219384ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK /19384 _ • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO MMM 444fff VVV OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n Cf U ACIL RESnOLU,TI' /�N— GENERAL FORM ueeeu,en ■4 nd / n Al i . .I n I 1 .` �1 r PUBLISHED WHEREAS, Robert J. Zasada, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Police, was injured in a third party accident on April 7, 1964, while engaged in the perfor- mance of his duties for said Bureau; and WHEREAS, the City has incurred medical expense in the amount of $15.00 therefor, and said employe was disabled for work for a period of time, being paid salary in the amount of $154.10; and that the city squad car No. 313 was also damaged in said accident to the extent of $112.96 for which Comptroller's registered bill 3 -4242 was issued, WHEREAS, a settlement has been negotiated between said employe and the other party involved in said accident, in the total amount of $582.06, and out of saiid sum, the City will receive the full amount of its subrogation interest by reason of injury to its employe, $154.10 and damage to the city squad car in the amount of $112.92, now, therefor, be it - RESOLVED, That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized to accept in full final and complete settlement of its claim herein the sum of $282.06 and to execute any necessary releases therefor; that--of said sum, $154.10 is thereby credited to the Police Salary Fund; $15.00 to the Workmen's Compensation Fund; and $112.96 in payment of registered bill 3 -4242. rCounzil Pyle No. 219384 — r.y Dean i? ;• ^dith- erew :, Robert J. Zc: an ent- •'r 'he neP.,rfyr. VE Rporativ,l Courts ,JUL 31 1%4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Ho kHmL, -ZhVs's --- Meredith Eat" " - Rosen Mr. President_, Vavoulis loot "2 \ Tn Favor 9 � V � Against i DUrLICAT[ TO r111NT[R ����7� i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAB WHEREAS, Robert J. Zasada, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Police, was injured in a third party accident on April 7, 1964, while engaged in the perfor- mance of his duties for said Bureau; and WHEREAS, the City has incurred medical expense in the amount of $15.00 therefor, and said employe was disabled for work for a period of time, being paid salary in the amount of $154.10; and that the city squad car No. 313 was also damaged in said accident to the extent of $112.96 for which Comptroller's registered bill 3 -4242 was issued, WHEREAS, a settlement has been negotiated - between said employe and the other party involved in said accident, in the total amount of $582.06, and out of said sum, the City will receive the full amount of its subrogation interest by reason of injury to its employe, $154.10 and damage to the city squad car in the amount of $112.92, now, therefor, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized to accept in full final and complete settlement of its claim herein the sum of $282.06 and to execute any necessary releases therefor; that of said sum, $154.10 is thereby credited to the Police Salary Fund; $15.00 to the Workmen's Compensation Fund; and $112.96 in payment of registered bill 3 -4242. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish o and osL— s Meredith P_ tess�,� s Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis loll $42 JUL 3 1 SM Adopted by the Council 19— JUL Approval 19— Tn Favor Mayor Against