220432r. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK F , / 142 ? i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL AN, " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /Y .OMMISSIONE DATE f RESOLVED, That F & W Construction Company be permitted to install and operate a 27 -car off - street parking lot accessory to a proposed 27 -unit apartment building on property located on the west side of English Street between Hoyt and Idaho Avenues, more particularly 4escribed as the south_30 feet of Lot 2 and all of Lots 3 thru 7 inclusive, Block 2, Overbrook Addition, in accordance with plans therefor meeting all of the standards of Section 60.23, section 4, paragraph 2, of the Zoning Code, a copy of which are on file in the office of the City Planning Board, subject to compliance with all applicable City ordinances, State statutes, and rules and regulations of public authoritiies having cognizance. I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish € Holland it _Iii Favor Meredith Peterson �) LAgainst ..: rr. S - ........... 9¢.�. Ten) ice re�iden ions "2 CC, 2 2 1964 Adopted by the Council 19— OCT 2 21964 — Mayor PUBLISHED OCT 24 19FA t I F 'f R D O F, Z O N I N G, CITY 231-232 -gas y'! 171! CITY HALL AND COUR MOUff .......................... I ......................... • • t 4 � � r } 3 OF SAINT PAUL SAINT PAUL 2, MINNISOTA Mr. Robert B. Gerber Jr. City, Clerk. Building - r ,r Lf a 5— August 17,- 1964 ?�? Dear Sir: t This is in the matter of the application of the F & W Construction Company for a permit to install and operate a 27 car off - street parking lot accessory to a proposed 27 unit apartment building to be constructed on property located on the west side of English Street between Hoyt and Idaho Avenues,which is described as the south 30 feet of Lot °2 and all of Lots'3 tbru 7'inclusive,,Block 2, Overbrook Addition. The property is zoned commercial and has been since the enactment of the Zoning Code,in,1922. part of the subject property is developed with a residence and the balance is vacant. The oxisting residence will be removed for the proposed development. TTbe:site has,a frontage of 230 feet on English Street and extends to a depth of 120'feet, resultin in an area of 27,600 square feet. The ular meeting on Augu met the standards for a Traffic Engineer has 196_ is type of facil- ity. Adopted by the Counci k of 24 feet from Engli Nays In co Yeas recommends the gi �`ALGLISH t parking facill with revised plans pl `HOLLAND be 15 parking spaces� LOSS ingress and egress, \ etween the south line oI \MEREDITH the proposed buildij treet witb no a ccessYY PETERSO OSEN ( MR. PRESIDENT (NANO S) B #RT :FG R cording Secretary Encl. Z. F. 5 4 �° 11AX-A ® and o oning IV .r '"ITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 224 -4612 -QW22 August 7, 1964 File 16485 Page You are hereby notified that the public hearing originally scheduled for August 6, 1964, has been postponed until August 18,_1964, on the application of F. and W. Construction Company for permit to install and operate a 27 -car off - street parking lot in conjunction with a proposed 27 -unit apartment building on the following described pro- perty; South 30 feet of Lot 2 and all of Lots 3 through 7 inclusive, Block 2, Overbrook Addition. The property is located on the west side of English Street between Hoyt and Idaho Avenues. For further information call at Room 1315, Court House or phone 224- 4612,iExtension 251. JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance 1 ' i 1 " E 1 1 E RECEIVED S SIN: PAUL. MINN. In - MAYOR'S OFFlr* AM AUG 18 1964 PM 71$191 01VIPI 1 A X141516 August` 16, 1964 Mr. G. J. Vavoulis Mayor of St.Paul Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Vavoulis, On Tuesday, August 18, the City Council is taking up a matter of a large apartment building scheduled to be constructed on English Street, near our home. We are unable to attend this particular council meeting, but we do wish to express our disapproval. We feel we have very valid reasons for our ob je:ot ions: The majority of construction in this area ins single- fslmily dwelling. An old lmv states: that English Street Was zoned commercial many years ago* However, most of the ba ildings built on English, even years ago; were single - family houses: In the last few yearn, since the lot si tuation is tight in the city, aafew mgnstro ities of buildings hav a been -moved on new basements ad jacen - t.o the tracks on English Street. Also, a couple of new small apartments have been errected. with the influx of renters, livirg has been kind of high on English Street of ]a. te: We Peel it a great nuts euce as is, without a Larger building, and a greater number of renters in our midst. We feel English Street would benefit itself, by concurring with the existing p- mperties in nearby blocks. The commercial lww was passedfirst, but we property oviners set the neighborhood trend when we built first: The prope :sty in th i,s ne igh bo rho od is well kiept. The. people aze a credit to St. Paul: There are hundreds of youngsters livirag� here, before whom it is our duty to set good example. We invite you to tour Idaho Avenue* (thisis the closest cross street to the proposed construction:) We believe you will find ours a bright and cheerful family neighborhood. We ajeL proud of i -t, and we work hard for it. Sincerely, Mrs. John G. Kight 1581 Chamber Street St. Paul, Minn. 56106 RECEIVED S:,IN I' PAUL, , 1 •. - In MAYORS OF.FI AUG 18 1964 Aw 10111�1�34d6 �I$Itt,l,l,l,l,l,l 141 4 i i Mr. George