I Ftes&ution Ratifying Assessment
In the matter of the assessment of be1Ze:U'tA1j C04U =4 eXPen8l COr c0atructita eLhd
xt6torat:L(')-;2,,6f sidewalks "4 work iUciclental theretp 'He No. 219485—
matter of the assessment of
costs and expenses for con -
Zf'-W ;,rid restoration of sidewalks
cWtImet 62-**253,o TAVZr ND. jj bi0triCt NO. 2 ndidefital thi�reto: Contracl-
M'vv -IT6. 7, District No, 2.
A61agWA39Z i - -
nuep both
Parkway UOrth Oider frOm 8ueUjagAW_- to Pascal St.
ir 60. 0032a Whtj6cft Ave.,, both. sidea from Vlewft, tO CbatsW6'rt-._h`Si On•the
;20rth Sicle 0f Wetson Ave. *= Chatwojth St4, to pleas"t AVe. abUttitig
LOO, I thm T of Block 1, Auxlfzp en1g,• of G%p 0 0. SO, alo
o allpy II
cr9A*iug OAd CC40truct neV UdOMU. ( A
f rvm Chatsworth St. too Maa"Ut, Ave.- w th* 00uth OidO Ot Watsi(ft Ave
F.O. f2O6507 L140034 A" - o both oldes frCm HaZUne Ave. tO SyhUcats St
P604 #207192 • B04014V AVG 6p both sides fi= Vbeeler St. to FeAvAov Ave,'
to 4u j4 •
F - a. 13 Lii:01W4W- both 8 i
d4 *W ftSCal St. to SnOLUng,.Ava,
7*0. level=& -Aveauo tAgt4.. _@A4*JrWj
V004 both aides :�rw. Viev' 0-t;, to chatoworth St, and an tbe
A pubigArINA, atOvPlwa=t--Avo.,--abuti-ids,:e,_zs-
WO 1 7 of Block I RuAlngs,, tn'liz. Of Or SO) b 'also, iallev
A= Chatsworth St. to PleapAt, 006
V.04 Aw., botA sides aWXUW Ave. to Smucat4 Ott.
F.061 192 BarkqlW, Ave. p, both 01das $nM. Vhoeler St- t* ftirview Ave.
ratit�,.J, and the
A t , w�l_grl�q
b4 si$ept. -frm�p t
_ ascal at, .4 SnalUng Ave.,
same Is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Gourt of the County of Ra=sey for cv�lrinatfor,
payable in -equal installments.
Yeas Nays
Dalglish Adopted by the Council
Holland AUG 51
Meredith A;p3rved,
Yavoulis 7 T-n Favor
Form R-2 2111 10-63 8.010.
Report of .Completion of Assessment
In the matter" of the assessment of bft0at4 40#t.. 60%=4 *or oft$ Lrultrtloa
' F.O: 20799.6 - •Cleveland Avenue., both sides from Fairmount Avenue to Goodrich Avenue
FoO. 7197 - Highland Parkway, notth.'side' from Snelling-Ave. to Pascal St.
"V -0. #203261 - :;Watson Ave:,, both sides from View St. to Chatsworth St. and on the
north side of Watsoh Ave, from Chatsworth St. to Pleasant Ave. abutting
Lots 1 thru 7 of Block 1 Hardings enlg. of Gage's Sub. also alley
crossing and construct new sidewalk on the south side of Watson Ave.
from Chatsworth St. to Pleasant Ave,;
F.O. -#2o6507 - Lincoln Ave., both sides from Hamlin Ave. to. Syndicate St.
F.O. #207192 - Berkeley Ave., both sides from.Wheeler St. to Fairview Ave.
F.O. $&iP,71 9 4 4- ,,�cheffer-_Ave..,:.both,sides from WheelervSt -;mot_ o_- MacalesterlSt:* ' * *4*w **,w� N�- *1 F.O. 313 - Lincoln Ave., both sides from�Pascal St. to Sneii� Ave.
4�`fi.i13h r4qt Gsi 'w- FrX:'4- i9'S= l.wiM'71M'M •,te. ��r.Sf -: ''1F:1'Wiii'R}' 'J.i.�y �d''Y,'�MC U-4.4 W./+i'3!'M!+f'7.'T -�.�.K
.0. ; 0799 = ClevelandAvenue,,.both..sides �fxom:'airmount Avenue .to Goodrich -Avenue
v_. •x.
203261 - Watson Ave., both sidesfrom View~St.yto Chatsworth St. and on�the
To the i'o;;nQruh sde,iofoWatson,�Ave. from Chatsworth St. to Pleasant Ave. abutting
Lots 1 thru 7 of Block 1 Hardings enlg. of Gage's Sub. also alley
The C, crossing 'sand leonstruct-geW sidewalk, on;�the,j;south;�side. of�FAa _ggn. Ave.f the ex-
from Chatsworth.St. to Pleasant Ave*- t1:R r -.ki +h -' b..,f m �: +•.,�,, �, r, �;- P arv- othorsidesnfr`&' 'Hemline Ave. to si dicatetSte iriPr+�vc.�aent, vi.:
F.O. X06507 - Lincoln Ave;, yn
F.O. # 192 - Berkeley Ave., both sides from Wheeler St. to Fairview Ave.
F.O. 191+ - Scheffer� .Ave.y,�bot> sides from Wheeler St. to Macalester-St. r,q
F.O. X206313 -
Lincoln pve., both sides 'from i'ascal`St: to `Snelling Ave.,^
J +1�1�iAlL'eI`ltl}f . , .... , ............. :.......... . . . i7 - - -I�.�iL
TnspectiC� _ ........ .. ........
Publications ...... ...............................
Collection costs ............................... .
Courtcosts for confirmation ......................
TOTAL EXPENDITURES ........................ $ 33T5 ��-
Charge to ...............Q92Or7D1 ............:.. $ 35A 61;
.................... ..NonrAssnasab- le......... $ 1.3 36—
Net Assessment ... ............................... $ 31,455 74
Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer-
tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 31.155.7 -- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed; and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as
completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
considered proper.
Dated July 7,x„961+
Form R -2 2M 10 -68 8
Co issione f Financ .