219399ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED COMMISSI CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM 219399 COUNCIL NO FILE RESOLVED, That the prior Resolution of this Council, Council File No. 219153, adopted and approved July 10, 19641 be and the same hereby is amended by substituting the following for the first paragraph thereof: "RESOLVED, That the Minnesota Synod of Luther Leagues is granted the free use of the Auditorium Theatre August 12 through August 16, 1964, for their convention, the cost of opening and operating s4id hall on said dates to be set up in Auditorium Fund 2400; and it is further understood and agreed that the Minnesota Synod of Luther Leagues will hold their banquet in conneetion,with the Pop Musical Ice Revue in the Arena on Saturday night, August 15, 1964, at a cost to the Minnesota Synod of Luther Leagues of $2,200.00; and" and that the second paragraph of said Resolution, Council File No. 219153 shall remain in effect and all the terms, provisions and conditions contained therein are applicable to the use of the Arena and Theatre sections of the Auditorium as hereinabove set forth • F Council File No. 219399 — By Milton Rosen, by request — Resolved, That the prior Resolution of this Council, Council File No. 219153, adopted and approved July 10, 1964, be and the same hereby is amended by substituting the following for the first paragraph thereof: 'Resolved, That the Minnesota Synod of Luther Leagues is granted the free use of the Auditorium Theatre August 12 through August [[ 16, 1964, for their convention, the cost of opening and operating said hall on said dates to be set up in APP OV D Auditorium Fund 2400; and it is k further understood and agreed that the Minnesota q/MpNM1 Synod of Luther Leagues will hold their banquet in St. Of ration -c nsel connection with the Pop Musical Ice the Arena on to night,. August 15, 1964, t a cost the Minnesota Synod of Luther Leagues of $2,200.00; and„ and that the second paragraph of said Resolution, Council Flle No. 219153 rr shall remain in effect and all the terms, Provisions and conditions contained therein are applicable to the use of the Arena and Theatre sections of the Auditorium as hereinabove set forth. Adopted by the Council July 31, 1964.] t Approved July 31, 1964. (August 8, 1964) Owl Oil COUNCILMEN - Yeas Nays Dalglish fella d>7 xle Favor Meredith Reeersa J Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6.69 _0191 --Q1 logA