06-706 f Council File # � Green Sheet # 0'J RESOLUTION OF SAIIVT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By �7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 WHEREAS, Frank Ranallo, in Zoning File # 06-052-675, submitted for City Council approval the attached Combined Registered Land Survey (RLS) to create 3 residential tracts on a tract of land commonly known as 1938 Nortonia Ave, between Reaney and Minnehaha; and WHEREAS, the appropriate City departments reviewed the said RLS and found, subject to the recommended condition, that it meets the requirements of Chapter 67 of the Zoning Code; and W HEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on May 4, 2006, and notices of the said hearing were duly mailed to each owner of affected properry situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the subject property; and WHEREAS, on May 17, 2006, the City Council duly held a public hearing on the said RLS at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard and the Council, having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the subdivision; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ciiy Council finds that the RLS does not meet the standards set forth in §67.406(a) because the lot sizes and arrangements are not compatible wiih the area surrounding the proposed subdivision and, therefore, the RLS does �ot comply with the requirements of §67.4�6; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the application of Frank Ranallo for a Registered Land Survey (RLS) to create 3 residential tracts at 1938 Nortonia Ave, is hereby denied. Requested by Depaz[meut of: ��� � / ��■�■ : �l ��� - - Adopted by Gouncil: Date Adoption Certified by Council Sure v By: //l0/1/�/9i�,C5�ie_ Appioved by Ma o� a �! � jb�O By. � �-G Form Approved by City Attomey By: �Y✓ ' 1^��.W�-� � — �9 - O � Polm Approved b ayor for Submiss�on to Council / / g L% � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � nnnod.nnnH..(a�vi..,.......a. n..s.. �_:.: L�`�'`'� (`�-`ltXo CA - City Attomey Contact Person 8 Phone: Peter Wamer 266-8710 Must Se on Council Aaen �'�Zlb 6 ,�-���� I Green Sheet NO: 303'1446 � � uenartment sent l o person 0 ' Atto I A551gn 1 'iQ'tvAttoroev � DeoartmentDirector Number Z ,�(,}h•Attornev For Routing 3 aYiavor's Office i Mavor/Assi tant OrdBr 4 ouncil I 5 ' Clerk Ci Clerk Total � of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Reauested: Memorializing Ciry Council's May 17, 2006 motion to deny the application of Frank Ranallo for a Registered Land Survey (RLS) to create three (3) residential tracts at 1938 Nortonia Avenue in Saint Paul. �dations: Approve (A} or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a wntract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: - The Council is xequired pursuant to the City Charter to have its actions reduced to writing either in the form of a resolurion or ordinance dependent upon the nature of the matter before it. The decision of the Council in this matter required a written resolurion in order to comply with the Charter. Approving the attached resolufion fulfills the Council's duty under the Charter. Disadva�haAes If Approved: None. DisadvanWges If NotApproved: Failure to approve the resolurion violates the City's Charter requirement. �otal Amount of Transaction: Fundinp Source: CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: Financial Infortnation: (Explain) r�-��b DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 4 Tony Scherller, Interim Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B. Cafemars, Mayor April 28, 2006 Ms. Mary Erickson City Councii Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: 25 W. Fourth Siree[ Sairll PauZ, MN 55102 Telephone: 651-26b6700 Facsimile: 651-228-3220 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesdav. Mav 17. 2006, for the following zoning case. Zoning File Number: File Name: Address: Purpose: 06-052-675 Frank Ranalio 1938 Nortonia Ave, between Reaney & Minnehaha Subdivision (Combined RLS) to create 3 residential tracts I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Lantry's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the May 10, 2006, City Council meeting and that you wilf publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please caN me at 651-266-6639 if you have any questions. Sin ely, � 6 � Patricia James City Planner cc: File #: 06-052-675 ApplicanUAppellant: Frank Ranallo Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson NOTICE OF PO&LIC HEe1RRING 1he Saint Pavl City Coimctl will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, May 17, 2006 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Coundl Chambers, Third Floor GYty Hall. 15 West Kellog� Bovle'vard, St. Paul, MN. �to con- sider the application of NYank Ranallo foi a Subdivision (Combined RLS) to create three (3}�residential-tracts•at,�1938 Nor- tonia Avenue. (Zoning N�le 06-063-479) �- Dated: 21pri12S; 2006 ' " - MARY ERIGKSON . " Assistanl Cfty Conncil Secretary lM?Y 4) - - � 81: PAUL LF�ALdEDRER ==—_ 22114651 - - ' AA-ADA-EEO Employer DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPVIEI�.'T In2ertm DireCtor CITY Ok' SAL�'T PAUL Chriszopher B. Cotemnn, M¢yor April 21, 2006 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Na11 Saint Pauf, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File #: File Name: Address: Purpose: Citv Council Hearina: Staff Recommendation; District Council: Deadline for Action Staff Assigned: Attachments: cc: Zoning File 06-052-675 Applicant: Frank Ranallo City Council Members District Council: 2 Wendy Lane Larry Soderho(m Allan Torstenson Peter Warner 25 W. Founk Stree[ Saint Paul, � SJ7 02 06-052-675 Frank Ranailo 1938 Nortonia Ave, between Reaney & Minnehaha Subdivision (Comb+ned RLS) to create 3 residentiai tracfs Mav 3, 2006, 530 p.m., Citv Council Chambers approve with condition District 2 made no recommendation August 15, 2006 Patricia James, 651-266-6639 Staff Report packet AA-ADA-EEO Employer � �� � Telephone. 