Jt Vavoulis Mayor o f ' S t: Paul St. Paul Courthouse { Dear Mr, Vavoulis; 1581 Chamber Street St, Paul 6; Minnesota August 16, 1964 I am unable to attend the hearing on August 18th regarding the erection of a 27 unit apartment on English Street between Idaho and Hoyt by the F and W Construction Company, but I wish to express my views as a home owner one block away from the area. In the past ten years this area has been developed as almost an exclusively residential area, now because of an antique(1922) zoning law one small piece of English Street is found to be available for commercial construction in an area that has de- veloped as residential. The letter of the law is plain but is justice rendered by the letter or the spirit of the law? I believe that in view of the way the neighborhood has developed it would beem to rule out the construction of such a large building in the close proximity to single residential homes. Another serious objeotion, one which I am sure you and the Council members are unaware of, is the tact that this area is unprovided with adequate sidewalks for pedestrian use+ In the area bounded by Arlington, East Shore Drive, Larpenteur, and English Streets there is no possibility of walking to the nearby schools(Frost Lake Elementary, Presentation, Hill High School; Archbishop Murray, and Hazel Park Junior High) with the exception of a single walk on Idaho -now under construction. That one walk will funnel all pedestrian traffic to the corner of the proposed apartment site. For over five years we have-petitioned you and the Council fdr adequate sidewalks without noticeable success, and it does not seem logical to further complicate the pedestrian problem by putting 27 more oars in a single residential block. Additionally, it makes a mockery of the recently Ann6uneed drive for pedestrian safety by the city of St. Paul. Sincerely yours, ohn G. Kight r I August 13, 1964 -�—�` JAMES J. DALGLISH COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE CITY OF ST. PAUL 113 CITY HALL August 17, 1964 Mr. Robert Gerber City Clerk BUILDING Dear Sir: Will you please have the attached letter read / at the council hearing on this matter on Tuesday, August 18. Thanllk you. Sincerely yours, ames J. r glish I. za 1 � conjunc- between Our this situation s home ,ion Com- yd erect rn at ,s zoned ing Chamber n itagine as we feel Our h itls 'eel that milt' dwel- nood. The rage alley not want pace avail - here will nd out of .permit give this s gee eet �7 i PETITION HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL City of Saint Paul Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota i August 11, 1964 The undersigned, being residents within the vicinity of English Street between Hoyt and Idaho Streets, hereby express their objections to the construc- tion upon a portion of said block of the 27 -unit apartment building proposed to be constructed Py F & 17 Construction Company. That these objections include the location of a large apartment building in the midst of the single family dwellings in this block fronting both on English Street and on Chamber Street, the over- crowding of the;land with a structure much higher than any other dwellings in the block, the congestion, over - crowding and unsafe conditions which will result from the proposed development including the effect that the same will have upon the traffic conditions in the area. That your Honorable Body is requested to impose such conditions upon any permit granted allowing an apartment development in said block as will properly screen the parking area, protect against automobiles backing from the parking area into the alley and such other conditions as may minimize the adverse effect of such proposed development upon the homes in the area. r 1 �NAhE ADDRESS 6� 6 �J ��-�_" � , �-� �-u� ✓� ' Lam. ` 1 ( Lid /� g s f ,f 1c,2 r 11,7 j ZZ,4 VA a�7 Z�," ' � s . i ,f 1c,2 r 11,7 j ZZ,4 VA a�7 Z�," r ' � s r h 1 r s � ILI PETITION August 11, 1964 t HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL City of Saint Paul Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota The undersigned, being residents within the vicinity of English Street between Hoy tland Idaho Streets, hereby express their objections to the construc- tion upon a portion of said block of the 27 -unit apartment building proposed to be constructed by F &W Construction Company. That these objections include the location of a large apartment building in the midst of the single family dwellings in this block fronting both on English Street and on Chamber Street, the over- crowding of the land with a structure much higher than any other dwellings in the block, the congestion, over- crowding and unsafe conditions which will result from the proposed development including the effect that the same will have upon the- traffic conditions in the area. Tha,t,;your Honorable Body is requested to impose such conditions upon any permit granted allowing an apartment development in said block as will properly" screen the parking"area, protect against automobiles backing from the parking area into the alley and such other conditions:as may minimize the adverse effect of such proposed development.upo6'the homes in the area. NAME ADDRESS f - �.. , J.. ✓ �ssw� Sul r 0 i /�tlL "Wo i �� ���� t ���� ����V I5 ^�g � �_ � �n� � "'`"�- �D ���� � + f t t ,- -, r r .' L � S ' ' F jfF� i I t �� t ,- -r -t ,. ` -• _ ' :,,., t, .S!,�, /. . `tit•,*" ..,, . , - -' .••-t • ` •'t -'. � _ J • • _t _ .aL 'j . 