219424ORIGINAL TG CITY'CLERK - ~ 219424 OFFICE - CITY OF ST. PAUL COENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Milton Rosen- -Publi orks August 4, 1961 COMMISSIONE DATE WHEREAS, C. F. No. 219278, approved July 17, 1964, authorized the awarding of a contract and the financing thereof to the Pederson Bros. Cement Contractors, Inc. for the Grading and Paving of Top of Dike from I-Tabasha Street to Water Street and Water Street to Navy Island Bridge, now therefore be it, RESOLVED, That the financing portion of the above resolution be amended to read as follows: Bond Fund 7230 $115,363i4l M.H.D. Agreement No. 1037 13,400;00 Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund 5,704.33 TOTAL $134,467.74 Im Council File No. 219424 — By Milton Rosen — whereas, C. F. No. 219278, approved July 17, 1964, authorized the awarding of a contract and the financing thereof to the Pederson Bros, Cement Con -, tractors, Inc. &or the Grading and Paving of Top of Dike from Wabasha Street to Water Street and Water Street to Navy Island Bridge, now therefore be it, Resolved, That the financing portion of the above 'resolution be amended to read as follows: Bond Fund 7230 . $115,363.41 M.H.D. Ag�e��ent No. 1037 13,400.00 Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund 5,704.33 Adopted by th "' ''Aug $134,467.74 TOTAL .......... e Council August 4, 1964. Approved August 4, 1964, (August 8, 1964) AUG 41%4 Adopted by the Council 19- • I AUG 4 1964 Appr ve 19— Tn Favor y ' Acting Mayor i Against 'tee <f r 7 \/ COUNCILMEN -/ Yeas /' Nays t Dalglish Holland _ Loss .- . Meredith Peterson RGsen- _s��s:::::: fM'r s�&nt ,(Ros,q) loos 642 Council File No. 219424 — By Milton Rosen — whereas, C. F. No. 219278, approved July 17, 1964, authorized the awarding of a contract and the financing thereof to the Pederson Bros, Cement Con -, tractors, Inc. &or the Grading and Paving of Top of Dike from Wabasha Street to Water Street and Water Street to Navy Island Bridge, now therefore be it, Resolved, That the financing portion of the above 'resolution be amended to read as follows: Bond Fund 7230 . $115,363.41 M.H.D. Ag�e��ent No. 1037 13,400.00 Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund 5,704.33 Adopted by th "' ''Aug $134,467.74 TOTAL .......... e Council August 4, 1964. Approved August 4, 1964, (August 8, 1964) AUG 41%4 Adopted by the Council 19- • I AUG 4 1964 Appr ve 19— Tn Favor y ' Acting Mayor i Against 'tee <f r J DUrLICATC TO x_111 tIT[R � �� ^(6�lJ9 ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK vt� COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FOR►►M,,��,,,,�,1��Q� nL� COMMISSIONER ton Rosen — Public WQrkB DATE y'�'mt 4R i7, 64 0 C. F, Not a927g.# e►ptnc"o od �'u4 17.# 3 9�1 # w tho ec'1 the . "vxdbg of e.. ooatr"t and the finning hereof to the Pederson. Bros ' - Cement Contfacltorso ino, for the Grading and Waving of Top of Imo► fvft - Waba" Street to Water Street and Water Street to XaV 103A d ° :dam, now therefore be its RESOLM.y nat the financing portion of the above resolutiah be amended to read as foUowst Bond Fund 7230 X.11A Agreement Igo. 3.037 Bridge Bldg. do Repaltr find TOTAZ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson -4t st en :W,03 ;.. b1r. V:ce President (Rosen) 10M 6.02 In Favor s�Against $w,36MI 1%4W00 5.1704.33 $13441,74 Adopted by the Council AUG 4 19M.19— :,UGG 4 Approved 19— Mayor