651-266-6700 F�csimile: 65L228-3220 •• 1• SUBDIVISIOtV STAFF REPORT 1. FILE NAME: Frank Ranallo FILE # 06-052-675 2. APPLICANT: Frank RanaAo HEARING DATE: May 3, 2006 3. TYPE OF APPLlCAT10N: Preliminary and Final Registered Land Survey (RLS) 4. LOCATION: 1938 Nortonia Ave, between Reaney & Minnehaha 5. PIN & LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 262922340166; BEAVER LAKE HEIGHTS EX N PART OF LOT F STARTING AT THE S COR OF LOT 14 BLK 23 THENCE TO A PT 35 FT SLY ON A LINE EXT TO NE COR OF LOT 30 BLK 22 THENCE NWLY ON A LINE TO A Pl' ON THE NWLY L1NE OF LOT F 62.3 FT SWLY OF THE W COR OF LOT 16 BLK 23 THENCE NE TO THE W COR OF LOT i6 SLK 23 THENCE SELY ON THE SWLY LOT LINES OF LOTS 14 THRU 16 BLK 23 TO THE POB; PART OF LOT F W OF THE EXT W LIfVE OF LQT 8 BLK 23 AND AI,L OF LOT 30 BLK 22 6. PLANNING DISTRICT: 2 EXISTING ZONING: R4 7. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §§69.406; §69.705 8. STAFF REPORT DATE: April 21, 2006; REVISED 5/8/06 BY: Patricia James 9. DATE RECEIVED: Aoril 17. 2006 120-DAV DEADLINE FOR ACTION: Auaust 15. 2006 A. PURPOSE: Subdivision (Combined RLS) to create 3 residential tracts B. PARCEL SIZE: irregular parcel with 112.3 fit. of frontage on Nortonia and total fot area of 66,832 sq. ft. C. EXISTING LAND USE: single family dwelling D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: The site is surrounded by single famify homes in the R4 zoning district. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: §69.705 states that "all registered land surveys that constitute a subdivision as defined in this chapter shall be subject to the provisions herein contained". §69.406 provides criteria for review of subdivision applications. F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: A previous application for a cluster developmeni of 11 units was denied by ihe Planning Commission on November 18, 2005 (File # 05-182-562). An application for 8 units was denied on January 13, 2006 (File # OS-206-2t 2), and an application for 9 units was denied on February 24, 2006 (File # 06-006-683) G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The District 2 Council had not commented at the time the staff report was prepared. The Council has opposed the cluster development applications. H. FINDINGS: §69.406 of the Zoning Code requires that all of the foilowing findings shall be made prior to approval of a subdivision: (7J AlI the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied with. This finding is met. City staff have reviewed the proposed subdivision and have determined that all applicable provisions of the City Code are met. (2) The proposed subdivision will not be detrimenta/ to the present and potential surrounding land uses. This finding is met. The site is oddly shaped but is approximately 1.5 acres, which can accommodate three single family homes in an area where the minimum lot size is 5000 sq. ft. (3) The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and compatibility with the proposed subdivision. This finding is met. The site and the area surrounding the proposed RLS is already developed. (4) The subdivision is in conformance with the Comprehensive P/an. This finding is met. The Land Use Plan supports providing a range of new housing types and supports private market efforts to build new housing (Land Use Plan policies 5.3.1 and 5.d.2). (5) The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's important existing naturai features wheneverpossible. This Sinding is met. The site is in a fulfy developed area of the City. While there is some indication that this area may have been a streambed in the past, there has been no evidence that soils are unsuitable for residential development. The Soil Survey of Washington and Ramsey Counties indicates that soils mapped in this area are Urban land- r. �. Zoning File # 06-052-675 Subdivision Staff Report Page 2 of 2 Chetek compfex, which is described as well-suited to buifding site development with care taken to address erosion during construction. (6) All land intended for buildrng sites can be used safe/y without endangering resrdents by peril from floods, erosion, continuous/y high water table, severe soil conditions or othe� menace. This finding is met. See previous finding. (7) The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services. This finding is met. The site parcels can be served from the surrounding streets. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on required findings 1 through 7, staff recommends approval of the Preliminary and Finaf RLS to create 3 residentiai tracts subject to the folfowing conditions: l. No delayed staking - All corners must be monumented before the RLS can be recorded. 2. Remove the dashed lines that pass through "O" and "7". 3 Label all distances and description calls on the drawing. 