06-737Councff File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Ob-�-3�- 3031421 � Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes the City of Saint Paul to enter into the 2 attached agreemeut with the State of Minnesota, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, Century 3 College, which includes an indemnificafion clause. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and 4 on record in the Of£ce of Financial Services. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: Benanav Bosirom Har�is Thune ✓ B�': Adopted by Council: Date: Adoprion �C b� Council BY� // /l/iIGL/l/�Y��dn Approved � � by City Attorney: Date: Approv d ayor for Submission to Council: � %�a�� BY� � �:\Fiscal�A,O&CR�2006\CenturyCollegePOST2006.cr.xls � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ��-��� Departmentloffice/council: Date Initiated: � � pD — Potice�aam�m 18JUL-06 Green Sheet NO: 3031421 Contact Person 8 Phone: DeoaAment Sent To Person Initial/Date Ch(ef John Hartington 0 o1'ce De a ent olic D a ent 26Cr55S8 {�S�yn 1 o'ceD arim artmeM "rect r Must Be on Council Agenda by(Date): Number 2 � rae C" o e `� i For ROUting 3 a or's O[fice Mavor/Assistant Ordef 4 uncil o ncil 5 i CI k C7erk 6 olice De a men Poli D rimen Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: 5ignatures on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Depaztment, to enter into the attached agreement with the State of Minnesota, Century College. Recommer�datioos: Approve (A) or Rejeci (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer fhe Following Quesfions: Planning Commission 1. Has ihis person�rm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No � Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. �oes this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The State of Minnesota, Century College, will provide the Saint Paul Police Department with approximately 300 hours of Peace Officers and Standards Traimng Boazd (POST) approved training. For more informapon regazding this council resolution please give Cdr Julie Rudie a call at 451-266-5558. AdvantageslfApproved: Police officers that successfully complete the POST approved cowses, will receive peace ice�o�mn�g�ed �ari credits towazd o� their peace officer license. , � "p� , � � `� � � � � d� DisadvantageslfApproved: e,f�� � � ���� tJone. ,J[)� `� S 2�06 '���� r�� � ���� MAYQ�'S OFFiGE Disativantages If Not ApprOVetl: The Saint Paul Police Department will not enter into this agreement wlth the State of Minnesota and will lose the opportuniry to participate in POST approved cowses. Total Amount of 3560 CosURevenue Budgeted: Transaction: R�f� tICD V VC Fundinq source: Special Revenue Fund Activity Number: 436-34117 Financiallnfortnation; 436 JUL 2��6 (Explain) ' �r�unci! �tesearch ��n �� ���� q11G 012006 0� - �3�' F.Y.: Cost Cenier: Ob}. Code: Amovnt: I Vendor k: I P.O. k: 07 211561 9182 $3,560 � STATE OF MINNESOTA MINNESOTA STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Centurv CoUe¢e INCOME CONTRACT 17us contract is by and between St Paul Police Deparhnent (hereinafter "PURCHASER") and the State of Minnesota acting through iu Boatd of Tcustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universiries, on behalf of Century College (hereinafrer "STATE"). WHEREAS, the PURCHASER has a need for a specific service; and WHEREAS, the STATE, is empowered to enter into income con�acts pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 136F; NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed: DUTIES OF STATE. The STATE agrees to provide the follo�tnng: 1. Law Enforcement ConUnuing Educat�on Prograin of Century College will provide approximately 300 hours of POST approved trammg for the period Septembec I, 2006 tluough June 30, 2007. 2. Registration for training will be conducted on a firsUCOme, first served basis with priority given to licensed officeis7dispatcheis from participating membeL agencies. The number of eniollments from individual agencies may be limited in some cases in order to accommodate all member agencies. 3. The Training Pzogam will be conrinually evaluated by means of course evaluations completed at the conclusion of each training session, and program and curriculum evaluations and surveys will be solic�ted from participating agencies. Training programs will be offered at Century College. 4. Enrollment reports will be provided to participating member agencies upon request. 5. Courses not covered by this training agreement include Firearans Qualification and Training Program. Any other course excluded by this agreement will be so identified in the training brochure. II. DUTIES OF PURCHASER. The PURCHASER agrees to provide the following: 1. Participating agencies will publicize the program to officers and promote courses intemally. 2. In order to best meet the specific needs of law enforcement, training officersldispatcheis from participating member Law Enforcement agencies will be invited to scheduled meerings to participate m the review of past and future curriculum and training concems. o�- � � III. CONSIDERATION AND "I'ERMS OF PAYMENT. A. Consideration for all services performed and goods oi materials supplied by the STATE put'suant to this contract shall be paid by the PURCHASER as follows: Annual cost is $445 per slot for full-rime licensed officersfdispatchers with the purchase of 6 or more slots. Annual cost for 1-5 slou is $595 per slot. St Paul Police Department has made the commitment to purchase eight (8) slots at $445 each totaling $3,560. B. Termc of Paymem. Payment shall be made by the PURCHASER no latec than 30 days following receipt of the invoice. IV. TERM OF CONTRACT. This contract shall be effective on September ! 