06-740Council File # Q - � o Green Sheet # 30313�.Z,. RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 �3 24 25 26 ?7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Presented by RESOLUTION IDENTIFYING THE NEED FOR LIVABLE COMMUNITIES DEMONSTRATION ACCOUNT FUNDING AND AUTHORIZING APPLICATIONS FOR GRAN7 FUNDS /D WHEREAS the City of Saint Paul is a participant in the Livable Communities AcYs Housing Incentives Program for 2006 as determined by the Metropolitan Councii, and is therefore eligibie to apply for Livable Communities Demonstration Accountfunds; and WHEREAS the City has identified proposed projects within the City that meet the Demonstration AccounYs purposes and criteria, and are consistent with and promote the purposes of the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act and the policies of the Metropolitan Council's adopted metropolitan development guide; and WHEREAS the City has the institutional, managerial and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration; and WHEREAS the City certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the grant agreement; and WHEREAS the City agrees to act as legal sponsor for the projects contained in the grant applications submitted on July 17, 2006; WHEREAS the City ecknowledges that Livable Communities Demonstration Account grants are intended to fund projects or project components that can serve as modeis, examples or prototypes for development or redevelopment projects elsewhere in the region, and therefore represents that the proposed projects or key components of tfie proposed projects can be replicated in other metropolitan-area communities; and WHEREAS only a limited amount of grant funding is available through the Metropolitan Council's Livable Communities Demonstration Account during each funding cycle, and the Metropolitan Gouncil has determined it is appropriate to allocate those scarce grant funds oniy to eligibie projects that would not occur without the availability of Demo�stration Account grant funding; and WHEREAS the Metropolitan Council requires cities submitting more than one grant application to rank their projects so the Metropolitan Council may consider those priority rankings as it reviews applications and makes grant awards. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, after appropriate examination and consideration, the Saint Paui City Council finds that it is in the best interests of the Citys development goals and priorities for the proposed projects to occur at these particular sites at this particular time; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the project components for which Livable Communities Demonstration Account funding is sought: (a) will not occur solely through private or other public investment within the reasonably foreseeable future; and (b) will not occur within two years after the grant award unless Livable Communities Demonstration Account funding is made available for these projects at this time; and o�-��}a 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Councii hereby ranks the project funding apptications, according to the City's own internal priorities, in the following order: Priority RankingProject Name Grant Amount Requested (1) Fiilmore Street/West Side Flats $750,000 (2) Temperance StreeUNorth Quadrant $360,000 (3) Lexington Park Fulier Avenue Extension $503,000 (4) Arlington Jackson West - Phase One $500,000 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City has undertaken reasonable and good faith efforts to procure funding for the project components for which Livable Communities Demonstration Account funding is sought but was not able to find or secure from other sources funding that is necessary for project component completion within two years and states that this representation is based on the following reasons and supporting facts: (1) Capital Improvement bonding is not availabie as a funding source, due to prior commitments and the increased