219342ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK + ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSION 41 X42 FILE CIL NO RESOLVED, upon due consideration of the pertinent Appeal, under the Zoning Code.; by Northern Pacific Beneficial Association Hospitals, Inc., as owner of the subject real estate, situate in the City of Saint Paul, zoned in "B" Residence Distiiut, by said Zoning Code, and particularly described as: Lots 1 through 18 inclusive, Dyees Re- arrangement of Block 5l Hamlin Syndicate No. 3, located on the north side of Charles Ave. between Simpson and Asbury Sts., that the provisions of said Zoning Code, in respect of their application to said real estate and the non- conforming Hospital Building and auxiliary uses thereon valid at their inception and establishment prior to the effective date of Building Zone Ordinance No. 5840, August 22, 1922, hereby are determined and varied as and to the extent necessary therefor and a Special Permit hereby is granted unto said Appellant Northern Pacific Beneficial Kgsobiation Hospitals, Inc. for the proposed extension, enlargement and remodeling of�said Hospital Building and auxiliary uses, on such real estate, in accordance with the plans therefor hereby approved and herewith filed and such necessary detailed plans consistent therewith as shall be approved by the City Architect; and that, otherwise, said Appellant, in the premises, shall make due compliance with all applicable ordinances, statutes, and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. FORM AP COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland T iQSS Meredith —- _Asea f k I t ArovmNOW : rl� loMI166sCe.Fresident (Rosen) Council File No. 219342 — By Bernard T. Holland, by request— Resolved, Upon due consideration of thy• pertinent Appeal, 1 r, :;• -;he Zoning C - ,e, biy Northern ; +. Beneficial D I ci Ft, HOS� °f:'' �,�il rwne +oP el, . - - ---- � • ti. ( ,G s.:f.u:T. yXi- .•.e•i�.C�:S ^: s' +ai tla� �O� - — .+asup�'t �dF,rix• , • of iu. "' - - f: Tyl� p .l � es' -)HA p. R'OF LAW / Tn Favor Against JUL 2 2 1964 Adopted by the Council 19— JUL 2 2 99R4 ZONING APPEAL Notice is eby lggiven that a publjc hea Co nicil atfi10 A.Meon July 9,t1964C1inn r y ,the Cii a Council use,ber the he tteT O N I N G, CITY Off! SAINT PAUL of the appeal of Northern Pacific Bene- i ficlal Association, Linder Chapters 60 t0 1315 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT CAUL Z, MINNESOTA 64 inclusive, St. Paul Legislative Code, I Zoning Code, for extension of non -con- b .p forming use for purpose of enlarging [�?[ inclusive, hospital on arrangement o iof Block 5, on the 'north side of Charles iAve. bet�deen Simpson and Asbury Sts.' Ijr Dated June 25, 1964. July 7, 1964 ROBERT B. GERBER„ JR. City Clerk. (June 27, 1964)' Mr. Robert B. Gerber Jr. City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in reply to the referral of the appeal of the Northern Pacific Beneficial Association Hospitals Inc. for an extension of a non- conform- ing use for the purpose of enlarging the hospital on property located on the north side of Charles Avenbe between Simpson and Asbury Streets and described as Lots 1 thru 18 inclusive, Dyers Rearr. of Block 5. The property is zoned "B`* residence. The subject property is presently developed with the hospital structure which was originally built in 1920 and the proposed addition is now under construction. Because the existing hospital was constructed prior to the enactment of the Legislative Zoning Code providing for a "C" residence classification for a hospital, the proposed enlargement is considered an addition to a legal non - conforming use and must have Council authorization. The Board of Zoning considered the matter at its regular meeting on May 14, 1964 and it is the opinion of the Board that the proposed addi- tion will be an asset to the community and will be compatible with the existing area uses. Therefore, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting of the appeal as above outlined. Y - +: r d� • ,' Sincerely, f , 7B.' R. Tei5'.I.P. BRT :FGI -,Recording Secretary - Encl. Z. F. 5488 CC: Mr.Janes Approved ", 4 Member, Board of Zoning P. C. NEWBERG Administrator N. P. B. A. Hospitals, Incorporated 1515 Charles Avenue St. Paul 4, Minnesota April 29, 1964 The Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o City Clerk Room 386, City Hall & Court House The Northern Pacific Beneficial Association Hospital, Inc. 1515 Charles Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota (legal descriptions - .Dyers Re of Block 5 Vac alley and lots 1 thru 18 5) owns and operates a hospital at this address; The Board of the hospital is interested in securing permission to expand the hospital building due to the need for additional space for expanded services. This letter is an appeal in regard to chapter 64.03 paragraph "b" of the Zoning Ordinance permitting the extension of a non- conforming use of a building valid at the time of construction of such a building. We thank you for your respectful consideration of this request. Very truly yours, 4 ooc- P. C. Newberg Administrator PCN:cv Enc: filing fee check 0 .,88 �°G� o� i- L City Clerk • -CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 224 -4612 22 June 25, 1964 File 16465 Page 1 You are hereby notified that the public hearing originally set for July 2, 1964, has been rescheduled for July 9, 1964, on the applica= tion of Northern Pacific Beneficial Association