06-714Retum copy to: (BJE) PW/Techzucal Services — Real Fstate Council �le # �1.� 1000 City Hail Annex Green Sheet # 3031480 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAWT PAUL, MINNESOTA t � � n ��P Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 2 WHEREAS, On February 15, 2006, the Saint Paul City Council approved Council File 1Vo. 06-15 3 expressing support for the efforts of The Conservation Fund ("TCF") to acquire three contiguous parcels 4 in the Highwood neighborhood of the City of Saint Paul, commonly referred to as "Henry Park" and 5 shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and 7 WHEREAS, "Henry Park" is part of the City's strategic plan to add land to the park system, and is a 8 critical par[ of the National Great River Park Plan that Parks is developing for land in the city along the 9 Mississippi River;and lo 11 WHEREAS, during the 2006 State L,egislative Session the City received $25 million in state capital 12 improvement bond financing, a portion of which is to be used for the acquisiuon of "Henry Park"; and 13 i4 WHEREAS, TCF has succesfully negoriated and exercised purcY�ase options to acquire "Henry Park," is and inTends to purchase the properties for subsequent sale to the City; and 16 1� WHEREAS, the City, acting through its Public Works Technicai Services Division, Real Estate 18 Section, has secured a Contract for Sa1e to acquire three properties that comprise "Henry Park," attached 19 hereto as Exhibit `B'°; and 20 2i WI3EREAS, the City has agreed to pay the following amounts for the purchase of said properties; 22 23 4.25 acres — Sellers: Regan L. Metcaif, Kathleen M. Knutson, Ward Mehlan za 236 acres — Seller: Regan L. Metcalf 25 4.44 acres — Sellers: Regan L. Metcalf, Kathleen M. Knutson 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Total $671,802.88 $374,197.82 $703.99930 $1,750 these being fair and reasonable values as determined by an independent appraisal and subsequently negotiated between the City and TCF; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Technical Services Manager, acting as the Valuation and Assessments Engineer, has recommended purchase of said properties at the agreed-upon values; now, therefore be it 34 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby accepts and approves the Contract for 35 Sa1e for said "Henry Park" properties (at[ached as Exhibit "B"), and directs and authorizes the proper 36 city officials to pay $1,750,000.00 to TCF plus a11 associated administrative and closing costs as 3� documented in said Contract for Sale, said amounts to be charged to Activity Code: CPL-006-3S120. coun�sl ��e # Green Sheet # o�- � 3031484 Page 2 Requested by: ✓ ✓ ✓ Division of Parks and Recreation �0� �L-JI ! ���� � ��.,.�� Bv: � �c Q _ . �� Director Adopted by Council: Date / `Dd6 Adoption Certified by Councii S etary B �. Approved by � Date � 7 � By: Form Ap ��ved by City Atto� By: Approved b ayor for Submission to Council By: G.�[teal Es[ate�.4cquisif�onslParks and Recrea¢on�Flenry Puk�CouncilResolu4on FINAL.072106.doc � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Depat4nenVoffice%auncil: Dateinitiated: `" Pw -�,l��wo� 2tJUL-0fi Green Sheet NO: 3031480 Contact Person 8 Phone: Biuce Ergelbtekt 2G68854 Must Be on Council Agenda 6y (Date): OZ-AUGq6 � l�sign Numher For Routing Ordef Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Sgnature) Action Requested: SentTo Person 4 CIi 5 'tv Qerk ' Clerk a resoluflon ta authorize Ciry acquisition of the "Henry Pazk" properties for pazk purposes. itlations: Appro+s (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts MustMswerthe Following Ques6ons: Planning Commission �, H� this persoNfittn e�er waked �nder a contract for this department? GB Canmittee Yes No QHI Service Commission 2. Has this persor✓firm e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this persoNSrtn possess a skill not normally p�sessed by afry cuaent city empbyee? Yes No Exp4ain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet InRiating Problem, lssues, Oppodunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): On Febmary 15, 2006, the City Council approved CF 06-15 expressing support for The Conservafion Fund (TCF) to work with the Ci in acquiring three parcels that comprise a property in the Highwood azea now being refened tc as "Henry Park." TCF now has exexcised opflons to purchase those pazcels for subsequent sale ro the City. This resolution authorizes the City's porchase of the pazcels for $I.�S million according ro the terms of the attached Contract for Sale between the City and TCF. AdvanWges If Approved: The Ci[y will have over ll acres of wooded land within the City of Saint Paul for active or passive park use. DisativanWges IfApproved: Addifional maintenance and operations cost. Disadvantaqes If Not Approved: The Ciry wili be foregoing an opportuniry to acquire wooded land for future use by city residents. ToW I Amount of Transaction: 1750000 CosURevenue Budgeted: �( Fundinq Source: SiBfe 1iJf1dS other Parks ��rtv Number. CPL-006-35120 Financia� mformation: � Rec project funds (ExpWin) Council Research Center - - ��� � � aoas July 21, 2006 5, PM Page 1 SURVEY MAP OF SU83ECT PROPERTY �X{tib11 ��„ �,-1l� i . �--�—_—.—��T . � ` �s�,. � . ' `, � ; ��` ��a { ' � I P� /\` /� p �i�� f ' y ��'� ., �� ' ` 1$ � . • , 'y3. \ � � / � : I p ` a• A' I //�~` ` ��,� .' � • �\ �+�K�" . � ' � "d , ! \ � � / �%' I P /� 3 �� .�� ���� b1 f�d�� � M{i�: ]t . , IYf�wOiY e S _ �G` � ��. ' r . � I i , � i.zuo 1y, �....+. t M f � . ^ `. /,� I , i � -' ; ♦ x � � '_"'_'_' ' ' PARCEC 2 .-�'-"' _"_'.'