demands being placed on it to heip cover the $15 million structurai deficit in the City's 2007 budget; (2) State and federal funding programs are either not availabie to meet the construction schedule for the proposed improvements or are not a fit in terms of efigibi(ity; and (3) Tax increment financing, where appropriate, has already been committed to other activities in the redevelopment projects of which the proposed improvements are located, leaving no tax increment for the proposed projects; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Council hereby authorizes its director of Planning and Economic Development to submit on behalf of the City and Saint Paul Port Authority four applications for Metropolitan Councii Livable Communities Demonstration Account grant funds for the project components identified in the applications, and to execute such agreements as may be necessary to implement the projects on behaff of the City and Port Authority. Benanav Bosffom Hazris Adopted by Council: Date Requested by Department of. � �Planning and Economic Development � 4! �/ By _ �/ °'� J Adoption Certified by Council Secr�ry BY� � is�G.�S6z. Approved r: Date B � � � �. . � '� � ��' ��/ ��, � . � •�` -� � ,�. .��� � ��. j . � .i ♦ �� �� ♦ Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet 1:�-h,v�/ DeparhneM/office/council: Date Initiated: y � PE — P��ng&EconomicDevelopmwt 17JUL-O6 Green Sheet NO: 3031382 ConWC[ Person 8 Phone- Deoartment Sert To Person InitiaNDate LuqThompson � 0 lannin & nomicDevelo 2 �� $ ASSign 1 nnin & Economic Develo artment Director _� Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 2 •tv A orne � Qr/ � 09-AUG46 For (� ` Routing 3 a or's O ce Mavor/Assistant Ofder 4 ouncil 5 'N Clerk Ci Qerk Total # of Signature Pages? (Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of resoluuon authorizing submittal of four applications to the Metropolitan Council for the 2006 Livable Communiues Demonstration Account program. Three of the applications aze for Ciry projects; the fourth is for a Port Authority project. The Metropolitan Council requires all applications for projects within city lunits to be authoxized for submittal by the City Council. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depaRment? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity(Who, What, When, Where, Why): - The Livable Communiries Demonslration Account (I,CDA) Program was established by the Livable Communities Act to provide funds for development projecu that connect development with transit, intensify land uses, connect housing and employment, provide a mix of housing affordability, and provide infrashucture to connect communities and amact inveshnent. This year, $8.8 million in funding is available. Up to 40% of the funds may be awazded to the cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul together. AdvantageslfApproved: Saint Paui projecu will be in the nnmiug for $2,113,000 in LCDA funds, helping to build public infrastructure to support private investment at key sites. ry E���V DisadvanWgeslfApproved: �l�L 2 4 Z0�6 None. MA�OR'S OFFICE Disadvantages !f NoY A.pproved: The City will not be authorized to apply for funding from the Livable Communities Demonstration Account Progam, T �T ansaction: � CostlRevenue Budgeted: � s7� ��� 8$. Funding Source: ActiviN Number: , �'��� Financial Information: :i�J �" — t➢ (F�plain) y' � °�@,� � $a,J� € F ����6°����9"� 0 �p �Lf (� Office Use LIVABLE COMMUNITIES DEMONSTRATION ACCOUNT DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION FORM 2006 InstrucHons: Submit form and attachments by 4:30 p.m. on Julv 17. 