220369b' ORICJNAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSION CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM FILE CIL NO 220369 RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Hospital Facility Building Commission of the City of Saint Paul and County of Ramsey, taken at its regular meeting held September 16, 1964, approving Change Order No. 4 relative to the general con- struction contract for Building No. 4 of the new City- County Hospital, such change order being further described in the letter of September 18, 1964, to Robert B. Gerber, City Clerk, from Francis M. Tompkins, Executive Secretary of the Hospital Facility Building Commission, said change order increasing the general construction contract for Building No. 4 in the amount of $1,123.87. FO PPROVEp sst. Corporation Counsel COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith _ 8" - l -44 sen ... q Mr� President, VsvauLis ions "2 r In Favor v Against s OCT 151964 Adopted by the Council 19— OCT 15 1964 PUBLISHED OCT 171964 Huspitai Fac' 't Y Q llufl& C®mmissinn of the ` MEMBERS (' i e Francis M. Tompkins , Edward K. Delaney ; City; of St. Paul and County of Ramsey F--"ve "t— aq Chairman Frank D. Marzitelli Public Health Center Vice Chairman 4 555 Cedar Street Robert F. Peterson Saint Paul 1, Minnesota- Secretary CApital 4 -7651 John E. Daubney Msgr. hTancis J. Gilligan Rev. Theodore Goehle SeptembeA 189 1964 Jerom #". Loberg s Frank L. Loss _ - 4 Clifton Parks ; Anthony Podgorski y Donald, M. Steimer ` .0%. Robert B. GeAb" City CteAk The City o f Saint Pau t . %. City HaU and Counthoube Saint Pau.C, M.i.nne6 ota Dean Mn. GenbeA: The Ho.6pitae Fac t-ity Sa tding Commi66.con, at .r t.6 negut at bu6ine66 °{ meeting held on September 16, 1964, approved the JotZowing change. onde7a: i Change OndeA #21, Buitding #1 AUAce. changea throughout entvte building Incheaae $ 3, 539.08 Change OndeA #22, Buitding 01 Pnov.i.de6 Security Rooma 'Pnov.ide6 Ptaatic Paneta For 8 -N PAovidea Stacnee66 Stee.- Sungeona ScAub Sink, IncAea.6e 350516.87- pChange Ondevt "#4, Buitding 04 Provides Addi ti.onat Connecti.on6 to Mechanical Equipment and Re.eocation o4 EteatAiaV- Wbnfi ' IncAme 10123.87 Change OndeA #23, Buitding 01 Pnov.idea Rev.i.6.i,on o4 Gta.66 in Vestibu a IncAme 949.44 The Commu6.6.i,on neapectsuUy %equeat6 that the City Counc,it ob the City -' o4 Saint Paul approve the above aeti.on under the pnovi,6.i.ona o� Law,6 1957, ChapteA 938. YoUU veh y trut y, Fnanci6 M. Tompfiin.6 Fxeca Live SecnetcAy e. _TLr••Yd{Ry(y�__ •�. -• -' !' •r.�w•C- - 9why.a.�.... �•... a. �. �-- •Yr�rti`wr.'�+�y�.ww.+.MFwr� - _LtifsYar, ° %t` ' Alberf B. Olson Robert B. Gerber, Jr. .. City Clerk and ,~ .� Council Recorder commissioner of Registration r --,— -,7r7 --y - - -, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Sept. 22, 1964 Mr. Stephen L. Maxwell Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council today requested that you prepare a resolution approving , the attached change orders as approved Sept. 16, 1964, by.the Hospital Facility Building Commission: _ Change Order #21, Building #1 Increase $ 3,539• Change Order #22, Building 11 Increase .35,516.87 _ v6hange Order #4, Building #4 Increase 1,123.87 Change Order 423, Building #1 Increase 949.44 as more fully described in the attached letter of the Commission. truly yours, ity Clerk µ, 'cow °% IP cC4 za -