4 The Mayor does not sign the RLS. 5 The applicant shall file a copy oE the Council Resolution approving the RLS with the Ramsey County Recorder's Office. Attachments: Application Preliminary RLS Final RLS Site location maps SUBDIV Deparimi Zoning S I400 City 25 West 1 Saint Paa (657) 266 APPLiCANT PROPERTY LOCATION Address / Location > � 3 g �'L��R % � � „q g j : Legal Description _ (attach additionai sheet if necessary) Zoning TYPE OF SUBDIVISlON: � Lot Split � Preliminary Plat ApplicanYs � Lot Split with Variance � Final Plaf e�,�,��� �Zt-S �Reg. Land Survey � Combined Pfat Date 3`�' City —� T iY° A3Atl�5 dNtll l S1H913N aaa3isi�3e I 3a�n� a3nnae I ��µ� 'S3YIOH �: 43Sodo8d �s.xaae�MOivx. �338JM011IM � q u. Y 5 / / � �� � N � �- � � � ��/� `�� �� �� � �� o y 4' � �ac�,^.� � �, e y e� 4 � x � i � �� V I` o '`' ° ��� ✓ , •' / � � ���/� ��\� �/l-i,i',# /�� P /~ o� '' � \��' � G 4'�/ `� � ` c� �� '`. �"° �''.' , � ° /� \ � ' -^, o� o i �z �ZC � y R I o _____ _ a �� � n -- -_ - J � m �' � °_`- - - �� B IX N Z o- _- __ m � N LLmmN � I ` _ __ V n j r-� w = 6_0.,--� �'< .. � -e. `._,I -- /' ` = P �� � \ G \ 44 j••' � ,' / � / f O � � �\. �- l/ �.'�� � � �V d _ / .� a � � � \ \ \ �a� _�� R � l��+ � . / � � � /.'� . ✓ /r 0 �\ \ k 4` s � /� � � � \ ' � / \\ � �� \ ,� f � + \ \ j� ��/% o��� %�`�� `t ,I � / .� j � G ( � � �. 6 \/ ,°°� i '� P" / /. `�.. --- I ' _ h b � _ _ 2 — ` _ — m— � \ 4 q / � / � ��Q-� � / . % � �.`� I _ _ _ i � 4, � ��' /r� ` .,..d ... 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L _ _' � ` � M.o; � -. � 4� 6t )T 9' 'C I �/` \ � � � r �� � � � � a � � � 0 �e� i ,� � i� e� � \ 5 / � � ^ / ti o R s s \ n � � u 0 41 // •�° �; � i �� � C i , � °/ - � ^ . \ / �' � � ///`\ � \\\ / i .`\ � ` f %: . � �/ �C ry� �� 6S� � p -a_—_ x :. ` � (� - � ---- / . � \ : / (`\ q 0 L / r g \ ' - - '�� G +' . / � • • � \ � � ' ° � � � Dr° `= � a 9 � ° / •.v � — „ .� � � / e ' � _ _ \� 'o eP a / \ `° � , � �.\\ a! ! js. � � , \ �k,.� - � ��.` _ � e'_ P � i \\ J r \ � /° ' , �' / i ! : ,� �' �� /� � . / / � . ti � .,"o / / � � 2 ;; / / � f � � 1 ,./;'_, � ' i ,' ' : ' 1 � ( : � � � / / � / 1 ` /,'. \ ( � \ \ / % ` �� 1 °1 _.' � 1 ' �I e� ' _� �i i - I - ,le I ' ` m I =i i� I �I ;_�; l.:i i _ -`) I I =� �' � � I� _' ��I �^� I f I' i i _ r i � � i • E ° 6 _ c�� - = i'� ? V 'I :� 1 ; � L I� ra 18 i' :� 2 � O �� N m-_ m ; - a - y '� F � a m 7 x DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPVfENT TanySchertler,Ir.rerim Dvector � D�-1�6 CTI'Y O� SALN`I' PAUL Chrirtopher E. Cotemcn, l�a�or 25 West Fourth S�reet S2int Pw(, MAi 55102 Te[epnone: 651-266-6700 Farsfmile: b.i1-228-3220 April 7, 2006 Frank RanalSo P. O. Box 131883 St. Paul, MN 55113 RE: Zoning File # 06-052-675, Frank Ranallo Dear Mr. Ranallo: On March 10, 2006, you submitted an application for a Subdivision (Combined RLS) to create 3 residential tracts at 1938 Nortonia Ave. City staff have reviewed fhe preliminary RLS and have identified the following issues: PED Zoning: no issues Office of License, Inspections, and Enuironmental Protecfion (LIEP): no issues Saint Paul Regional Water Services: no issues Fire Prevenfion Division: no issues Department of Public V�lorks: 1. No deiayed staking is aiiowed per subdivision regulations. 2. RLS needs to be submitted to Ramsey County Surveyor's office. Based on fhese commenfs, staff approves the preliminary RLS subject to your meefing the conditions listed by the Pubfic Works Department. Please submit 10 full - sized copies of the revised final plat and one copy of the final pVaf reduced to 8'/ X 11 to the Zoning Desk, 1400 Gity Ha!! Annex, so that a public hearing can be scheduled before fhe Cify Counci(. lf you have further questions, piease contact Pau4 Dubruiei at 651-266-6583 or by e-maif at paul.dubruief@ci.stpaul.mn.us. rely, �� ��.,-- � Patricia James City Planner cc: Zoning File # 06-052-675 District 2 AA-ADA-EEO EMPLOYER � ' _ � '� . .. ' . �.�CjTIZEN PARTICIPA7f0 D1S sIC7S' / C?7IZEry PARTT�IPATIaA' PIANNiNG QISTR?CTS � RAY 2, ATEft 6AST SiDE :WE5T SIDE 4.DAYT.ON'S SLUFF . 5.PHYNE-PHkLEN x. 6.NOP,TN £ND . O�� l O� e 7.THOMAS-DRLE � O �� � �� 8;SUMMIT-UNTVERSITY O f ,�. 9:�1ES7 SEVENTH � i o: corta 11.HAMLIhlE-Mi6WAY 12. S7. F.�THOI�Y 13:MERRIAM FK:-LEXItv'GTaN NAMLiNc"-�� � i4.GROVELAND=MACAL�STER., _ 15.H?GNLANO - 16:SUi�1MIt HILL 1 7, DOWNTQ4fN EATER EAST SrDE 0 i STRI GT 2 U � Io00 3900 , S �, o . scqlE IN -iE� r � � � ., � F � � �i �.�� .5�. [ jd -� �� 4 . �� �� . �.����^('���� ''��� ...�..;o -i k . : ;#: � 3 € { � -._ i � t � . E >`� �:� �.� � ; � ; � s � � � �:� .�:: � � r `:�.. � � € � �. � G �� m'- - - F�P?LI�A�1T � \� 1���►\R� �U�°OS[ ��Yi'°Z°Q {4� =1LE 1 ;�'����� °° 'pr�7E �� ��"`�� � . G. DIS7 � tAA°r i� ��.Q.� c - ��� �,�;���ib �r�TC���s- < :i�.'I"Y... ..�. :�r���, , . l .d:�� ;,.�,:' �; i:V "..:: . , ..,� � {. ,. i � �:i �._ .:�_.��:- LEGEND _°��� �on�ng dls�ricl tvundary �l� su�;�clpropz:�y �� o��:�_. 0 on� fzmi�y � � h (dfTily �-�� mu44i�I�la;nily • a � COl7t.�3:Ci2' e , o,v indusu�:.: V vec2�'. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & �''-_`� ECONOMICDEVELOPMENT � U Tony SchertZer, Inlerim Director V� 7�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Chrisfopher B. Colem¢n, Mayar April 21, 2006 Ms. Mary Erickson City Councii Research Office Room 310 City Hail Sainf Paul, Minnesofa 55102 Re: Zoning File #: File Name: Address: Purpose: CitY Council Hearinq: Staff Recommendation: District Council: Deadline for Action Staff Assigned: Attachments: cc: Zoning File 06-052-675 Appiicant: Frank Ranallo City Council Members District Council: 2 Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm Alian Torstenson Peter Warner 25 FL Founh Street Sain.tPau{ MN55102 06-052-675 Frank Ranallo 1938 Nortonia Ave, between Reaney & Minnehaha Subdivision (Combined RLS) to create 3 residential tracts Mav 3, 2006, 5:30 p.m., Citv Council Chambers approve with condition District 2 made no recommendation August 15, 2006 Patricia James, 651-266-6639 Staff Report packet AA-ADA-EHO Employer Tetephone: 65I-266-6700 FacaimiZe. 651-228-3220 I_ •. SUBDIVISION STAFF REPORT 1. FiLE NAME: �rank Ranallo FiLE # 06-052-675 2. APPLICANT: Frank Ranallo HEARING DATE: May 3, 20Q6 3. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Preliminary and Finai Registered Land Survey (RLS) 4. LOCATION: 1938 Nortonia Ave, befween Reaney & Ninnehaha 5. P1N � LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 262922340166; BEAVER LAKE HEIGHTS EX N PART OF LOT F STARTfNG AT THE S COR OF LOT 14 BLK 23 THENCE TO A PT 35 FT SLY ON A LINE EXT TO NE COR OE LOT 30 BLK 22 7HENCE NWLY ON A L(NE TO A PT ON THE NWLY LINE O� LOT F 62.3 FT SWLY OF THE W COR OF LOT 16 BLK 23 THENCE NE TO THE W COR OF LOT 16 BLK 23 THENCE SELY ON THE SWLY LOT LINES OF LOTS 14 THRU 16 BLK 23 TO THE POB; PART O� LOT F W OF THE EXT W LINE OF LOT 8 BLK 23 AND ALL OF LOT 30 8LK 22 6. PLANNING DISTRiCT: 2 EXISTfNG ZONING: R4 7. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §§69.406; §69.705 8. STAFF REPORT DATE: April 21, 2006 BY: Patricia James 9. DATE RECEfVED: April 17, 2006 12�-DAY DEADLINE FOR ACT(ON: Au ust 15, 2006 A. PURPOSE: Subdivision (Combi�ed RLS) to create 3 residential tracts B. PARCEL S1ZE: irregular parcel with 112.3 ft. of frontage on Nortonia and total fot area of 66,832 sq. ft. C. EXISTING LAND USE: single family dwelling D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: The site is sucrounded by single family homes in the R4 zoning disfrict. E. ZONING CODE C1TATtON: §69.705 states that "all registered 4and surreys that constitufe a subdivision as defined in this chapter sha{I be subject to the provisions herein contained". §69.406 provides criteria for review of subdivision applications. F. HISTORY/DISCi1SSlON: A previous appiication for a cluster development of 1� units was denied by the Planning Commission on November 18, 2005 (File # 05-182-562). An appiication for 8 units was denied on January 13, 2006 (File # 05-206-212), and an application for 9 units was denied on February 24, 2006 (File # 06-006-683) G. DfSTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATfON: The District 2 Councii had not commented at the time the staff report was prepared. The Council has opposed the cluster development applications. H. FINDINGS: §69.406 of the Zoning Code requires that a11 of the following findings shafi be made prior to approvai of a subdivision: (1) AU the app)icabie provisions of the Legislafive Code are comp(ied with. This finding is met. City staff have reviewed fhe proposed subdivision and have deferrnined that all appiicable provisions of the City Code are met. (2) The proposed subdivision will not be detnmental to the pr2sent and potential surrounding land uses. This finding is met. The site is oddly shaped buf is approximately 1.5 acres, which can accommodate three single family homes in an area where the minimum lot si� is 5000 sq. ft. (3) The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coorclination and compafibilrfy wifh the proposed subdivision. This finding is met. The site and the area surrounding the proposed RLS is aiready developed. (4} The subdivision is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. This finding is met. The Land Use Plan supports providing a range of new housing types and supports private market efforts to build new housing (Land Use Plan policies 5.3.1 and 5.4.2). (5) The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's important existing natural features whenever possible. This finding is met. The site is in a fuily developed area of fhe City. While there is some indication that this area may have been a streambed in the past, there has �een no evidence that soils are unsuitable for residential development. The Soii Survey of Washington and Ramsey Gounties indicates that soiis mapped in this area are Urban land- �� Zoning File # 06-052-675 Subdivision 5taff Report Page 2 of 2 Chefek complex, which is described as well-suited to building site development with care taken io addsess erosion during construction. (6) All /and infended for building si(es can be used safely wi[houf endangering residents by peri/ from floods, erosion, confinuouslyhigh waterfabla, severe soil conditions orofhermenace, This finding is met. See previous finding. (7) The subdivision can be economically served with pubfic facilities and sen�ices. This finding is met. The site parcels can be served from the surrounding streets. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATtON: Based on required findings 1 through 7, staff recommends approval of the Preliminary and Finai RLS to create 3 residential tracts subject to the condition fhaf fhe applicant shall file a copy of the Council Resolufion approving the RLS with the Ramsey County f2ecorder's Office. Attachments: Application Preliminary RLS Final RLS Site location maps \ SUBDIV Departmi Zoning S 140D Ciry 25 YYest,i Saint Pat (65T) 266 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATiON Legal Current Zoning (attach additional sheet if necessary) TYPE OF SUBDIVISION: � Lot Split ❑ Preliminary Plaf ApplicanYs � Lot Split with Variance � Final Plaf c��,k�� �2�S �Reg. Land Survey � Combined Plat Date 3'� ! `��(P City `AddresslLocafion ��.