2006 Use font size 11. Use of bulleted lists is encouraged. Do nar attach a coversheet or use any graphic images on top of the application. Limit application to 19 pages plus attachments, for a total of no more than 31 pages. Strictly follow the format or the application will be returned for revision. Project Name: St Paul Fillmore Street / West Side Flats Applicant city, county or City of Saint Paul, Departments of Planning & Economic Development development authority and Public Works Project Location (city): Saiut Paul Address (street boundaries or Fillmore Street on the West Side Flats from Wabasha Street to just east Major intersection): of the e7cistin railroad tracks. Primary Project Contact: Name: Lucy ThompSOn Title: Senior Planner Address: 25 West 4 Street, 1300 CHA, Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone: 651-266-6578 Fax: 651-228-3261 E-mail: luc .thom son ci.st aul.mn.us Authorized city, county Name: Ms. Cecile SedOr or development authoriry Director, Departmeat of Planning & Economic Development officia] for conrtact Title: execution A. Funding Proposal Describe goals and features of the element, building, or phase(s) that will go forward to construction within one year, if this funding request is granted, and be completed or substantially completed within two years of the grant award. ILimit 201ines) This proposal is to re-establish Fillmore Street as a continuous street between Wabasha and Robert streets through the planned West Side Flats Urban Village. There are three parts to the project: 1) re-establishment of the at-grade Union Pacific Railroad crossing; 2) reconstruction of Fillmore Street from Wabasha to just east of the crossing, with ornamental street lighting, sidewalks, street trees and on-street pazking; and 3) installation of a new traffic signal at the Wabasha/Fillmore intersection. These improvements were required in the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA4� conducted for US Bank, a 350,000 sq. 8. client service center built at Fillmore and Robert in 2003, and aze part of the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority's development agreement with US Bank. In the EAW, the re-opened street was deternvned necessary to serve the new office building d'uectly as well as the rest of the West Side Flats Urban Village (a mixed-use, medium-to-high-density, pedestrian-oriented urban village that reconnects the greater West Side with the Mississippi River). Grand St. Paul, a 120-unit housing development proposed at Fillmore and Wabasha (Phase 1 will start construction in Fa112006) will directly benefit by re-opening the Fillmore Street railroad crossing and establishing a traffic signal at Fillmore/Wabasha. d�-�ifp � � a � C � � � ti 00 � e� � � y � � � � C"" � � CC r.., � � � a' � � .�i � � � �1 � -b d g�� a a � �oo Q �° �\o\ o 'a A A.,.:.� ��� W N N N N � C a N N � •= � W ti ti O G C R Vi L � � � � a. � A u � � d a O U L�� l� L� .0 � Op O � � ay � O O O O � ,� Q p �-.� J".,'� w �� �� � W y y ti ti y U p �D l0 V"J V' y '6 R Qt �O 'L �.a e. � � N r�/� � i (/j i� �p'�, d000 O w � a �� O O O O � y � O � 'a p pp �I � Q� 00 O C� R ,0�� '��' '.�^� � 69 69 ff3 69 1�+ R Y m 'S "^�' N C i0 L'i a�4' d � � � a� o �? o a �, �o o d' C � m � m F � �� a�+ .,�„0 Ci � y 'y. ,� . y W b � ,O �' } � c � 3 . abi � R 'S o � � '� p , „ '. ;.� ° � s. ,� a 9 vi a� d "" O..�+ � •R >, N ,x � al OL rn :.' +-� rj '� �+ �i y .. y �b� � 3 a = � �,,.�° N 9 a+ N y y p ' , 'i• � y c � � � '� � .° a G 4 '',- ❑ ° � oA s7 a) m . p � . �.i .m � 4. .o r� � V '^e d � e� . 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'� � � P. � '�' � � G o ,� � �p _`: y N a� L L d� o s. � s. K,- ° a �. d�,� �w � � ° R° d �� � i °� � ri� � v ► o � ' ,. " s" y •� �� ��� W � w O Q y N = G) 7 s, io � O`n O � u y V i a� � 7.. ° Y y ' t y o ��� � O L C� �� "� 'L' -: ._; O O d 3,,,, � o F o`� :s �s:i v=,w-s U U �� o o�� Y d•� ,;: y: c ,� s. . � '� i m� c `a i O^ N M � �� �� w �: � Gy � i^ O .y. i;d,;;; ^ 9: � n.y � O _ � � �� Office Use LIVABLE COMMUNITIES DEMONSTRATION ACCOUNT DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION FORM 2006 Instructions: Submit form and attachments by 4:30 o.m. on Julv 17, 2006 Use font size 11. Use of bulleted lists is encouraged. Do not attach a coversheet or use any �aphic images on top of the application. Limit application