06-716Return copy to: (BJE) PWtTechnicai Services — Real Estate 1000 City Hail Annex RESOLUTION Council File # �,' �'�p Green Sheet # 3031355 OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 WHEI2EAS, the City of Saint Paul ("Cit�') operates a public sewer on property owned by the 2 Saint Paul Independent School District No. 625 ("School District"), commonly known as the 3 Johnson Senior High School athletic field; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the School District groposes to construct a new artificial athletic field and uack, which 6 requires the construction of a new public sewer in a different location on the Johnson High School 7 property, as shown on the survey map attached hereto as Exhibit - `A"; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 lb 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WHEREAS, the City has agreed to release the existing sewer easement, as contained in Document No. 2379085 and described and attached hereta as Exhibit "B", in exchange for the Schooi DistricY s dedication of the new sewer easemeni, as attached hereto as Exhibit "C"; and WHEREAS, the Valuation & Assessments Engjneer has determined the new sewer easement to be of equivalent value to the existing sewer easement to be released by the City; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that with ihe accompanying Uulitp Easement Certificate of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of the Deparnnent of Public Works for the City of Saint Paul, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the Mayor and Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby release and waive all rights to the public sewer easement as depicted in Exhibit "A"; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council hereby accept a new public sewer easement from the School District, their successors and assigns, in a form and content substantially as set forth in the draft Dedication of Easement attached hereto as Exhibit "C"; and be it further RESOLUED, that the release of said existing public sewer easement sha11 be subject to the City's receipt of an executed easement from the School Bistrict for the new public sewer; and be it finally RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to record a copy of said resolution and Dedication of Easement in ttie office of the County Recorder, Ramsey County, and that the City Clerk shall maintain on file a copy of the Certificate of Intended Non-Use referenced in said resolution. Councit File # Public Works BV: �a��-�G Duectnr ,,, /'i � � �Q%C.. 3031355 Page 2 Form Requested by the Depaztment of: Adopted by Council: Date � . a Adoption Certified by C uncil Secr ary By: � Approved by - r: ate By: G:lReal EstateNacations�?006V16.0 �2UOhosoa HS Sewec.ResoluROn doc I: Green Sheet # by City for S�bmissiqa� to Council By: -��tt�- � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PW -�,bli�w� ContactPerson 8 Phone: B'uce Engelbrekt 2665854 Must Be on Council Agen� '12-JUL-06 � Assgn Number For Roufing Order p�.-1l� Green Sheet NO: 3031355 0 �iblicWOiks� IL /�.�/VCa I BruceEnQdbrekt I � 1 �eA�an enarhnentDirector �� l� 2 lv Attornev. .. . .Tudv Hanson ,�� 1 ��� 3 IMavor's Office 1 Mavar/ASSistant `1' 4 07 5 ' Clerk Q' CI Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Approval of resoluuon to authorize ffie release of a city storm sewer easement and acceptaace of a new storm sewer easement from Saint Paul Public Schools to accommodate the relocarion of a sewer beneath the 3ohnson High School athlefic field idations: Appro�e (A) or Reject Planning Commission CIB Committee Citil Service Commission Personal Service Cuntracts lAust Answer the Following questions: 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked under a coMract for this department? Yes No 2. Nas this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee'+ Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skiil rat nortnally possessed by arry current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and akach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Oppartunily (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The School District proposes to reconstruct the Johnson HS athletic field with artificial tarf and a new artificial track. As part of th project, the School Diatric[ proposes to relocate the exisfing city storm sewer lying beneath that field. This resolufion authorizes the City's release of the existing sewer easement and the acceptance of the new sewer easement from the School District. Pdvantages If Approved: The School Disffict will be able to relocaze the sewer line and the City will have ownership and easement rights to the new sewer. Disadvantages If Approved; None � � � � � '�� .�,�°.`. .i� i. % 2Gait6 Disadvantapes M Not Approved: The School Dishict will be unable to relocate ihe sewer line to accommodate [heir project. TotaiAmountof O Transaction: Fundinq Source: Financial Informaf[an: (Facplain) Cost/Revenue Sudgeted: AcHviN Number. ftECEiVED ,��� 2 a 2006 �. � �-� ,� .-�- g�°�g �� : � :'$ S ��.�?"5i�a�` RECE1VEa JU� 2 Q 2006 MA9'OR'S nFFrr July 12, 2006 2: 90 PM Page 1 � `%{� p�- zt4 Easement Sketch for: IIVDEPElVDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 1�lO. 625 � I <_ � 1 �-1� . , — �,. ._., ���. � --� ._. .