06-710Council File # � � Green Sheet # ��p � �3 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,2 Presented by �� �/�/' J^" i RESOLUTION AMENDING THE SUMMARY OF THE NORTH END-SOUTH COMO DISTRICT 2 PLAN 3(ADOPTED IN 2004 AS AN ADDENDUM TO THE SAINT PAUL COMPREHENSIVE PLA1� 5 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 462353, to cazry on 6 comprehensive municipal planning activities for guiding the future development and improvement of the 7 city; and 9 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, as a local government unit within the metropolitan area, is required to under Minnesota Statutes, Section 473.858, to prepaze a comprehensive plan; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council is authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 462355, to adopt 13 or amend a comprehensive plan or portion thereof after a recommendation by the Planning Commission; 14 and 15 16 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council adopted, by Council File 98-1133 on March 3, 1999, the Land 17 Use Plan as a chapter of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan; and 18 19 WHEREAS, the Land Use Plan provided for the adoption of summaries of area plans as addenda to the 2o comprehensive plan; and 21 22 WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the suminary of the North End-South Como District Plan as an 23 addendum to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan on July 28, 2�04; and 24 25 WHEREAS, the YVheelock BluffJRice Street Plan, adopted by the City Council in 1991, addressed land use, 26 zoning, open space, and related development assues for the area in District 6 generally bounded by 27 Wheelock Parkway and the biuff to the west, the city limit to the north, Rice Street to the east, and the 28 Burlington Northem Railroad to the south; and 24 3o WHEREAS, the Wheelock Bluff/Rice Street Plan is scheduled to expire in 20Q6; and 31 s2 WHEREAS, most implementation strategies in the Wheelock BZuff�Rice Street Plan have been completed, 33 although a few strategies pertaining to bluff, soil and water resource protection are still relevant; , 34 35 WHEREAS, after consultation with the District 6 Planning Council, the Capitol Region Watershed 36 District, the Ramsey County Soil and Water Conservation District, Trust for Public Land, City of Saint 37 Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development, City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works, 38 and City of Saint Paul Department of Parks and Recreation, it was determined that these strategies have 39 long-term implications and should be included in the Area Plan Summary of the North End-South Como 4o District Plan; and 4] �a �1i� 42 WI�REAS, the Planning Commission, on notice published in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger on February 43 16, 2006, held a public hearing on March 10, 2006, where all persons interested were given an oppommity 44 to be heard on the proposal to amend the Area Plan Summary of the North End-South Como District Plan; 45 and 46 47 WfIEREAS, on Apri17, 2006, the Planning Commission found that the amendment to the Area Plan 48 Summary of the North End-South Como District Plan is consistent with The Saint Pau1 Comprehensive 49 Plan and other relevant City policies and recommends the adoption of the amendment by the City Council. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Benanav Bostrom Harris NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the suttunary of the North End-South Como District Plan, which was adopted as an addendum to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan in July 2004, is hereby amended to include language from the Wheelock Bluff/Rice Street Plan pertaining to soil, bluff, and water resource protection. Requested by Deparhnent of: � ✓ BY: � � ✓ ��f Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Council Secret�fy By: � Approved y�y-iofa�c . Date g`��] f(�(o iC_/ By: C��� Form Approved by City Attomey sy: �-.�G✓, /n/a�. � _ zs- 0 6 Form pr by ayor for 5ub � sion to Council By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Departrnentloffice/council: DatelniEated: O � — ��� PE - P��n�a8��nomicDevelopment ,�.���.� Green Sheet NO: 3031393 ContactPersonBPhone: Depar6nent SentToPerson InitiallDate Yang 2harg � 0 laonin o'c ev o � ASSigO 1 la " Econ i D vel a e t " tor Must Be on CooncilAgenda by (Date): Number Z e -25- For Routing 3 a r's c a oNAssi ta [ Order a o n 5 ' Cl rk r To�l#ofSignaturePages �C (CIipNlLOCationsforSignature) Action Requested: Approval of a City Council resolution amending the District 6 North End-South Como Plan Snmmary to include recommendations pertaining to bluff, soil, and weHand protection; the District 6 Plan snmmary was adopted by the City Council in July 2004 as an addendum to the City's Comprehensive Plan. Recommendations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Personal5ervice Cont2cts MustMSwerthe Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Hys this persoNfirtn