- , - I � _, � " • 5 � ( � �6 1B I, � �`Z�� �� ewcc aa e ,� � s s = m * � " 0 7s � � r § � C � t � >4 ' � �� ' o ym'e�°'� U � Q���. �,'� � R ` .� � I � � �\ r� � � t� _ . L . �.F�S \ `�I \ f ' ',� �E � 4 � � ,' � � ' � ' �� � � � 1 \ �� t� , t4 � n hW' . � ' J �. � 1@ � m uvenvo � ��s ; . i � � �� . � $ ,. R •�" A ,y �,��P , .�.,��` . � 1� 5 s� � ° .r-.y� -VP� � � ��i ,Ip Wr�� i ]a�f�iYlii f w �,$ y i ,�o�. , ' � � �w� c �$ ti +e . i ' ,> ' f �' ; � ; ; � Z 36 a t'�? ' 1�� � QC1'ejr n i�o � v� e aL'�S jg � � PARCEI�i . ��°°� `��+" ' � PARCEL t � •" :` r � BIDLYI6 _ _.. _—� ` .y�'__ _ -' _ _ 1 _ ; . � � �� V �` � ' � � I I 15 � � - �"B'°�" i � t � S "_._"___'__"� 2 f� i ; 6 ' � Wt 8 ia i � i- T ' � � � � i�i� � , i � yg,,. a — f. _ — ` _ _ � ' _ � _ . � i��` a . . I ! F.�"�Pn."�.. � � i i � 1 i Y �3 'I y � e zr �a�xos 1u�irrar _ ^ wor���ri l � prAC%�vdNqy, _—� r���v w y— 360'3Tw'N � _._ ' • _. � N__ �_________ __ ._ 23 �X�,��i+ .�Q„ c�-�1�-1 CdNTR,�iCT FOR SALE OF REAL ESTATE TffiS CUNTRACT FOR 3ALE OF REAL ESTATE (tiris "Ageement") is entered into this _ day of _ , 2006, by and between THE CONSERYAT102V FUND, A Noa-ProfSt Corporstioa, organized and existing uader the laws of the State of Maryland with a business address at 1655 North Fort Myer Drive, Suite 1300, Arlington, Vugiaia 22209 ("TCF'�, and the CIT'Y OF SAINT pAUi,, MCNNEgpTA, havixig an address of o/o Division of Parlcs and Recreation, 300 City Hall Annex, 25 West Fowth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 351p2 ("Purchaser''�, RECITAI,S: A. TCF has entered into the followin� option contracts (collecdvely the "Option ContraCts") to acquire that CeTt&in repl property vvith imp�vements thereon coataining approxirnately 11.05 +!- acres in the aggregate located in the City of Saint Paul, State af Mianesota, all as more part3cularly described itt the Option Coniracts (collectively the . ��Perty , �; i. OpUon for the Purchase of Real Estate between TCF, as purchaser, and Regan I„ Metcslf, YCathleen M. I�nutson, and Ward M. Mehlan, as sellars, da,ted MarGh 27, 2006 as to that 0 e�n PI'oP�Y `x'ith improvements thereon eontaining appro�mately 4.25 +/- �res; ii. Oprion for the Purchase of Real Estate between TCF, as purchaser, and Regan L. M�tcalf, individually, as seller, dated Macch 29, 2006 as to that certain property with �P�V�ents thereon containing approximately 2.36 +!- acres; and iii. Option for the Purchase of Real Estaze benveen TCF, as purchaser, and Regan L, Metcalf and Kathieen ivi. I�nutson, as sellers, dated Mazch 27, 2006, as to thst ceztain property witkt improvements thereon containing approximately 4.44 +J. acres, S: � RealfS}otePro jeCfs\Minn�aofo\Knulsan\O�isole�COntmclSataSen,�27-06REVdean.doc 1 7/74/06; );9p PM � ��� B. After acquiring ti8e in and to the Property under the Oprion Contracts, TCF desires to se11 and P'ucchaser agre�s to purc]�e the property from TCF, pursuant to the tetms of this Agreement, NOW, TI�ItEFpgE, for ai►d in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, and other good aad valuable consideiation, the receipt and sufficiency of wt►ich is hereby acknowled$ed, t1�e parties hezeto agree as follows; 1. PROPERTY. TCF agrees to sell and Purchaser agreea to buy, on the ternis and conditions set forth in this Agreement, that certain property with improvements thereon as described in the bption Contracts contaitting approximately 11.05 acres in the aggregate located in the City of Saint Pau1, State of Minnesota, aad as more particularly described in the in B bi �attached (the "Properiy"). The Praperly is betng so/d in ��as is'� condition, sabjeet to all covenants, easements, restrictlons and reservations of record and asy matlers tbat might be reyeoled by a current and accurate survey. 2, CLOSWG CONT7NGENCY. Closing is expressly contingent upon TCF's closing under the Option Cotttracts and the recording in the appropriate register of deeds office of good and suffieient general warrynty deeds conveying to TCF good and marlcetable aud insvrable ritle ia and to the Property, free and clear of all liena, eneurabranees and other exeeptiona, except such easements, restrictions and other exceptions as are of record and aze approved by TCF during the Tit]e Review Period under tha ppnon Contracts. 3. PURCAASEPRIC� 3.1. De osit. Concuirent with the execution hereof, the purchaser shall deliver an ea:nest money deposit of TEN T�oUSnxn pNr� 1•Ioll00�rxs DoLLaxs ($10,000.00) (the "Deposit") to TCF. The Deposit shall be tton-refundable except as pmvided in Section 9.2. I£ and when Closing occurs, the Deposit shall be applied to the Purchase Price of the Property, S:\R � tlIEslolePr oj 9 ch�Minn 950 t 0 \Knulson\Oufsale\COnfreelSabSe11.627-06REVClean.doc 2 7/l4/Ob; 1:30 PM b0'd 8�:bi 900Z bT Ipf T6LFZ5LOtib�Xp� QNfI� NOI�df1J3SND� 3H1 � 3.2. Pprehase Price. The purchase price to be paid for the Proparey, inciuding the Deposit, shail equal the total of the followiag amounts (collectively the "purchese Price'�; (a) the sum of Oxa Mn,taox SEVEN Hurmtz� F� THOUSarm axD No/100Txs Dot,r,r�xs ($1,750,000.00); plus (b) reimbursement to TCF of all closing costs paid by TCF in conaection with its acquisirion of she Property, including but not limited to real estate tazces, transfer taxes, closing and tecorcling costs, and tifle premium chat�es; plus (c) an administrative fee equal to Sav�v�ry TY�ousaxn r�rm Noll00�s Do�s ($70,000.00); plus (d) a five percent (5%) per annum interest cazrying charge as calculated on the purchase price paid by TCF under the Option Contracts for that period c�mmencing on the date of closing by TCF under the Option Contracts to the date of Closing under the A�aement. The Purchase Price shall be paid by Purchaser to TCF at Closing in cash, certified funds, or by the wire transfer of federal or oiher immediately available funds. 