for appeal for ex- tension of non - conforming use for the purpose of enlarging the present hospital on the following described property: Lots 1 through 18, inclusive, Dyers Rearrangement of Block 5. The property is located on the north side of Charles Avenue between Simpson and Asbury Streets. The meeting will be held at 10 :00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House. For further information call at Room 1315, Court House or phone 224 -4612, Extension 251. JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance a CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court Nan. 55102 224 -4612 aojE�0-22 June 19, 1964 City Clerk 386 City Hall File 16465, Page 1 St,, Paul, Minnesota You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on July 2, 1964, on the application of Northern Pacific Beneficial Association for appeal for extension of non - conforming use for the purpose of enlarging the present hospital on the following described property: Lots 1 thru 18 inclusive, Dyers Rearrangement of Block 5 . The property is located on the north side of Charles Avenue between Simpson and Asbury Streets. For further information call at Room 1315, Court House or phone 224- 1612, Extension 251. COrMSSIONER OF FINANCE a r ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 2,9343 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO d OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCI R SOLU ION — GENERAL FORM . ►RE ",.ELATED BY (PUBLISHED ' S - f COMMISSIONER nATr. Yeas RESOLVED, upon due consideration of the pertinent Appeal under the Zoning Code by Martin H. Reitz, Inc., as owner of the subject real estate situate in the City of Saint Paul, zoned as Commercial District, by said Zoning Code, and described as follows: Lot 1, Block 3, Summit View, that the provisions of said Zoning Code, in their application to said premises, pertaining to density standards, land area requirements and other matters, hereby are determined-and varied as and to the extent necessary therefor and a Special Permit hereby is granted to said appellant for the construction, maintenance and operation, on said real estate, of a ten unit apartment building, and pursuant to the pertinent application therefor by '-said Martin H. Reitz, Inc., a Special Permit hereby is granted to said Applicant for the installation, maintenance and operation of a 12 -car capacity off-street parking facility in conjunction with such now proposed 10 unit apartment building, on said real estate, according to the final plans therefor hereby approved and herewith filed, provided that said Appellant - Applicant and its assigns, in the premises, shall make due compliance, otherwise with all applicable ordinances, statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance, COUNCILMEN Dalglish Holland -mss- Meredith Pa&:.n oven Nays .W. Vice President (Rosen) 10M 6.62 Co ^11 F Ie No. 219343 —By Bernard TY'lolland, by request— t ;ved, Upon due consideration of •ent P_r1,ea1 r.k;der the Zoning h2arti lI_ T?e;� p Inc., as owner ;itbjc %Zr, ,:� ate situate in t ST ]sije .7gn• ,c .,+ ":: JiNg Code, :C� -!ya` 315 `h'-2 .•� A% O ,YO• `77u8 :a -i -P Ili .7(5 -4f.,o 1.1111 ;. it` ,a7 T trail N In JUL 2 2196 Adopted by the Council 19— JUL 22 Approved 19— In Favor V Mayor A$alI13t .......................... ......................... .......................... ....................... OF ...•: M04,el`W.2s1- 232 -2S3 ......................... . .... ..... .. .. ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL - 1313 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSI SAINT PAUL 2, MINNISOTA Mr. Robert B. Gerber Jr. City Clerk Building Dear Sir: July 7, 1964 PUBLISHED ,934 This is in reply to the referral of Martin H. Reitz Inc.Ts 'Z) appeal to relax the density standards of Chapter 60.24 of the Legislative Code, and 2) application for a 12 car off - street parking lot-accessory to a proposed 10 unit apartment building -to be constructed on property located at the southwest corner of Grand Avenue and Saratoga Street which is described as Lot 1, Block 3, Summit View Addition. The property•is zoned commercial. The subject property is developed with a single - family residence which will be removed for the proposed use and has a frontage of 66.16 feet on Grand Avenue and 150 feet on.Saratoga Street, resulting in an area of approximately 9,924 square-feet. : The Board of Zoning considered this matter at its regular meeting on June 4, 1964. The staff reported that the proposal was short approximately 76 square feet to qualify for ten units, but that the requirements for building gro n coverage are met. The Traffic Engineer has approved the parking lot plan which meets the standards for this type of facility and provides for one driveway tq the lot'off Saratoga Street with no access to the public alley adjoining.