'SMO _RAU -MAYOR ' CdJ r COUKIL Cfty sii Pyj.t .. / ' - •1' a . - l' ^ �T L • . ' - � t a ' te - • `` : " ` . _ _. , fi S "dusol - yi* }• ` _ ,ti._. ,. _ _� ,; .a.J - -_, J. �.., • 4~ t',•� ��1'. • -ice y 'i ,•• Paul r amo 'the, Ondsi'ai uad�_• hoir 0 aides c et a► +pit 14 r o y id�tf t is r 'orb's► s f ep ►r�►' th#ir `ob tKI9A$ _ t0' the ddhitxluo- ' tuft upon It -pooloo of, said block, of .tom �'l' 3� ` ?& is �uLI oiled _`tt " -' • .' = ttltctsd Oy -PP' W•; struatidn Ct aIy. ; Y"liat Chase . ration. o i �y .t `i�uiIe ti i °oft ►r.�: Jf family- iWellings, In- this, is ock # n ipc bO lti_. r±gissh' �itr"' t off` vin _ it ; ' t�.t�r 9�ro ` ft)"W o . ths 440,4th a' s' iuctis" such higb*r the nY 60 ,4-00 r s' i�''the ti' y r- Lrq . c itlons Aioh _ )X, a0 t, f � d Ar M f y• rte_ .�i1,V bA�, Upon thd • t ., - : That uon a j • posvit, gra tsd sllowsgv w"ilipartosAt dsVilopm"t In raid e� ais wit .; prq�sariyr' , ' Azrtr� ode ay ti h �s # iW p er±k�f ia l►Tl .: li kA i 1i ' i Into,ot It � ouch ot�r. ociti�+r- �a -� � Lni b #e ili d sif�k c t o�. su��c i li 04.4" ' 4 ' •^ - �i11�1+++ -i mii¢1 i � `iri i�. i�Ti�, i�'�i� ' l_ . _ `• .r - `} ; -, Al �� tom`. � ,J �� '� ;� - � :,�\ - D • L° >. i -' moo - , r' ' •- •�.., . "�-- •act = .- - - _ -: t - •' � >< - _ .. -' 3_'. _ - .- _ -. r _ -_�.} 7a_ ', . �' � �` .' ' , •J .+ r•. r f :. -. Ly 't, _• .nn � •` `_ ,E,� _ •'- � t- � .. - _ a - -� -• '' •� Y ?aT_ - - _ siS - - - � _r ,- z -' `- -zf T[� -�i•} -�u. 33Y r,� �iv�. _ • -, , ____• _ - • - - • _ ° - - 1_ - i ,�. -i_ ', _ _e as _ � 3, l _ ,v - ' _ .�' - � - '`. - �, %' . _ 1. -.a,•� - -'•F__} � 3' 'T� .< - • � r ":,_ •` _.. - � aft �� Y- - ., - -�'sa - _� _ - - - -. " _ � __ � - _ -• -_ ? = -�•' •:5'�_� r•t.. fir: � � �+ ,- A _ , - - f - � - x .• _ _ -• - - p as - a k - � � '' _ _ - - - - le xoz - 7�e Eau& -t 11,_ 11064-- j' "My of SA*4 aul qilt)f PAW 0 vit "thik v I Iclidly f I Tho`uhdftsI0ft#do: biln - a k q rosld�vnts Mn S,IL '�Siieot bot*W NO 4A&I-IdAM '61trogtij) hertby 0)'(Proob-'tho, yt_�, io-,oklsoctlh , �i tj -up",' a p0rtlorr'0' *aid bl,66k,, -�f 'thol 27-41nit, -*pkrtW.mvW be cahstruc d by Ths't'Amiko: OBJ* 1-wo t�i c6patts"t,buildly lr�� tht, t joidq log it-'0t;`th,4 $I '10�stion of ;io this-,bI64 tro "Ing- both gin. t0oxitfousit iM -ovi hloht . th&fi n Aopcivdihq;'of ' iho, "Imckvith't s Tuettme. w6h, r ony ,Qllhirt d", ..IL_�),ldt** Abs e6ng*itIpn, 010or-croodift. ice'' unsif* wW q7khi0t;' V p tionq .001V so 4"61 t 4FM4LFQ ho, �00 p 7 Sim* Il I uve j�oyi �A "Pos ",Q� f ff#tt�;W4tr A�h Araffic -tie�s t, cdAdi tcr' it4pb4f, Amb Condit opm� -ufp0fi­*04j-,, That "Ji'"Onbfibl aody".t'& *'r' qU*sttd t6d, aft� t (ity *$'Will *Tly '.6'radt, 43rAA Ap n q op" P. p jifs#ld, b ii .. " mobil ar, into -tho illey irod,' Uch, othor- ti: Mltuini', 4s ;*#Y" idd 6f toot -Of 0:16u- th - Abi: &(NiTf� pvdpbiii k th X" 2 J� XV� 71 7, Wu 4 .7 -I A4 W4' I/ L 'k . - •;{ y �. ^_ .. - ..,•�� fir - o� -'7" a •� }•i ._ i - � ` , }, � -_ t~. ~ ~ n • ,G r - , - Apt'' •. - � 1 I ,� •,S - ` -• �•.. 'L^ , - - Ou ` [,!wWW&O.,MAYOR' AND C ��+ -; - -'�. :i r. -• - tj, ri, •� •�' : ` -���r' di�f�Sa.ib� - 1�aul• • � •r, - . � -' -- - � -, J., - . 1' ` � ' _ , - ': . - • q • - i1t :Pailil��i SOU_ b -Te ha- undet4gnodo- b, iina resid ea n t* �itblt w of^ gU'Shsuost c- �twen Idaho trottso b cb **ss their objetfons .to tho- vmtru otttao 'dt �ai block, o � l iift ;buil�i to U6 i pch . _ be' conatructeti p' Cat�struction COVAAY i That those. obi ` ` by a o ecti'icna inciut2a �� `._. l,ocaticn- Of' a large' sparts�ent. buii��in� 3r, �iw �id�it �i th�r'�ir►gib fami, d�Wi'tsg :. ' ?^ th this black - f "Ati ft .both •on t glis i , StrMat aril on Ch+ r _St"Oto "1k *v+*- crovditg of tbit lanai with a 'str'ui�tt'g- aaucl► hii�ir,han`- er�y otis 11ir►s .iri`.e �blo**' 'the conaestlfts ,ovor -cmWin and- which ifill,_`tosua, # tea ' tfithat p used development te u fici h� Upa'�- ' ,,. try tic conditiobs is tha &r#a4': � - ^�I�E /�rlell�1411�1'17m14® 4x11 lS♦Z 7S! Ilf�le"PG'9P�, - .-I _ _ • • T F Tht�t, your - fktm0blo Y: is toquest* . : iojvosi� Yucb �c l,tiani�. 'upon any parmtt Drama allowin4 an tPortoent; dOvd opmoot is :raid block is will Pmorly,, - - ' g�o� tha parki pq - �Veai protect againrt =• aut9mbil"s, backer q. f Wkiaq area loto tho ,&Uey+ and sucb other oonditWit, a 16' *AY rrtlnimix#' tl�a exsr effact of such • , - =, � - px}opoasd '�9�nr�rl�p�h'� �pc� o ,hoca#s in 'tbe +tea: � �„ > • -_ - ' '• - ' ' - � _ • . '� - . , - _ _ '" I�+li -I��1��� � �. .wl . �I r�T � +rrrjlr�i•+r��ir- I r�illr��r�ir • `��-/^�j //// . - , Q� �Se irllrri + rl��`I�li�ri r. - - ,� s �� 07 A� I /V • • 7 Y • ' . Y., ' I J -� 1 111 ■ Irl� I illrjiW�tti�� .4- Yr�i�u•rllrir• Y ` . t _ •rinA�rY�wrlil� r I CI I � - � 1 ,� �) • • 1 ` _ __ _ • - �• �C' !' �' 4�w�iMwi r�l�l�i'IMI �� ►IY�iri4�iit /u11Wir.iLlWli�r�• 1 a • �.. Yf , •- \. _ ` • ^ Y 1 3 • _ �- .. _ ,, .' "'` :t .Auoust, ll`, 1964 ' ' HONORA MU MAYOR.'i.3'Y•lti1IIL city•Q.f l- V. ♦ Wnt Paul �' ' �. ` ` :sue., \ _ � � :Court douse , . .' �Y., - - Saint maul,`', Minnesota The ridersignq¢," bgirig 'resid�ans within the vicinity of English • Hoyt and Idaho kre :tm r: hereby e, 7 ress their o eet_ ens toy 'thee construe -` - - tign upon ar'portion, of, said block of the '27 -unit apartment:•bu lding propos�eal';, o ,. °'be constructed by , 8, V Construction Co�op.any..,.,That thees'obj #ctiona Mcluds ,the- . location` bf, a large apartrserii 'building .in the aridst of the single famlly:'dwellings -,y,• in this block- fronting both on _Erigli'sh` Street and on Chamber -Street, the' oVer- crowiding of 60 land' with a - structure much higher.,thao .any othi r the block# the congestion# over- crowding and uniaf.e conditions which i i1'1`' result. ' Y the propos`eW veTqpeA - nc u N . e ft.ect thaV, e s will have- upon =,t e! Waffie conditions in the area._ • ?hat -your Honorable`�y..is requested to .impose such °coriditione•upon :any.