e�er vrorketl under a coMracl for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Ciul Senice Commission 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee? Y� PJo 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skili not nortnaVy possessed by arry curtent cRy employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): "Phe Wheelock B1uffBice Street Plan (1991} is scheduled to expire at the end of 2006. Although most strategies in the Wheelock Bluf Plan have already been implemented, the Plan contained language addressing bluff and water resource protection that should be in the long-term plan for District 6. The Planning Commission recommends that District 6(Nodh End-South Como Dishic[ Plan be amended t include these long-term strategies. Advantages HApproved: These strategies will guide development in the area to protect soil, bluff, and water resowces. Disadvanfa9es If Approved: � ��� � � � �� �� None � � �' � � �' �.,� %�. � � �� v "� LYiJKi v �. `.. Disativanqges If Not qpproved: `,� � � � '�p ? f 3 �,� � �� �ti a There may be fur[her development in sensitive land in the Wheelock Bluff area. � Total Amount of O CostlRevenue Budgeted: Transaction: �������� Fundin4 Source: Activiry Number: FinanciallnformaEon:) � � � �, 200fi (Explain Councit Res+e€�r�� �� ��� ���fCE ��ti� 2fi 2 July 17, 2006 4:23 PM Page 1 Q(� 1l� Area Plan Summary North End-South Como District Plan Addendum to The Comprehensive Plan for Saint Paul Recommended by the Planning Commission, July 2, 2004 Adopted by the Ciry Council, July 28, 2004 Amended on This summary appends to the Comprehensive Ptan the North End-South Como District Plan. Key goals include.• • maintain a safe environment, • strengthen community identity and image • maintain and enhance the built environment • preserve and enhance the natural environment • promote life cycle housing • strengthen and revitatize commercial and industrial areas • ensure community-wide access to information and services • promote connectiviry within Dislrict 6 aizd the region. Location The North End-South Como (Planning District 6) neighborhood lies generally between I-35E and Lexington Avenue, north of the Burlington Northern-Santa Fe Raiiroad tracks. Page 1 of 4 Locadon of District 6 in St. Paul (�•'1tU v�s�on North End-South Como will be a safe, attractive, welcoming and vibrant community that has preserved and enhanced its historic character and natural and civic amenities. All its residents will have a diverse choice of housing options throug� their lifetimes. The commercial and industrial base will be strong and vital. Citizens will have improved connections and access to services and information and to the pazks, schools, jobs and institutions they vaiue. Alon� VJheelock Bluff. �ubiiclv owned land c�711 be presen�ed andior restored as a habitat for wildlife. �ecitic Recommendafions and Implementation Steps Preserve and Enhance the Natura[ Environment North End-South Como is located within the Capitoi Region W atershed District and many of the plan's recommendations relate to taking greater advantage of this nnportant natural resource. Lake Como, Loeb Lake, McCarrons Lake, Willow Reserve, several wetlands and Trout Brook aze significant both as natural amenities and wildlife habitats. But many remain isolated and remote from azea residents. Furthermore, much of Trout Brook was diverted to storm sewers as part of past redevelopment efforts to create additional industrial land in the rail corridor. The plan calls for day-lighting more of Trout Brook, where possible, restoring the Wiliow Reserve, and creating "green" links to and among key sites. Redesigning Como Boulevard as a pazkway is central to that strategy as is acquisition of key railroad property, when possibie, and expansion of bicycle and pedestrian trail systems that will connect the neighborhood to the Mississippi River, Como Park and Saint Paul's Grand Round. The Citv and the Countv are encoura�ed to �reserve the views alon� Wheelock Parkwav as identified in FiQure Y of flie Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan and to discoura�e disturbance of the environmentallv sensitive areas as identified in Fi� re EE, Apnendix E of the Land Use Chapter of Yhe Coinprehensive Plan. In addition, other public a�encies such as the Capitol Reeion Watershed District mav be able to hold easements for the wetland and slope areas a1miQ or near Wheelock Parkwav. Tf�e Citv of Saint Pau1, Ran�sev Countv Soil a��d Water Board, Capitol Region Watershed District, and affected propert�owners should work toeether to resolve the erosion and smrmwater draina�e problems occurrin� near the Wheelock Bluff area south of Lar�enteur Avenue and east of Cumberland Street. Maintain and Enhance the Built Environment Overlaying the natural environment is the built environment constnicted in phases lazgely between about 1875 and 1950 along a classic urban street grid. Recommendations in the plan support reinforcing historic pattems by preserving the mainstreet chazacter of Rice