�'g ��a2ja. ',g 3j � � I I x..:..8a ¢ 10 L iZiA� ^� e � .31Y6 y i�� Y y ��� � I � Ju� NOI1140V aanans oNdi stN�iaH '�NI 'S3WOH o3a3isti�3a 3`AY'1 a3nv3s �3321� MOIIIM 4350d011d S.N33tlJ Mo��IN, � � 0 / � CP � � �� � � m � � � �S �� / � �� LJ \ .1� � 'y � ° �'+ o . � / ���^ O �% / .�, ° � � x: ,�r��,� � m.c� �rs�ynirw � u.m� ... o�.a , ,<o �., .� �oxi •oxxaanxns a.cxns � � � Y � f /� 'Y-oJ,/s a ai _ i e rya �s �$ �� � �; � / � _ i / - Q �- / - '� � � Y - s, � � e �v y"'�..i _ �_ — � J M _ .i �— — i P i�� � � ��\ � �� � :' \ .P` .�� �; I i � A /� epU .�; �. t , ' ; G . i,-; •� � 4�� � \ � o � �'� �° �%' " � /< �' �� - i�`�, �c� ' �( \ ',� � � _ / 0 � �'7 �. �_� �x % �� 8-'" `'i �'��� . \� � ��_-- �'� � � / ,� 1 � � � r /� \\ � �'l,�. ` I. / �\ \ / `.r r °a �_�_.� \ �) \ �� % � T � % % e� � e i � � � / � ,• � \/ ,° i�p�$' � �. ��.�\ � � �,�Q � / , i r -�--- � � _ _ z ' — � _ rn i / .w �. :tj . �. � . ` � ° s \\� � � � �\\ �7,� v\ .� �\\ \ Y �� �m� o< � ��� a ���� � � o;� � �� � om- o �ra w po� yo u a e0 / 3'/ ry � <r ) � / �� / / ��tH/ r" _ _ j� / � � � // l � � �`J � P� / � / i � �� � y c� j / / � � e � � W / � � / � � N / � � � � � � N / ry � � / // / � \ ti � � 0 c U 0 < w J Z y w i� es ` 4< o` � : � ,x� 3 �-�---` _ � � 3 .� � � � _ � � �' i - � \ \ ` � — — w - - < i � � W o � � � � � t„' � � � g b � � � � � y � � � � SSB�$�$S$8� o �� z � w � � h� � � 1 ;, , V �Gl / VS� 1 C�� �� rg � � _- 3�� -- s�' —"`''�' -` iI �� �ws'_ y� o{°-c _� o e O z �'+ W � � � Q � t� Q �i w � � � W � x� s�� _�� �a'a� =1 'oi ; z°- ? � _ � _ � i.8 ' I -�_ n 7 � 3 4 � i i_ � �?o �: Ie i �» �; � I°a$ I � I . � i i I-�_ I. / � `—_ l:.. � -' - 1 . i � ., / �~�� 1 � \ � � b.o � ` n. 65 \ / O � ` 4� y \ f , '¢O A ( U b /\ y / � � / " e �. � l ` ry � N \ � � y f �o / a „ � /`� � ' � 9 e / \ \4 v Q� r ' : \o ',. .� : � � ¢ � � � i - � ^ . � i � d � , ,� i � � ',� o ,: � ,' `, � �` � . z .\ � e ^� e °;` z m \ ,. ^ `(`'. � : �� ry a � � � � i '�� - / i rQ .e r ` °�; � � / r L �y �r' / a, \\ . � , � ���° � / � � (____ 1 — __ I �b y, � .. � � -�___ : .. ` '� "` Y � ' �� s U / �` � / \ \ � o � �� � � { � � A � �� / / \ /` . ^ d � `o sp° d� / i \ \ �a P&J, v,'/ � a � _ \ `� ` . \\ ° ; 6 \ M< ogr y \ ay �' . � 8 ' � °& � , � \ "� /�/ / � / J /�/ _ ? ;: / � � / l - / r J n-1 � � � ��r. r ` i := � . � , . � � � / ��/ =r. / � \� / ��;'�� / / �� j �� J__ / �i a� e �l I =o 1 i _�� I - �� I �I 1� " J ' I I i 1 I e I ix lo I I� al °�f �I i ' I`o �� i i� ' 1 : � � i - I � I� � � z E oF' _ l 3_0 I t I �' �P U � £° �� y x S ~ ^F z° v a a � s � z A3iiS' dt;i.. !�. � CTTY OF SAINT P AUL Ch>istopher B. Coleman, Mayor Aprif 7, 2006 Frank Ranallo P. O. Box 131883 St. PauL MN 55113 RE: Zoning File # 06-052-675, Frank Ranailo Dear Mr. Ranallo: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNI73G & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TonyScherCler,In(ertm DereUar 25 West Four[h St�eef SainrP¢u(, MN55102 Q � 7a� Te [enh one. 651-266-6700 Facsimfle: 651-228-3220 On March 10, 2006, you submitted an applicafion for a Subdivisian (Combined P.LS) to create 3 res'rdentiaf tracts at 1938 Nortonia Ave. City staff have reviewed the preliminary RLS and have identified the foilowing issues: PED Zoning: no issues Office of License, tnspections, and Environmental Profecfion (LiEP): no issues Saint Paul Regional Water Services: no issues Fire Prevention Division: no issues Department of Pubfic Vtilorks: 1. No delayed sfaking is allowed per subdivision regulations. 2. RLS needs fo be submitfed to Ramsey County Surveyor's office. Based on these comments, staff approves the preliminary RLS subject to your meeting the conditions Gsted by the Pubiic Works Department. P�ease submit 10 full - sized copies of the revised finai plat and one copy of the final plat reduced to 8% X 11 to the Zoning Desk, 1400 City Hall Annex, so that a pubiic hearing can be scheduled before fhe City Council. ff you have further quesfions, please contact Paul Dubruiel at 651-266-6583 or by e-maii at paul.dubruiel@cistpauf.mn.us. rely, � Fatricia James City Planner cc: Zoning File # 06-052-675 Disfrict 2 AA-ADA-EEO EIv1PLOYER . �_�CITIZEN PF�RTI IPfiTFON D3S �IrTS Z�6-7dl Y CITIZEt� PARTI�IPATI6W PLANNING' DISTRICTS � RAY , ' . 2,^ ATER EAST SIDE :WESl' �iDE 9.DAYTON'S BLUFF .. S;PAY�'E-PHkLEN_ -.. 6.NORTH ENB � 7. TNOMP,S=DALE A �� � �� . 8.SUMM?T-UNIVERSI7Y O G '... � 9:tJEST SEVENTH l0. COhib 1l.HAML?NE-MI4WAY 1 Z.. ST.-ANTHO�fY : . 13.t�fERRIAM PK.-L�XINGTON HAMLTNE 1a..GROVELAND=MACAtESTkR - 15.NI6HLAND 16..SUMMIT HILL � 17.�OWN7QWN EATER_EAST SIDE o � s ��z �r 2 a ���o� 3 00 :o� 3�0 SGOLE .. IN -fEET _> . � � �,. r . _ . �;� : . �� .�: y y�'. J K ' � ✓�' { �' i � �,� a { yy�'_ � t'�. :� � � '� ; �' '� � � �. _. � '� - '` �,� ��w� �'`� � '��;, •{ `�= r � s s �� .} � � � k i . 7, 3 M L. L—'�F #�� � S- r . a ., l { . `� j � j p �; � • L% � f ,�,•F� , � t.�^�' �� d t � .4 ] $ � � � 6 .�� � � '��� � �� � ' � �, N �, � '� 5 ` �, . � � � � �. .: s � ✓ ' ,� • � � � � � j p j j `� ` t � }y , ' } } j , k ' �� �c '� � jj � { `:' �. y. ���--a•{� . � .�.