4. CLOSIIVG DATE. The closing of the transaction contemplated hereunder (the "Cloeing") shall be held at the office of C,I. Title Company, 2935 Country Drive, Suite 103, Little Canada, Minnesota 55117, Attention Dennis Unger, Esquire, Phone 651/7b6-2352, Fax 651l482-7931 (the "Title Company") simultaneously wiYh TCF's acquisidon of the Property under the Option Contracis or that date thereafter as mutually acceptable to Purchaser and TCF but in no later than thirty (30) days following the date on which TCF shall close on its acquisition of the Property under the Option Contracts. Time is of the essence. S. DOCUMENTS; TITLE INSURANCE. Purchaser, at Purchaser's option, may obtain a title insutance commitmeat pucsuant to which the Title Compauy shall issue to Purchaser, at Purchaser's expense aad option, a standard covera�e owner's poliey of title insur3nce insuriag tiUe to the Property in the aznount of the Ptuchase Pcice, S:�ReoVEStatePV�ecfs\Minnesola�Y.nutson\OVfsoie\ConhcctSal&S8ll.6-29-ObREVclean.doc 3 7/14l06: 1:30 PM SO'd 8E_bt 900Z bi Inf T6Z£ZSZOib.Xp.� QN(l� NDIItilk13SN0� 3Hl o��7f� 6. TITZE. At Closing, TCF shall execute and deliver to Purch�,4er a good and sufficient genera[ warranry deed, conveying matketable ritle io ihe Property described in Ex1ub� A subject to easements, restrictiotts, cavenants, agreements, documents and insttuments of record. TCF sha11 convey the property to put.�hasc�. u��g �e legal description described in the deeds of conveyaace to TCF. Any warranties of title aze expressly ivaited to the property described in the deeds of wttveyance to TCF. 7. TAX$'S. Taates and geaeral assassments for all years prior to Closing shall be plid by TCF. A11 taxes and asaessmeats for the Property for tha curreat tax year shali be pro rated as of the date of Closing. � COSTSAND FEES. All closing costs, ineluding but ttot limitad W closing fees, trasssfer taa�es, recording fees, and escrow costs sha]1 be pa{d by Purchaser. 9. DAMAGES; DEFAULT. 9.1 In the event that all of the conditions to this Agreement for the benefit of Ptuchaser shall have been satis�ied, or waived by Purchaser, and (a) TCF shall hav�� fully pesfotmed or tendered performance of its obligations under this Agreement, and (b) Purchager ahall be uaable or shall fail to perform Purchaser's obli�ations under this Agreement, then TCF may at its eleetion (i) terminate this Agreement and retain the peposit as Gquidated damages, or (ii) pursue against Purchaser any remedy availabie at law or equity, iacluding a suit for specific perforraance or monetary damages. 9,2 If TCF shall default on its obligation to conaummate the transaotiam contemplated hareunder, Purchasar may elect, at Purchaser'� sole option to terminate t}us A�reement and be reieased from its obligations hereunder, in which event the Deposit shall be �'eturned to Purchaser, and Purchaser shall be reimbursed for reasonable out of pocket expenses ineumd ia connection with performiug due diligenca investigations of the Property, I0. N0T7CES. All nodces required or permittnd hereunder will be deemed to have been delivered only upon actual delivery thereof. All notices required or permitted hereunder S: � R � olEStataR q�C t g\Minr�sottl\KrWlson\Oui4ole\COMroci$OIeSa11,b27-0SREVCtean.doC 4 7/14/06;1:39 PM 9�'d 6S:bT 900L trS TnC Z61�1�L(1Tfl:Xp� QN(1-1 NfII�H(1?1�SNf1l 3H1 C.�� 7�� shall be givea by haad delivery, or sent by telecopier, Federai Fxpress or other courier for delivezy, d�rected as follows: to TCF: T� CONSERVA'FION FUND 410 Sevem Avemue, Suite Z04 Annapolis, Maryland 21403 Attn: Jodi R. O'Day, Esquire Yice President and Regional Counsel Phone: 443/482-2826 Fax: 443/482-2806 Witk Copy To: THE CONSERVATTON FLTND 1655 North Fort Myer Drive, Suite 1300 Arlington, VA 22209 Atteation: General Counsel Phoae: 703/525-6300 Fax; 703/525-4610 �to Purchaser: CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Division of Parks and Recreatioxi 300 City Hall Annex 25 West 4`" Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 A4tentioa: Mr. Bob Bierscheid, Superintendent Phone: b51/266-6400 �'ax: 651/292-7405 II. MI,SCELLAIVEDUS. 11.1 B�oker'e Commission. TCF and Purcl�aser each represent to the other that each has not con�acted with any broker or finder with regazd to this transaction, 11.2 Certificate. At or prioz to Closing, TCP shall furnish to Purchaser a duly exocuted CertiEcate of Non-Forei� Status ia the form attached to this Agreement as 'b't B. TCF hereby declazes and represents to Purchaser that TCF is not a"foreign person" for purpoaes of withholding of federal tax as described in such Certificate. 11.3 AssiQn�. Purchaser may not assign this Agreement aad Purchaser's right as Pvrchaser hereunder without the written conseut of TCF, which may be withheld, in TCF's sole discretion. Such assignment shalI not relieva Purchaser of Purchaser's obligations under this Agr�ement in the absence of exprass release from TCF, S; \ Rao lE s1 a 19 Projach\Mlnnespta\Knufscn\O�tsale\Confrqc15o1egelLb27-06REV cl�an.eoc I/14/06; 1;3pPM 5 �-7i�{ 11A $in$inr Effect. The terms and conditions of this Agreemeat shall be bindiqg upon and shall inure to the beae8t of TCF. 11S �ahihits snd Recitals. The recitals set forth in this Ageement and at1 exhibits attached hereto constitute an integral part of tlris Agreement and are hereby incorporated herein by reference. 