Street, adopting design guidelines for new development and redevelopment, creating a design overlay district in the neighborhood around Oakland Cemetery, defining unique gateways around traditional urban design principles, investing in the rehabilitation of existing commercial and residential structures, and encoura�in� sti�eet lavouts and desiens that are sensitive to wetlands and slo�es in the azeas near Wheelock Bluff . Because the community is fully built, recommendations for fundamental land use change are few, but they include: Page 2 of 4 oc�-1�� • Lower Rice Street is recommended to be the site of a mixed use urban village with the development of vacant sites and 3n coordination with the potential establishment of a commuter rail line along the southern border of the district. Industrial uses should be consolidated over time, and appropriately buffered, in the Great Northern Corridor and the Jackson-Arlington Industrial Pazk. Phased out would be industrial uses in the lower Trout Brook corridor and the mazginal auto-related uses south of Oakland Cemetery (east of Rice Sireet). • The neighborhood south and east of I,oeb Lake, inchiding the Jefferson-SmurfiWnion Brass site, should be evaluated for residenrial redevelopment. Among the priorities for new housing is the development of a variety of unit types to meet the life-cycle needs of neighborhood residents. Specifically missing from the cwrent stock are units designed for older persons. Adding to that stock is entirely consistent with plans for more mixed-use transit-related development on lower Rice Sireet and in the neighborhood south and east of Oakland Cemetery. District 6 and Sparc also developed a set of voluiltary design guidelines for residential covshuction Builders, developers, and home owners aze strongly recommended to foliow the guidelines in plumnig new construction, landscaping, and addition or improvement to an existing structure. The full text of the design guidelines is available by contacting the District 6 Plvuvtig Council or Sparc. Finally, in any aging neighborhood, continuing efforts need to be made ta rehabilitate and/or redevelop the existing housing stock. Priority areas for focused attention include: (1) the neighborhood south and east of Oakland Cemetery, (2) the neighborhood north of Front Street, generally between Victoria and Chatsworth, (3) the two block azea west of L,ewis Park, (4) the hvo block area west of Albemarle between Rose and Orange, and (5) the residential pocket between Agate and the Trillium site. The community will use the opportunities created by new housing construction to add to the stock of ownet-occupied units in order to move closer to the citywide rario of owner-occupied to rental housing of 56:44. (District 6's distribution was 51:49 in 20Q2, as reported by the Wilder Research Center). Maintain a Safe Environment Plan recommendarions relate to the full range of issues from pedestrian and h�affic safety to crnne prevention to public health. Particular emphasis is placed on street design and the design of the public realm, acknowledging their importance in controlling h�affic, creating "eyes" on the street and promoting safe pedestrian activity. That emphasis is underscored by companion recommendations calling for a continued police presence on Rice Street and stepped up enforcement of traffic laws, housing codes and properry maintenance standards. The plan calls for systematic attention by the Department of Public Works on the intersecrions at Maryland/Rice, Maryland/Dale, Arlington/Rice, Jackson/Nlaryland and Como/Front/Dale, as well as along the length of Rice Street, to detennine if there are design meastu•es that would increase vehicular and pedestrian safety. Similarly, traflic calming and anforcement measures aze recommended for the dishicYs major thoroughfares: Maryland, Dale, Rice and Jackson. Finally, issues of public health, particularly concerns about potential threats posed by contauiivated sites and eaposure to lead, call both for more systematic public education and for mitigation. Properties Page 3 of 4 �-'tlD deservuig focused attention by locat and state officials include the westem portion of the Jackson- Arlington azea and the Jefferson-Smurfit/Union Brass site. To enco�age long teim environmental health, the plan recommends consideration of "green" design features and conshuction techniques. Strengthen Community Identity and Image In additionto establishing attractive gateways into the community, the plan recommends a full progruii of marketing the neighborhood, its businesses, housing stock and amenities. The Rice Street Festival is a key element in the neighborhood's xnarketing sirategy and deserves wide public and private support. Citv Action To encourage develogment according to this vision the City of Saint Paul should: � Focus, with appropriate plans, 40-acre studies and design guidelines, on key redevelopment areas to include: Rice Street, the azea south of Oakland Cemetery (Oakland Village), the azea surrounding the