06-707Conncil File # ��� ��� Green Sheet#�031465 RESOLUTION Presented by I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CITY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA GVHEREAS, Resolution - CounciI Fite #06-525, adopted June 28, 2006 by the City Council, appointed a le� slative advisory committee of approximately 18 members; and WHEREAS, the Ciry Council recognized that there were possible additional members yet to be confumed and would be added upon confirmation at a later date; aad \WIIEREAS, Virtis Lanier and Willie Nesbit aze two additional members being proposed to serve on the Broadband Advisory Committee who serve youth, school district and educational interests; aad NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED, that the City Counci] of Saint Paul appoints Virtis Lanier and Willie Nesbit as members of the Broadband Advisory Committee. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the City Council and appzoval by the Mayor, per City 14 Charter Sec. 6.07. 15 $enanav $ostrom Harris Thune Adopted by Council: Date Yeas ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Adoprion Certified by Counci] Secret£fy BY� /�� %�u ����sd� Approvec b . Date g� �f �b{o By: .�.(� Requested by Department of TechnoIogy and Communicarions Ri'/ �J�� G Form App ed by Ciry Attorney By: Form Ap ro by ayor S bmiss� to Council By: � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � re �r«��.�d���s� Contacf Pe�son 8 Phone: Mike Rea'don �75 Muat Be on Couna� AgerMa by 02-AUG-06 zt,�u�.os � Aasign Num6er FoI Routh�g Order Tofa11F o f S Pages _ �Cllp Afl L ocaM o ns for Sign ature) Acdon Requested: Ameod composition of Bmadband Advisory Coinmittee itlatias: Appm�e (A) a ReJect (Rr Planning Commissim CB Committee Cnil Senice Commission C�le Green Sheet NO: 3039465 i i:_,. ,. ,, �I i = "-. � !.. �:. : � � _ �� tl: �if���L� MustMswerthe Following Quesdons: 7. Has this persordfirtn e�er xvked under a cd�tract forthis department? Yes No 2 Has Mis persoNfimi e�er 6een a city empfoyee? Yes No 3. Do� this personffirm possess a skill not normaily possessed by any curteirt city employce? Yes Pb Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet a�M attach W green sheet Initiating Problam, lssues, Opportunily (Who, WhaS, When, Where, Why): Trvo additional members have been confinved for inclusion on the Broadbanc3 Advisory Committee that was established by Couacil action on June 2S, 2006. Advantages B Approved: Tfie two additional members would bring a broader community perspective to the Broadband Advisory Committee, as they serve youth, school district and educational interests. Disadvar�ges If Approved: None Disadvar�Uges If Not Approved; The additional perspectives would not be included on the Committee. Transaction: Funding Saurce: Financial lnformation: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: �.J Activity Number: Jrdy 21, 2006 219 PM Page 1