� ,� � Y --�'�J P ���fi�+}_ l t .. t 5 p � � �: i � � � � . � � � � � � �:§�"'�`�� h`�f��,� � � ' �;Q f � : ,` ,. � , � �, �. � �h � �� � � ; :,;.,: i � :.�: � � _, ��'` :� a ._,.� : `� ,`� � � � � �. � � � �=:� : " � - i � � s° , a =�... �.�: �,,, _ ._. . _. . __. _. .�._ APPLI�Ai��T (�dl C� ��""�'`�J�.•`�� ._.. _,— _ —_- LEGENO 'U�°OS[ �►`�r�'`� ��� — zoning dislricl t�und=ry -i�Er..�°���6� � 3—fC�d°Q(� ��t� SU� �:.. �� D, �TE _ _'1 prop_ �/ no��n— G. D;ST � �i1A°� i o one femii � • x n ' , � comme:c� a. � � C:ro family p,.=.o in�us���z• � 4 ' - � �1�� mUltipl2 (amily 4' va.z�: O� Sec. 69.406. Review of divisions of land. (a) Subdivision review criteria. The city council, in the review of subdivision requests and in the applicaUon of this chapter shall take inta consideration the requirements of the city and the best use o4 the land being subdivided. Particular attention shall be given to the width and location of streets, sidewalks, suitable sanitary utilitles, sufiace drainage, lot sizes and arrangements, as well as requirements such as parks and playgrounds, schoois and recreation sites and other pubtic uses. All of the foilowing findings shail be made prior to the approval of a subdivision or a lot split: (1) All the applicable provisiorts af the Legislative Code are complied with; (2) The proposed subdivision wili not be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding land uses; (3) "fhe area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and compatibility with the proposed subdivision; (4) The subdivision is in conformance with the comprehensive pian; (5) The subdivision preserves and incorparates the site's important existing natural features, whenever possible. In particular, no lot shall be created where the building pad area for the principal structure has an existing slope steeper than eighteen (18) percent or where a driveway steeper than twenty (20) percent is required to reach Fhe building site. However, the council may approve a subdivision that creates a steeper lot, as an exception to this regulation and without a variance, where the steeper Iot is specifically consistent with a city-approved neighborhood plan or redevelopment project. (6) AI! land intended for building sites can be used safely without endangering the residents by peril from Floods, erosion, continuously high water tabie, severe soil conditions or other me�ace; and (7) 7he subdivision can be economically served with public faciiities and services. (b) De/egafion of p(anning commission review. The plann+ng commission may, try genera! rule, delegate to the planning administrator its power to review and approve such matters and cases. �, �. Sec. 66.231. Density and dimensional standards table. Table 66.231, residential district dimensional standards, seks forth density and dimensional standards that are specific to residential districks. These s[andards are in addition to the provisions of chapter 63, mgulations of gene2i applicabitity. Table 66.231. Residential District Dimensional Standards Zoning District Lot Size Height Maximum Yard Sefibacks Minimum (per unit) Minimum (feet) Area (sq. Width Stories Feet Front Side Rear ft.)(b) (feet) RL one-family 21,780(d) 80 3 30 30(g),(h) 10(h) 25(h) large lot RS one-family R2 one-family R3 one-family R4 one-family RTi two-family RT2townhouse RMi multiple- family RM2 multiple- family 9,600{e) SO 7,200 60 6,000 50 5,000 40 3,000(� 25 2,500(c),(� 20 2,000 (c),(� n/a 1,500(c),(� n/a RM3 multiple- 800(c) family n/a - not applicable 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 5 50 n/a no no max. max. 30(g),(h) 10(h) 25C9)��h) $�h) 25(g),(h) 6(h) 25(g),(h) 4(h) 25�9),(h) 9 �h) 25(9),�h) 9(h),��) 25(g),(h) 1/2 height(h),(i) 25(g),(h) i/2 height(h),(i) (9),(h),(]) (h),(�).G) 25(h) 25(h) 25(h) 25(h) 25(h) 25(h) 25(h),(i) 25(h),(i) (h),(D,G) (g) Where at least fifty (50) percent of the front footage of any block is built up with principal structures, the minimum front yard setback for new structures shail be the average setback of the existing structures, or the normal setback requirement in the district plus half the amount the average setback is greater than the normal setback requirement, whichever is less. Existing structures set back twenty (20) percent more or less than the average shall be discounted from the formula. (h) For permitted and conditional principai uses allowed in residential districts other than residential uses, the front yard shaii be equal to the front yard required for residential use and the side and rear yards shall be equal to one-haif the height of the building but in no instance less than the minimum requirements of the district in which said use is located. Sec. 60.213. L. Lot width. The horizontal distance between the side lot lines, measured at the two (2) points where the buiiding line or setback line intersects the side lot lines. F�ont setback line, A line which is parallel to the front lot line which estabiishes the minimum front yard tlepth of a zoning lot. The location of such front setback line shall be determined by the required depth of the front yard as prescribed in the dimensional standards of this code (chapter 66). a�-�D� Therefore the District 2 Community Council urges the council to change the findings of fact to: Fi Findings: 1) All applicable provisions of fhe Legislative Code are complied with. This condition is not met the minimum lot width in the R4 zoning district is 40 feet. Tracts A and B aze both 12 feet wide at the street, at the set back line and for well over 200 feet. There is only ll2 feet of frontage on Nortonia. There is no way to create three residential lots in the R4 district without variances. 