� — a ��i `Y ��. �T- _ �`_ _ `� I ; ' - � ' �� �. � � � ._, � Y ' — � `�' � �,. , � Q — — r. ,:� `;: �.; :_: , i � _� — �z_ i�. ,' �� ., .. � , ` � ��i l� � _,, _ _» . _ __s . y` Y �,; ". � WALSH STREET �� U m �-2--�t �� Scale: 1 inch = 60 feet r �n � � Denotes porfion ofQxi3 � public sewer easement � contained in Rocument � No. 2379085 to be W vocotedo� ra{qateQ � (� Rr9posuQ p�l,Cc seweh Q � BaSeMtM1 proP°$ eoseme�nt � I h � ' Southwest co�ner of Block 3, OAKV/LLE PARK Southwest comer 't �"' line of vocated !vy pvenue ° B PyA�EN P��£ "� � GREENBRIER ,_.. __ West tine of B�a�k 3, S TREET OAfMtLE PARK extended � � Rehder and Associates, Inc. CML ENGtNEERS AND LAND SURYEYORS N+a Poard Onve • SuRa ba - Fagan, �Fnroxto • Pmne (65i) +sz-sos+ Exh�b►{ �B" p�-ti��C PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT TO SE VACATED That portion of the pubtic sewer easement secarded as Document No. 2379085 described as follows: The south 30 feet of the north 48 feet of Lats 1, 2, and 3, the south 43 feet of the North 48 feet of Lot 4, the Morth 37 feet of Lot 5, the North 22 feet of Lot 6, the North 10 feet of Lot 7, Biock 3, Oakviile Park, St. Paui, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Also, the South 43 feet of the Vacated E. tvy Avenue right-of-way from the East right-of-way line of Greenbrier Street to a point 100 feef East of the said line. Also, the South 23 feet of the vacated E. Ivy right-of-way from a point 100 feet East of the East right-of-way line of Greenbrier Street to a point 195 feet East of the East right-af-way line of Greenbrier Street. Aiso, that part of vacated E. ivy Avenue lying between the West Iine of Block 3, Oakviile Park extended and a line 30 feet East of and parallel to said west line e�ended. Ula �x�►►bif `<<„ DEDICATION OF EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC SEWER PURPOSES Independent School District No. 625, Grantor(sJ, for good and valuable consideration, to them in hand paid and the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged does taereby grant, bazgain, sell and convey to the Citp of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, as Grantee, a 38-foot wide permanent easement for pnblic sewer purposes over, under s2nd across that pazt of vacated Ivy Avenue and that part of Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 3, OAKV�LE PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, the northeaste�ly line of said 38-foot easement is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of said BIc3cI� 3`distant 78.55 feet easterly of the southwest corner thereof; thence northwesterly fo a point on the west li��:of said vacated Ivy Avenue distant 17.00 feet southerly of.:�t�e:sauthwest_comer of Block � I,,ANE'S PHALEN FLACE, according to the recorded g�t:�hereaf;'�aid Ramsey Co�nty, and there said line terminates. Together with a permanent easement for gul��c sewer purposes a�ez, under and across the South 7 feet lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, said Biock 3 the S�r�ih'�..feet of the Eas�?:feet of Lot 6, said Block 3 and the South 15 feet of Lots 6, 7 and 8, said:Block'�;. ��i�h lies wesferly of the East 7 feet of said Lot 6 and easterly of the following described li�: Beginning at a p�mt on t�e.south line of said Block 3 distant 78_55 feet easterly of the southwest co�r thereof; Chence northwesfexly to a point on the west line of said vacated Ivy Avenue distai�t 17.00 feet southerly of tlie`�outhwest corner of Block 4, LANE' S PHALEN PLACE, a�e�?rdingt�'ttie.� said:l�t�� tei'�iiiates �`� have and to hold �te same f�seve the land at�d premises afor�"�id, ane� has plat thereof, said Kamsey County, and there r. Grantor does covenant that it is we11 seized in fee of good right to sell and convey the same free of all That Crantor �lso cavenants that the above granted easement is in the quiet and peaceable possession of the Grautet�_:;�rantor will warrant and defend against all persons lawfully claiming the whole or any part theret�f; subject to encumbrances, if any, hereinbefore mentioned. It is intended and agreed that this agreement shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding to the fullest extent of the law and equiry for the benefit of the public. It is further intended and agreed that this agreement and covenant shall remain in effect without limitauon as to time. 06-71� IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, Grantor(s), , a under the laws of , has(ve) caused this deed to be executed in its corporate name by iu duly authorized officers, and attested to this day of , 2006. By Its And Its � STATE OF MINNESOTA ss COUNTY OF RAMSE�'. � The foregoing was acknowIet���ti befor�; �t�tt��c..: day of , 2006 by And the and of This Instrument was drafted by: Depaztment of Public Works Technical Services Division - Real Estate Room 1000, City Hall Annex 25 W. 4`" St. St. Paul, MN 5510? G�ReatESta�e\Vacauoas�Bmre�2002\02X.03 -FligLtand Esmt SwapUipJdFSmtSwap.PecmSarsESmtSChook.doc C� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE F30NOR.ABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COLTNCIL OF TF� In the Matter of: CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File # 06-C-02 The undersigned hereby cer[ifies, on behalf of the indicated department, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: That portion of the public sewer easement recorded as Document No. 2379085 described as follows: The south 30 feet of the north 48 feet of Lots 1, 2, and 3, the south 43 feet of the North 48 feet of Lot 4, the North 37 feet of Lot 5, the North 22 feet of Lot 6, the Nonh 10 feet of Lot 7, Block 3, Oakville Park, Sz Paul, Ramsey Counry, Minnesota. Also, the South 43 feet of the vacated E. IvyAvenue right-of-way from the East right-of- way line of Greenbrier Street to a point I00 feet East of the said line. Also, the South 23 feet of zhe vacated E. Ivy right-of-way from a point 100 feet East of the East right-of-way line of Greenbrier Street to a paint I95 feet East of the East right-of-way line of Greenbrier Street. Also, that part of vacated E. Ivy Avenue lying between the West line of Block 3, Oakvitle Park extended and a line 30 feet East of and parallel to said west line extended. except as here noted: STATE OF MINNFSOTA COUNTX OF }SS ,� / its: s;����c✓ Signature /I Y-� The foiegoing inskument was aclmowledgzd befoie mz tF�is `� day of � . 20 � of a uader th ��`• 6Ap6/�RA J. KOLS7A0� NOiARY PUkIC•I W W ESO'�� 1MCMI�IOM'fwMJq. N.701E � Notary Public �w✓'�' �-4 � " � % My comrttission expiru �� � �� Z.a � O RETURN SIGNED/NOTARIZED COPY TO 1000 CITY HALL ANNEX, 25 W. 4`" St., ST PAUL 55102