to 19 pages plus attachments, for a total of no more than 31 pages. Strictly follow the format or the application will be returned for revision. Project Name: St. Paul Temperance St. / North Quadrant Applicant city, counry or City of Saint Paul, Departments of Planning & Economic Development development authority ED and Public Works Project Location (city): Saint PaUI Address (street boundaries or Extend Tem erance Street between 9 and 10`" Streets Major intersection): Primary Project Contact: Name: Margot Fehrenbacher, AIA Tide: pro'ect Mana er /Architect Address: 25 West 4`" Street, 1300 CHA, St. Paul, MN 55102 Phone: 651-266-6660 F�: 651-228-3261 E-mail: mar ot.fehrenbacher ci.st aul.ma.us Authorized ciry, county Name: Ms. Cec�7e Bedor or devetopmen� authority Director, Planning & Economic Development officialforconhact Title: executio� A. Funding Proposal Describe goals and features of the element, building, or phase(s) that will go forward to conshucfion within one year, if this funding request is granted, and be completed or substantially completed within two years of the grant award. The City of St. Paul / PED and Public Warks propose to build basic public infrastructure — Temperance Street between 9` and 10�' Streets - in the new downtown Urban Village, North Quadrant (now called Wacouta Commons) neighborhood, in order to provide a catalyst to private development in the azea. Historically, Temperance Street was a north / south street that ran from 8`" Street to 10`" Street. The street segment between 9`" and l0 Streets was abandoned decades ago, resulting in a mega-block that was not in keeping with the surrounding street grid nor the pedestrian-friendly neighborhood that is being created today. This LDCA grant would reconstruct this abandoned segment of Temperance. The reconstruction of Temperance Street between 9�' and 10`" Streets supports the North Quadrant Precinct Plan, Saint Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework and land use plan obj ective of public zealm improvements that reinstate the urban street network and block patterns, creating a framework for new building placement. When the Printers Row project was approved for Phase 4 of the North Quadrant (Wacouta Commons) Urban Village, Temperance Street was designed to be extended one block north of its current terminus at 9`" Street (to 10`� Street). Extending the street was considered pivotal to the project to create a more urban-scale block in this part of downtown, provide an"address" for new owner-occupied housing, and improve the pedestrian and bike connections to and through the neighborhood. The east side of Temperance (cwb and gutter, street trees and sidewalk) was built when the first condo building, Printers' Row Phase I, was constructed, but the rest of the street was left undone. This LCDA grant proposal would build the street itself fust, and then curb and gutter, street trees, sidewalks and pedestrian li along the west side of the street. °�-�� -b � o� R aoo t�m d °++' :: qo 0o a � '� Q�.o „ 00 �o A A - L ^ � _ o ^e �e u i� W � [-.`�. c.-r". �d G-�a G-a o c - �o a �C R�a � O O O U � fl' •^ Q N N N .p v 6� � O U �� ❑ a " A Ca fi � p Q� � H 1-i i-i u Y `ii � V U O VS ,n V7 V1 'II P: G L C/1 Vl �.+ a.� �� �' '� O � O O in a R p O d O O 'O a�'i m" a � a� O O y y � � � 6 .�.0 69 � a '�' Q. C.^� N v� a+ � N � _ � � N w 0 .1 � •d � p i ' r'O � tC 1"' � N O .� �p � O L 3 y � ,�' .GQC R R N k R p .^. � v 'O L O i m m " o +Y � "' :: m y .�' �C � �, �S�' w ��„ .."�'. y +' � R � y m 7 .� �' a� L.� p. 9 bA d9 d ,� �:� i d'� >> Y .� � Y A � bA Ji C N �.O � L• �� N C _ a.�. _ v E G .. `" ca +^+ '7 a� .n d U s�, y cJ r' V .� <` L E � O 'O � , � p eD C a> l�.. 0 v d�� ,��• _ � 1.� ' O � � � � cc ai ,, x a� �s o a� bn °' ;; '� ,� d �o on i y -d '� � 8 `' W �e a� a �'m '� C. i. '�n . Y c V ��� m' d p. y vi L1 'O � o �.� w 3 ; � �° 3 � � ' : �.... ` bD �. � y � Y '; � .� '.��_ L _ � b �. 0.' .0 R � C� ��+ y :.�:., �+ �0 "'� v R i � F O.�.