219405' FINAL ORDER J n 9� — 1w FINAL ORDERS a5 U Ole No. 219405— X COUNCIL FILE N0. '•i ,e wiit t of Aradin, ..std i_iiiL - rUBLISHL1) I ,' -A 'J• 'P. ;" -,. = `-9JIfl't3.`% B'y r th �Id9zstl z= . File No.-X13 I In the Matter of grading axed surfacing, with bitu nbioua :maters dais 611ey i,n Block 10 8. C.. Bo ano Addltion acid Block 5j: Mass irlt and Eschbach''s AdditIOA and Graham's Sub. "A" of tots 1. though 13 of Messerli and Bsobbadh's Ilddit3cn� Block 'from Atlantic St. to Dulut4, St. A Qo c6notr4at a� .sever in this alloy f'rcm 504= west of Atlantic St to the ,)dati ng, sewer in Atlmnti a St. under Preliminary Order 2173.26 approved 1Mareh 18 3,964 Intermediary Order . approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is .4 iut ¢ t0 grade and 311t`'aCe iitl bitux�l IOUs material: the @,u0y "iYi•Black� -1� $,�, �-`.�- Bpwex* Additipn 4 and Block 5; YA-gserli and E0dh1ach * Adutlon and Grabam'a Sub.' "A" of Lots. 1 through . r 13 of VAsserlie and .Eschbach's Additiodi Block S from Atlantic St, to Duluth St:.. Also construct a sewer in U4- e,Lley from 50� west of Atlantic St. to the existing sewer In Atlantic St. and the Council: hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby'authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCILMEN AUG 4194 Adopted by the Council _ Yeas Nays Dalglish Approved �'iUC7 4 1964 t Holland 1:oss f y Meredith D Tn Favor Peterson Acth* Mayor JEZoseu- EiEE33E,Se 3.... Against Mr. Vice Presi de% (,Rosen) 5-68 2M 8 = GEORGE�Nf SHEPAt2D �" " CITY O F SAINT PA U '� Y EUGENE V. AVERY _ STREET AND HIGHWAY CH16]•' ENGINEER ENGINEERING COORDINATOR - - - - ,t', - '•'Capital'of Minnesota - -T� . J. M. GOITER . • DEPARTMENT :OF - PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT OF- SANITATION 234 City Hall ­& Court House (2) ; • , ,R, s -: MILTON ROSEN : - ' Commissioner `j ti, • - WILLIAM P. BEHRENS - ��•_ - i)eputy Commissioner ` -- 22 _ ' � •- -; � .. `i - _ .• �+ , ?c.' ,� _ .f a 4, _ .. - •' :'i,� s .-. •a'.-' � • ._. ..,_ _ '^ n•. 'R'y ., Apri .. r�` ij f - `'� • � . • ... �loiic�if bl.e.. J.iisaH t DoI gl ���: f c# ty 04`-'.SO tit Paul, ^ . �'` �, . S , - - - -L> • — - `,.' +.. i• -'. .. Tom. J .4 «'y .a , S rt - •. - `{. { t tranwi t'liat'ewi tii pr,re] ti n #ry a �Rmi a of east _ gr rasi #rig 'arc# ; Sur cf, w# th 'b# t±r # +s �iater11 a11r ' 1; #1 -I's 1 a �., rz` _.. As1d1 -tion Prow► At1�g0.c- „.kr+e� -to_Wbith•Stes t,,, u1tt1er=Ps t10i i�i�y'�i�dsr , - • ir-,',21 Tt F6 approVsd As�irch : tai tp y < — Totel LL l olmated zosit . 4' 148 -. i�gr.teririg 3.3e �j- )� Ya •_t .. Sri .r/ ”. — Fi•"_Xn ;�¢C�1�f1 .f • +•. -`•`•- _ i. �:; 4.� - 1 r.} ,�(.��Y i•`� ?e � ,. �' •.�-- 4• '' ��i V1 na 6ci - !Chargo . _ • .. ;� $+ 0 `. Y' : s • / - - - --y Mee /�� �y,..•/ �,F' .5: •., - :.�.y* ... Y •. • � `�a- ` -•AF -4 i11V Si4 �ont `fob C_ - �' •.,v` - Y i�,a .{�. ,i ` �. t.'•J %1r• • ` '. _ •• , '_ •. :.rte -.. ,a 1 ' ,. - -• ;. - I' -- •1; 4• 'fw- -F J � - l -'` - fj• •? - -_-•{ -�i4 -, ' : �r'prMagcs ` _ • -.'; , 's - 11 �i hie, . "` ``�'� • >, You itery 'teuly�,_' - - • - � �- .. ' Braga �8ea�'ett � _ •- � � - � ` - �� � - App roved s' / - -gOt#a 1. Avery Noe Oft 14111% Rotirt •• -_ -•j ,'` i # it - - -•C• , ._. � l - _- .!� .. - _. •'�. — _. • ` .. •.Y� ., . - .. ,� .}. r .. .. z � OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS • REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 2194 ®� April 9, 19 64 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: t The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- liminary order of the Council known as Cauncil File No. 217126 approved March 18, 19 64 relative tograding and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 1, E. C. Bowens Addition and Block 5, Messerli and Eschbach's Addition and Graham's Sub. "A" of Lots,l through 13 of Messerli and Eschbach's Addition, Block 5 from Atlantic Street to Duluth Street. Also construct a sewer in the alley from 50' west of Atlantic Street to the existing sewer in Atlantic Street, and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $• 4,145.00 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improve men e ; and made a part hereof,�(,� 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Wo �4. Improvement is asked for upon petition Q l�• tached Commissioner of Public Works lAlW7 Zt in 44 to Lm of, ON ? 'A EFL L 577 4==h 4�0 (1711 :6t kj Egg J -rl I,,