% perwit granted allowing ari,ipa- tm6at dove op in said -block as -- _gill pXop�arlyi`y screen the parking area, ,protect against .atutomobiles- backing from the• parking area- into the a11ey 'and 'such- other- condition's as' ,xiey�m niml,ti the sdVetse' effect d�..such ;�': � { • proposed -developments uport the liomes in the area,. Wo ik �•. , �•, : ' t -' � -;�, y `/ >(�-••+. _. " � , - a • �� /7 /O r r��' Q �� :`��d L Y ��'' l l - n •I T�!�+�T.1+. a = . . - - - , .,,:..br•'�r'�4�6��s��„ " •1 �•_• _`` ' �,; • . . .. " "w�i�i , �.�iLf�Gw.�`aG�. /n►y� - '�.r .. - � _ .• - a _ .: i` :,f./ t�:7 (' /. 1 �, � / /fir/, {/j %. , , J •- � - •` �. r - y ` -rI J •J X [jyw. j "'=�i�r��CJ O; �Y -``Y _ .2 r' lf:. eD s.. Q1 .,;...�.�, 1 r - (/�.13••lvV� ' r.- Cyr„ },: - -" - .I •• /� .off - - '' -•.r_' ~y ,r! "f, • ... f' - .• _ ' - _ tic - ' - ti - i ` ' • r • ` _ ." 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'.1. ;a-'_ ., _ _ r r_N Ilk i7 VV --',, Jm • _ '4 -� .. , a� '� �,., 4'r„ s.t�_•i r rti �a`' _ . - ..5 i �-' .,. 'f .! . _ " i >x.r• uvt �• ±; , ...Y-.ti �_ .,' n' [ =i '� �' �•`" a .._ �'r - "T'r -_ -_.1 •�� � _. _ - - - \' . � ;_� _ . .!{.vim ��;' _ -4. _. }' •�� .�. , "�•� - - `� .rr t` sa�`' _ � - -. •� ��' . -'rte L '�` ` of : r • � ,r,� �- .��,_^Yt... - - - - `�. - � # -•!�1. • . _k - c= ��' . , ., • -,i- �. - `- , .,a' r k. .,+ _ :.i^.`•s `1 ',ji'- - -• `� t -'�.. �Ili�wwrr. r:■ �■ �i��. �■ ri. �i4nrrir�r��i�r tiF�iri}���:.■iiwiir�ln�r :��rw�� ` , .. ._' . -. -. ._- .Y x _ .p ,' ."-'a:�• � ' -r :., r >•- 'a, .a .. ,ya. c• t; ''�..,, ?.t' y • a� 1590 Chamber Street St. Paul, Minn. Sept. 5, 196+ RECEIVED SAINT PAUL. MINN. Dear Mayor Vavoulis, In MAYOR'S OFFICE 1964 In regards to the Council Hearing coming up on Sept. 10, y16�+ or re- Ix ���¢ consideration of the unanimous vote of the council Aug. 1,1�► x al off street parking permit F. &W. Const. issued, I woulck voice my opinion. Iwconsider myself one the "small people" if St. Paul, a tax payer, a mother and housewife and a poor typist as you will see if you read this letter through. I definitely feel that this one half block on English Street between Idaho and Hoyt was zoned wrong back in 1922. If you have a spare min- ute, please look at the zoning map for the City of St. Paul. You will notice that no other spot on the map looks like our area -the OverbrVok Addition by Lake Phalen. It's all A reseidential except for this one half block on English. We ask Why What Happened Who goofed etc. One of our neighbors came up with this expanation . He said he bought his present home back in 1935 and there was nothing but wooded area around him which are now our homes on Chamber, Atlantic and other streets. As you perhaps know there is a Railroad Line on English. He thinks, per- haps the Railroad had ideas of building a round house or some other structure at one time or other. This makes sense. Perhaps this could be looked into. Another good point I'd like to bring up is the traffic hazard which will be if this 27 unit building is built. On the East side of English there are "NO PARKING ON THIS SEDE OF STREET" signs. The new building would be on the East side on English. Directly across from this new building is a six -plex which has it's own off street parking area. When the tenants of this six -plex have visitors, especially on week -ends, these cars are naturally perked all along the West side of English. Now comes this 27 unit building which will have it's off street parking area to accomodate 27 cars. We believe its going to be a crowded parking area because F. &W. has to build 24 feet back, which they hadn't planned on doing originally. We also feel some of the tenants will have more than one car. So, prey tell, where will the people visiting the tenants of the 27 unit apartment building park? They can't in front of the building because that faces East and parking is prohibited on that side. There isn't room on the West Bide in front of the six -plex, so they'll have to park on side streets and all along English down to Larpentuer. To me this is a "substantial pub- lic nuisance" asMr. Sheahan quoted. I feel this is definitely a traffic hazard and that this matter should be turned over to the traffic depart- ment or whoever is in charge. Another point I'd like to mention and one I would call a "substantial pub- lic nuisance" is invasion of our privacy . Putting this 27 unit, 2j story apartment between and around all the single dwelling houses on Chamber and English, would not only look rediculous but also do away with our privacy. Anyone on the 2nd floor could look down or in our homes. Then there's the problem of our children - -the future law- makers, voters and taxpayers of our Great City. There are three schools in our area, Frost Lake, Prosperity Heights and Presentation. -We guessed that about 500 children will be using English, Chamber and Idaho to get to their school patrol. On the corner of Idaho and English is where the school patrol meet, the City Bus waits and this is also the exit of the alley Which will be used with this new building. What chance do our kids have :1 q1 �0 EE q,NcE.I �; �rE ( 4 Yp , L • All N, D RS`OF/C� embe� 41,q�7964 Mayor George C. Vavoulis City Hall and Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Mayor; As you are aware, the application for off - the - street parking per- mit by F & W Construction Company on English Street between Idaho and Hoyt Avenue, which was denied by a unanimous vote of the City Council on August 18, 1964, is scheduled for a reconsideration in another Council Hearing September 10, 1964. Needless to say, we were overjoyed to hear the Council's decision against it on August 18, 1964, fully realizing that if this weren't a unique situation,jF & W had every legal right to this permit. We believe the Council, after taking all things into consideration, acted prudently and in the best interests of the entire area. It is inconceivable that an antiquated zoning law dating back to 1922 is allowed to the tranquillity of a residential area that has developed only in the last five to ten years. Why one -half block was +so set aside as commercial property in 1922 is hard to ascertain. It was developed nevertheless, with Single Family Dwellings leaving two unimproved lots and purchased at different times by F & W Construction Co.. These lots, one 60 feet, and another 50 feet were not adjoining. The nearby residents anti- cipated private homes such as their own, but this past Spring, F & W purchased a house on a 120 foot lot situated between their previously mentioned properties. By moving the house to another location, F & W would be able to construct their proposed 27 -unit apartment building allowing off street parking for 27 automobiles. A structure of this size in a block of single family dwellings would be as Commissioners Peterson and Holland suggested, com- pounding an error that took place in 1922. F We therefore, strongly urge you, your honor, and the City Council to visit this area and see for yourselves that you should stand by your original decision to not grant the off - street parking permit to F & W. � �O c r _ 2 Commissioner Rosen has urged us by letter to immediately take steps to rezone the balance of the block so that it conforms with the existing-properties zoned A Residential. A petition has been submitted for the Councils approval. We sincerely hope you see fit to do this. Thank you for your diligent consideration in this matter. Yours very truly, Frank J. ang 1610 Chamber t . St. Paul, Minn. acs 2 * --M- this congested area and all these cars coming and going ? I was told a traffic hazard is not considered a hazard until it has been proven to be a hazard: What do we do, Your Honor, wait until one of these kids get killed ? i Please:, Mr. Mayor, put yourself in our shoes. Only then can you perhaps convince Mr. ShehanIthat this is a great moral injustice and that this one half block on English can and must be rezoned to "A ". We all realize that according to Law, the F.& W. Constructure Coo has the right to build but we all feel there was an error made in 1922 in zoning this small area. Exceptions have been made - -for instance on Payne Ave. not too long ago, they rezoned andarea against the owners wishes.We feel this exception should be made again. I realize how busy you and the Council Members are, but please, Your Honor, I beg of you all to,come out and view this matter and area with your own eyes. You will then see and realize what a tragic development this can be if this 27 unit apartment building is built. (I'll even put the coffee pot on for all of you- -bring Mr. Shehan too'j Thank you for taking time to read this. I hope and pray you and the coun- cil members will accept and vote in our behalf on our new petition for rezoning F &31 -W 'a lots from Commercial to A Residential. s. Yours truly, ,, 7------' u�yti 1 - Honorable Mayor Vavolis: 1584 Chamber Street St. Paul 55106, Minnesota September 5, 1964 RECEIVED L^ • SAINT PAUL, hdNN. and kRotl thrEs t9W 7P LI WFNII'i �I"1M On August 18, 1964, we met in the Council Chambers f concerning the building of a 27 unit apartment building parking, lot between Idaho and Hoyt Sts., South 30 Ft. o inclusive, Block 2, Overbrook Addition, property locate, of English St . , by the F & 9 Construction Co. this action and the City Council, after hearing decided in our favor and a permit ,,.as denied to V,e neighbors prottested both sides of this matter, F & 77 Construction Co. Since this hearing however; we have been notified of a new hearing on September 10th, pertaining to a reconsiderment on this matter. Laws are made and must be enforced, this we understand, but what we can - notunderstand is:why majority doesn't rule in actions such as this. Majority always does when our laws are made, or when our lawmakers and politicans are put into office.; In 1922 when the Commercial Zoning Law was made on English St., this land ;crest of English St. was nothing more than woods. Now 40 years later this area is completely built up as single family dwellings, and a 27 unit apart- ment structure is requested. This is a hard thing for us to accept as we all have knowledge and experience as to the noise and traffic congestion caused by apartments, due to the two 7 unit apartmen t dwellings on the East side of English St. on this same block. There is no parking allowed at any time on the ;est side of English and even though the apartment buildings on 'he East side of the street have off street parking, this street is always congested with additional cars, due to visitors or the fact that some families have two vehicles. These apartments are occupied mainly by younger people who don't seem to have any consideration of the noise they