2) The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present ancl potential surrounding land uses. This condition is not met. Any new structures to be built on Tracts A and B would be at Ieast 200 feet behind the normal buiIding lines. Such abnormal development may have an adverse affect on the surrounding property values and will detract from the quiet enjoyment of the surrounding neighbors' backyards. 3) No change 4) No change 5) No change 6) No change 7) No change I. Council Action: Based on required findings 1 and 2 the City Council denies the Preliminary and Final RLS to create 3 residential tzacts. I i � � Sec. 69.406. Review of divisions of land. (a) Subdivision review criteria. The city council, in the review of subdivision requests and in the application of this chapter shail take into consideration the requiremenks of the city and the best use of the land being subdivided. Particular attention shall be given to the width and location of streets, sidewalks, suitable sanitary utilities, surface drainage, lot sizes and arrangements, as well as requirements such as parks and playgrounds, schools and recreation sites and other public uses. All of the following findings shall be made prior to the approval of a subdivision or a lot split: (1) All the applicable provisions of the Legisiative Code are complied with; (2) The proposed subdivision wili not be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding land uses; (3) The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and compatibility with the proposed subdivision; (4) The subdivision is in conformance with the comprehensive plan; (5) The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's important existing natural features, whenever possible. In particular, no lot shall be created where the building pad area for the principal structure has an existing slope steeper than eighteen (18) percent or where a driveway steeper than twenty (20) percent is required to reach the building site. However, the council may approve a subdivision that creates a steeper Iot, as an exception to this regulation and without a variance, where the steeper lot is specifically consistent with a city-approved neighborhood plan or redevelopment project. (6) All land intended for building sites can be used safely without endangering the residents by peril from floods, erosion, continuously high water table, severe soii conditions or other me�ace; and (7) The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services. (b) Delegation of planning commission review. The planning commission may, by general rule, delegate to the planning administrator its power to review and approve such matters and cases. •. •, Sec. 66.231. Density and dimensional standards table. Table 66.231, residentiai district dimensional standards, sets forth density and dimensional standards that are specific to residential districts. These standards are in addition to the provisions of chapter 63, regulations of general applicability. Table 66.231. Residential District Dimensional Standards Zoning District Lot Size Height Maximum Yard Setbacks Minimum (per unit) Minimum (feet) Area (sq. Width Stories Feet Front Side Rear ff.)(b) (feet) RL one-family 21,780(d) 80 3 30 30(g),(h) SO(h) 25(h) large lot RS one-family 9,600(e) 80 3 30 R2 one-family 7,200 60 3 30 R3 one-family 6,000 50 3 30 R4 one-family 5,000 40 3 30 RTl two-family 3,000(f) 25 3 40 RT2 townhouse 2,500(c),(f) 20 3 40 RMl multiple- Z,000 (c),(f) n/a 3 40 family RM2 multiple- 1,500(c),(f) n/a family 5 50 RM3 multiple- 800(c) n/a no no family max. max. n/a - not applicable 30(g),(h) 10(h) 25 �9).�h) $�h) 25(g),(h) 6(h) 25(g),(h) 4(h) 25 �9),�h) 9 �h) 25(g),(h) 9(h),(i) ZS(g),(h) 1/2 height(h),(i) 25(g),(h) 1/2 height(h),(i) (9),(h),(J) (h),(�).G) 25(h) 25(h) 25(h) 25(h) 25(h) 25(h) 25(h),(i) 25(h),(i) (h),(�),(7) (g) Where at least fifty (50) percent of the front footage of any htock is built up with principal structures, the minimum front yard setback for new structures shali be the average setback of the existing structures, or the normal setback requirement in the district plus half the amount the average setback is greater tha� the normal setback requirement, whichever is less. Existing structures set back twenty (20) percent more or less than the average shall be discounted from the formula. (h) For permitted and conditionai principal uses allowed in residential districts other than residential uses, the front yard shall be equal to the front yard required for residential use and the side and rear yards shall be equal to one-half the height of the building but in no instance less than the minimum requirements of the district in which said use is located. Sec. 60.213. L. Lot width. The horizontal distance between the side lot lines, measured at the two (2) points where the building Iine or setback line interseds the side lot lines. Front setback line. A line which is parallel to the front lot Iine which establishes the minimum front yard depth of a zoning lot. The focation of such front setback line shall be determined by the required depth of the front yard as prescribed in the dimensional standards of this code (chapter 66). v�-�o� Therefore the District 2 Community