219397ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ti CITY 1 OF ST, PAUL COUNCIL N91 �}'3 97 ° OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE OUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONS A&n4in— DATE RESOLVED, Upon the pertinent Appeal, under the Zoning Code, by David Naiditch, owner of the subject real estate situate in the City of Saint Paul, on the north side of Sherburne Avenue between Milton and Victoria Streets, described as: )'Lots 7, 8 and 9, except the east 14.1 feet of Lot 9, Block 3, Victoria Street Addition to St. Paul;" zoned in "C" Residence District, under said Zoning Code; that - the provisions -of said Zoning Code, in their application to said real estate, which embraces an area of 7,552 square feet, hereby are determined and varied, as and to the extent necessary therefor,-in respect of density standards, area requirements of the same, and otherwise, and a special permit hereby is granted unto said Appellant David Naiditch for the construction, maintenance and operation thereon of an 8 -unit apartment building, provided that said Appellant and his successors in interest, otherwise, shall make due compliance with applicable ordinances, statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Meredith Rete-0- Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6.0 Council File No, 219397—By Milton Rosen, by request— , Resolved, Upon the pertinent Appeal,, under the Zoning Code, , by' David. e Naiditch owner of the subject real; estate siivate in the City of Saint Paul„ on the north side of- Sherburne° Ave - nue between Milton 1 and Victoria Sheets, described as: • . "Lots 7, 8 and 9, except the east ` 14.1 feet. of Lot 9, Block 3 Victoria Street Addition to St. Pawl;" zoned in, "C" Residence District, under said Zoning Code; that the provisions of said Zoning Code, in their applica- tion to said real estate, which embraces i an area of 7,552 square feet, hereby are I determined and varied, as and to the extent necessary therefor, in respect of density standards, area require - ments of the same, and otherwise, and a special permit hereby is granted unto i said Appellant David Naiditch for the construction, maintenance and opera- tion thereon of an 8 -unit apartment building, provided that said Appellant and his successors in interest, other- wise shall make due compliance with applicable ordinances, statutes and rules and regulations of public author- ities having cognizance. Adopted by the Council July 31 ,1964. Approved July 31, 1984. (August 8, 1964) 4 0 1- 1) 1 Tn �) Favor V Against - 31 A rove d 19- c Mayor OFFICE OF CITY CLERK. BUREAU " OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Donald L. Leis, Corporation Counsel, Dear Sir: 112CEIl� JUL 15 1964 ,ORP.ORATION l.V..,. July 8, 1964• ROBERT B. GERBER, JR. MRS_ AGNES H_ O!CQUN&L City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 1 VtJ97 The Council requests that you prepare a resolution granting the appeal of David Naiditch to relax the density standards of the Zoning Code on property-on the north side of Sherburne between Milton and Victoria, described as Lots 7, 8 and 9 except the east 14.1 feet of Lot 9, Block 3, Victoria Street Addition, in a "C" Residence District. Very truly yours, AO/hp City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA 8 ••�' .......... _ :. R*D' 'OF ZONING, CITY. 0,F SAINT PAUL •• •••••: #1(�N.6�ON; 431- 434 -439 1315 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE + r 3 SAINT PAUL 4, MINNESOTA k ..... .............. _ •. June 30, 1964 Mr.Robert B..- Gerber Jr., City Clerk • , Building Dear Sir: t This is in reply to the referral of the appeal of David Naiditch to relax the density standards of Chapter 60.24 of the Legislative Zoning Code to permit the erection of an 8 unit apartment building on a lot of insufficient area on property located on the north side of Sherburne Avenue between Milton and Victoria Streets which is described as Lots 7, 8 and 9 except the east 14.1 feet of Lot 9, Block 3, Victoria Street Addition The property is zoned "C1' residence., The site has a frontage of 60.9 feet on Sherburne Avenue and extends to a depth of 124 feet, resulting in an area ofuare feet.,Chapter of ..the Legislative Zoning Code requires 1. 