Jefferson-SmurfitiUnion Brass site and the Como-Front-Dale triangle. Particular attention should be paid, in each instance, to whether "I`ND zoning would support the community's development and design objectives. The Arlington-Jackson Small Area Plan also should be updated and re-certified by the Planning Commission. Designate "green" corridors and trails to link pazks and open spaces with one another and with key residential areas and commercial nodes for the benefit of pedestrians, bicyclists and wildlife. This includes fully implementing the Trout BrooklLower Phalen Greenway Plan and establishing Como Boulevard as a parkway. Give priority in the capital budget to: full implementation of the Trout Brook Greenway Plan including restoration of the Trillium site and day-lighting Trout Brook, additions to the trail system and development of "green" streets, transit-related improvements (including bus system improvements and the Red Rock Line, if approved), pazk enhancements (specifically securing Norpac Road as a main entrance to the Trillium site), streetscape nnprovements along Rice Street and Como/Front/Dale, industrial redevelopment of the Great Northern Corridor and Jackson/Arlington, and housing redevelopment. • Market exisring residential and commercial rehabilitation programs as well as the City's Home Loan Fund. Plannin� Commission Findings The Planviiig Cominission finds that The North End-South Como Comprehensive Plan is, in the main, consistent with The Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and other adopted City policies. The Commission also fmds that an ownership goal of 56 percent is a feasible community objective. Adopted in this area plan sui»inary, therefore, is the relevant language noted above. Planning Process The North End-South Como Comprehensive Plan was prepared by a committee of the District 6 Planning Council with the assistance of a graduate-level planning class from the University of Minnesota's Humphrey Tnsfitute. Input included discussions with regional and local agency representatives, a survey of neighborhood businesses, a Comprehensive Plan Open House attended by over 100 residents and a series of working meerings open to the community. The plan was reviewed and adopted by the Dishict 6 Plauniug Council on February 9, 2004. Page 4 of 4 �--��a city of saint pau( planning commissian resolution file number 06-41 date Aprii 7 2006 RESOLUT[ON RECOMII+fENDING A{VIENDMENT OF THE SUMMARY OF NORTH END - SOUTH COMO BISTC2ICT PLAN AS AN ADDENDUM TO THE SAiNT PAUL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WHEREAS, fhe North End-South Como District Plan was prepared by a commiftee of the District 6 Planning Counc�i witfi assistance from fhe University of Minnesofa's Humphrey institute, and the summary of the District Plan was adopted by the City Council on July 28, 2004 as an addendum to the Saint Pauf Comprehensive Pien; WH�REAS, the District Plan emphasized preserving and enhancing the natural environmenf; recoqnizing bluff lands as an important asset for the area's environmentai integrity; and WHEREAS, the Wheeiock B1uff/Rice Sfreet Plan, adopted by the City Councii in 1991, addressed land use, zaning, ope� space, and related development issues for the area in District 6 generaily bounded by Wheelock Parkway and the b{ufF to the west, the city Iimit to fhe norfh, Rice Street to the east, and the Bur)ington Northern Railroad to the soufh; and WHEREAS, the Whee(ock B4ufF/Rice Sfreef Pfan is schedu�ed to expire in 2006; and WHEREAS, mosf implemantation sfrategies in the Wheelock Bluff/Rice Street Plan have been completed, although a few sfrategies pertaining fo bluff, soii and wafer resource protection are still relevant; WHEREAS; after consuitafion with the Districf 6 Pfanning Council, the Capitol Region Watershed District, fhe Ramsey Counfy Soil and Water Conservation Districf, Trust for Public Land, City of Saint Paul Department of Planning a�d Economic Development, City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works, and City of Saint Paul Department of Parks and Recreation, it was determitted that these strategies have long-term implications and should be included in the District Plan summary; a�d WkiEREAS, the Planning Commission is authorized uncler Minnesata Statutes Section 462.355(2) and Chapter 107 of the Sainf Paui Administrative Code to recommend fo the Mayor and City Councii amendments to the comprehensive plan; and moved by McCall seconded by in favor Unanimous against t�- North End-Soufh Como Plan Amendment Page Two of Resolution WHEREAS, the Land Use Plan, adopfed by the Cify Council on March 3, 1999, provides for the adoption of summaries of area plans as addenda to The Saint Paul Comprehensive P(an upon findings by fhe Planning Commission that fhe pians are consisfent with adopted City policies; and WHEREAS, the Pianning Commission, on March 10, 2006, hefd a public hearing on the proposed amendment to the Area Plan Sumrrrary of the NorYh End-South Como Disfrict Plan, nofice of which was