+ L y� N b0 ���9 Y`� i�n Q R . . � . . ' 3 w � -d � � :;c; vs � a' r « a�i a "' i :; � s �' Ca .� � ' � ': a� � C �O �' ..�-, a� c� " ' it 6ti e� i � o � � "� � � �l � a�'i 3+7� C � e = , � .,"7. C! � C ^C �+`. y U .n O R "�: C`' ,'�' 61 ��_,,. 7 d�� a+ � j+ � R E?i ❑ y 'p � d y :� ^ G � � ' ; � � d � L^G' �� p � � .� q W C r �' y •� pjp �� C i w �� .i O � y v d � w >> a+ . ,� ���i, a. +.. �" a� m : F y�� a+ �y > � O:�oC p � ' L iG '� d �' � � � �'. d _. �. � � Y W a � .� r ° � e� '" � `�r A � _' �' � V �' 'O Y d Q ' U�`,i,l` U i+ � i 'O � ° '°' � W � C '�°'' � t m ea "'�''"'` ." c i� 4 "'�" . � ,r�. 's ,C �.' � o w : �� ta y q) ��� • o ^d a a a c �.: = z 3 �� y s. a y a�+ :� d a�i u.- !, �' � � ?r p.,' � �' a�i a�i � v :_, °' .__ a o' � y C" y� a R'O: s�. :� i � � a> v, y , d C V] V1 � C: ' - '7 Q�/ w a ° v2 � o a� a� 4°; � a� � i y y y V V N y. y bn G R � � � p � U �' ' � � S�n Y � ^ � ' O � t+ = i�� � ,� U � al O 0:..:: GJ m i � a� �. a 'n + U G' v..,.' N �'O u^ m �. +.�+ O Y 6�i a y' 'z .^� �"�- O C y�� o m o `' F F " Ta :�:m -`,: 'Z� 0 � O' o � o y F i �C .� ;. .t � _ w s. . "' �' �. o •� ~ N M V �n �D � V � ' 4 � � Y ,� �l�i p M L � _ N .�1y � p , �`, N o ` ' 7 �� Office Use LIVABLE COMMUNITIES DEMONSTRATION ACCOUNT DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION FORM 2006 Instructions: Submit form and attachments by 4:30 n.m. on Julv 17. 2006 Use font size ll. Use of bulleted lists is encouraged. Do not attach a coversheet or use any graphic images on top of the application. Limit application to 19 pages plus attachments, for a total of no more than 31 pages. Strictly follow the format or the application will be returned for revision. Project Name: Lexington Park Fuller Avenue Egtension Applicant city, counry or City of Saint Yaul — Dept. of Planning & Economic Development development authority Project Location (city): Saint Paul Address (street boundaries or Southwest corner of Universi Avenue and Le�n on Parkwa Major intersection): (Bounded b Universi Ave. on north, Central Ave. on south, Leain on P . on east, and Dunla St. on west.) Primary Project Contact: Name: pgtty Lill¢dahl Title: pro'ect Mana er IV Address: 25 W. Fourth St., Suite 1200, Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone: 651.266.6582 Fax: 651.228-3341 E-mail: a .lilledahl ci.st aul.mn.us Authorized city, county Name: C¢Cll¢ BOdOC or development authoriry Director, Dept. of Pianning & Economic Development official for contract Title: execution A. Funding Proposal Describe goals and features of the element, building, or phase(s) that will go forward to conshuction within one year, if this funding request is granted, and be completed or substantially completed within two yeazs of the erant award. The Fuiler Avenue street extension is an essential transportation connection through the Lexington Park mixed-use redevelopment project underway on the southwest corner of University Avenue and Lexington Pazkway. The construction of a city street for one block between Lexington Parkway and Dunlap Street will provide essential ingress and egress for automobiles, bicycles and pedestrians coming and going from the site's uses. These include: • An Aldi grocery store (recently constructed, privately financed) • A TCF bank (recently constructed, privately financed) • Wilder Foundation office building and parking garage (soon to be constructed, privately financed) • Carty Heights affordable senior housing complex (soon to be constructed, public financing) • 2 acre parcel for mixed-use commercial/residential project (being planned, private and public financing) Fuller Street will be a private street for public use, constructed to city street standards, with five (5) foot sidewalks, historic style larnern lighting and street trees where space allows. A traffic study of the ernire Lexington Park site detemuned that this street is necessary to accommodate the new traffic generated by the incoming residential, office and commercial uses. The existing