00 s uare�feeeet of ground area per unit; therefore,,it is necessary to secure Council approval to construct the Rroposed �8 nitS„Ia,ar&me�}t build ng. The proposed building meets the required standards for building ground coverage, and the parking lot also meets the required standards. The parking lot is an administra- tive matter and not before the Council. The,Board of Zoning considered this matter at its regular meeting on June 4,_.1964. It was the opinion of the Board that the deficiency of 450 square feet was too great on a development of only eight units and there- fore, the Board recommends the denial of the appeal to relax the density standards of Chapter 60.24 for the above described property. Sincerely, B. R. Teig, A.I.P. Recording Secretary BRT :FGI- Encl . lC Z. F. 5523 Approved Z( Ot/Lz Z__2 CC: Mr. Janes Ijember, Board'of Zoning T NILVA, SHAW AND FRISCH ATTORNEYS AT LAW WEST 886 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. , �^ ST. PAUL 1, MINNESOTA \ \ \v ALLEN I. NILVA 227 -8266 IRVING SHAW GERALD E. FRISCH May 26, 1964 646 -7901 lit ; ' ", 1�Ef�S Honorable Mayor and C' puncil �Iv V 1.1d LZCI y fz Saint Paul Court House Saint Paul 29 Minnesota Re: David Naiditch Property - 865 J d ' Sherburne Avenue (Unimproved Lot) Gentlemen: Please be advised that we represent Mr. David Naiditch, Saint Paul, Minnesota, in connection with the development of the following des- cribed real "property, to -wit: Lot Seven (7)9 Eight (8)9 and Nine (9), except the East 14.1 feet of Lot Nine (9)9 Block Three (3), Victoria Street Addition to St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. (Site having a frontage of 60.9 feet and depth of 124 feet.) - Mr. Naiditch proposed to develop this property with an eight (8) unit apartment building. We understand that it will be necessary to ob- tain your authority for a variance of density in order to construct eight (8) units thereon. Accordingly, application is hereby made to your honorable body for a variation of the density ratio as set forth in the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul. This property is in excess of 7,500 square feet and we sincerely believe that the application for %fariance can be granted in this case without injuring the surrounding property. 1 Application is also made herein for off - street parking permit for eight (8) Vehicles in connection with the proposed development. We are herewith enclosing three (3) copies of Plot Plan showing the proposed loca- tion of the apartment building and the off - street parking facilities. Also enclosed please find our check in the amount of $20.00 to cover the filing fee. t 552 -y r Honorable Mayor and City Council Page -2- May 269 1964 A copy of this letter -is being forwarded to the Planning Board of the City of Saint Paul. Your favorable consideration of the applica- tions herein will be appreciated. Respectfully yours, NILVA, SHAW AND FRISCH By: Gerald E. Frisch 's GEF:las t Encls. c.c. Planning Board City of Saint Paul .t r,. n •1. 1 .4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 t 224 -4612 i 22 t June 19, 1964 City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul.9 Minnesota File 16488, Page 1 You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m, on July 1, 1964, on the application of David Naiditch for appeal to relax the density standards to permit an 8 unit apartment building on a lot of insufficient area; on following described property: Lots 7, 8, 9 except east 14.1 feet of Lot 9, Block 3, Victor's St. Addition. The property is located on the north side of Sherburne Avenue between Milton and Victoria Streets. For further information call at Room 1315, Court House, or phone 224 - 4612, Extension 251. JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance i+ ,, duly 1, 1964, • Zoning 8oard, « .} 13th. Floor; The Council laid -over t '8th;- e matter of the = = - appeal of David _Naiditch to relax city ards on property - on the north side -cif Sherburne Aven n Milton and-Victoria. ;. F Very ly yours. _ - a _ City Clerk _ a -AO/hp r _ - CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT" OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 224 -4612 cQW22 June 19, 1964 James J. and Minnie E. godilek 879 Sherburne Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota File 16488, Page 3 You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on July 1, 1964, on the application of David Naiditch for appeal to relax the density standards to permit an 8 unit apartment building on a lot of insuff c ibed ro erty: is 7, 8, 9 except east 14.1 f et of Lot 9, Victor �s�t� Addition. a property is located on the.nher urine etween Milton and Victoria Streets. For further information call at Room 1315, Court House, or phone 224 -46122 Extension 251. JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance � t ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 224 -4612 22 June 19, 1964 0 Carl and Mabel Kuhnly 880 Sherburne Ave. St. Paul 4,P Minnesota File 16488, _Page 3 A 1S. ;L You are hereby notified ,th.1tV a public hearing fill be held in, the Council Chambers of f966 "dii Hall and Court House ae`"i0�:00 a.m. on July 1, 1964, on the application of David Naiditch for appeal to relax the density standards to permit an 8 unit apartment building on a lot of insufficient area; on following described property: Lots 7, 8, 9 except east 14.1 feet of Lot 9, Block 3, Victor's St. Addition. The property is located on the north side of Sherburne Avenue between Milton and Victoria Streets. For further information call at Room 1315, Court House, or phone 224 -4612, Extension 251. , JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance "-e-z)