published in fhe Sainf Paul Legal Ledger on February 16, 2006; and WHEREAS, testimony received at the public hearing was supportive of the plan amendment. � NOW, THEREFORE, BE Il" RESOLVED, thaf the Saint Paul Pianning Commission finds thaf the amendment to the Area Plan Summary of the North End-Soufh Como District Plan is consistent with The Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and other re{evant Ciiy policies and recommends the adoption of the amendment by the City Councii; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Wheelock Bluff/Rice Street Plan (1991) is hereby decertified. G�-`7l� Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Bonlevard West Minutes March 10, 2006 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, March 1 Q 2006, at 830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Faricy, Zimmer Lonerti, Morton, and Trevino. Present: and; and Messrs. Aligada, Alton, Anfang, Bellus, Coletta, Goodlow, Gordon, Johnson, and Kramer. Commissioners Mmes. *Lu, * McCall, and *Porter, and Messrs. *Dandrea, Kong, *Meija and Scott. Absent: *Excused Also Present: Allan Torstenson, for the Planning Administratar; County Commissioner Rettman; Tom Beach, and Wendy Lane from LIEP; Patricia James, Shawntera Hardy, Yang Zhang, Casey MacCallum (intern), and Kate Fleming, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Approval of minutes February 2A, 2006. MOTION: Commissioner Johnson moved approval of the minutes of February 24, 2006. Commissioner Trevino seconded the motion. The mntion carried unanimously on a voice vote. TI. Chair's Announcements Chair Alton stated Mayor Coleman has requested that the Planning Commission establish a community-based task force to prepare a Central Corridor Development Strategy. Chair Alton reminded the Commissioners that at the next meeting, the committee preference sheets will be available to fill out. Chair Akon reminded everyone of the fundraiser for The Jeremiah Program,which will take place March 19, 2006, 8:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m., at the Great Harvest Bread Co. III. Planning Administrator's Announcements Allan Torstenson announced that a panel of demographers will speak at the Planning Commission meeting on Mazch 24, 2006, so the meeting will start at 8:00 a.m. and Commission members should block out time for a three-hour meeting. Allan Torstenson reported on the planning related City Counci] action. Allan Torstenson stated the Planning Commission's decision on the airport ]evee has been appealed. IV. PUBLIC HEARING: Amendment to Summarv of District blNorth End-South Como District Plan (Wheelock Bluff/Rice Street Plan Item from the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee. � (Yang Zhang, 65U266-6659) Chair Alton read the rules of procedure far the public hearing and announced the notice of the public heazing was published in the Legal Ledger on February 16, 20�6, and mailed or emailed to the citywide Eariy Notification System list of recipients and other interested parties. Yang Zhang gave a staff report. The following people spoke: Kerry Antrim, 213 Front Avenue, Saint Paul, Mn 55117. District 6 Planning Council requests that the language regarding VJheelock Bluff be incorporated into the North End- South Como District Plan summary. Preserving and enhancing the natural environments referenced in the District 6 Large Area Plan page 49, "Open space constitutes parks, cemeteries, bluff lands, lakes and other underdeveloped area that provide a sense of beauty, serenity and recreational oppor[unities." Because District 6 if fully developed and has a limited and somewhat uneven distribution of open space, local citizens wish to protect and enhance existing ueas. These ueas serve important roles in shaping community character and improving the quality of life for area residents. A recommended action to preserve our natural amenities is to buffer bluffs from development. As glaciers that once covered District 6 melted, they formed the Mississippi river, which once followed the Trout Brook Valley and carved bluffs, ridges and valleys that characterized the District today. Citizens wish to protect the bluffs from future development to preserve views for the public to enjoy, increase soil stability and retain the identity of District 6. The district has few open natural azeas and the neighborhood wishes to retain what open space that is here, and not allow development on the bluffs or with our natural lands for development. Therefore, District 6 requests that the additional language referencing the bluff area, which discourages disturbance of environmentally sensitive areas, the preservation and/or restoration of open azeas, cooperation with Capitol Region Watershed to shore up erosion, and the street layout design be inwrporated into the Large Area Plan Summary. MOTION: Commfssioner Trevino moved to close the hearing but leave the record open for written testimony unti14:30 p.»r., March 13, 2006. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.