access points, one onto University and one onto Le�ngton, cannot accommodate the increased traffic safely. In addirion, the Fuller Street sidewalks and streetscape improvements will enhance the ability of pedestrians to walk safely from one area of Le�ngton Park to another, such as from the senior housing project to the commercial uses along Lexington Pkwy or the potential LRT line on University Ave. The new Fuller St. extension will also help reestablish a more urbanist block pattern on this former suburban-style shonpin¢ center site. �-��{o +'�., � o n � � � � � � � 0 � � �i�. � � F �� i�V R3 , i..i � � ' � � y V Fil � .�i "� .�r � F�I -� � C o�� errrr ;= � «� Q` o Qo �o A A � � '6 N � N N � ' � G .--� .-. ..r � '6 'L3 o m W ia ia it ic � W W � c:.. w c. 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Limit application to 19 pages plus attachments, for a total of no more than 31 pages. Strictly follow the format or the applicarion will be retumed for revision. Project Name: Arlington Jackson West — Phase I Applicant ciry, county or 5aint Paul Port Authority development authority Project Location (city): Saint Paul, MN Address (street Uoundaries or Arlington Avenue, Jackson Street, Maryland Avenue & L'Orient Major intersection): 5treet Primary Project Contact: Name: Monte Hilleman Title: Vice President of Redevelo ment Address: 1900 Landmark Towers, 345 St. Peter Street Phone: 651-224-5686 F�: 651-223-5198 E-mail: mmh n2s a.com Authorized city, county Name: Kenneth R JohnSOn or development authority President & CEO official for wntract Title: execution A. Funding Proposal Describe goals and features of the element, building, or phase(s) that will go forward to construction within one year, if this funding request is granted, and be completed or substanrially completed within two years of the grant award. The Arlington Jackson West Site is a ZS acre brownfield site in the City of St. Paul. In 1997, the Port Authority created a larger Industrial Development District for the development of Arlington-Jackson Business Center encompassing the entire azea West of Interstate 35E, South of Arlington Ave., North of Maryland Ave., and East of Jackson Sh The eastem 22 acres of the site was remediated and redeveloped in 1997 (labeled "Phase P' on the attached LHB Concept Plan) and when finished housed 559 jobs, 271,400 square feet of new building construction valued at $10,626,000, $1,79Q000 of new equipment investment, and generated $564,742 of real estate taxes. The western portion of the site (25 acres, labeled "Phase IP') is still heavily contaminated with lead, petroleum and other hazardous materials. A contamination investigation of the entire area was conducted during the 1997 redevelopment effort, and this westem portion of the site was found too heavily contaminated by lead for remediation strategies of the time to be cost effective. New remediation strategies have recently made it feasible to remediate and redevelop the balance of the Industrial Development District. The Port Authority has secured cleanup funds from EPA and will request additional funding as needed from other sources to remediate the site in preparation for sale and business construction by the private sector. The following aspects of the proj ect will proceed within one yeaz of funding: Environmental & Geotechnical Testing (funding secured), Acquisition (Livable Communities eligible expense), Relocation (Livable Communities eligible expense), Demolirion (Livable Communities eligible expense), Remediarion (funding secured), Site Improvements (Livable Communities eligible expense), Building Construction (private business expense), and Warkforce Development (funding secured). a�- �� w � � � � Q � � � � N O .� � d F', •�y � � � � � � � � r� � � bA �. 'L � . 3 y lN r r�� I� � -b � ��� � d � : � °_� a � � a a= �ti �� o � Q �-o �o 00 \ � o C G� �� A W l � 0 � � N -�i '. G� �Ti � O G b Q y � b y C � tQ n-. 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