- The Board is of the opinion that the re- quested relaxation_ is reasonable and in keeping with the purpose and intent of the Ordinance. It is the feeling of the Board that the proposed develop -' ment is preferable to a commercial use for which the site qualifies. There- fore, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting =of the appeal to relax the density standards of Chapter 60.24 of the Legislative Code to� permit a ten- unit•building on the site, and the application for a, permit for a 12 car off - street parking lot on the above described property in ,accordance •with final plans dated June 1, 1964. - Sincerely, B. R. Teig, .I.P. Recording Se retary BRT:FGI , Encl.. 1 17 Z. F.'5517 Approved r _. Member; oard of Zoning FRED A. KUEPPERS HARRY P. STRONG, JR. FRED A. KUEPPERS, JR. GERALD C. RUMMEL The Honorable Mayor City of St. Paul Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Honorable Gentlemen: LAW OFFICES KUEPPERS, STRONG & KUEPPERS 1117 COMMERCE BUILDING ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 May 14, 1964 and City Council 55102 �a (0D C622 _/ 4 2 -8821 YY 101 MAY 15 1964 CITY PLANNIING buitkti) Sint Paul, Minnesota On behalf of Mr. Martin H. Reitz, whose business headquarters are at 1596 Selby Avenue, St: Paul, Minnesota, we are filing this appeal from the-appli- cation of the provisions of the Zoning Code by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings with respect to the application made by Mr. Reitz for a permit to construct a ten unit apartment building on the prop- erty located at the Southwest corner of Grand Avenue and Saratoga Street, St. Paul. The legal description of the property in question is Lot 1, Block 3, Summit View addition. The plat of that property indicates that it has a frontage of 66.16 feet on Grand Avenue and a depth of 150 feet extending along Sara- toga Street. The property has an area of 9,924 square feet. At the present time there is a one family residence on the property which is being used for residential purposes. Mr. Reitz is purchasing the prop- erty and proposes' to remove the dwelling and to construct a ten unit apart- ment building. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has informed Mr. Reitz that he cannot issue a permit for the construction of a ten unit apartment building because of the provisions of Section 60.24 of the Legislative Code. That Section specifies that a minimum of 1,000 square feet of land area shall be provided for each dwelling unit in a building or structure to tie used for multiple residential purposes. Since the property in question has an area of 9,924 square feet, there is a defi- ciency of 76 square feet in so far as the provisions of Section 60.24 are concerned.' It is respectfully submitted that this deficiency is only nomi- nal and that the granting of Mr. Reitz's application to construct a ten unit apartment building is in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the Zoning Code andlthe provisions of Section 60.24. f It is therefore respectfully requested that your Honorable Body exercise the power and authority conferred upon it by Section 64.03 of the Legislative Code and direct the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings i The Honorable Mayor and City Council May 13, 1964 ' Page Two I to issue to Mr. Reitz -a permit for the construction of a ten unit apartment building on the property in question, subject of- course to the compliance by Mr. Reitz with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Code and all provisions of the Building Code. - Respectfully submitted, WEPPERS, STRONG & KUEPPERS By- FAK:pmp .A - f � /J, CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 224 -4612 22 June 26, 1964 City Clerk File 16486, 16487 Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10 :00 a.m. on July 9, 1964, on the application of Martin H. Reitz for: (1) A permit to install and operate a 12 -car off - street parking lot in conjunction with a proposed 10 -unit apartment building. (2) An appeal to relax density standards of Chapter 60.24 of Legis- lative Zoning Code to permit a 10 -unit apartment building on a lot of insufficient area. The property is described as Lot 1, Block 3, Summit View. The pro - petty is located on the southwest corner of Grand Avenue and Sara- toga Street. For further information call at Room 1315, Court House or ph6ne 224 -4612, Extension 251. JAMES.J. DALGLISH Ca mmissioner of Finance City of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT Z (Please print or type) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL , % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereby ade to XemodAi nr� -.g�sr y install and operate a new 8 (cross one out) FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: PARKING LOT for (private use) ( Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection with; Q MISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive -in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick -up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location : S' i -V- -- o`A1'e4- 6ZI' a hW OL Sla-k a - %94.1.1 Legal Description : Lot Block Addition Applicant's Name �f�,7,� ,(J ps �- J G Home or Office Address: 1SyG 5; --41V ��/�� ST /t/ Phone Number : yy - IM7- FOR/BY THE APPLICANT, (Sigf, u — (date) Tddress /ow Phone No.. �� /% When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay -out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z -3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2., South side of Main St. between First and Second St. N 0 z z 0 n T � � F m F - r = O eL,14' P U r3 LSCG A I I N I I � : r T1 of D V I 3 m z rls� I" w x�n a SC { N i< y { i o v t Z z �� AI I' ( i N !I �s f j' � I•�I� �� �� I� I —S U' —i- D A z .,,�` I �\ �`�' III o — - '� o I ti _4 ' '• 7. /b I I - �v rn I I I PUBLIC I i Cn R A N D A V E M U E D d d 0 Z U' 66 /6 o -4 — W I A ' y• �D ` A D z C a Z m IA PEI 3> r. 4 w{_ y c ; A 4 G C PUBLIC I i Cn R A N D A V E M U E D d d 0 Z kp n r In r ' n i s , a o � A --a U' In o -4 — W I A ' y• �D ` A D z C a Z m IA kp n r In r ' n i s , a o � A --a