11.6 �ounteroarts. This Agreament may be executed in counterparts, all of which shail constitute one agreement which shall be binding on all of the parties, notwithstaading that all of the parties are not sigaatory to the originat or the same counteipart. 11.7 .�v era6ititv/Rutes of Conatev¢tlon If any provision of this Agroement shall be held invalid, the other pzovisions hezeof shsll not be affected thereby and shall remain in full force aad effect. Each party has fully considered, negodated and participated in the drafting of this AgreOment, Accordingly, if any ambiguity or question of itttent or interpretation arises after the Effective Date, then no presumption or burden of proof sha]1 arise either favoring or disfavoring any party by virtue of the &uthorship of any provision of this Agreameni. 11.8 Entil�e Aereemen� Tlus Agreement represents the entire agreemeut of the parties aad may ttot be amended except by a writing signed by each party thereto. 11.9 Authoritv. Each pazty to this A� wartants to the other that the respective signatories have full right and suthority to enter into and consiunmate this Agreement and all related documents. 11.10 Further Actions. Each parry shall execute and deliver or cause to be executed and delivered any and all insttvments reasonably required to convey the Property to Purchaser and to vest in each party all rigJ�ts, intereats and beaeflts intsnded to be confemed by this Agreemcn� 11.11 Governin Law. T}�is Ageement shall be govemed by and cons�ued in accordaace with the laws of the State of Minttesota 11.12 Recnffiition of Assistance. If Purchaser er�ts or maintains si�e at entranCes to the Pmperty ot at any visitor centei or other public facility or display located on the Property such signage shall, as additional consideration for the transfer of the Property to Purchaser, include the statemeat: "This Property waa acquired with the assistauce of The Conaetvation Fund (www,conservationfiand.or�l" S:\RealESfa}ePrOiects W,fnn�SOt4�KflulaGn\OUtfq10\COntraCl$CIS3911.62Y-06REVe18On.qpC 7/14/06; 1:30PM 6 �-���{ 12. RIGHT OF ENTRY ANb INSPEC770N. Purchaser aclmowledges thaY prior to the Effecrive Date, Purchaser completed its review and has apploved all due diligence studies aud investigations relating to tha Propezty required by purchasec in order to proceed to Closing, iacludiag but not limited to zeview of hfle, appraisal, survey and environmentat studies and reports. Notwitbstaading the foregoing, Purchaser may enter upon the Property at reasonable times on prior notice to TCF for additionat examination and other reasonable pu:poses related to ��� P���'g ��Y on� �e Propeny for purposes of such studies aad investigations shall be at Purchaset'8 sole risk, cost and expense. 13. EFFECTIYE DATE. The Effective Date of this Agraement shaIi be the last date signed by either party. 14. .9.�IS, WH �AF IS. Ezcept as otherwise specificat�y set forth in tLi� Agreement, TCF haa ttot made, does not make, aod Las not anthorized anyone elee to make, any represeatations as to: (a) t6e esistence or non-eaistenCe of acces� to or from the Properiy or any portion thereof; (b) the location of the Property or any porfion thereof within any tlood plain, flood prone area or watershed; (c) tho availability of water, sewer, electr,c�l, �as or otLer ut7ity service�; (d) the number of acres in the Property; (e) t6e present or future phy�ical condition or suitability of the Property, Iaclnding, withont limitation, the environmenta! �tatus of the Ptoperty; (f� any other matter or thing nlatiag to tLe Property or this AgreemenG Purchaser espressq> acknowledges that: (a) no auch representations have 6een made by TCF (or on TCF'a behal� �nd, in entetiag into this Agreement, Purchaser does not rely on any representaHon� other than tifose set forkh herein and Parohaser h�9 inspected the Property, ot caueed au inspecNon of the game to be made on Pn�chaser'e behalY, aad is thoroughly familiar �nd fuIIy aatisfled therewith, Pnrchaser �haU take title to and poe�esaion of the Property in "as i�" coadition, s� oY the date thereof, subject to wesr and tear nntil the Settlement Date. TCF IiEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAII4fS ALL WARRANTIES RELATING TO THE PROPERTY, EITHER EXl'RESS OR Il1'iPLIED, INCLIJbING BUT NOT LIMITED TQ s: � rsea E slataP roJecis�Minnesota�Knufson\outsole\contraclSaleSe11.�2Y , ObREVCleqn.tloc 7(14/06; 1:30 PM ? z�-�� � M�RCgA3VTAB�Ti' AND p'ITNESS FOIt A PARTICULAR PITRp03E. PURCHASER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT PURCHASER SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FpR OBTAIMNG ANy AND AI,L pEgNIITS OR LICENSEB REQUIRED BY PURCAASER TO CARRY ON IT'S 7NTENDED OPERATIONS AT 1'HE PROPERTY. 15. � purchaser hereby and knowingly waives any potential right Purchaser may have to receive compensation or contribution relating to the Property to which P�h�' m1Y ��titled from TCF pursuant to tha provisioas of the Compzehensive Envimnmental liesponse, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 9601, et sea.. the Hazatdous Materiats Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. § 1801, et sea., the Resource Conservarion and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. § 6901 et sea.• Superfund, or any other federal, state or local statute, law, ordinance, code, rule, segulation, order, dacree or other requirement of govecnmental authority reguiating, relating to or imposing liabiliry or standard of conduct conceming any hazs�rdoug, toxic or dangerous substance or materiat, as now or at any time hereafter in effect, and in the regularions adopted, published and/or promuigated pursuaat tq said laws, 16. REMDYAL OFPE1�4pNAL PROPE'RTY, Attached hereto ss Bxhibit C is a schedule of fixhires and items personal property wluch the respective grantors uader ihe Option Contt�cts (the "Crrantors"} have agreed ma.y be removed from the Properry prior to that date 'which is tlurty (34) days after the date of closing under the Option Coniracts (the "Personal Property"). To the extent that Purchaser is the owner of tha Property at the time the Grantors elect to exercise their rights to remove the Personal Pcoperty, purchaser shall permit the Grantors to enter the Property subject to the following tezms and conditions: (a) To the extent said items of per�onal I?ropetty are removed by GianWrs after the date of Closing, TCF shall zequire that the Gtantors provide prior nodce to Purchaser of their ea4y on the Property. (b) Grantors entry on the Property for removal of items of PersoY,a( praperry from a�,d after the date of Closing shall be at the sole risk, cost aad expanse of Grantors. S:\ReW6tatePro le e is\M i nnesola\Knufson� 0 ufsa�e\COnfradSaieSelL&27-Obaevc�ean.tloc S 7l94J06: 1:30 PM OT'd 6E�bT 900Z bl InC T6Z�zSLOTG:Xp� QN(l� NOI�iI?J3SN0� 3H1 d�-�r� (o) Grantors agree to iademnify aad hold hacmless Ruchaser, its successars and assigns, from aad against any oiaim4, iieas, damages, losses, and causes of action arising solely Erom Grantors exercising their rights of eauy onto the Property afRer the date of Closing. Notwithstanding the foregoiug, Grantors' indemnigcation under this Section 16 shall not apply to claims atising out of the negligeat, willful ox wanton conduct of the Purchaser or its successors or assigns, and their respective employees, conuactors, agents, invitees. (d) Crrantors, at their sole cost and expense, shail promptly repair and restore to the reasonabla satisfaction of Purchaser any attd all damage to the Property resulting from Grantors' removal of the Personal Property. (e) If Grantors fail to remove an.y or all of the items of Personal Property as apd whan permitEed under the Option Contracts, then such items shall be dcemed abandoned and shall temain the Property of Purchaser, its successors aad asaig�s. (fl The terms of this Saction 16 shall survive Closing under this Agreement. [SIGNAZ`URE PAGE FOLLOWS] S: \ Re a 16 lqieprojacls�Minnesofa\Knutson\O�Isale\ConfrpctSaleSe11.627d6REVClean,dcc 7/141�6: 1:3p PM � o�-7r�( IN WITNESS WXEREOF, ihe parties ixave executed thia P.greement as of the last date below writtea, TCF: TI� CONSERVATIdN FUND A Non-ProSt Corgoration $ � 4�-� � �a Jo li R O'Day Vice President and Re ' Counsei PURCAASER; THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINIVESOTA By: Printed Name: Tit1e; S:\RealFstat �� ro j ecls \ Minn esola\Knutson\dUf 501 a\ConlroCi5deS611.6-27-06REVGIBpn.doc Tl14/Ob; 1:30 PM Date: � � �i � � Date: 1� C�-7�� ..��: i DESCRIPTION OF PROPERPT'Y DE s C R I P T T O N OF 4. 2$ t/- A Cn B Pa x c Zr L: BE1NG thai certain property described in a Contract for Deed dated September 13, 2000, and recorded in the Office of County Recorder, Ramsey County, MinneSOta as Document Ido.3359831, from Henry H. Valiukas and Jutta valiukas, husband attd wife, as sellers, unto Kathleen M. Knutson, Regan L. Metcalf, and Ward M. Mehlan, as purchasers, a copy of which Contract for Deed ie attached as Exhibit A-2. and being more particul�rly deacribed as follows: Lots 1 through 21, inciusive, Block 14 "Burlington Heights Division No. 1, Ramsey County, Minnesota. D�scRrpTlOxoF 236f/-ACxrP,�nC�: BEING that certain property described in a Warranty Deed dated August 26, 1983, and recorded in the O�ice of County Recorder, Ramsey Coumy, Minnesota as Document No. 2192930, &om James A. Gullickson and Sharon L, Crullickson, husband aad wife, unto Regan L. Metcalf a copy of which Warranty Deed is attached as Exhibit A-2. and bein� more particulaxly dascribed as follows, Lots 7 and 8, Block 16, "Burlington Heights Division No. 1, Ramsey County, Minnesota" and part of Lot 8, "Burlington Heights, Division No. 1, Ramsey C�vnty M111II080Y8 lying South of the North S46 feet of said Lot B except the following 2 parcels: Parcel (1) The South 60 feet of the North 852 feet of the East 18Q feet of said Lot B; and Parcel (2) Beginning at an iron pin 546 f�t South of the Northeast comer of said Lot B; thence West paza11e1 to the North line of said Lot B 172 feet to an iron pin on the Southeasterly line of Skyway Drive as platted; thence Southwesterly aloag Skyway Drive 10 feet to an iron pin; thence South pacallel to the East lin� of Lot B 240 feet to 3:\Rec�EsfafaPrqecis\Minneso�o\Knutson\Ouhala\COMrociSalmSeiLb27-ObREVClaan.doe 11 7/1 Al06:1:30 PM C��-71� ��n Pin> thettce East parallel to the North line of Lot B 1&0 feet ta an iroa pin vn the East line of Lot B; thence North te the point of beginning, Subjact to aa easament far ingress, egress and utilities rwming in f$vor of James A. Gvllicksoa and Sharon L. Crullickson, their successors and assigns, over that part of Lat B, `B�uliagton I3eights Division No. 1, Ramsey Cotutty, Minnesota" lying West of a line which is parallel to and 20 feet East of the East line of Lots 9 and _ 10, Block 14, "Burlington Heights Division No. 1, Ramsey Cvunty, Minnesota: aad its extension Norih and South lying I�iorth of the extension East of the North line of Lot 8 of said Block 16. Said easement to service on residence and ttae business and social invite�s thamto not restrictin� the number of persons or fami]ies residing in said residence. D roxo� �.44t1 A�a A ,; $EING that certain property described in a Warrenty Deed dated July 20, 1993, and recorfled in the Office of County Recorder, Ramsey CounCy, Minnesota as Document No. 2?46513, from James A. Gullicksoa and Sharon L. C�ullickson, husband and wife, uuto Regan L. Metca(f and Kathleen M, Knntson, as joint tenants, a copy ofwhich Warranty Deed is attached ag E'bit A- and being more parCicularly described as follows: Lots 13 through 18, inclusive, Block 1 S; Lots 1 through 6, inclusive Block 16; and Lots 9, 10, and I1, Block 18, `Burlington Heights Division No. 1, Rams�y County, Minnesota, and Woodbine Sixeet, vacated lyittg between said blocks, toget}ier with an easament for ingtess aztd egress and utilities over tbat part of Lot B"Burlington Heights Division No. 1, Ramsey Ccunty, MNN, lying West of a line which is para11e1 to and 20 feet East of the East line of Lots 9 and 10, Block l4, "Burlingcon Heights bivision No. i, Ramsey County, Minnesuta, and its extension North aad South and lying North of the extension Base of the 1�Iorth liae of Lot 8, of said Block 16, all being according to the recorded plat thereof. 3;\RealEslotePro j a c ts \ Mi nneaota\Knutson\OutsWe\CcrthactSaleSak.b27-06REVcleon.dc c 9/ta/p6; 1:30PM 12 �-��� ��►�:Ii:�Y�I_6a SOPIES OF TTTLE DEEDS S1ReolEstataProjecrs\Mlnnesoro\Knvtwn\Ou}sole\COnftaciSalesell.6-27�06REVclecn.doc 13 7J74/06: 7;3p PM -: � � �.��� xo a ��p4 � pop(, ef ProM $Y �� m � y � h� � < a .t Cu-� �� U o Q t c.v�,C et� _Q DOG# 3359�31 Cart3fiel ��� �P11 pEC. 84�203 � $iine0= . �RPIf�Y CO� � Fea R�wnE: 9L4.5@ 14111141 lltil lUllil 111f fititf 11111 o�-���f p�� �� a � ` '-'i?�"� fresacvad tai ra�etain ea�1 W'''�" � Q.c � r�� .Lc 12-Y— �T,`, MOR'fC3AG3E R�I�`�Y TNY DUB 7:�8R80N: �� y� l�e.t� fC w u.� s ���-- sasPe�^td � }$. 2000 Aare: QOR DBBD 1g �e oa tD�e abovc dsto bY �O�"'' x• valiur.as awaa o.cana F� 8011Cr aitd Put4�e�s ayeo¢ W iha follo�vui$ teimB: � d. YILOPBRTY BBSCR�ION. 5611e= heseby sblle� and PWT�cbas�a ibmd ss f�olloWS�'• / P�� � CoutttYi � 8am/6Y �t .� Lo�n.i CSR1 �i, aleC14 i4. 8ur11agCos+ Sa14AOO aiviaimr+ �o. i, � 1�8�t CB��tal! A�ZVEd ✓ �"�----,.. RaRC,s+�y. Cou�tE�! R� � der a2s5�,., � � a s°O ..� �zc , ; � ,�s� 3 e , xisra, g� i . �C. iql��� N. ' SL3tc p ' . � 4i6A�� . sasp� i 6Ei%�•. „ ' . � �hoieW Cct+e FcapesY)• to�tethoY witA a{i heseflita:nAat� an6 sppurteaanca D�slonS�S . of this can�sac7tr snbJ� �+�Y to the 2� T'ITY.'f3. Sellec warraara ehas Eide w�he Yroperry ia. o�, shs da� folloa4'�t$ ex�a�°�' m�swt+� of ieoa�d. if any: CWeASate. coABitionF,� rea[rictions� 8¢a1sYS3i � S�rau nf Mimzoe�%� � a�' t bj Ronexvaxivaa of miaeRals or wiaaral �S� bY_ �.+ r t • Yucolfaac.ra (c) 8 � ZC1v� 9Yld SVbdiv�84on lAWS snd -- oY BP�i� �G08�S W11'IC11 aLB P�3a�la bY �dl "�� ' i eiF'��"� 6 oP this coaaa� ��'. � � �In�e � ParnSe�p (¢) Tba YollocvsR& li.ans oi eo0u�raYtees: 5VtD8NC$ �DF TLTLS- Upon Pu[chasess� prompt°and ilsu 2�0�'tQ6 aP s. D'ELI�7BKY O� 37BBD ANn De�. �+ �g �o�g�t, Se11er sha31: �� ( � 3 �, p,�,°wiedge and daISvet to Puzc}�9ets � ca P'wrctL7se[s. aubjus oaLY �o tR�e la ttele ea th� �aP�'Y x�ax6�U1G foztl,i� aoAVaylnB �t' c snd (d) of this eoactaM; �h(taavin� e�:ceDe�eag: � �yave arested. sufFered (� 'Tbose c,see�t4ons refertad �sm ol�o= o�chet s�na� ctos�s whfoh Purebse� Lirss. caettutbrence�, �� a dstC of this eenG�t: ai�d��� cnxressmct�ew or H,e�t[e+d to accru� J �/.�ay-�2 - y "� . � •� . .y._--. ._.�. ... -.-- - .. (9ii) The Yoliow�nE Sicas oz cncc�r�+.braaees: �QG� 335983i o�-71� � (b) Da3iver to Parcbasars Yho absusct oF �itle [b the Ftopaxty or, if che ti.de is regismrad, che owaar'� dupliease e�rqiflcace oY ntle. �. PURCIiASB PSICE. 7tucchaszrs shalt psy m Seller, at xhasslsxar/iiSm __a��a at n � tLc sum cf ze s.e �.�/�ao ($ - - - .eo ) , �e y..a 4e. ti,s c„s.r*s�e nriee 4or ehe Provc:eY, DaYSblex �o YoIIows- - Ba� ateneheB SDafaibit •A• 5. PR�PAY1v18T1`I'. C7mless nihecvvise provided 'xn. eh4s c5opttaet� Purchas¢cs si�U hENe !ho si�ft i0 �11Y vr Psn��Y Prel?ay this eoiatzaat ae any tuno without peeslry. Aap Pa+iial i?repaya�eat shall be applied fl[st w payaneaC aF amoantt� shmn dae w�der Utis eone�aoc. imaluding uupsid acesueA iatere.ot. aad the bataaea sbs�l be appltcd to the prineipxl iastalfinents to Da paid 9n dxe fl�aversa vrder uf their 3f73n+T5q. PssLiSl psePaYea�ai si+a1� no� pos[pene elsc flua dscs of d�e iastallsneota so be paid pur�uaae te this eaattaee or at�aage the um�nc of euch a...'9n,..�.,ea, 6, RSAL �BTA,'RS TA'iB8 ANA ASSES6M8YSTS. PtiY'cAS4�ts shaU PsJ'� bmfore P�1�S �axvesr .tll resl ectate lases aaa inasallmmes of apeu a1 asseasmeut� asxeasod againG� xhe Psoperty wtuah axe due'snd payable 3a iha yeaz �vai aad :a all subsequent years. Roal �tase u"�ces asi4 Sstatallxnanrs of spac3al aeaesamenr� whioh ace due and paysbto ia rl�e yaar 9n whieh tisss coasraat ie daud shall be pa18 ss tolloa's: Tsxetl lua asad paYob]-a im Z400 ehall be y7�4�a6Yd Co Ckw 8ata ot,O3oYiwg. BsUez waisanss that riie scal �acaca tsaes and ias�all�ttonta oP �p�ial asFCSSmsars whicfi were d�se ane B$Ya 1u thc Ycars prace$iag 4he year Sa wbicb. =hia ma�saot i� dutofl are psSd Sn fialS. 7. PADPE�E.