create or the hour in which they create it in. These are 7 unit apartments in comparison with the 27 unit F & ;? Construction Co. requests. In 1961 -62 we appeared in front of the City Council several times pro- testing an alley through this area, with a majority of 5 -1 we finally lost out and an alley was put through, while vie all had established front driveways and beautifully landscaped back yards.' Now a 27 unit building is being forced upon us - what next? ';here are our rights as landowners, taxpayers, and voters? i We have about,55 small children from toddlers thru grade school ages to be effected in this block area alone with excessive traffic conditions that will arise; plus about 500 children who form a convoy to and from Frost Lake Elementary School and at least an additional 250 who follow the same route to and from Present tion Catholic School. We urge you to drive out and see this area for yourself, we begged Council members to try and do so when we protested the alley, and although we under- stand fully your rigid schedules, we feel if this would have been accomplish —od maybe the alley pouldn't be here and this apartment and zoning situation wouldn't be troubling both the City Fathers and we landowners at this time. t + Sincerely, yc e Stanley . f DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 113 Court House, 55102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner THOMAS J. KELLEY, Deputy Commissioner September 8, 1964 Mro!Robert Gerber City Clerk BUILDING DC-Tr Sir; Please include the attached correspondence with the Council proceedings for Sept. 10, 1964. Yours y, 1 ul D h Chief Clerk Finance Dept. 1 as Phone: 224-4612 Ext. 343 -344 Mr�1:Rn aP'i/i _•_ - -_ ` . - '^ 184 Chamber street -- -- -- gt. Paul 55106, Minnesota ,i,;:- = �.�''��� °« °t;x�_ . „. ;1 t September �.� 19 64 Z 4U”! f�► Dalgi 8h s , 1964,, we met in the Council Chambers for a Public Hearing building cif a 27 unit apartment building and off street parking 1Q and Hoyt Sts. , South 30 Ft . of Lot 3 through 7 inclusive, wok Addition, property located on the inset Side of English 9t., h tai :.3o etruoti on Co. v� we`fietghbore protested this action and the City Council, after hearing 'bo h 61400 of this matter, decided in our favor and a permit was denied to IF A X Construction Co. 31noe, t #i`s hearing however; we have been notified of a new hearing on J September 10t pertaining to a reconsiderment on this matter. =Lame acre ,We and must be enforoed, 'this we understand, but what we cannot g'tatd l.0 why majority doesn't rule in actions suoh as this. Majority " ^_.•- 4 a doom whft our laws are made, or when our lawmakers and politicans are n� "v�iq�r�nt.o .•dtfias. 1922 when the Commerolol Zoning Law was m ade on English St., this land ' V '� Vnglish St. was nothing more than woods. Now �0 years later this area ' etely built. up as single family dwellings, and a 27 unit.apartment e�0is requested. This is a hard thing for us to accept as we all have and "perionoe &s to the noise and traffic congestion caused by spi�ento, due to the tw;O 7 unit apartment dwellings on the East side of MIS11sh- St. on this .same block. There is no parking at any time allowed on the best side of lingli-s'h and even though the apartment buildings on the East side of the, street have off street parking, this street is always congested with additional oars, due to visitors or the fact that some families have two vehicles. These apartments are occupied mainlyrby younger people who don't seem to have any consideration of the noise they create or the hour in which they create it in. These are 7 unit apartments in comparison with the 27 unit F & W Construction Co. requests. In 1961 -62 we appeared in front an alley through this area, with a alley was put through, while we al' beautifully landscaped back yards* forced upon us - what next? Where and voters? of the City Council several times protesting majority of 5 -1 we finally lost out and an 1 had established front driveways and Now a 27 unit apartm en t building is being are our rights as landowners, taxpayers, We have about 55 small children from toddlers thru grade school ages to be effected in this block alone with excessive traffic conditions that will arise; plus about 500 children who form a convoy to and from Frost Lake Menentary School and at least an additional 250 who follow the same route to and from Presentation Catholic School* ffe urge you Ito drive out and see this area for yourself, We begged Council members to try ;and do so when we protested the alley, and although we understand fully your rigid schedules, we feel if this would have been accomplished, maybe the alley wouldn't be here and this apartmen t and zoning situation wouldn't be troubling both the City Fathers and we landowners at this time. Sincerely, ( i>1 oyc a Stanley CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 ` 224 -4612 f 22 i August 28,, 1964 City Clerk! File 16485 Page You are hereby notified that the City Council will reconsider the application of F. and W. Construction Company for permit to install and operate a 27 -car off - street parking lot in conjunction with a proposed, 27 -unit apartment building on the following described property: South 30 feet of Lot 2 and all of Lots 3 through 7 inclusive, Block 2, Overbrook Addition. The property is located on the west side of English Street between.Hoyt and Idaho Avenues. A public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Sall and Court House at 10 :00 a.m. on September 10, 1964. i