Councal urges the council to change the findings of fact to: H. Findings: 1) All applicable provisions oftlze Legislative Code are complied witlz. Ttus condition is not met the minimum lot width in the R4 zoning district is 40 feet. Tracts A and B are both 12 feet wide at the sireet, at the set back line and for well over 200 feet. There is only I 12 feet of frontage on Nortonia. There is no way to create three residential lots in the R4 disnict without variances. i j The proposed subdivision wiii not be deh-imentai to the present and potentiai surrounding Zand uses. This condition is not met. Any new structures to be built on Tracts A and B would be at least 200 feet behind the normal building lines. Such abnormal development may have an adverse affect on the surrounding property values and will detract from the quiet enjoyment of the surrounding neighbors' backyards. 3) No change 4) No change 5) No change 6) No change 7) No change I. Council Action: Based on required findings 1 and 2 the City Council denies the Preliminary and Final RLS to create 3 residential tracts. 06-�b� To: People Concemed with Development of 1938 Nortonia From: Garth Dahl, Realtor, Keller Williams Premier Realty Re: Issue now before the City Council Date: May 1, 2006 The issue before the City Council is to approve a lot split that will take the existing lot and split it into three lots. Two new lots behind 1938 Nortonia Avenue and one for the existing home. The purpose of the new lots is to build two new single family homes that would have a shared driveway. Both homes would be on large lots off the street which should be very desirable to Buyers. Statistics supporting the lot split: 1. Current home sales in MLS azea 716 (which the lots are located) yeaz to date aze 186 closed or pending. 2. Average sale price ofhomes in azea year to date is $177,350 3. Average sale price of homes built since 2003 in area is $223,046 4. Average days on market yeaz to date in area is 68.9 5. Average days on market for new construction homes in azea is 54.5 186 homes pending or closed this year shows a strong housing demand for the area. The average sale price for new construction homes is close to $50,000 higher than the neighboring homes. That can only increase neighboring home values. With the average days on market over 20% less for new construction homes than for existing homes, this shows a preference for buyer to go with new construction. �i � i MEMO To: Neighbors Concemed with Development of 1938 Nortonia From: The Reaney/Nortonia Block Club Re: Issue now before City Council Date: Apri122, 2006 The developer of 1938 Nortonia Avenue is now irying fo subdivide the lot into 3 lots. It is not l�own �what the developer intends to do should the lot be subdivided, but so far he has proposed 3-story row houses, 10 buildings alleged to be single family homes and removal of the existing home which in August he claimed he wanted to live in. For many reasons, one of which appears to be the developer's behavior towards the Plam�ing Commission, the issue of developing the properiy is now before the St. Paul City Council. Instead of the latest proposal going before the Piam�ing Commission for the 4` time, tlae city staff has placed the issue before the City CounciL It would appeaz that this will draw some closure to the issue. Tg=_e 7- mevnber City Council will hold a public hearing on the proposal to subdivide the lot on �Jednesdav. Mav 3. 2006. The hearing starts at 530 PM in the ['itv Step 1, You need to call the office of Citv Counc7 President Kathv Lantrv at (6511 "� ; r:�-�66-S�bQ,and ask her and her feltow connciI members to vote against the ��� dev�laper's praposal �o subdivide the lot. Tell her that the Planuing Commission has refused three times to approve deveiopment of the property and now t$e City Council should do the same, which will put an end to #he issue once and for all. Step 2, It is alsc important that we ail pIan to attend the meeting. At one tune there were 8 houses for sale surrounding 1938 Nortonia. The CiTy has 600 registered vacant houses. There is simply no demand far more housing in this azea. More housing oniy drives down property values and inereases the ]ikelihood of absentee- landlord housing. Step 3, Mayor Chris Coleman will be mee6ng with neighbors to discuss issues affecting the Eastside. It is important that we all attend and provide input on the 1938 Nortonia proposat along with other problems. The meetins is this comin� Wadnesdav. Anril 26, 200b at Enworth United Methodist Chnrch,1965 Sherwood Avenue (where Sherwood intersects with CnrveiFnrness.l A social i/: hour starts at 6:34 PM with the meetine startin¢ at 7:00 PM. Please plan on attending this meeting and lending your voice with other neighbors to let Mayor Coleman know of our concerns. It is also important to attend this meeting to help District 2's Chuck Repke who has been there for us! Chuck needs a good showing of neighbors willing to make a difference and show the Mayor we want to improve our neighborhood. b'Ht�H�NNIW � L V � L b�-7o� �^ �J d N \� \ � � � � � J _ R � N 0 J �` Q ((V 1� � t� (O �� O N O O T` R `�� O O O O O � I i� O N N V � � O V� O � O CV O O N c�10 O O O � O O O O O O O O O. O O O O O O O O 0 o t� rn ea co � c+� � m o-m io'c� m m m-rn r ' ��co �n �� cv � . a � c� r ot w.-� cv 0 O O O O; O b O O. O O O O°� O O O 4, O O O S>. 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