�'X SN5VRAIVCE. (a) YrIB[JR'�D Rt9IS5 ANb AA�OUNT. Psrc.hasera shale Yteep_all buiJSinga, improvemanr�s as�d fuctWtos �w ��ser ]ocaemd oa vfc a pare af ehe Properey uisuced s�ss�t lo�s by firo raxteaded covers�a pe�rrls. vandalisza, :nalioSous taiscqief am8. i$ applie;�ble, stesm beii�r axp�osion foi at Ieaac the ?41C�C O',� L�n21 T eir� . _.a�SL?QEL}�A�-�i . � • �f oAc� buiidiqgs, i�rovetveras or fix�nxe�s arc �ocated 9a a federally deeigaa�8 flo�od pivue area, 3od�4 4laod ar�^•-�^�^ �e a�a3,iab1@ for thac acea, Purahssaats sskSati grocuxs aad meimafn �G •iosutanee . ja ,ama�„S' . s�oa�bly sskisfactoxy r,e Seller. (b) O'tHHR 'CSRL4SS. Tbe iASUe�ea pol'acg ehell contaSn s 1os4 9�Yabto elause tua Psvor of 3e11es wlfioh ,� proviGar ehac 3Wle['s rs8hc w rwovar undec sha xnauraaeo, shall ubt be isnPair� DY eAY eM8 or oaa3safooe; oF Pur�hs:era oe Solier. aad ehat 5ellei shsll eYhsrwzse he afFotded all f$b.ts atfd Peivi3sges euesosaariiy provxded a mocogsg�e und� tb se�-ealled sxaadsrd mortgage clsvse, <� gVqTC� P�� �P.MAC'�E. m�he e.r�nc ef sei% � chd s o a`omP�Y �r aasuals,,, Puzobas�cs sbaU cm ve no�ee o£ au�h d�u�sga w 8. DE11bSAC38 TO THB P$OIPERTY, � (s0 pPPi.iCATION OP INSVRANCS P1�OCESE�3� If tl�o 2saposry xa dama ed by tira or ocbex cssualty� tlfe iasuzanee PtoeC�6 PaiA otA,uaeouuC oP such 42ma�e SRall ba applie� tv �aymenc o4 stxe amfl�auts pa7rnDle by P�.rr yndr.r thw ewntraet, evea i# suoh asssounss ara noc rhmn due to be psid, Uals68 Yuseltasats TAa.ke a germicted atcetioa de�erlbad .ia !h� r�exe parasta$+U. 5aeh aniouttts shall Ea #itsc apptiefl su unpaid accdvcd facerase aad naxs tv w� i�tatlmencs te be pa�d as psov3ded in shis aosaract ia sRse inv�rs� ord aa �o � oo�aesa.tyor�c � c�te�arnau�as o4 s 7'kte nlau s of ina�snee� be �Sasa p�uru � Prooeeda, if amy. r.hatl be �h= H�POS9' ef Pax.hssers. onwt o��ata � �.ro� 9- TN3VRY OR I?ANlAGb OCCVRF•INC3 O1V T�IB PR�PERTY. CeJ be f�ee from liabilitry aad �onersec m aziv aersoa o: of ��-7��( an or Cb) In��is �88aa t e1� bod11�y1u � d�ea�@t�aeel p o w ty da�ma�ge oepur�a,g 4A sb�wi e tlie 1 Pz�aPeity fa ameuaxa s�msonably �nxisYacxacy w�mtler aad aamia��Selle�r as an a.dditwnal fnswCe$. 10.INSUR.9NC8. G Y. Tbo inauzsnoe a�� Yurchasers aze ra� d to proa+.uca ac�d wsintsiu puraua�t w pa �h..- 7 9 of th3s coaczaac sball be isaaed �, aa uisuS eOSap8Ay or�C� lioons�d m HO 6u�s�c�as ln thc 3saee oF Nisnnesoca aeeaprabl¢ co SeSier. 'Y'iio iuuuza.oe� shel] be 5 1eg sball bY PurrhascsF az a� eienas wbile any amouns r�ms4rin aid undez daia oonsracc. The isaeuranoa pe c peovx8e, tor noe feas Wan cem d�vs writterxs�moe eo Se�t c belb.�a cSYiCQAatioII, AOA-TEIICWAI t er�ipaetio�o, or ��¢ �i� e, and 8umbascex ahslt detives co 3eiles a dupiiraao ongival or ceeriaasea o$ su u�sanx il. COAfp A'I'1�N. If 1 or aay pgrc af cheg�qppry i� csken iu c pp�em�sann pftoaeediz�cs insrimsc3��� powar �emitv�c 8� oc is�convayoA 9.n at t4ec'eof uader cUeeae of eoadmmation, the onoY paid Pttsssua7oRR to sua �n,demitadoa,_ar caaveyilaco in lietf tdsReoS" 91w11 t+a liaA m oP am�oa�as u a � due c� b�� PSYable by ts undec �kus cootraec, e4en if sUCA amounrs aRe moc pa d. • 6 a�svwota sball begg gf!(e8 ,�icst Wuap asd seeiubd ittterast tod ea7et m tho iastallmaets eo be psid Ss provided m rhimt G4AGect i5s the uatverse es3er oY thaSt itoamsfry� 9+aeEt Pa�m� e alssll not �lpoao ehe dus date of � i t4 bc paiet ?uratscint to shie eorkrace ar ahasnge Vte amvunt ef svci�i fnec�llsA�mat�. Th6 balance, if �+Yr sbsll be tbat p'tOpfrtsy oi` Yuicb88ct6. , . 1Z. WASTB. �HI�AAt Afin LIENS. 8'asehas�ra shali not eanoVe oz flamolfsh � builQ3nge, ia4ptovemp�ts os £ixaues mvr or laser Sooax� on or a paec of thc PrapeXey, nar shau Pur�hasac� comaut or ailow wasaa ot cha Prapesry- Pritrahsgeca sbsl!3naiacain cE,e Pragerty in Nd. eanflitian �d tgFait. F'tu'chasw[s s�11 noi e� ee ar pmmsis te o Iicas ox aaverae elaa� ( � g g�.� y st the � whieh eonss.�mte a 1xaA or e a�Zaa� a�nsc S�e lar's mcerast in f ine eP�Y• �ehaeo[s st+ � l ema�/ - �iy such l��t a�dv�e$o1sSm expenaaa, �na►u3 ueasemmabls ettarneys' ets, y Seller to r a A3. 34. NOTICE OP A3� AiMHNT, eitLcr SeRec o= Racsl�sers sasi shair;in�e:esc An the P:opesty. a copY o4 auch ssaigeesene s�1 pmmpriy'be rusnisb�ad co the noa-aasis� A�s• 15. PRCYI'BCTION OF [NNTBRSSTS, TY Purahasexs P�il to pay uay sum oY mas�ey r�4uired anflee che cer�s of rb.ia canv�at oi fa.i1 ee parfatm 87A' of Weir obit�ailons ss sec forUx Yhi$ canuact; 3�( eis�y as Sell�x'a opt�vn psy eka �ame or �{ge thn same u be p�osmm�d. or. borte, �che �moimts so pa4d 6y Le'ilet aud fh�c, edst o�' such parlo•n be psrable nE oaee, w4ch imeresc a[ *.t+e r�ua etated ia para,grapls .� o'F s eoatract. ss sa �ddiqemal amOC�nc du6 Saller und�er tl�ia aomr8ae. 16. oF �° ot eemfcs tv acrsna, arry raozcga�e, coatrnee fas PulC�laSgeG� $e31eT��Sh8���811��RWU� Gtt6 UJlr.imoa� �. aaY snY su�h d stnowrts �d d�duet ihe sr ra�a concaa. oP tbe earms of L] .� of: nor aav ws3.v t o� man»ar o cactatisioc. � B sc 9e31� edance +v4t� 6 6�ASe aad puravs�c �o �iosf ot � 17. SI.SfAIIvC3 EFF•$CT. Thc ea¢�t�G nf thi6 aCn[t�t s1t811 sfiII Wilh [hC IaAd and 6iAd � F��� b6teto �.nd lhe�r gueRea�Ois ia 3aCOlese. � ocytaaaao7eo. - � 7, �. SciEpbtNG3. F[cndtags oF tha �aca�,capAa aP chis cantra�K 8re Aar eoaveniarue only �� �o neg cfnT7ne, fimit - or consuue dw co�uencs cr� sncPi �iaxagxaP��• • 0 � r f � 19, ASBES$MBN°rs 6Y OwNER5' ASSOCLATIOM. IF die Proporry is subjeee w a rccorded dmcfasatioh prqVid9�ye�, fos oSSasSthcnv co be �e.�ied againsc Yhe Property 6y assy owners' assaeiation, whiah assessments �nay beooma a liea rgainst ehc Prapc.ecy if noe gaid, tf+en: (a7 PureRasers sflall prempeiy pay, whrn d[7e, all aSa�sinai�is imposea by tbe o�vners' a5soexacioa oc ochflc govcsxsing bedy as requised by the prov{q�ons of che dealazacion or odier relatcd doeumcnts: atid . (h) Se loag as thn ewnert' as�oafatlon msiacsFns a' maater or blantcec po7icy oF Snsuranco aga�c fsre, exseszdad covcragc perils nnd s�u:h oihaz hazazds and in sueh ameutsns ss are cequired Uy [his canttact. thent ' (t) Puxchasers' obligation in rhia conctac[ to msintais� hazazd insursaee eovazage on tha FseprsCy is srs:isfied, ana (ii) 'I'ha pravFSions 7a pa[egrapl� B aP thi8 mntract rcgardia$ agpfitstion of iaSURSnee gcoaeeds shall be superc�ddd by thn g:ovisions ef ri�e Cealarsc4oa or oSh�r retacea documcnes; and (tii) In Uia evept ef a diseribulion af insucanee praceeda in Ij�ss vF restorstion of sapsir foltowissg a6 inauc� casualry loss tn thc pro�rty, any sueh proaeeds psy�ble ra Furckasezs Rtc hcreby assigned and shall Ce paid co Sellme foc appi�cation co rhe sum secured by khis aontraci, witl� tSse wceese, tf anY, Pald ro Purchasers. 20, FIDDITTONAL TRRNIS: 58LLHA<s)�� �.-----� �p �.77`�.__��� ses�sy�. v�s3 as ° C *`�... ,�t' u.- � ,�.� � a vai�uY..aa � PURC33A38RS � �,� � > .i/� A � ��..��+�°� 1Za�kSeoa M, icaueson . Reg . iteCOai£ wara m. �aoalem . 3tate of Miatsegot� � ss. Cauaey oY�+_ Tha fore�oSng Snsinunroat waa acks�owiedgcd befoce me chze , by H.o.t.' 41. v'a �zs�' .t&�'O°. is*i�§— x 1� NOTA�srAMV O ANXI _. K MB�l.Y S� WHRE C�.OMMI�IOK� I �UAR`r s�. 2005 $tate of Minn�,soka � � Counh aF „ �+�s� ?h� Pore$oing ins�r�uncnc was acknowScd$c4 beiare xn� �hig hy wr .�i ,� ���emn S„'�r d aoaan L m day o£ -- -^��-- aoco . Tm @m�eTbqjID iBl UI/ feN O�OT�7 Bee6tl6e691 �hLc �nn�� snauld be aant toa $aklaiema ffi. Xiivt9415• fdmgiss L. 16abaal$ and 92ase M. 7aahlaa � flO68 9utavia�63traee 8e. Pa�a1. lS17 SSi19 nelWSA CoIINi'Y aiHBTAAC2 G �S4Z8 Si9A 9anCL �obarY. acrmos FiY9e �t. 9avle AGY 55110 � IsA;LVEtB TO RECORD 4R. FL�•B THIS CONTRACT FOR D�HP MAY GYVH OTS313Ft PAR'�xEB o �OR'!'fY �V�xt PiJRCfiA3ER.'$ LNThRfi3T IPL TIiS PROPHRTY. �� ... _. , ,_. �.. , ,.,..._ , —,._.. — - . --- 900Z bT Inf T6L£LSZOTb_�� QN(l� N�I U�(t�C3Sh10'J 3H1 •�� �a �. /►'i ' '�' � � ��' 1 p w r ,�, �°.cl `; a� .� � �� *�� Oste: Juty 20. 19a3. � �o�ntia oN s�.� o Z�a93 P `�� %�� � :�u ::; ��: �;rnr :7': � .. .r.'i!� �h7-0..? Y : • . ' i:ii GL..� i: • � ;! Spv ! i i as (;;1 'S3 � .:,��� -<: 1 ._ � : 90wPtl�Ap �o �rw Tew�r.w. .-T --�-�-- - RWf1eC! 10 GOVanaMa� oondNlOna, re�la'lutlone. CaoIHt8AOD8 an0 e�sacr.anl8 0l �enafd. N&e�y- CEF.7', OF R@Al E9[�TE YALUF � W terin€icate Rece{ve�l ar �.,�t�� eopethor rviih'ne �pm�der nta one apg�aMOnancea delongtn9 1M�erete� �eP�Ons7 wo„� �ee� wxes a:w �a�1��a� sm� n� P� �iao .�ia�nua� �S �e�� in s�n e�n� a� �� na► 8z. � 6�, � � R0601dATi ns uocurna�n� No- aao�ro�. ' � No.35ss8 c�su � f � AanSEY COl1y,TV 11Ckaan wwa . e �MINNE 50 'y'A�����- ; ,�$ bE�pYA%AMOUNY T..�-=—� ' . 9YATE OF MINdEBQTA � oaywsv oF wsaHaNGtnN � Gulflekgeh and S h ae 9 on Ls6u Ilc o liut�bere an�d w as Gra.+Ea s�.���Y• 1995� Oy Jamas s�. Hpwlai 8lamP or Saal p� : � �J M p11pIIC MOUpY YeLO MIQxCed�A � �� p•�nr+eoo�+r/ �• Mt eam� xp`w.�wrw�w• 1'hl�"'f�+'o�itxAt��l Ww.e tlra$ec1 By. . , '680 W.oatt691o, DtNa weeabuhr. MN �57Z5 A6RICULTURAL GONSERVATICN SO,�Y� �. F98 PA1D R/tMSeY COUN rv t._.:., ��-�; i�.r�..��:yR CAPI7AL TITLE Ct ! / yT W9OD6 6 URY,�fdlW'VG£i')M lJ/ � a./' ta� O" e:�r� ��Ga � �---- . , - - .. , �, �., �i3�,,, �� �� � �� ��- - / 7en s�atemoMs /or llrti re0l P+�� maw�iuea In IRIR (MATLffi�Rt 9ROY1a ba Ss �°_ PaDOn L. UAet�t/ 2089 9a eV18 ��re� St. Pau1, F�W 641{9 � II�•.ir�i i' TS1nL' :c��� � IYnL r,�J{+7 ..—»- � S,`.�� �:'+PY —�ry�" :rtniw�: �',r • . l+:7 l�Yl�;ll � . . �',,;.�� ;, •,•.r :.;..,...,.�,n� � •� . •.an i l �/ i,. � �. 1 �`, � t V � t ,• • � a�-7��{ ' "; - �AVIT OF NON-FOREIGN STATUS Section 1445 and Section 6045 of the Internal ltevenue Code provide that the Transferee of a real property interest must withhold tax if the Transferoi is a foreign person and must provide cerrain sales related information to the Intern�i Revenae Service. To inform THE CITY OF 5A1N1' pAZ7i„ MINN�SOTA (the "Transferee") thac withholding of taac is not required upon its disposiuon of a U.S. real property interest, which is more particularly described hereiny � CONSERVATION FUND (the "Trattsferor"), hereby certifies that: 1. Tratlsferor is not a non-resident alien for puiposes of U,S, in�come tax$han. 2• Tzansferor's tax identificadon number is; 52.138$917, 3. Transferor's principal businesg address is: 1655� gon Myer Drive Suite 1�00 1' n VA 222pg, 4 . '�e gross sates price of this transfer is: $ Transferor understands that � ��rii a�d information coataiaed herein wiil be disclosed to the Interaal Revenue Service by the Transferee and ihat aay {aise atatement made hereia by Transferor coutd be punished by fine, impr�sonmeat, or both. Under penalties of perjury, TFaasferor declares that Transferor has examined this certi$cation snd, to the besc of Tranaferor's ]snowledge and belief, it is vue, correct and complete, TRANSFEROR,; THT CONSER�ATION FUND A NON-PROFIT CORPORATIOl\T BY ' Date; Jodi R O'Day Vice Presidant and Regiottai Counsel S:\Ref+lEsSal � Prcyedg � Mm �� pta \K n ylson\Oulsdle\Controc�SdeSell,b-27d6REVG e an,d x Tfl 4706; 1:30 PM 14 0�-74y �T SCHEDULE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Below is the lisc of property Crtantors gave the right but not the obligation to remove within th;rry (30) days after closittg under the pption Contracts purs,�ant to Section 16 of this Agreement: Feacing Fence Posts Dog Kennel - Fenciag and Wooden Struet,ue, rou.up door Ar�lutectural and bullding stones in piles located ttuou�iout property Crreenhouse structure (a tempoiary structure) Both fla�roof overheags attached to the barn Garden Structure atld garden feacittg Manual(old-fashioned) weIl pump at Batavia dwelling Can'ed stonee at entrance to 2120 Skyway Drive properry Aa,�el statues; foot sculpture Firewood — currently cut andior split All appliancea, and woodstove in Batavia house Monolith stone at 2120 Skyway Drive ��lders ar°wid man-made pond at 2124 Skyway Drive S: � Real&roteProJecfs\Mlnnasora \ Knul eon\ou } sae\ConhoefSale3�11,&27A6REVClean.d oc 71741�6: 7:30PM 1S