For further information call at Room 1315 Court House-or phone 224 -4612, Extension 251. f JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance r 1 JAMES J. DALGLISH COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1" CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 118 CITY HALL t September 9, 1964 t� t Mr. Robert Gerber City Clerk rDear Mr. Gerber: ;Will you please have the attached letter read tat the City Council hearing on September 10. i It is very important that these letters be read. Thank you. Sincerely yours, es J. lg-1 s ommissi er of Finance r n as September 7, 1964 Commissioner James J. Dalglish Dept. of Finance, City of St" Paul 113 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Commissioner Dalglish; Since you were absent from the city council hearing on August 18, 1964 when an application for an off - street park- ing permit by the F. and W. Construction Company was denied, I would like to take this opportunity to bring to your atten- tion some facts in the matter that we feel are very pertinent. First of all, the issue is up for reconsideration by the Counicl on September 10, 1964 at the suggestion of Mr. Louis Sheahan, city director of laws, who feels there was no justifaction for the denial to F. & W. There have been Supreme Court rulings in favor of such permits provided no substantial public nui- sance would result. We contend that such a nuisance would exist. English Street is at present only 30 ft. wide with provision for an 80 ft. right -of -way at some future time. There is no parking allowed on the west side of the street which is the side where the proposed 27 -unit apartment building would be erected.,' We believe that a 27 -stall off - street parking area is not ample for a building of this size. This is well proved by the two 7 -unit apartments on the east side of English which already!present a parking problem. These apartments have off - street parking facilities for more than seven cars, but there are times when the street is congested with extra cars. This is especially true on weekends. If any of the occupants of the proposed 27 -unit apartment building have more than one car, where will they park? Also provision should be made for visitors. Where will they park? Surely not across the street where the two 7 -unit apartment buildings are located - - -not in the 15 ft. wide alley where there is hardly room for two cars to meet-- - not around the corner on Idaho where residents park and the city bus operates. We sincerely believe the parking probIbm that this building would create for this residential area would con- stitute a substantial public nuisance. _2_ I With these facts in mind and other considerations that have been brought to your attention, we believe that the City Council's original decision was a sound one and that mo; further discussion or argument would be cause to change it. We thank you for your continued'consideration in this crusial matter which is of such great concern to the entire area. I am enclosing a copy of a letter that Mr. Lange sent to Mayor Vavoulis relative to this issue. Yours very truly, Mrs. F. J". Lange 1610 Chamber Street St. Paul,JMinnesota 55106 i t i `1 12� September 4, 1964 Mayor George C. Vavoulis City Hall and Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Mayor= v u As you are aware, the application for off - the - street parking per- mit by F & W Construction Company on English Street between Idaho and Hoyt Avenue, which was denied by a unanimous vote of the City Council on August 18, 1964, is scheduled for a reconsideration in another Council Hearing September 10, 1964. Needless to say, we were overjoyed to hear the Council's decision against it on August 18, 1964, fully realizing that if this weren't a unique situation, F & W had every legal right to this permit. We believe the Council, after taking all things into consideration, acted prudently and in the best interests of the entire area. It is inconceivable t at an antiquated zoning law dating back to 1922 is allowedite a tranquillity of a residential area that has developed only in the last five to ten years. Why one -half block was so set aside as commercial property in 1922 is hard to ascertain. It was developed nevertheless, with Single Family Dwellings leaving two unimproved lots and purchased at different times by F & W Construction Co.. These lots, one 60 feet, and another 50 feet were not adjoining. The nearby residents anti- cipated private homes such as their own, but this past Spring, F & W purchased a house 6n a 120 foot lot situated between their previously mentioned properties. By moving the house to another location, F & W would be able to construct their proposed 27 -unit apartment building allowing off street parking for 27 automobile*. A structure of this size in a block of single family dwellings would be as Commissioners Peterson and Holland suggested, com- pounding an error that took place in 1922. We therefore, strongly urge you, your honor, and the City Council to visit this area and see for yourselves that you should stand by your original decision to not grant the off - street parking permit to F & W. 2 - Commissioner Rosen has urged us by letter to immediately take steps to rezone the balance of the block so that it conforms with the existing properties zoned A Residential. A petition has been submitted for the Councils approval. We sincerely hope you see fit to do this. Thank you for your diligent consideration in this matter. Yours very truly, Frank J. ang 1610 Chamber t . St. Paul, Minn. acs _ J CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 224 -4612 22 September 11, 1964 City Clerk File 16485, Page I You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on September 243 1964, on the application of F & W Construction Co. for permit to install and operate a 27 -car off- street parking lot in conjunction with a proposed 27 -unit apartment building on the following described property: south 30 feet of Lot 2 and all of Lots 3 thru 7, Block 2, Overbrook Addition. The property is located on the west side of English Street between Hoyt and Idaho Avenues. For further information call at Room 1315, Court House or phone 224 =4612, Extension 251. JAMES J. DALGLISH ii Co mnissioner of Finance .r { U, 10i X964 ' Qom- a -by� • r.F of Fie - - Build$ng -, . - -- Dear ,$irr ' - -.