .!• � •---. to .-+.r -. ,fir.) .- Y � . �. 1r I'r' y i�TA'T' r 3 t �•Y r. ♦ - � _ - .. City Clerk ng