2006, or upon the date that the final required signa[ure is obtained by the STATE, whichever occurs later, and shall remain in effect until June 30 20G7 or unril all obligations set forth in this contract have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occuis first. V. CANCELLATION. Cenhuy College reserves the zight to cancel courses due to lack of enrollment. Departments will NOT receive confinnarion oc cegistrafion, but will be contacted by phone or by mail if the class is filled or canceled. Norice of registrarion cancellation by an officer must be received three working days prior to the start of the course. Agencies or officers who fail to give such norice will be billed and the participating department/agency will be billed $10/officer for "NO SHOWS". VT. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATNES. The PURCHASER'S Authorized Representative for the purposes of adminisuation of this contract is Ju1ie Rurlie The STATE'S Authorized Repxeseniahve foi the purposes of administration of this contract is ✓oan Peterson. Each authorized representative shall have final authonty for acceptance of services of the other party and shall have responsibil�ty to ensure that all payments due to the other party are paid pursuant to the terms of this contract. VII. ASSIGNMENT. Neither the PURCHASER nor the STATE shall assign or hansfer any rights or obhgarions under this contract without the prior wntten approva] of the otheT party. VIII. LIABILITY. Each parry agrees that it wiU be responsible for its own acts and/or omissioas in carrying out the terms of ffiis AgreemenY and the results theieof to the extent authorized by law and shall not be responsible for the acts anci/or omissions of the ofiier parry and the results thereof. The liability cf the PURCHASER, Saiat Paul Police Department and the City of Saint Paul, its employees, officials and agents shall be governed by provision of the Minnesota Torts Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466, et seq. and othec applicable law. The liability of the STATE shall is governed by the provisions of the Mumesota Torts Clauns Act, Minn. Stat. §3.736. IX. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT COMPLIANCE (hereinaffer "ADA"1. The PURCHASER is responsible for complying with the Americans with Disabiliries Act, 42 U.S.C. 12101, et. seq. and regulations promulgated pu2suant to it. The STATE IS NOT cesponsible for issues oc challenges related to compliance with the ADA beyond its own routine use of faciliries, services, or other azeas covered by the ADA. X. AMENDMENTS. Any amendments tn this contract st�all be in writing and shall be executed by the same parties who executed the original contract or their successors in office. D� RI. GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES. The PURCHASER must comply with the Minnesota Govemment Data Pracrices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as it applies to all data provided by the STATE in accordance with tlus con4act and as it applies to all data created, collected, ieceived, stoxed, used, maintained or disseminated by the PURCHASER in accordance with this contract. The civil remedies of Minnesota Statutes Secrion 13.08, apply to the release of the data refened to in this Article by either the PiJRCHASER or STATE. In the event the PURCHASER receives a request to release the data refened to in this Article, the PURCHASER must unmediately notify the STATE. XII. .TCJRISDICTTON AND VENUE. "I'his contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. Venue for all legal proceedings arising out of this contract, or the bieach thereof, shall be ]ocated only in the state or fedeLal court with competent jurisdicrion in Ramsey County, Minnesota. XIII. STATE AUDITS. The books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of the PURCAASER relevant to this contract shall be subject to examination by the conkacting department and the Legislarive Auditor. XIV. OTHER PROVISIONS. (Attach additional page(s) if necessary): Inclement Weather Listen to WCCO Radio for any college ctosing informarion. POST Credits Peace officecs who successfully complete the POST appioved courses will receive peace officer continwng education credits. Discximination Policy In accordance with the administra6ve rules of the Minnesota POST Boazd and the Policy of Century College all persons shall be eligible for enrollment in any program regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, residency, maxital status oi physical disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation for a disability (e.g., wheelchaix accessibility, interpreter, Braille or lazge print materials) such an accommodation can be tnade available upon advance cequest. Please contact the Century College Access Center, 651-779-3355 or TTY 651-773-1715 as soon as possible. Waiting Lists If a cot:rse should iill, officers will be put on a waiti::g list. C�� IN WITNES5 WHEREOF, the parties have caused this contract to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: 1. MINNESOTA STATE COLLEGES AND iJNIVERSITIES 2. PURCHASER: PURCHASER certifies that the appropriate person(s) have executed the contract on behalf of Pi3RCHASER as required by applicable articles, bv-lawsrresolutions, or ordinances. ", .r�� By (authorized signature) Title Date By (authorized signature) Tifle j � ` Y�� � %( / �YtVVi(�' YJt Date 3. AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION: Centurv COLLEGE/UNTVERSITY/SYSTEM