~ - . • = .. �, - . - •- _ . -. - - , - • : The City CmmU laid over- to 2� as;tter of the app].iaation of F and W Construction Co. fora inai�h s►nd operate a 27-�r _ y off-street parking lot on pr the west aide of Maalsh Bt• between iicVt and Ti3aho A nd r steel t you Sao& new notices to - property owners _ i Will you also set a date hear* f #� er 2� e = _ +� send notices to property odners- in the tier of _ petitiob7th rezone late 1 through 15, Mmk, 2, ova " BeRldence District! x • ` . .. - _ , Very Y yours - City► Clerk At . - . t _-- �`:i.. F.- - ` ~�•• a 1. _ -� .. . . •r_ ' _ Sept. lo. 64. _ Zoning Board. `i. 13th. ' F1oor. T Gentlemens The City Counc referred the ing Board for F recommendation the atta d petition o rezone Lots l.through 15, inclusiv6, Block 2. We ook .Additi . located fronting on the - west sidm of English St t between aho and Hoyt Avenues; from k Conmeroial to- "A" iden istr Very truly yours. City, Clerk e hp >,RD OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL .•.;•'•:` #kt HeiplF:231- 232.233 115 CITY HALL AND COUNT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA i July 7, 1964 Mr. Robert B. Gerber Jr. City Clerk Buildings ., Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the application of the F & W Construction Company for a permit to install and operate a 27 car off - street parking lot in conjunction with a,27 ,unit apartment_ development on property located on the west side=of Englisb,Street between E. Hoyt and E. Idaho Avenues which is described as the south 30 feet of Lot 2, and all of Lots 3 thru 7 inclusive, Block 2, Overbrook Addition. The property is zoned commercial and has been.isince the enactment of the Legislative Zoning Code in 1922.__ Part of the subject,property is developed -'with a residence and the balance!is vacant. The existing residence will be removed for the pro posed development. The site has a frontage of 230 feet on English Street and extends to a depth of 120 feet, resulting in an area of 27,6000 square feet. { The Board of Zoning considered,this matter at its regular meeting on June 4,' 1964. The staff reported that the proposal met the standards for density and building ground coverage, and that the Traffic Engineer has approved the plan which meets the standards for this type of "facility. In consideration of these factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting of the application for a 27 car off - street parking facility on the above described property in accordance with final plans dated r June 2, 1964. Sincerely, B. R. Teig, .I.P. Recording Secretary BRT :FGI; Encl. Z. F. 5516 Approved r �• CC: Mr. Janes Member, Bard of Zoning 36 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT 2 (Please print or type) J TO THE HDNORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint;Paul, Minnesota Application is hereby ade to' or reconstruct an existing y install and operate ,a new (cross one out) FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps i No. of tanks and capacity: i PARKING LOT for ( (ems (private use) (I 1 11 ( (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot 3Tpa"I-; Mg spa ^oA To be used in connection with: aUartment building 11 MISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive -in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick -up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location :West side of English St, between E. Hoyt and E. Idaho. Legal Description • Lot Block South 30 feet ' of Lot 22 Applicant's Name all of Lots 32 42 5, 6 -and 7 Block 2 F & W Construction Co. Home or Office;Address: 1294 Schletti St. St. Paul, Minn/ Phone Number ' 489- 0917 FORAW THE APPLICANT, by Peter Valenty, attorney Signatu date Address : 904 Minnesota Bldg. St. Paul, Minn. Phone NO.: 222 - 8449 Addition Overbrook When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay -out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z -3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. e CITY OF SAINT' PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 224 -4612 c22 June 26, 1964 City Clerk I File 16485 Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on July 9, 1964, on the application of F. and W. Construction Company for permit to install and operate a 27 -car off - street parking lot in conjunction with a proposed 27 -unit apartment building on the following'described property: South 30 feet of Lot 2 and all of Lots 3 through 7 inclusive, Block 2, Overbrook Addition. The property is located on the west side of English Street between Hoyt and Idaho Avenues. i For further information call at Room 1315, Court House or phone 224 - 4612,( Extension 251. JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance